Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Chapter 184: 171. They Finally Return

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Omen: 5, 18

“So what’s up with you two?” Adam asked, staring down at the twins.

The pair usually were quite open with speaking with him. Kalokan was quite talkative, especially about swords and weapons in general, often times waiting for everyone else to play with the weapons before she would admire them. Damokan was quieter than the other children, following his sister’s lead.

However, Kalokan and Damokan had been glancing at him over the last few days, whispering between one another. Somehow, the two knew how to whisper, unlike most other Iyrmen Adam knew.

“You are strong,” Kalokan said. “Your weapons are strong.”

“Right,” Adam said, nodding his head.

“Grandmother is strong too. You beat her.”

“I did,” Adam said, rubbing his chin. He wasn’t sure if he should accept that he won, not when he had used everything in his disposal against someone who held back. “Though, it was quite difficult. As you said, my weapons are strong, and it’s only because of how strong that sword was that I was able to defeat your grandmother.”

“We want to be strong too,” Kalokan said, staring up at the Half Elf. “Help, please.”

Adam stared down at the pair for a long while. “I think the Iyr will teach you to be strong better than I will.”

Kalokan stared up at him, narrowing her eyes. It was the first time Adam saw her stare at him suspiciously, so he wasn’t sure how he should feel, having lost her faith.

Kalokan walked away, understanding that Adam was just like their siblings, and that he didn’t want to really spend much time with the children, especially when it came to training.

Damokan remained. He stared up at Adam, his eyes void of any emotion. “Help, please.”

“I’m serious,” Adam said, dropping down to a knee and placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “The Iyr will make you strong.”

The boy looked down for a long moment. “Anokan was trained by the Iyr. She died.”

“Who is Anokan?” Adam asked. 

“Cousin Amokan’s older sister. She left before, and she was strong. She died when she left.”

“Right,” Adam said, nodding his head. “Aren’t you proud? She must have died a good death if she was Amokan’s sister.”

Damokan looked down to the ground again. “I do not want want her to die.”

‘How the hell am I meant to comfort you?’ Adam wondered. The boy was an Iyrman, and it wasn’t as though they were related. He wasn’t sure if he was the boy’s Cousin now that he was a Nephew of the Rot family.

“I’m sorry, but Anokan’s already dead, and I can’t help you with that.” Adam pat the boy’s shoulder gently. 

“I do not want Kalokan to die.”

Adam slowly nodded his head, considering that it make much more sense. “She will not die before she is ready to leave the Iyr.”

Damokan looked up into Adam’s eyes again, staring deep into the Half Elf’s soul. “You will help when we go?”

“Damokan, you are Amokan’s younger cousin. Shouldn’t you ask him to help you?”

“You will be Unrivalled Under The Heavens,” Damokan said.

Adam almost coughed, trying to not take any cringe damage. ‘Why is my past coming back to haunt me like this?’ “You think I’ll be Unrivalled Under The Heavens, and not Amokan?”

Damokan nodded. “Yes. You are strong.”

Adam wasn’t sure how to respond, but his lips were twitching into a smile. ‘Damn. These kids are way too cute.’ His stomach was slowly growing full. “When you’re older, and you still want my help, I’ll come and help you.”

Damokan held up his hand to shake Adam’s forearm. “Promise?”

“As long as I’m still alive, I promise you, Damokan.” Adam shook the boy’s forearm. “You can go tell your sister of our deal too.”

“Okay,” he said. “Thank you.” He rushed to his sister’s side. 

“That was a dangerous promise you have made,” Shikan said, appearing from nowhere. 

Adam jumped, glancing back towards him. “What’s with you Iyrmen and appearing out of the blue?”

Shikan remained silent. 

“Is it? Why is it a dangerous promise?”

“Is it not disrespectful to we Iyrmen?”

“Is it?” Adam asked. “What’s wrong with me helping my adorable little Cousins when they grow up?”

Shikan remained silent, staring at the Half Elf. “Nothing. However, they will expect much from you.”

“Then I’ll have to meet their expectations.” Adam raised his brows, smirking up at the Iyrman. “In ten or so years, when they’re grown, I’ll be one hell of a monster too. I don’t think I’ll lose so easily to Jarot, or your mother.”

“You did not lose against my mother,” Shikan reminded the Half Elf.

“Next time I won’t need such a powerful weapon. Or, I’ll have a greater weapon than even Phantom.”

Shikan slowly nodded his head, understanding that it was difficult to deny Adam’s words after what he had done. 

Eventually lunch was made, this time the Gak family was in charge, and so the food was quite spicy, even for the children. 

“Now that you have made your weapon, what do you wish to do?” Sonarot asked, feeding her daughter some softly boiled fruit, letting her get used to eating with her teeth.

“I don’t know,” Adam admitted. “The next thing that I have is the festival, so I guess I’ll wait for that to come.”

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Sonarot bowed her head. “There will be someone returning later tonight.”

Adam narrowed his eyes, a frown forming on his face.  

“Not them.”


Adam wasn’t sure who would return, but then remembered Turot had been gone for a while. ‘I wonder how Ranging went for him.’

However, it was not Turot who had returned that evening.

“Aunt!” called the voice. “I have returned!” 

Adam was sure he had heard that voice before. ‘Is that…’

The newcomer hugged her Aunt tight, before pulling away, glancing around. She looked so much like Turot, that the resemblance was uncanny. She wore the thick furs of the Iyr, and at her back was a shield, at her side was an axe.

“Where is she?” the young Iyrman asked, before catching sight of the strange Half Elf staring at her. “Who is that?

“Oh,” Adam said. “Hey, Nirot. Long time no…” Adam paused. ‘Oh, right. I haven’t seen her since I met the Rot family in this world.’

“Who are you?” Nirot asked, squinting her eyes at him.

“Right, uh, I’m Adam, son of Fate.” Adam smiled as charmingly as he could manage.

“He is your Cousin,” Sonarot said.

“My Cousin?” Nirot asked. “I do not have such a Cousin.”

“He is a Nephew of our family,” Sonarot said.

“Since when did we have an Elf for a Nephew?”

“Since earlier in the year,” Sonarot said. “He is only half an Elf.”

Nirot stared at Adam, narrowing her eyes at him. Yes, he did look quite handsome and strong, but she wasn’t one to easily accept some random fellow into her family. It was then she saw Lanarot, who had come crawling out.

The young woman quickly darted up to the girl, squatting down in front of her. “Hello.”

Lanarot stared up at her for a moment, before looking to her mother and Adam, crawling towards them. 

“Come,” Nirot said, holding out her arms. 

Adam smiled as Lanarot crawled past the woman, and he squat down, holding out his arms. “Come,” he said. ‘Let me show you how engrained I already am.’

Lanarot passed Adam and looked up to her mother, who picked her up and bounced the girl against her chest. “Adam is a member of our family. I hope that you will treat him appropriately. I do not want to see any fighting between either of you.”

“As long as she doesn’t cross the line,” Adam replied. “If she doesn’t come between my sister and I, I don’t mind if she’s a little annoying.”

“Annoying?” Nirot gasped. “Who are you to call me annoying? I am Nirot, daughter of Mirot!”

“I’m calling you, Nirot, daughter of Miror, annoying,” Adam said.

“You!” She reached down for her axe.

“Niece, enough!” Sonarot demanded, frowning at the girl. “Adam, do not bully your Cousin.”

“It’s too much fun,” Adam said, smiling.

“Just you wait until cousin Jurot returns! He will teach you your place.”

Adam wondered if he should tell her, but wasn’t it more fun if she remained out of the loop? Adam exchanged a look with Sonarot, who seemed to hold a playful gaze in her eyes. ‘She’s definitely not going to tell her.’

“How is there always a commotion within this estate?” Iromin asked, approaching the courtyard. 

“Welcome, Chief,” Nirot said, before the other adults greeted him too.

“I see you have met your Cousin,” the Chief said.

“He is no Cousin of mine,” Nirot said. “I am waiting for my cousin to return to teach him a lesson.”

Chief Iromin stared at the girl. He blinked. Then he turned to face Adam and Sonarot. ‘She does not know?’

Adam smiled. 



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Nirot makes her return.

But, uh, why has Iromin come?

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