Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Chapter 221: 207. Awakened Wolf

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Emerging from the trees came a large creature. A Wolf, Adam supposed, though it was larger than any Wolf he had seen. It was slightly larger than the Elder Wolves they had faced not long ago, though its eyes held far more intelligence.

Adam, who was still in the process of calming down, stepped forward. “I’ll handle it,” he said, noting how eager Lucy was to fight, though she was still injured. 

The Wolf stared at Adam, its eyes obviously assessing him. Adam wondered if it really did hold more intelligence than a normal creature.

“You better back up, boy, before I cut you in half,” Adam stated, his voice firm. He pointed his axe towards the Bear. “I did it to that little Bear over there, and I’ll do the same to you.”

The Wolf’s eyes fell across the scene, noting the Iyrman, the Demon, the three Porters, and then the Nightval Bear, which was cut clean in half. 

“An Awakened Wolf,” Jurot said.

“What’s that?” Lucy asked, her ears twitching upon hearing the name. ‘That sounds like something amazing.’

“It is still young,” Jurot said. “It must have awakened recently.”

“Young?” Adam asked. “What the hell have they been feeding you in this place?”

“You and I,” it growled towards Adam, “let us fight.”

Adam blinked. ‘Fight? Seriously? Is it because it was born so close to the Iyr?’ “Since you don’t want to move along, I suppose I’ll have to.”

“When I win you will become my slave,” it said. 

Adam tilted his head slightly. ‘What?’ “Oh, you want that kind of fight. Pink slips?” Adam smiled. “Alright, so when I win you’ll become my slave?”

“I will become your steed,” it replied, looking down onto Adam. 

“I have one already,” Adam said, motioning to Zeus. “Now that I think about it, why didn’t you move this time?”

‘Nobby safe.’

“Next time you don’t act, I’ll send you away and find someone else,” Adam warned. “Actually, you might be useful then, little Awakened Wolf. However, since you want me to be your slave, it’s only fair you’ll become mine.”

The Awakened Wolf growled at Adam, staring down at him. “Very well.”

“Hey, Jurot.” Adam stretched his neck. “An Awakened Wolf…” He thought about those two. “Is it greater than a Dire Wolf?”


Adam smiled. “I guess I need to beat the regal bearing out you, little pup.”

Battle Order
D20 + 1 = 17 (16)

Warrior Spirit: 3 -> 2

D20 + 8 = 16 (8)
D20 + 8 = 28 (20)
Critical hit!
Phantom Charge: 1 -> 0
Mana: 6 -> 3
2D6 + 8D6 + 8D6 + 6 = 76 (4, 6)(1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6)(1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6)
76 damage!

The Awakened Wolf readied to charge forward, but as it slunk down, Adam was already upon it like a hyena about to pick apart a carcass. 

Phantom flew through the air and cut through the Awakened Wolf’s side, tearing through its side as blood sprayed across the cold hard floor.

The Awakened Wolf, who was still a youngster, fell to the ground, confused as to how they would have been so powerful after facing a Nightval Bear. However, those thoughts quickly disappeared as its mind was struck by a heavy blade, and it dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. 

Awakened Wolf

“Adam, it will die,” Jurot said.

“Relax,” Adam said. “I held back, a little.” Adam watched as the blood poured out of its side. “Oops.”

Mana: 3 -> 2
Spell: Healing Word
1D3 + 3 = 6 (3)

“Yo, wake up,” Adam called, his voice full of healing magic. 

The Awakened Wolf twitched as it awoke, seeing the colour of the world once more. It turned its head to look at Adam, who was squatting right in front of it, a wide smile on his face.

“I want you to remember the next time you want to start any trouble how easy it was for me to beat you,” Adam said. “Now, obey me.”

It turned around, revealing its stomach to Adam, whimpering quietly.

“Good boy,” Adam said rubbing the Awakened Wolf’s stomach, feeling the soft fur and the skin of the creature under his hand. He glanced down. “I suppose I’ll call you… Fenrir? No, no. I can’t just name something like that. I should name you… Loki? No, Loki doesn’t work. Poseidon should obviously be for a water creature…”

“What are you doing?” Lucy asked.

“I’m trying to name him something cool.”

“What about Finnevaeil?” Lucy asked, thinking back to her own little puppy. 

Adam shook his head. “I need something I can spell pretty easily. I’ll just call you Sky.”

“Sky?” Lucy scoffed. “He’s not even a bird. What a stupid name.”

“Then Wind?” Adam said. 

“You’re going to name him something so basic?”

“Hmph. It’s not as cool as Finnevaeil.”

Adam stared down at her, seeing how she was lamenting something from her memories.

“It’s way cooler than Finnevaeil.”

Lucy tossed a stick at him.

Quest Complete: A Trustworthy Steed

“Alright, Cooper, you-“ Adam shook his head. “I’ll stick with Sky for now.”

“Okay,” Sky replied. “What should I call you?”

“Boss,” Adam said.

“Yes, boss.”

Adam smiled. 

“Hey, you already have a steed…” Lucy said. 

“Yeah?” Adam said, noting her puppy dog eyes as she stared up at him. “You want Sky?”

“Yeah!” she replied, excitedly.

“You can ride Sky now and again, I suppose,” Adam said.


“Only if you admit Sky is a great name.”

Adam stared at Lucy, who suddenly wasn’t as chipper. She stared at Adam, clenching her fists tight.

“Do it,” Adam whispered.

“Sky… is a fine name, I guess.”

Adam smiled.

“We should return,” Jurot said. “We are fortunate to have come across an Awakened Wolf.”

“What is an Awakened Wolf, exactly?”

“An Awakened Wolf is a creature which is born out of the World’s Will,” Jurot replied, as though that explained everything. “There is a balance which the world requires, and Awakened Beasts are part of that balance.”

“So if an Awakened Wolf is, well, awakened, what does that mean?” Adam asked.

“There are many creatures which awaken,” Jurot replied, unsure of what Adam was asking. “That is life.”

“Oh,” Adam replied. “What would it mean if there were too many Awakened Wolves awakening all at once, though?”

Jurot wondered how he should respond. “For the Iyr? Good news. For others? Bad news.”

“So it’s probably something about having a good fight?”

Jurot smiled. 

“Hey, Bill, you see what I’m seeing?” the Guard asked.

“I see it,” the other Guard replied. 

There were close to half a dozen Guards who rushed atop the gate, pointing their crossbows at the approaching party.

“Yo,” Adam said. “What’s with the crossbows?”

“There’s a huge Wolf behind you,” the Guard replied, dryly.

“You mean Sky? Yeah, he’s a good boy. Aren’t you, Sky?” Adam tickled the back of the Awakened Wolf’s ear, which caused Sky to shudder. 

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“Yes,” Sky replied.

“Hey, Bill, you hear what I’m hearing it?” the Guard asked. 

“I hear it,” the other Guard replied. 

“An Awakened Beast?” the Guard asked. 


“What’s it doing?”

“It’s my steed,” Adam replied. 

“Your steed?” The Guard looked up to Lucy who was riding it. She smiled. ‘Damn two horns.’

“What can I say? I’m a gentleman.” Adam smiled. 

“Can’t allow it in,” the Guard said. “Elk’s fine, but not the Wolf.”

“What if someone comes and hurts it?” Adam asked. 

“No one will.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t guarantee that.”

“Sorry, but them’s the rules,” the Guard said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Fine,” Adam said. “I’ll leave Sky and Zeus out together. Actually, I should have someone look after it…”

“How much are you offering?” Remy asked.

“How much do you want?”

Remy and Jeremy shared a glance with one another, nodding. 

“Five gold per night,” Remy said.

“For each of us.” Jeremy added.

“A fair enough price,” Adam said. “Though, Lucy, you should wait out too.”

“Me? What? You want me to stay outside?” Lucy glared down at Adam. 

“Fuck it, fine!” Adam let out an exasperated sigh. “I’ll stay with it once I’m done with the business at the Guild. Though, I do need to take it in as proof.”

The Guards shared a glance between one another. 

“We’ll send word,” Bill said. 

Adam grumbled as he waited outside with the Awakened Wolf, letting Jurot, Lucy, and the Porters head in with everything. 

“Of course it’s you,” Paul called. “Is that an Awakened Wolf?”

“Yep,” Adam said. “It’s my pet.”

“Yeah, of course it is,” Paul said, sighing. “Damn it, Adam.”

“What’s wrong?”

Paul sighed again. “Do you know how much paperwork this is going to…” Paul shook his head and stormed away back to the Guild, before returning. “Tag, please.”

Adam handed it over. “Honestly, I thought you’d be used to it by now.”

Paul stormed away to the Guild again. ‘I should have had Jade remain with him.’

Quest Complete: Slay Nightval Bear
Quest Complete: Subdue Awakened Wolf
XP: 3925 -> 4175

Stamps Gained: +2
Stamps: 2 -> 4

Adam spent a short time first meditating in order to regain his Mana.

Mana: 2 -> 4

Mana: 4 -> 1
Spell: Adam’s Tower

He spent some time chanting to summon a tower nearby, not close enough to provoke alarm, but not far enough away to be in danger of getting attacked from the wild. 

Adam was bathing when Sky dashed into the bathroom, with Zeus following in after him. 

“Hey! This place is too small for all of us!” Adam shouted, before hearing a whistle in the distance. He hoisted himself up, wrapping a towel around himself, and he grabbed his axe. 

He stepped out to see a familiar face. 

A man in breastplate, stamped with the sigil of Red Oak. At his side was a blade, the handle made of red wood. Surrounding him were a half dozen Guards, each wearing chain, and held spears which were ready and eager to fly forward.

“Sir Merrick Crimsonbark, Seventh Branch of the Oakguard,” Adam said. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“An Elf!” a Guard shouted, pointing his spear towards Adam, though Sir Merrick did not tense up.

“Of course it’s you,” Sir Merrick said. “They said a tower randomly appeared near the town.”

“Yeah,” Adam said, motioning his head. “It’s cause I have to look after the Awakened Wolf.”

“You cannot just summon a tower next to the town,” Sir Merrick warned.

“I didn’t do it next to the town, I did it near the town,” Adam said. “I did it within a safe space, since I’m being forced to keep my beautiful Sky outside the city, though I still paid the gate fee.” Adam wasn’t going to mess around with taxes.

“It’s too close,” Sir Merrick said. “I will ask you to kindly move.”

“It’s too far,” Adam replied. “I just want to go about my business but it’s you guys who won’t let my steed inside.”

“It’s an Awakened Wolf.”

“Under my heel,” Adam said.

“How do you know that?”

“I beat the lights out of him and made him into my slave,” Adam said. “Not the first time you’ve seen me beat someone before they joined me.”

Sir Merrick narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry, but you need to move the tower.”

“That’s not how magic works,” Adam said. “Fine. I will leave and some scrupulous fellows will come in and use this tower instead of someone you know and tru-“ Adam stopped, thinking for a moment. “Someone you know, who has a good heart, who helped a High Alchemist at your side.”

“I remember it differently to you,” Sir Merrick replied, calmly.

“I’m sure you did,” Adam replied, smiling at him. “You probably made some kind of story to make yourselves look good. I remember helping out a bunch of travellers and baby sitting some little shit who couldn’t keep his clothy on.”

“Careful, that’s a Knight you’re talking about.” Sir Merrick narrowed his eyes at the Half Elf. 

“I didn’t say anything about a Knight,” Adam replied, smirking at the Knight before him.

Charisma Save
D20 + 3 = 11 (8)

“You need to leave the tower and make another one elsewhere,” Sir Merrick informed him. 

Adam grumbled. “Let me put my…”

Jurot stepped forward, having come from the town, carrying with him his gear and a basket.

“Jurot, I don’t like it here,” Adam said. “It sucks.”

“Iyrmen are treated well here,” he said, bowing his head to the Knight. “Sir Merrick.”


“We should go to the North,” Adam said, stepping back into the tower to get changed. “I bet it’s nicer up there.”

Jurot ate a bun and waited for Adam before handing him one. 

“I didn’t even get to see you two flirt!” Adam grumbled. 

“I did not flirt,” Jurot said, his ears red.


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Adam really is a monster.

Jurot and Pam is my favourite ship. 

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