Beyond The Outline

Chapter 13: 13

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There were around 50 to 60 computers in the internet cafe. Other than the small number of students, the others were adults who played games as they breathed out clouds of smoke.

These few people weren’t very old. Although their outfits seemed very trendy and they looked like they all went to the same hairdresser with their heads full of blonde strands, their necks were strung with a few silver chains—if they were still in school, they’d be in their first or second year of high school at the most. 

This shout was full of vigour and resonated loudly. It carried an obvious undertone of indignation and under the youthful shouts of “Fuck, hurry and heal me, make it bigger, bigger” filling the entire internet cafe, the call could actually stand out.

Those who didn’t know anything would really assume Shao Zhan had done something to them.



The “Boss” that had been called over asked, “Are you sure it’s him?”

“It’s definitely him, I can’t be wrong. He’s wearing the same shirt he did that day, it’s that black one with a few lines drawn across it!” 

The person by the door who had spoken was too angry; after speaking, he had to pause for a moment to collect himself before saying, “I’ll just put my words here. I won’t let you see the end today!”


Shao Zhan, “…”

The person shouted again. “Come out!”

Shao Zhan sat in the corner of the last row. There was a window to his side that had been covered by curtains. According to Zhang Feng, this was “Xu Sheng’s” usual seat, and the reason was very simple: There was a window. The internet cafe was shrouded in smog and the smell of smoke was heavy. Being able to push the window open a bit meant he could clear the air out somewhat. Additionally, Xu Sheng didn’t like sitting properly wherever he went, so there was a wall next to him that made it easy to lean against to rest.


Coincidentally, the clothes Xu Sheng had tossed to him last night happened to be the black T-shirt with graffiti he had worn that day at the internet cafe.

After the people finished throwing out their harsh words, they saw the person behind the computer monitor in the corner move—the youth’s expression was icy cold. To be honest, other than the fact that he was wearing the same shirt as he did the other day, that cold expression was how those people managed to recognize him out of the crowded internet cafe. The coldness settling between his brows thickened with the darkness of his clothing as if he were displeased over the fact that they were too loud. He released the hand that had been clutching his mouse.

Shao Zhan lowered his head again and finished typing out the three words he didn’t finish sending earlier.


-Get over here. 

After typing, he continued sending messages.

-I’m at the internet cafe.

-There are a few blonde guys looking for you.

The bizarre situations that happened after switching bodies couldn’t compare to what was happening right now. 

He had been dragged to the internet cafe by a group of people.

After sitting down for no more than two minutes, another group of people pushed the door open and walked in, pointing at him and shouting “I won’t let you see the end today”.

This morning, when he and Xu Sheng had talked about things to look out for, Xu Sheng had indeed said something about sometimes going to the internet cafe with Zhang Feng to play games after school. “In class, it’s usually just these few things. If you don’t want to get punished to stand, you can just look at your textbook in a daze. Oh right, Zhang Feng might look for you…”

Xu Sheng even introduced to him in detail which heroes he usually liked to play, and what these characters’ playstyles were like. “… My gaming skill is very high, I recommend you to practice ahead of time.” 

Shao Zhan had been forced to understand everything about his gaming habits, but he was sure that Xu Sheng hadn’t mentioned anything about having enemies at the internet cafe.

Zhang Feng and Xu Sheng’s gang of friends from year one were also confused. “This, what’s going on?”


Shao Zhan paused for two seconds, and finally sent out another message.

-If you can’t get here in three minutes then you have to deal with the consequences. 

But that “S” probably wasn’t looking at his phone. The few messages that Shao Zhan had sent didn’t receive a reply.

Unknowingly, at this very moment, Xu Sheng was standing in the office listening to Meng Guowei scold himself. “This Xu Sheng, not handing in his homework again.”

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Meng Guowei called him over to pass the marked assignments to him, and after passing them over he couldn’t help muttering to him. “Tell me, what goes on in his head every day? Does he still even want to take the college entrance exam? His future path is still so long, what is he going to do?”

Olrafclcu ab atf afjmtfg rmbiv tlw ogbw atlr qfgrqfmalnf, la vlv offi j yla jkxkjgv. 

Qts kjr la atja cb wjaafg ktfatfg tf kjr We Vtfcu bg Vtjb Itjc, tf mbeivc’a jnblv atlr?

We Vtfcu vlvc’a xcbk ktja xlcv bo megrf atlr kjr. Lf rjlv mjrejiis, “Lf… Lf qgbyjyis tjr tlr bkc qijcr.”

“Like hell he has a plan!”


“I gave his mother a call yesterday.” When he mentioned this, Meng Guowei lowered his voice and, as though it was an incredible thing, said, “This is also strange, she just asked me if Xu Sheng is still in school lately, and if he’s done anything related to academics.”

Meng Guowei rarely phoned students’ parents. After all, it wouldn’t end well if incidents that happened in school were pushed onto the parents’ side. Usually, if the students didn’t do anything major, then he tried his best not to seek out their parents.

When he made the phone call, Xu Sheng’s mother was probably busy with work. A woman answered the call professionally and politely with a “Hello?”

“Ah, hello, I’m Xu Sheng’s homeroom teacher.” 

The other party was silent for a couple of seconds. There were sounds of a noisy work environment in the background. “Hello, teacher.”

Meng Guowei’s understanding of the phrase ‘has he done anything related to academics’ was clearly different from Xu Sheng’s mother’s understanding. “It’s exactly that he hasn’t done anything related to academics. If he’s not being absent-minded in class then he’s sleeping.”

After saying that, however, it seemed that Xu Sheng’s mother was relieved, and didn’t ask anything else.

When Meng Guowei remembered that, he waved his hand. “Forget it, I won’t mention it anymore. Anyway, you should do your best to help him.” 

Xu Sheng lowered his gaze and didn’t reply until Meng Guowei called him a second time. Only then did the corners of his mouth twitch and he regained his senses. “Understood.”

Meng Guowei vaguely sensed that “Shao Zhan’s” mood was off, but he didn’t think too much about it. Xu Sheng added, “Teacher, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go first.”


Just now, Xu Sheng didn’t have time to look at his phone. Now, he didn’t have the mood to.

He walked out of the office and finished handing out the assignments. The corridor was extremely empty, there was no one around except for those who were on duty. 

For now, he didn’t want to go back to the dorm, so he turned the corner outside the classroom door, and sat on the corner of the steps for a while.

It was quite cool here.

Xu Sheng sat by the air vent. His school uniform was blown up by the wind. Only then did he lower his head to pull out his phone.

Four messages. 

Shao Zhan.

Xu Sheng couldn’t think of anything that could have happened. He casually opened the message, and then his inexplicably moderate emotions disappeared. He stood up sharply, with only one word left in his mind: Fuck?

You are reading story Beyond The Outline at

Internet cafe, blonde hair.

After these two keywords were put together, he could recall the events of that day. After Zhang Feng had left, he had bought a mint and had cleaned up a few rowdy youths. 

This event had originally been easy to deal with and wasn’t a big deal, but when Xu Sheng thought of the day he had “cleaned up” those people….

Xu Sheng typed as he ran downstairs.

He was in too much of a hurry and his fingers tapped furiously, but his typing speed became slower because he mistyped every word many times.

S: Fuck. 

S: This situation is a bit complicated, but it’s definitely not what you think. I can’t explain it in such a short time.

S: Just stabilise the situation first, I’ll come over right now.

It was useless to say this in this situation. Xu Sheng finally sent a more practical solution: Find a chance to run. If you don’t find a chance then create it yourself.

Shao Zhan evidently didn’t see this friendly suggestion. 

He was currently leaning against the internet chair. The window next to him was open a notch and the humid summer breeze came in from the window. The five gangster youths surrounded him.

The atmosphere brimmed with sharp blades.


But Shao Zhan’s attitude was not weak. After all, he had come to the internet cafe with several people. Zhang Feng rushed out first and said wildly, “Let’s fight five versus five, who knows who’ll lose.”

Shao Zhan sat in the corner and didn’t say anything. 

Although he didn’t say anything, just sitting there made the others feel like they had received a challenge—the youth’s expression was too uncaring, and he even turned his computer off slowly as if the events happening in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Shao Zhan didn’t want to bother with them, but the matter in front of him was directly pushing him out, leaving him no choice.

Seeing Zhang Feng shout out all these slogans, he decided he might as well figure this out first, no matter what.

Shao Zhan shut off his computer and asked patiently, “These people, do you know what happened.” 

Zhang Feng, “I don’t know, but I know one philosophy. Losers don’t lose their dignity. Anyways, shouldn’t you know what happened yourself?”

Shao Zhan remembered Xu Sheng’s school tyrant badge, the rumours that said “one versus five”, and said coldly, “I’ve pissed off too many people. I forgot.”

“…” Zhang Feng sincerely praised, “Amazing.”

After Shao Zhan’s words came out, the invited “Boss” on the opposite side exploded angrily, “This kid is pretty wild!” As the leader spoke, he reached out to directly grab Shao Zhan by the collar and drag him out. 

WIth a face full of indifference, Shao Zhan clearly looked like he didn’t want to bother with them. At this moment he looked down. Right before the other party grabbed his collar, he grabbed his wrist, using strength to add pressure until the other party couldn’t move.

Shao Zhan didn’t release his hand until he got up. The other party was violently thrown off balance and fell back half a step. It was only then that Shao Zhan raised his gaze and removed the earbuds from his ears. “Talk outside.”

Zhang Feng was about to follow up when Shao Zhan pressed him back down. “You guys stay here.”

He still wasn’t clear on what had happened. Too many people involved made the scene difficult to control. 

Also, he was currently Xu Sheng.

Zhang Feng: “We…should stay here? What should we do staying here?”

Zhang Feng thought for two seconds before having a sudden epiphany. “I understand what you mean. We should wait here for your orders before rushing out.”

Shao Zhan, “Stay here and play games.” 

Zhang Feng: “…”



Zhang Feng saw “Xu Sheng” push the door open and leave the internet cafe. In his eyes, the image of Xu Sheng at this moment was calm, cold, and awe-inspiring.

It overlapped perfectly with the Xu Sheng from the rumours. 

The time passed by second by second.

It was hard for Zhang Feng to sit still in his seat.

To tell the truth, Zhang Feng’s understanding of Xu Sheng actually came from rumours. Xu Sheng had never taken them to fight before and usually played games very harmoniously at the internet cafe.

He wasn’t sure about Xu Sheng’s fighting skills, but no matter the state of his abilities, there were five people on the opposite side. Even though there was a rumour that Xu Sheng had won a one versus five before, there was no guarantee he would be able to win this time. 

Zhang Feng became more frantic the more he thought about it.

What was the situation like outside? Did he need help?

His attempt to participate earlier came completely from his youthful tendency to act without thinking, his hot-bloodedness rushing to his head. If his excitement had passed, it would be difficult to make him rush out to help out at this time.

Zhang Feng had no desire to play games. He spent a long time convincing himself: I have to face myself with bravery! I have to pluck up my courage! For my closest brother, I will rush out now! 

Zhang Feng finally got up sharply and looked around in all directions. He found a balding broom from the corner and cutched it tightly within his hands. He took a deep breath and told the others, “You guys continue playing, I’ll go first and take a look.”

Xu Sheng had never run so fast.

Other than the sound of his own heartbeat, he could only hear the wind whistling past his ear.

He didn’t know what situation Shao Zhan was in right now. He told him to find a chance to run, but did that person create a chance to run?. 

It was a good thing that the school wasn’t too far from the internet cafe. It seemed like the convenience store by the street had just received its shipment; boxes lay across the narrow entrance to the alleyway. Xu Sheng propped himself with one hand and jumped over the boxes—he turned around the corner, finally saw the store under the internet cafe, and went up the stairs.

Xu Sheng had climbed up halfway when he heard the door to the internet cafe resound with a bang!

There were only a few steps left. Xu Sheng went up in large strides when he saw Zhang Feng push open the door, raising a broom up high in a heroic pose as he rushed out with his eyes tightly shut. Zhang Feng was caught up in the battle stance of a hot-blooded youth, shouting loudly, “Let go of my brother—”

Xu Sheng, “…” 

Xu Sheng grasped the railing and stopped at the entrance of the staircase.

Because other than Zhang Feng, he could immediately see the five blonde people crouching and moaning on the ground.


Zhang Feng also discovered that something wasn’t quite right halfway through his charge. This was because when he rushed out, he didn’t hear any movements. He opened his eyes. What one versus five in the corridor? There wasn’t even anyone fighting. “Where…where did they go?”

The lighting at the staircase entrance wasn’t very good. The warehouse goods blocked out most of the light. 

The “Xu Sheng” sitting on top of the pile of boxes moved a bit. Half of his body was hidden in the shadows of the dim lighting, his long legs resting against the ground. There was the hint of a smile within Xu Sheng’s eyes that were devoid of warmth, his entire body exuding an inexplicable, terrifying sense of oppression. His head was slightly lowered and they could only see a limited view of his straight, high nose bridge and the messy hair that covered his eyes.

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