Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Chapter 113: 99. Wishing for Death

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“I was wondering why the Iyrmen were beside you,” Sir Royce said, his face turning into a wide smirk. “It seems they’re here to protect you and not the High Alchemist. How curious.”

“How insightful,” Adam said, his hear pounding wildly within his chest. “Though, I don’t like it when people attack me, so it seems you don’t want to be too friendly with me.”

“Just after that little?” Sir Royce chuckled, though he kept his maul locked with the Iyrmen, who were eager to push back. 

“I’m a weak little boy and you’re such a big strong man.” Adam’s heart continued to pound, but it began to calm. “The difference between you and I is like that of an adult and a child. I’m very scared, you know?”

“If you wanted to fight…” Aizaban grinned wide, eager to fight, but before she could continue, Paul stepped forward. 

“Old men like us shouldn’t bully children,” Paul said. “Would you mind stepping back, Sir Royce?” 

“Are you asking me, the once Knight of Death, to step back?” Royce grinned even wider, gripping his maul tighter, trying to push the Iyrmen back, though they remained sturdy, protecting the Half Elf. “Even as a Vice Master, shouldn’t you think twice?”

“Darling, don’t you dare stop us now!” Aizaban declared, eager to fight as she felt the strength of this older man. ‘Even though you look so handsome saying our words.’

“Darling?” Sir Royce asked, before glancing to Paul. ‘Vice Master. Iyrman.’ Sir Royce exhaled, relaxing, slowly pulling his maul back. “So you’re Vice Master Paul of Red Oak!” He laughed. “I should have realised!”

“I am honoured that you’ve heard of me,” Paul said, beginning to relax, but he remained ready to draw his blade.

“If I had realised it was you, I wouldn’t have tested out my curiosity.” He thought about the Guild Master of Red Oak, his eyes narrowing slightly as his lips twitched into the smallest of frowns. “Let’s keep this a secret between us.”

Paul sighed, nodding his head. He understood what Sir Royce was feeling. After all, that woman was quite vicious. “Of course, since it would be troublesome for us both.”

The pair exchanged a knowing look between one another, sharing in a moment together. After all, the North was quite familiar with that woman.

“Ouch!” came a cry, and Adam reached up to his heart. “It hurts so bad. I was so scared, Vice Master Paul! Thankfully, the powerful Iyrmen assisted me, or I would have been dead!”

“I didn’t attack you with-“

“Vice Master Paul, did you hear what he said?” Adam asked, quickly interrupting the Knight, who didn’t expect it. After all, who would dare interrupt the previous Knight of Death? “He didn't attack me? I'm so scared and he's lying about attacking me. What a terrible man."

"Now, hold on a second, I-"

"Hold on a second? So that you can attack me again? Vice Master Paul, he is going to hurt me again. My heart can't handle this." Adam reached up to his forehead, glancing away. 

Everyone stared at the Half Elf, wondering what he was doing.

Sir Harvey’s brow began to sweat, his eyes slowly falling to Vice Master Paul. 

"To think you'd go attacking little boys like me,” Adam continued, peeking at the odler Knight. “Is that what it means to be the Knight of Death?" His goading voice was obvious to the Knight.

Sir Royce could feel it. The Half Elf’s voice set deep within his heart, which rumbled. 


‘What have I gotten myself into?’ Sir Royce thoughts, feeling a dread flow through him. 

"Since you've attacked me…” Adam narrowed his eyes, his lips slowly forming into a smirk. “Shouldn't you pay some compensation to me?"

"So that's what you were doing,” Sir Royce said, visibly relaxing. He let out a low sigh of relief. “Very well. How much do you want?” This boy was probably a member of the Red Oak Adventurer’s Guild specifically, so no wonder why he was being so annoying. He must have known that his Guild Master would trouble the Knight of Death, so he wanted a few hundred gold or some such.

"Your maul," Adam said, smiling wide.  

"My maul?” Sir Royce asked. “My. Maul.” He repeated the words in order to understand what he was saying. He stared at the young man before him, in his puthral plate mail, with a blade at his side which was made of Iyrmen materials. ‘What in the Realms of Death is he saying?’ “Boy, you should be careful with your words."

"Didn't you try to hand it to me before?” Adam asked, tilting his head playfully. “If you didn't want to give it to me, why did you offer it to me?"

"You shouldn't joke so much." Sir Royce glared down at the Half Elf.

Adam felt the pressure of the man, but he had Aizaban and Lanban beside him, and Vice Master Paul would probably fight for him too. "Joke? That maul isn't even worth my life, so it's already such a good deal for you."

"This Maul costs tens of thousands of gold,” Sir Royce said, his voice remaining even. “Your life is not worth that much."

Adam smiled, wondering where he should go with this. He was playing a dangerous game, and it wasn’t as though he really wanted the maul. ‘I’ve had enough fun, I suppose.’ "Well, since you're so unwilling to part with it, then how about I let you keep it?" 

"Oh my, how generous." Sir Royce stared down at the boy, wondering who he was. ‘Are his balls made of brass?’ He glanced between the pair of eager Iyrmen. ‘No, they’re made of Iyrsteel?’

"However,” Adam said, raising a finger. “You owe me one favour." 

"I'm retired,” Sir Royce said. “Did you not hear?”

"Ah. My heart. It hurts so bad." Adam rubbed his chest plate, glancing away again, like a mourning flower.

Sir Royce remained silent and still, staring at the Half Elf. ‘Should I just kill him?’ He noted the two Iyrmen again, and then the Vice Master of the Guild. ‘No, it would be too difficult. Even if I managed, it would be troublesome.’

Adam stared up at him. "I thought you wanted to be friendly with me? Since you're willing to raise your maul against me, shouldn't you at least raise it for me?"

Sir Royce shook, unable to understand what the Half Elf was saying.

Paul stared at Adam. ‘What are you doing?’

"How interesting!” Sir Royce’s laugh boomed through the forest, causing the silent stalkers to flee. “You Southerners are hilarious!" 

"I'm no Southerner," Adam replied, bluntly. 

"I could tell you weren't an Iyrman, but you're not from the South either?" Sir Royce stared at Adam. There was something off about the young man, but he couldn’t place it.

"No, I'm not native to this land,” Adam admitted.
"Oh? Where are you from?" Sir Royce asked, now suddenly intrigued by this stranger. He was a young man for sure, and yet he had somehow managed to tame a pair of Iyrmen, and wore full attire of those in the Iyr.

"You've probably never heard of it so it doesn't matter."

"You shouldn’t underestimate my breadth of knowledge, boy. My father beat the sense into me to make sure I remembered all manner of things. All the letters and numbers, in my old age, what use are they? Ah, but he was a good man, my father.” Sir Royce chuckled. “Right, where are you from?”

"Why? So you can go and raise your maul at my family?" Adam chuckled.

"Come on, boy. It was just a joke.”

"I was joking too,” Adam said, chuckling. “My family are all dead, but if they come back alive as skeletons, wouldn't your maul be useful?"

Sir Royce almost choked on his breath. "There's a limit to how much one can joke, young man. Do not pray so eagerly for your family’s death.”

"Hah!” Adam laughed.  

“You should be careful not to provoke Lord Sozain's wrath." 

"Even if Sozain wanted to, I couldn't meet with them again."

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"You should watch your words, Half Elf," Sir Merrick said, glaring at the boy.
"Half Elf?" Sir Royce stared at the boy. ‘Ah, now it makes sense. He’s one of them.’

"Shouldn't you expect me to be blasphemous? I heard Elves aren't liked in this land, so I should at least play to my stereotype, right?" Adam threw his gaze towards Sir Merrick, not crumbling under the man’s glare.

"If you continue to act up in this way, then we will have to cancel the agreement," Sir Harvey said, finally speaking up. He had been so lackadaisical this entire time, but Adam had crossed a line.

"It was just a joke." Adam rolled his eyes. "Still, not everything I said was a lie. I don't think even he can allow us to meet again. Though, now that I think about it, I haven't confirmed that.” Adam rubbed his chin. “Next time we meet, I'll ask him."


The group stared at him, blinking. Even Aizaban and Lanban were staring at him, after all, the Half Elf was talking about their most glorious deity, the God of Death. 

Jaygak, Kitool, and Dunes stared at him too, though Jurot remained beside him, staring at the maul of the Knight of Death.

"Next time I meet with the gods, I'll ask them. I lost all hope, but if they do have that power, then couldn't I see my family again?" Adam smiled and pat Jurot’s back. “Jurot, you could meet my little sister for the first time too.”

"If I am able, I will," Jurot said, nodding his head. 

Jaygak and Kitool glanced at Jurot, their eyes full of questions. They had their suspicions about Adam, but now he was saying too many things they didn’t understand, and they couldn’t keep up with the Half Elf’s pace. 

Jurot placed a hand on Adam's shoulder. "I know of your story, but the others do not. Your words can only be seen so darkly by others."

"Ah, right. Sorry, sorry." Adam chuckled. "I didn't mean to cause trouble. Still, I hope the Knight of Death is willing to raise his maul for me when requested."

"I refuse,” Sir Royce replied, bluntly. “You're too troublesome. Someone who is so easy to say such blasphemous words… I don't think I'll be able to help you."

"It seems that Southerners are funny, and Northerners are good at running away." Adam smiled at the Knight of Death.

"You should be careful with your words, young man.”

"Or what? You'll attack me again? Ah, well, you probably would. Still, I feel rather safe with these two Iyrmen at my side." Adam crossed his arms, daring the Knight of Death to attack him. 

"Did you know we'd face him?" Aizaban asked, a wild grin on her face. "Is that why you brought us along?"

‘Don’t escalate this, honey.’ Paul sighed, ready to draw his blade. He’d much sooner face the Knight of Death than dare to raise his blade against his wife. ‘Please.’

"No,” Adam replied, shaking his head. “You two are here because of a dragon which might or might not appear.”

"A dragon?" Aizaban asked. Her husband hadn’t told her much, and upon hearing mention of a dragon, even Lanban’s head snapped to the Half Elf, his eyes beaming. 
"Vice Master Paul, did you bring anything to help with dragon slaying? I should have asked before we set off but it slipped my mind."

No one understood what was happening with the conversation, except Jurot, who had long understood that Adam was like this.

‘That’s such a beautiful maul,’ the Iyrman thought. ‘I wonder if I could carve it out of wood.’

"I did," Paul replied. 

"Oh, that’s good. The Dragon Slaying arrow?”

Paul nodded. 

“How much did they cost?"

"Each arrow costs six hundred gold."

"Sheesh!” Adam replied. Though, thinking about it, six hundred gold to protect one’s life, that wasn’t a terrible price to pay. “How many did you bring?"


"If they end up getting used, I'll pay for them, so don't be stingy, alright?"
"Okay,” Paul replied, giving up on understanding Adam. ‘Is it because I’ve spent my time around Iyrmen? They’re so simple in comparison to the rest of the world…’

Everyone blinked at the pair of them. 

Adam’s words were ridiculous, but Paul, the Vice Master of the Adventurer’s Guild, was putting weight onto his ridiculous words.  

"If the dragon comes, we will slay it," Jurot said, nodding his head. 

Hearing Jurot’s words also affirmed the seriousness behind the situation, even if it did seem like some terrible joke. 

"Our goal isn't to slay the dragon, but to protect someone. When that time comes, I'll be leaving the most important matter to Aizaban." Adam gave her a nod. "The rest of us will keep the dragon busy."

Sir Royce slowly crept aside.

"Leaving so soon? You still-"

"I, Sir Royce, will heed a single call from you, young man!" With that, Sir Royce quickly circled around them to leave.

“Don't you want to slay a dragon?" Adam asked.

Sir Royce stopped, glancing back towards the Half Elf. ‘Is this a chance?’ "Is that the favour you wish to request?"

"No, I just wanted to see if you wanted to have some fun before your retirement. I can't guarantee the dragon will be there, but if it is, wouldn’t it be fun?” Having the Knight of Death join them would all but guarantee their success.

"If it's not your request, I'll be leaving." Sir Royce made to flee.

“I’m Adam, son of Fate!” Adam shouted after him as he fled. 

'That boy is dangerous!’ Sir Royce thought. ‘I need to get away from him as quickly as possible! Damn it, why did I raise my maul? Isn't that what they say? Curiosity killed the Knight?'

"Vice Master Paul, I thought you said you vetted the guards?" Sir Harvey asked, taking the Vice Master aside.

"If the Iyrmen think he's trustworthy, then it's good enough for me,” Paul said. Of course, Sir Harvey wouldn’t dare to disagree. “It's probably because he's an Elf.”
"Elves are too queer,” Sir Harvey said, nodding his head. 

“I’m only half an Elf,” Adam said.


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Adam, too troublesome to die.

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