Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Chapter 181: 168. What Are The Odds

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“What of Brittany and Jonn?” Sonarot asked. “What will you do with them?”

“I don’t know,” Adam admitted. “Jonn’s still, you know. He’ll swear himself to me at some point, probably. Brittany is…” Adam rubbed his chin. “She’s just Brittany.”

Sonarot nodded. “It is most important that you know what you want, Adam. There is no rush for it, but it is important.”

Adam thought about what he wanted to do. “I could become a professional food critic, going around various restaurants to sample dishes. I could become a soap maker, the soap in the Iyr is a little too hard, and doesn’t lather nicely. I could become a paper maker, what with all the mills here, but work on creating really nice paper to trade outside. Maybe I become a book maker? Someone that binds up books together? That’s an extension of the paper making, I guess. There’s the proper answer of becoming a Gold Rank… no, a Diamond Rank Adventurer. Or I could become a Merchant, or an Enchanter, or…” Adam shrugged his shoulders. 

Sonarot smiled. “You have many talents.”

“My best talent is being the best older brother, though,” Adam said. “Isn’t that right?” Adam brushed Lanarot’s hair, who had just finished with her feeding. 

“Oo?” The baby squirmed as he brushed her hair. 

Adam managed to retreat from the Rot family estate, returning back to the shared family estate. He didn’t want to be surrounded by the Rot family, especially not since they all seemed to want a piece of him. 

“You should rest today,” Citool said, taking on the duty for cooking that week. 

“Yeah. I’m still feeling a little sore from the fight yesterday.”

Citool wondered if he meant any offence by it, but considering it was Adam, it probably was just some thoughtless statement. 

“She was so scary,” Adam said. “Why are the elderly Iyrmen so scary all the time?”

“They are Iyrmen,” Citool replied, simply. “If there is ever any to the Iyr, it will be they who will fight first.”

“Sending your elderly to fight for you…” Adam wasn’t sure how he felt by it. The elderly should take it easy after living their life. However, they were also the strongest force in the Iyr. “Still, it feels a little weird.” 

Citool just bowed her head, leaving him to his thoughts. She was in charge of looking after the children, teaching them. 

Adam spent the day resting, watching the children play, and looking after his little sister as Sonarot went to work. 

The Dire Wolf pups had also developed well, and were beginning to play often, even with the children, though with an adult watching nearby. One was currently cuddled up to Lanarot, who was taking her first nap of the day, and the other was currently nestled on Adam’s lap.

‘This feels so comfy,’ Adam thought, brushing the Dire Wolf pup’s fur, feeling how gentle it was. 

However, there was something stirring inside of him. As much as he enjoyed this slow pace of life, he wanted to do more. 

Adam closed his eyes, thinking of all the things he could do in a fantasy world.

Omen: 1, 15

He spent this next day relaxing and recuperating too, going about his typical morning routine first. He had planned to assist the Iyr with chopping down wood, or whatever they required, once he had finished recuperating properly.

Omen: 8, 20

“You must be feeling lucky today,” Sonarot said, seeing the look in his eyes.

Adam smiled. “Very. I’m going to spend thousands of gold to create a greater magical weapon.”

“You have been enchanting much recently, Adam. Take good care of yourself.” She brushed his hair gently.

“I know, I know,” Adam replied, enjoying her affection. “If I feel a sickness coming to me, I’ll take a break.”

‘Hey, Bell?’


‘How much Experience is it to gain an improved critical hit chance?’

[You can check.]

'Okay, fine. I just thought you'd be lonely.'

[I'm not lonely enough to be your servant.]

'Sorry.' Adam sighed, shaking his head.

He checked just how much Experience it required to gain the improved critical hit chance. 


It wasn’t so bad. He had enough for it, but he also wanted to keep some Experience in his back pocket, just in case he needed it for something else.

‘It’s worth the price, at least. I should aim for that after the Third Gate spells.’

Adam arrived at the warehouse, carrying with him a small pouch. He revealed Elder Gold’s tag, which allowed him to enter the warehouse to swap out gems. He had originally traded for all manner of gems, but quickly realised how much trouble it would be to track everything. 

Adam stretched out his entire body as he placed down the gems required for the enchanting. He had traded his gems out, swapping them to obsidian, tiger eyes, white pearls and diamonds, black pearls, and black opals.

Adam stared at the gems, which were no longer a large pile. He had traded them all out to the highest denomination, keeping a couple at lower gold values. He held seven gems, black opals, which were worth a thousand gold a piece.

‘I’m freaking rich,’ he thought. ‘But, once I make this weapon, all these gems will be gone.’

Adam made his way to the enchanting shrine, an Iyrman following him like usual, and he stopped, staring at the shrine. He looked down at the axe at his side, gifted to him by Sonarot. 

He understood that his enchanting process worked in a peculiar way in the world, that it was something which required gold from gems due to the shrine’s layout, an item at the centre, and of course, he needed to spend his Mana as well as a decent roll. 

Adam inhaled deeply as he thought about what he wanted to enchant into his weapon. One of the greatest threats to him were creatures and beings he could not deal with within a short amount of time. 

His most devastating loss was to Jarot, who seemed to possess a great constitution, and beyond that, the ability to resist almost all types of damage.

Almost all types of damage.

Adam placed the seven gems in place, one on each pillar, and the last in the centre. He grabbed the axe, the very same axe which had belonged to Jarot, and the very same axe he had never used. He felt how heavy it was, but what was heavier was the loss he had suffered to the man. 

There was someone out there who was like Jarot. 

Strong, with the ability to shrug off damage which would kill most beings several times. 

However, that being would be someone who had both of their arms, and would not beat Adam as a joke. 

Adam closed his eyes, and concentrated completely on his enchanting. 

Mana: 10 -> 5
Enchanting Check
D20 + 7 = 17 (10)
Omen: 8, 20 -> 8
20 + 7 = 27

“Oh dear,” he said, noting the two Silver Dragons circling around him. “Did I bother a family outing?”

It was unfortunate for him that the pair were in no mood to talk, as they descended upon him with icy shards blasting from their mighty maws. 

The figure stared up at the incoming breath weapons and sighed. 

Lightning fell, and thunder followed.

A Silver Dragon managed to twist his body, but the other hadn’t managed to in time as the lightning struck through her back. 

Adam wiped his brow, staring down at the axe. It was already pulsing with great power, which reminded Adam of a particular item in his possession. 

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He shook his head. ‘One thing at a time, Adam.’

He brought the axe with him back to the estate, where he saw the food which had been made. Citool had cooked that day, mostly a vegetable dish which they would eat with bread.

“You look pale,” Sonarot said, reaching up to feel his forehead. “You are cold.”

“I am?” Adam said. “Huh. I don’t feel too bad.”

“It must be because it is his first time enchanting something so great,” Shikan offered.

“If you are feeling unwell, tell me,” Sonarot said.

“I know,” Adam replied. “I will, I promise.”

“Did it go well?” Sonarot asked as she ate.

Adam nodded. “It was hungry work today.” He piled on the food for himself and began to stuff his face.

“What are you enchanting on the axe?” Raygak asked, rubbing his stomach after he had stuffed himself.

Adam smiled. “You’ll see.”

“Will it be powerful?” 

“It will be the most powerful weapon I have made to date.”

Raygak stared up at Adam. “Can I play with it?”

Adam looked to Jogak, who was currently dealing with Taygak, who refused to eat the last of her vegetables. 

“Sure,” Adam said. “If your father tells me you’ve been good.”

“I am always good,” he said.

“No you are not,” Katool said.

“I am,” Raygak said. “I am when I am.”

“You are not when you are not,” Katool accused.

Adam smiled.

Omen: 7, 20

“That’s convenient,” Adam said, staring at the numbers.

“Feeling lucky?”

“Yes,” he said. “It seems that I’m being doted on.”

“If you are feeling unwell, make sure you return and rest,” she said.

Adam went through his morning routine, playing with the children and pups, before heading out. ‘Two in a row? That’s fortunate. Or is it unfortunate?’

Mana: 10 -> 5
Enchanting Check
D20 + 7 = 22 (15)
Omen: 7, 20 -> 8
20 + 7 = 27

The Silver Dragon lay in the middle of the field, staring at the sky. Beside her was a man, human in appearance. He had hair like liquid copper and eyes which were emerald. He dabbed at her stomach with a lotion, soothing the wound.

“I can’t believe he almost killed me,” she said. “Can you believe it?”

The man, knowing what she was like, remained silent. 

“What a bastard. Just because he’s-“

Lightning fell, and thunder followed.

Taking the man’s cue, she decided to keep quiet.

“Are you okay?” the Iyrman asked, staring at Adam.

“Yeah, why? Do I look pale?” Adam asked.


“Don’t mind it,” Adam said, waving his hand. 

When he returned to the estate, Sonarot placed her hand on his forehead again. “You must rest tomorrow.”

“As long as I don’t feel extremely lucky, I’ll rest.”

Sonarot frowned, but she nodded her head.

“Adam, rest,” Taygak said, trying to distract her uncle from the fact she was not finishing her vegetables again.

“Right,” Adam said. “Since Taygak has said so, I probably should do it.”

Taygak nodded.

“Well, what’s the likelihood of me getting another 20?” Adam asked.

The Iyrmen stared at him.

“Oh, right.”

Omen: 18, 20

“You have got to be kidding me,” Adam said, staring at the numbers.

“A 20 today?” Sonarot asked.

“Yeah.” He hoped Sonarot wouldn’t try to stop him.

“Taygak will discipline you,” Sonarot said.


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Sonarot is the first boss, Taygak is he second boss. She's going to be so mad.

Katool calling out Raygak was really funny to me, and I don't know why. What a snitch!

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