Between The Boxer and The Hunter

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Helping Other Clubs

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Thursday, 28 October 2021.

6 days before the festival school.

Morning comes, the sun is coming to rise, and the alarm on my phone is ringing at 6 AM. I turn off the sound of it. Unlike yesterday, my body seems light because Yumi didn’t come sneaking into my bed. I think Yumi is still not waking up yet, so I come to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast for today, 30 minutes after, the breakfast is ready, and I see Yumi just woke up from her bedroom.

“Good morning, nii-san.”

“Good morning, Yumi. Please, sit down.”

“What are we having today, nii-san?”

“It’s a curry, homemade curry with Kaede’s family recipe.”

“There is no family recipe.”

“I know. I just want to get a friendly atmosphere when we eat breakfast.”

We eat the curry, and while we eat, Yumi seems to check her phone again. Maybe reading about weapons again. After some breakfast, I let my sister take a bath first, and I’m going after she is done. We checked our bags and our clothes and lock the front door. Time to walk into our school.

“Nii-san, do you know that desert eagle handguns are the strongest handgun in the world, yet the handgun itself is not for military use, even though in film and other media, the handgun is popular, and most of it becomes used for the big boss or villain for the story or even the main protagonist itself using it.”

“Of course not, Yumi, your brother doesn’t have any clue about it. Mind if you share the information about it?”

I pat Yumi on her head

“The answer is simple because it’s an expensive handgun. That’s why the military didn’t use it. Some countries use the desert eagle, Poland and Portugal use the handgun.”

I ask Yumi another question

“But, if they didn’t have many users, then why it’s popular on film and other media?”

“For the style, of course, you wouldn’t watch the film if the film didn’t look cool, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, that’s also true.”

Yumi keeps talking about the handgun until we came to school, we part away after that.

It is time to go to the clubroom after class. Most of them are in the room, except for Miyuki and Yumi, which are nowhere to be found.

“Did you guys see Miyuki and Yumi?”

“Nope, didn’t see them yet.” Says Taro.

“Alright then, let’s start the training.”

After 5 minutes, Miyuki and Yumi came to the clubroom.

“Nii-san, can you and others give us a hand? We try to help the cooking club, but the task is too heavy, and we need some upper hand.”

“That explains why you are late, alright everyone, let’s help the cooking club, just make this like the training we always do, and also have some extra credits for helping them, I’m sure they will spread the words that the boxing club is helping them.”

We then come to the cooking clubroom, and the leader of the cooking club is waiting for us.

“Hello, thank you for coming to the cooking club. You came to help us, right? My name is Hina Chinatsu, the leader of the cooking club. Nice to meet you guys.”

I reply to her.

“Yes, we will help you guys from the cooking club. My name is Aira Kaede, the leader of the boxing club. Nice to meet you too.”

“Alright, you can start to help us by moving 6 boxes, the tools we need for the cooking club are already on the front, but we forgot to say that we also need someone to move the boxes, also, we still need Miyuki and Yumi to help for the decorating to our room, they both have a great idea on how we supposed to decorate the room.”

I ask the three remaining members of the boxing club.

“You guys okay with moving boxes?”

“Yes, sir!” says three of them.

“Very hilarious. Okay, follow me then.”

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We start moving boxes to the cooking club; we go back and forth three times, because it was heavy, and we need two people to lift them. After moving 6 boxes, we were done. I see the room of the cooking club is almost done with the decorating.

“Thank you very much for moving the boxes, and thanks to Miyuki and Yumi, we were able to do the decorating with a nice touch in it, just small things that need to be done for finishing the decoration of this room, but we can handle it from here, do you probably have something to say, we can reward you for something in this club, maybe you can pick one of our tools for you guys or something other than that?”

I ask every member of the boxing club, but they say they still have enough kitchen tools for their home.

“Since they didn’t need anything for their kitchen, I have another idea, you can just spread our club activity at the festival, we have an event about the match, it will be some match, and the final match will be me versus four of these guys in the final hour of the event.”

“You will fight four persons on the final hour? That’s amazing. I’m sure the audience will love it. I will spread the news to the visitors when they came to our club.” Says Hina.

We left the cooking clubroom, and walk into our clubroom, but suddenly some person asked us.

“Hello Aira Kaede-san, the leader of the boxing club, I see you helping the cooking club, can I ask you the same for the Drama club? We require some help moving boxes for our costumes, and I probably need to borrow Miyuki and Yumi because they helped with the property. To make it perfect, I’m Hibiki Suzume, the leader of the drama club.”

I ask again for the boxing club to help them. They say yes.

“Alright then, since they say yes, we can help.”

Like last time, Miyuki and Yumi help the drama club decorate their property for the show, and the boys help move the boxes.

After helping the drama club, I ask the same about spreading the boxing club event to Hibiki, and she’s accepting the request since we didn’t need any of their costumes.

“Alright guys, let’s go back to the boxing club… again.”

Just right before we enter the boxing clubroom, someone calls us. This time she is the leader of the literature club.

“Sorry, I know you already help the other club before, but we need to ask you to help us with the problem we are having right now, we need to move boxes and put the book on the shelf, can you guys from the boxing club help us? My name is Asuka Junko. Nice to meet you.”

With that question from the literature club leader, I ask the member again if they want to help them, and they say yes but with tired voices.

“Alright, but this is the last time we help the clubs. Are you guys probably texting each other, like some groups chat with many leaders in this club school, right? Ask them if we are tired because it’s already three times.”

“Thank you, Aira Kaede-san.” Says Asuka.

We help the literature club and after putting the books on their shelf; we go to our clubroom and end up resting until the time for club activity end.

After some resting, the members one by one go home, and only two of us left, Yumi and me.

“Nii-san, we need to go home now.”

“Yeah, it’s almost late. Let me get the bags. I’ll get yours too.”

Just when I grabbed the bags, Yumi hug me from behind.

“Nii-san, why do when you talk to other girls? It makes me feel hurt inside, even though you’re just helping them. I don’t know why, when they talk to you, I feel that way.” Says Yumi crying.

I turn around and look into Yumi’s eyes. I rub the tears from her eyes and pat her head.

“That’s what they called jealousy. You care about me and love me, don’t you?”

I gently hug back, Yumi.

“Yeah, that’s true, I love you, nii-san.”

I let go, Yumi.

“But Yumi, we are family, we can’t do that. I do love you, but as a sister.”

“Don’t worry, nii-san, it’s my objective to make you love me, not just as a sister, but also as a girl. Alright, let’s go home then.”


We grabbed our bags and go home.

At the home, we decided to order some pizza delivery, because we are too tired to make food in the kitchen after we had been through it. We then watch some TV and decide to sleep on our bed after that.

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