Beyond The Outline

Chapter 21: 21

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The three of them faced each other. No one spoke for a while.

Shao Zhan’s appearance was evidently one of someone who had just gotten out of bed. His eyes were squinted, a hand resting on the back of his neck while the other draped across the door lock. The weather was clearly hot and dry to the extreme, but the look in his eyes was like a blizzard, making him look extremely cold. 

It was just that within this current state of coldness, there were a few extra things.

For example… a seldomly seen trace of panic, and helplessness.



The strange silence continued.

Shao Zhan could almost read out words from the expressions of the people facing him. A line of words floated on Tan Kai’s face: Exactly what is going on between Zhan ge and the school tyrant, yesterday’s events must be real, they… they, they’re already even living together. 

Hou Jun’s was a little simpler. His mouth was open, as if he were saying out loud: Fuck, a hammer.


Afterwards, Tan Kai and Hou Jun both looked at each other and finally shouted soundlessly in their hearts: Zhan Without No Sheng is true.

Shao Zhan and Xu Sheng both had not paid much attention to the school beau competition after they had revealed themselves, so they didn’t know that under the concentrated efforts of all the students at Lin Jiang Sixth High, even the cp between study god and school tyrant had a name.

—Zhan Without No Sheng.


This name was high-end, courageous. It looked and sounded nice.

There had been many rumours of study god and school tyrant before, starting from the lollipop incident that created rumours about how the two of them didn’t get along. Now when they remembered this, they realised every little bit of it had been food.

This pairing of a hoodlum youth and a student who was good at everything; the more they thought about it, the more it rushed to their heads.


Everyone raised their big Zhan Without No Sheng flags. 

Shao Zhan had no knowledge of these things. He was only preoccupied with the issue currently in front of him. What should he say? Should he say ‘to be honest, I changed dorm rooms with classmate Shao Zhan’? The more panic-inducing the situation a person was in, the easier it was to make mistakes. Shao Zhan’s mind was in a mess.

A moment later, he lowered his hand and calmed down. He needed to first find an appropriate reason for appearing in this room.

“He had something to do and went out.” Shao Zhan turned to the side to show that he was the only person in the room. He then raised his hand to point at the room across. “There’s an issue with the plumbing in my room, so I came to use his bathroom to wash my face.”

This reason really was reasonable. 

If it weren’t for the post made last night, Tan Kai and Hou Jun probably wouldn’t have thought anymore about it.

But there were many things in this world that didn’t have an “if”. Tan Kai and Hou Jun returned to their senses and forced out a dry laugh. “Hahaha, aiya, so it’s like this. You guys don’t have to be embarrassed, we understand.”

Embarrassed about what.

Understand what. 

Shao Zhan’s brows furrowed. He forced himself to be patient and said, “If you guys are looking for him, you can come in and wait for him.”

Tan Kai said hurriedly, “Nonono we’re not looking for him anymore, we won’t disturb you guys.”


Things had come to this; there was no need to say anything else. Tan Kai and Hou Jun, who thought they had found out about everything, slowly retreated back to the entrance of the stairs. “We’re going to the classroom first.” Hou Jun couldn’t put down his role of being the classroom monitor and added, “Gu Yanwang is coming to check on our class this morning, try not to be late.”

-Are you awake. 

-Hou Jun and Tan Kai knocked on the door in the morning.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

-I opened the door.

We Vtfcu tjv pera bqfcfv tlr fsfr ktfc tf gfmflnfv atf wfrrjufr. Qtfc tf olclrtfv tegglfvis rxlwwlcu bnfg atf qtgjrfr, tf jiwbra pewqfv bea bo yfv. 

Lbk mbeiv We Vtfcu tjnf xcbkc tf kbeiv ufa bcf rafq mibrfg ab Vtjb Itjc’r wfcalbcfv “relmlvf”?

Lf mbeivc’a ojii jriffq ijra cluta jcv tjv yfuec rfjgmtlcu bcilcf obg mjrfr jybea qeyilm gfijalbcr mglrfr. Lf tjv gfjv delaf j iba lc bcf cluta jcv tjv rewwjglrfv jcv jcjisrfv j ofk wjlc qblcar. Lf tjvc’a fnfg yffc atlr obmerfv fnfc veglcu mijrr— yea ktfc tf bqfcfv tlr fsfr joafg kjxlcu eq abvjs, tf gfjilrfv atja ja atlr wbwfca, cbcf bo atf wjlc qblcar kfgf lwqbgajca.

Shit, even celebrities hadn’t experienced such a serious PR crisis!

Xu Sheng replied: …Where are you right now. 

Shao Zhan: Dorm room.

Xu Sheng: ??

There were less than twenty minutes before the morning self-study. After Xu Sheng washed up simply, he knocked on the door of the room across from him. “Are you not going?”

For the first time, Shao Zhan realised Xu Sheng’s habit of not liking going to morning self-study was actually quite good. “I’m not going to the morning self-study.” 

Xu Sheng, “…”

This messy thunderstorm was just for him alone?!

Shao Zhan coldly declared an ultimatum. “I’ll give you the time of one morning self-study. Before I come, figure it out.”

After Shao Zhan finished speaking, he closed the door. 

Xu Sheng grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door back. He leaned against the doorframe, refusing to let go. “I might not be able to figure it out in the span of one morning self-study.”

Shao Zhan didn’t speak and only used his gaze to motion for him to let go.


Xu Sheng closed his eyes and figured he might as well put everything at stake. “Otherwise, I’ll just kill myself.”

In the early morning, a whistle blew at the entrance of the school. 

The breakfast stand in front of the school entrance was full of people and there were some who rushed towards the school entrance as they bit into their shaobing

After searching for a long time, Xu Sheng hadn’t been able to find a disposable mask before going out of the school to buy breakfast, so he had to walk around with his head basically buried.

Although rumours spread at a vicious rate, in normal circumstances, there wouldn’t be a situation in which an unfamiliar classmate would come up to him to ask questions for the sake of gossip. The moment Xu Sheng left the dorm building, all he had received were a few strange looks and whispers, full of inquiry, confusion… and even an inexplicable enthusiasm.

Gu Yanwang, however, happily stopped him in his tracks. “Shao Zhan ah, how have your studies been recently?” 

Xu Sheng said contemplatively, “Pretty good.”

Gu Yanwang, “Have you come across any difficult points in your studies? You can come to my office and look for me often.”

Xu Sheng was stalled at the school entrance and the number of complicated expressions he received became even greater. He wanted to hurry up and end the conversation. “They’re all simple. If I really have to say a difficult point, then it’s probably that it’s too simple.”

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“…” Gu Yanwang thought to himself, no wonder he was his star pupil. 

Xu Sheng ran out of school as he replied. “I need to make it to class. Director Gu, let’s talk when we’re free next time.”

After buying breakfast, Xu Sheng still felt like all the people in the world were staring at him. Someone from behind could probably stare out a hole in him. If there had been background music involved, then it was like the main character in a movie walking out onto the street.

Someone at the entrance of the corridor said softly, “It’s study god ai, study god and school tyrant…”

“Did the study god actually write yesterday’s evaluation himself?” 

“Peach blossoms…”

Although Xu Sheng couldn’t clearly hear their entire sentences, he could hear the keywords “study god”, “school tyrant”, and “peach blossoms” no matter where he went.

He didn’t want to see peach blossoms again for the rest of his life and he didn’t want to hear those two words ever again.

Xu Sheng was like a bandit, skipping over steps and going into class at maximum speed. Immediately afterwards, he saw a horrifying scene— 

Most of Class Seven had already arrived. This group of classmates wasn’t doing homework, memorising vocabulary lists, nor doing anything related to studying. They were neatly circled around Shao Zhan’s desk with three or four layers of circles.

When they saw Xu Sheng appear at the entrance, someone shouted out “study god is here”. The four circles of people turned around in unison.


Xu Sheng, “…”

He admitted, he had already made enough mental preparations before entering the classroom. 


… What kind of fucking public execution grounds was this.

Other unfamiliar students were too embarrassed to ask, but the students in Class Seven were different.

Everyone was in the same class. It had been almost two weeks since school had started, so they couldn’t label themselves as unfamiliar no matter what, along with the fact that people could not hide their hearts of curiosity. “Study god, morning.” 

Xu Sheng thought to himself, I’m not in the mood to greet you.

Another classmate scooted forward a bit and said, “Study god, what’s with yesterday’s post?”

That classmate immediately added, “Right now everyone says you’ve already been admiring the school tyrant for a long time, is that true?”


The circles of people each talked back and forth. Xu Sheng was stuck in the middle, until he couldn’t even breathe, he felt like he was choking. It was at this time that there were two knocks on the glass window beside him— the others had their backs to the window, and from Xu Sheng’s angle of view he could see a wrist and the slight curve of the youth’s fingers.

The next second, the window was pulled open.

A chilly, level voice came through, “Director Gu is coming over.”

It was as if these five words had magical powers. 

Immediately, the others dispersed and returned to their seats, they casually found some books to open and look at, not even daring to turn their heads back.

At the same time that Xu Sheng let out a sigh of relief, the crowd dispersed and he just happened to meet the gaze of the person at the window.

Standing outside the window was the Shao Zhan who said he wasn’t coming for morning self-study.

Shao Zhan came in through the back door and pulled out a chair. By the time the others realised that something was off, the class bell rang. 

The classroom immediately quietened down.

After a moment, Xu Sheng set his textbook standing up with one hand and leaned the upper half of his body over. He turned his head to ask him, “How come you’re here?”


Xu Sheng’s hand didn’t keep it steady and the textbook barely stood up for two seconds before it tilted over. Shao Zhan glanced at it and lowered his head, pretending to play games and reminded him, “It’s upside down.”

“…” Xu Sheng flipped his book over. “Didn’t you say you weren’t coming to morning self-study.” 

“If I didn’t come to morning self-study,” Shao Zhan moved his fingers a couple times. “What were you planning to say while using my identity?”

Xu Sheng really hadn’t thought it over.

Shao Zhan glanced at the time displayed on the phone. “You can still live for another half hour.”

This half an hour was a decisive half an hour. People could always manage to think of a solution that they couldn’t think of before. When morning self-study ended, Xu Sheng was once again confronted by the curious gazes of the students. His brain was working at high speeds, and was already prepared to accept this hit. “What post?” 

Someone explained. “There was the school beau competition…”

No matter how one put it, Xu Sheng had been baptised by public relations crises overnight. His head was now very clear and he deeply understood that the first important point was to not admit anything. “Although I don’t know what this is, I think everyone’s attitudes of judging people by their outer appearance isn’t very desirable.”


“But that username was definitely yours.” 

“That’s right, and you even specially wrote 571 words, and used seven exclamation marks.”

Underneath Xu Sheng’s calm expression, there was a raging storm. Why did you all count even the exclamation marks so clearly?!

Someone pulled up the post from yesterday and passed it into Xu Sheng’s hand. “It’s that one, like peach blossoms…”

Xu Sheng really didn’t want to hear the words “peach blossoms” ever again. He took the phone and pretended to scroll through, then let out an extremely angry and shocked exclamation, “Who stole my account?” 

“I rarely go onto these posts, and I definitely wouldn’t post this.”

No matter if no one believed him, either way he would die rather than admit it.

In order to make it more credible, Xu Sheng had to scold himself, “How could I write so crappily?”


Xu Sheng continued to scold himself. “Even spelling ‘darkness’ wrong, messy use of words, the whole piece is full of mistakes.”



Xu Sheng’s words were accurate, to the point, and no one could refute it.

That’s right, the crappy language was right in front of them. 

The study god was someone who always nearly got full marks in the language exam. Every time, the teachers would make copies of his paper and distribute it, and everyone would admire it. They were too shocked last night, and were too engrossed in their breakdown.

How could the study god make up the sentence “eyes like that of peach blossoms”?

The ruckus that Class Seven had kicked up was too much. Meng Guowei came out from another class, holding onto his assignments as he passed by Class Seven and scolded them, “What are you all doing, I can hear your voices all the way from Class One. You all think that you have a lot of time, don’t you? It’s been half a month since school opened, let me see what your end of the month exams will be like!”

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