Beyond The Outline

Chapter 29: 27

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The Meng Guowei at this time still hadn’t realised, the students he believed would improve in the span of a month, would improve in a way he couldn’t even imagine.

The bell signalling the end of self-study period rang— 

Go Yanwang’s voice appeared in the broadcast and he coughed heavily twice. “The monthly exams are about to begin. All examinees, please be quiet and go to your exam rooms. Make sure you have all your examination tools. Read the questions carefully, pay attention to all the main details in reading comprehension, look clearly when filling in answers, and don’t fill the bubbles in incorrectly.”

“The first subject is language, there are 150 minutes for the exam. Everyone should reasonably allocate their time…”



Within Class Seven’s classroom, Hou Jun had just directed everyone in organising the seats into single seats in single rows.

After that, the students of Class Seven took their pens and walked out one after another. The crowd in the hallway was divided into people walking in several different directions, and someone whispered in the hallway, “I heard you’re in the first examination room this time, does that mean you can take your test together with study god?” 

“Right, since the rankings came out after the preliminary tests, I’ve been waiting for the next test.” Another student couldn’t contain their excitement. It was this phrase, “I’ve been waiting for the monthly exams for a long time,” if Xu Sheng had heard this, he might have immediately offed himself on the spot.


“What exam room are you in?”

“Me? I’m in the third, I made too many mistakes last exam, don’t talk about it.”



The noise died down in the corridor.

Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan planned on exchanging a few precautions. Xu Sheng’s advice was very simple. “If you don’t know what to do, just sleep.”

Shao Zhan remembered the scene of the youth sitting at his right during the day of the preliminary mock exams, the way he had propped himself up with the back of his head facing the proctor.


Shao Zhan didn’t say anything. 

Xu Sheng leaned against the side of his desk and tapped it twice. “You don’t have anything to say?”

Shao Zhan got up, taking the water and pens he had prepared. He said, “I don’t have any hope for you.”

“Be more obedient.” As he walked past Xu Sheng, Shao Zhan paused. If he leaned over just a little bit more, his lips would have touched his earlobes. Xu Sheng’s voice was made even colder and harder by him. He said lowly by Xu Sheng’s ear, “Don’t mess things up.”

“Oh, right.” 

When Shao Zhan walked to the entrance he stopped again, actually thinking of something to make note of. “Don’t write about Hamlet.”

Xu Sheng, “…”

The first and last examination rooms were far away, separated by an entire long corridor.

Xu Sheng pulled himself together and walked towards the first examination room. Although he was in an extreme state of panic, he was someone who had gone to examine himself in front of the flag podium every two or three days, so he still had the ability to control his facial expression. 

Thus, all of the examinees in the first examination room watched as the study god walked past the back window in a very calm and collected manner. It was obviously his first time here, but he walked as if he had already taken a thousand tests here. Study god’s school uniform collar was slightly open and he smiled a little before entering, greeting the students in the classroom with a hook to his lips.

Shao Zhan’s appearance was already naturally eye-catching, but after he had lost his cold aura, he emitted another kind of indescribable charisma.



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“Ah, study god.” The student whose exam number was closest to Xu Sheng had eyes that were about to emit hearts as they spoke in a whisper. 

Mbg j ktlif, atf fcalgf mijrrgbbw’r jaafcalbc kjr obmerfv bc raevs ubv.

Coafg We Vtfcu tjv ugffafv atf wfwyfgr bo atf olgra fzjwlcjalbc gbbw, tf lwwfvljafis rjk atf cewyfg 1 ijyfi bc atf rfja lc atf olgra gbk ab tlr gluta. Lf qijmfv atf qfc lc tlr tjcv bc atf vfrx, jcv rja vbkc ab kjla obg atf fzjw ab yfulc.

The feeling of sitting in Shao Zhan’s seat for an exam was beyond description.

The person behind him was that Eternal Second Place who had flown the national flag with him. 

Eternal Second Place extended his finger to push up his glasses. At this time, he didn’t forget to send out his battle request. “Just you wait, I prepared extremely well for this test.”

Xu Sheng thought to himself, this ge, you don’t even need to prepare, this time’s first place will definitely be yours.

But Xu Sheng’s thoughts were merely thoughts. When he was faced with other students asking “Study god I’m so nervous ah, are you nervous?” he immediately adjusted his emotions and imitated Shao Zhan’s usual cold tone as he replied, “I don’t know what the feeling of nervousness is, because I’ve never felt this kind of feeling before.”

…No wonder he was the study god. 

The other students all had this one thought in their minds, amazing.

Another person asked, “Study god study god, in your opinion, will the monthly exam this time be difficult?”

Xu Sheng, “I don’t even know what difficult means.”

“Then study god, how did you prepare for this time’s monthly exam?” 


After having his head pressed down by Shao Zhan for a week in order to cram, the Xu Sheng who had failed every single subject thought for a moment and said, “This little thing still needs to prepare?”

Fuck! This was the difference between study god and others!

Everyone was thoroughly convinced. 

If this had been a normal exam, the other students wouldn’t have had the courage to speak to study god. But today, study god seemed to be in a good mood and even answered many of his classmates’ questions, so a particularly bold student asked, “Study god, can I touch your hand?”

The Xu Sheng who looked calm but was actually trying to figure out what he was going to do during the exam in a moment, “?”


The student looked shy and said again, “I’m too nervous and afraid of not doing well. I want to obtain some of study god’s luck.”

This kind of behaviour was consistent with the countless postings in the school forums titled “Worship Study God.” The reasoning was that since Shao Zhan’s usual exam scores were so heaven-defying, there was a legend going around on campus: if one chanced upon the real person and could rub against him, their exam scores would surely improve by leaps and bounds. 

Xu Sheng didn’t reject the idea of his hand being touched; either way, it wasn’t his hand.

He was mostly afraid that the other person would touch something they weren’t supposed to touch.

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—For example, the exam luck of the person in last place in the last examination room.

Thinking of the last examination room, Xu Sheng thought to himself, he didn’t know how Shao Zhan was doing; an all-around good student like him… 

Xu Sheng thought of the mysteriously resurfacing memory of the scene outside the PC cafe that day and the tattoo on his back.

Okay, he didn’t seem that much of a good student.

At the same time, “all-around good student” Shao Zhan had just walked through the entrance of the last examination room.

Lin Jiang Sixth High was a key school no matter how one put it, but this school still had students whose grades suddenly plummeted after going to high school. The last examination room contained these lacking students who did not study. 

Of course, these people were limited in power compared to Xu Sheng.

They didn’t refuse to study as thoroughly as Xu Sheng, and they didn’t dare to act as boldly as Xu Sheng. Specific examples of being bold included: when he only showed the back of his head to proctors during exams, the proctor would call on him to get up, and he could still slowly and surely raise his head to say, ‘Teacher, there’s no rule that you can’t sleep during a test right, anyways I can’t write anything on this exam sheet even if I didn’t sleep, unless you want to discuss this exam with me?’

The last famous scene in the examination room would be the youth sitting in a corner with his hand supporting his head as he forced himself to write on the exam paper for a while. As he continued to write, he would end up throwing his pen away before throwing himself over the desk to sleep.

None of the teachers dared to control him. 

When Shao Zhan entered, the last examination room was still in a state of chaos. A crowd had gathered in the back of the room. “Your copywriting is pretty good, let me borrow it and take a look. Where did you print this? You can reduce the font size to this small?”

Another classmate said, “Don’t touch it randomly, I just sorted it all out. One part is ancient Chinese poetry vocabulary, another is math formulas, one is English all-purpose sentence patterns. I can use them in your writing compositions, don’t mess them up.”

The people gathered in the back of the classroom were discussing how they were going to cheat in a bit.

This scene was too familiar. 

Shao Zhan paused his footsteps at the doorway, not realising that he was clutching the pen in his hand tightly, suddenly remembering something. His memories went back to that day when the sound of ‘Zhan ge’ rang in his ears.

A few youths walked out of an alleyway, the one in front sporting a buzz-cut. “Zhan ge, it’s still you who’s amazing. Those people stirring up trouble can only kneel on the ground and shout daddy.”


The other youth looked shorter, but his eyes were very big. The shorter one asked, “There’s an exam in a bit, should we still go?”

Buzz-cut hit his head harshly. “What kind of fucking dumb question is this, when have your ges ever taken an exam? This phrase of yours makes us bad boys sound unprofessional!” 

The shorter one touched the back of his head and said somewhat sulkingly, “Zhan ge takes the exam every time.”

“How much time is left for the exam?” Asked the youth leaning against the wall.

The short one said, “About ten minutes.”

Buzz-cut asked in surprise, “Zhan ge? Are you really going to take the exam? Our school’s examination scene is full of cheating tactics, there’s no need to take the test…” 

Shao Zhan watched as the version of him on the other side put out his cigarette and raised his hand to wipe the wound on the corner of his mouth. The youth crossed the sidewalk then hopped over the fence at the side of the sidewalk with only one hand, leaving behind just one phrase. “Just take the test for whatever.”

Shao Zhan returned to his senses. “?”

That student who had prepared the stacks of cheat sheets was sitting in the second to last row. According to the seating arrangement, he should be the second from the bottom in ranking.

The second last looked at him, his expression full of emotion, and he shouted again, “You still dare to come!” 

Shao Zhan, “…”

This situation was so familiar, even the lines were passed down from his ancestors.

He was sure Xu Sheng hadn’t told him that even in the examination hall, he had enemies.

Shao Zhan didn’t know what was happening, and deigned to ignore it. He passed by the people in the front few rows, but when he walked by the second to last row, his wrist was caught by the second-last student. 

Having to frequently recall the past was making him very irritable.

Shao Zhan wasn’t in a very good mood at the moment, and thought the second-last student was making a move. He practically flipped his wrist to grab the second-last student’s hand. The second-last student just felt a pain coming from his wrist— but he didn’t have time to react at all. In the next second, he had already been pulled up and pressed against the desk.


The impact against the desk shoved it out of its orderly position, and it skidded out a few centimetres. 

Everyone in the examination hall was staring in shock, mouths agape.

“Shit, what kind of situation is this…”


Actually, ever since “Xu Sheng” walked through the door, a lot of people had been staring at him.

Second-last let out a grunt of pain and shouted, “Xu Sheng, have you gone mad?!” 

Shao Zhan only came back to his senses after the fact. It seemed that Second-last really had just wanted to stop him for a moment, and judging from his tone, the two of them seemed quite familiar with each other. After all, a school environment was different from the one outside, no one would really make any violent moves, and even if they did, they wouldn’t make any against Xu Sheng.

He immediately released his grip. “Sorry.”

Second-last rubbed his wrist, not taking much offense. “You don’t have anything else to say to me?”

Say what. 

Second-last seemed as if he had received a wrongful accusation, and continued, “Doing something like this to me, you don’t feel guilty at all? Touch your heart and listen to your self conscience.”

“Last exam, you forced me to let you copy my answers, and then what— you said that after eliminating my answers, your chances of getting the correct one got higher!”

The last exam he was talking about was the mock exam.

“You’re insulting my answers.” 


“Never mind that you insulted me, you even raised a hand against me!”

The exam bell rang.

Shao Zhan took the language exam paper that was passed down, and wrote the two characters “Xu Sheng” in the name field, thinking to himself that this really was something Xu Sheng would be able to do 

He could even imagine Xu Sheng sitting in this very seat, with a sleepy expression on his face and a drawl as he said “After eliminating your answers, my chances of getting the correct one got higher.”

At the same time, in the first exam room.

Xu Sheng used his most proper and straight pen strokes to write two characters on the name field: Shao Zhan.

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