
Chapter 12: BP001-P09 – White Wine 1 – Meiandra Arvis

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"Miss Arvis?"

Meia heard a voice and slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing she could make out in her blurred field of vision were two voluptuous hills. They seemed to be exposed breasts? Probably she was just imagining things again in her half-sleep. Confused, she refocused her gaze, but contrary to her expectation, they did not disappear, instead they became firmer.

The breasts belonged to a naked woman who was entwined by what looked like vines. Desperately, she reached out for the hand of a man who, strange as it seemed, was also completely without clothes and entwined by the vines. Determined, he raised his sword to break the woman's prison. Meia quickly realised that it was only a statue. It was carved from grey stone, standing on a round plinth, and water splashed outwards like an umbrella over the couple. It was a fountain with the statue adorning its central area and that statue was quite impressive. From here it seemed as if the woman even had individual stone eyelashes. The couple looked as detailed as real people. In a way, they were also censored. The really crucial parts were completely overgrown - by vines. If you got close, you might still be able to catch a glimpse. You would only have to get into the water basin, bend down a little and look up from below, then you would definitely be able to make out something...

"Miss Arvis?"


Meia noticed that the voice came from behind her, which made her stop lying around on the table and check. Unfortunately, while doing so she discovered that she had drooled on her sleeve. However, this little faux pas had to wait for a moment, the voice was more important at the moment.

When Meia turned around, her gaze met blue eyes. They belonged to a man standing at the door and leaning into the carriage and towards her.

Instantly Meia was awake. The man looked like high nobility. She recognised that straight away. He was around 20 years old, was shaved and had a beautiful face. His light brown hair was neatly combed back with a kind of pomade. He wore a brown blazer of high elegance with a small blue pin on the reverse, then shiny black trousers and patent leather shoes that looked as if they were new. He had no tie and his shirt was slightly untucked. He looked like a businessman on the weekend. Probably everything was woven from the finest fabrics and even his socks were worth a fortune. At least that was the impression he gave. In summary, he looked like a wealthy, attractive man.

As the man realised that she was awake, he pulled back and, in the same movement, leapt light-footedly backwards off the footboard. It seems that he was also athletic. You could hardly see it through his clothes though. Meia wanted to quickly wipe the drool away, but he jumped backwards without looking behind him first, and made it to a standing position without stumbling backwards. If it were a sporting competition of the nobility, Meia would be holding up her sign with the highest score at this point.

"Please forgive me for waking you so rudely from your rest, Miss Arvis. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jean Monet."

Meia had suspected it. She had hoped not to meet him when she arrived. Now she wondered how she had looked in her sleep. ~Was it cute?~ Hopefully it was.


"I am pleased that you accepted my invitation. It was rather short notice. Unfortunately, my first letter did not arrive."

~He cut me off.~ But at least in this way she had successfully avoided having to introduce herself as well.

"Mr Monet, would you like me to escort Miss Arvis into the courtyard?" asked a male voice approaching Mr Monet from behind.

Meanwhile, Meia moved her head a little to the side to see who was coming. She was astonished. Stepping up to Mr Monet was a man who looked like a penguin. It was the kind of servant only the ultra-rich had. It was a real butler! No, at second glance, actually it was just the coachman, only now he had a tailcoat, white gloves and no longer a hat. Had he quickly changed his clothes in the house and came back here? ~What is this about? Is this for tax reasons?~

"No, that is not necessary. I will accompany her myself. - Provided it is permitted, Miss Arvis?" he asked, extending his hand to her to help her out of the carriage.

"Hm?" ~Me?~ "Oh, Na-Naturally."

Meia was so in thought about the coachman that she did not immediately comprehend that he was talking to her.

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The door at her side was still shut. He probably didn't want her to fall out? Once more Meia slipped through to the other side, then she remembered that she still had to grab her hat. She also used this opportunity to inconspicuously wipe the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. - It was succeded. - Back at the door and with her hat in her right hand, she hesitantly extended her left hand to him. As the lightfall from the end of the carriage roof hit that hand, she noticed a glint on her skin, as if she were covered in crystal dust. But alas, it was sweat. Now that the fresh wind hit her, she also just noticed the heat in the carriage. Perhaps it would have been better if she had opened a window at some point instead of sleeping in the heat. Meia wanted to pull her hand back to wipe off on her dress, but Mr Monet was already grabbing it.

~I want to go home.~ Before she had even set foot on the property, she had already embarrassed herself.

As she got out of the carriage, Meia looked down, not to miss her steps, but also to avoid eye contact.

With her first foot on the ground, however, she dared to take a quick look up.

As she did, a sweet smile shook her mind, like a flash of icing.

In a split second, her eyes fell back on the cobblestones.

~He wants to seduce me. He definitely wants to seduce me. ...~

"Take Miss Arvis' luggage to Guest Room Two," Mr Monet instructed the coachman.

Meia was only half listening to him. At the moment she had other worries that might have had to do with him, but not with what he was saying. She had already reached the ground several seconds ago, but ~Why won't he let go?~. Nor did it feel like he was going to do so any time soon. Meia had only just arrived and was already in permanent physical contact with him. If things continued at this pace, her path would lead straight from here to his bedroom. ~I am not anybody important and he must have invited dozens of people for the feast. Why is he personally helping me out of the carriage? Or is he offering this service to everyone? Am I just imagining things? Besides, I'm supposed to seduce him, not the other way around.~ This flow of thoughts dried up when Mr Monet let go of her hand after all. ~Why did he let go? Did I do something wrong?~ That would not be good.

"Miss Arvis, allow me to be so direct, but you really do look lovely," he flattered her, taking a long step back to look up at her.

"Th-th-thank you.", she thanked the paving stone.

"After the long ride, I'm sure you don't want to be sitting down again. How about we have a walk? I can show you around."

"Ah, yes, please."

Now he held out his hand to her again. Trembling, Meia accepted and they started walking.

Mr Monet had certainly not noticed it, after all it was almost a phrase, but the last compliment also achieved its full effect on Meia. She was simply not used to flattery. The nobility had no reason to flatter her and in the usual circle, everyone had known her from an early age and still treated her that way. In fact, she couldn't even remember the last time she had received a compliment. Just the fact that he held her hand was already something special.

Along the way, Meia looked around curiously, as if it was her first time on such an estate, although on SUCH an estate she had never been before.

Meia was in the driveway of a multi-storey building with a flat roof. Colossal was the appropriate word. Her family's house would fit in the driveway and would not even block it. A semi-circular staircase led to the main entrance and above it hung a semi-circular balcony that was wider than the staircase and alone had more surface area than their upper floor. The façade was snow-white and almost dazzling with the sun, as if it had been freshly painted. There were a few small elements of ornamentation on the balustrade from the balcony and above the entrance door, but that was all. Overall, the building looked plain but expensive. In that sense, it was just like the carriage. The fountain was behind the carriage and in the middle of the driveway. To the right of the building was a hedge. It was probably a garden. The property was elevated to the landscape, built on a hill and surrounded by a colourful sea of flowers. The hill was literally overgrown with flowers. One could not say it any other way. More flowers would not fit on the lawn. Every space was filled. From the glimpses Meia had been able to cast in that direction so far, the sea of flowers was impressive enough on its own, yet it still was of no interest to Meia for the time being.

.../ End Part

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