Beyond The Outline

Chapter 3: 3

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It was a heavy crime to leave the school without permission by climbing over the walls. It was bolded and heavily emphasised on the first page of the school rules. Those who violated the school rules would be punished and would have to submit a disciplinary review in front of the whole school.

Although Xu Sheng often flouted the rules, the number of times he was caught were few and far between. If there was no definitive evidence or witnesses, if it could be muddled through then it could be muddled through. He could open his eyes and talk nonsense about how he had never done such a thing, and the teachers wouldn’t be able to do anything either. 

In the first year of high school, his relationship with the teachers could even be called good.

Even though the mention of the name ‘Xu Sheng’ would induce a headache in the teachers who heard it, his relationships with others were quite wonderful; they were even able to scold him with emotion.



He had gone in and out of the office many times before, it was hard not to become familiar with him.

Anyway, Xu Sheng wasn’t afraid of this matter, it was just that it was always troublesome. 

Xu Sheng half sat on top of the wall, about to jump but also not ready to jump either.


At night, the chirping of the cicadas slowly faded in the summer evening. The streetlights stretched the shadows longer. The young man on top of the wall held onto the edge of it with one hand, hesitating for a while before finally jumping down.

“You didn’t see anything, no one jumped down from this wall either.” Xu Sheng dusted his hands off and walked forward, using a non-negotiable tone of voice as he said, “… Got it?”

When he moved closer, Xu Sheng could now clearly see what that person looked like.


He was a bit taller than him.

He wore his uniform very prim and properly, the buttons buttoned all the way to the very top. It was a bit too proper… But did Linjiang Sixth’s uniform really look that good? Xu Sheng’s thoughts swerved.

Other than that, there was only one word. Cold.


The coldness didn’t come from his looks, but from the inexplicable temperament that pushed people thousands of miles away. 

In fact, this person was pretty good-looking. The youth had deep eyes and deep double eyelids. Black bangs covered his forehead, adding to the cold aura. Xu Sheng had acknowledged that his own aesthetic standards were relatively high. In the entire school, the only people who could make him admit “you’re quite good-looking” to anyone other than himself, were the occasional teachers and higher-ups, and that was when he wanted to strategically suck up to them.

However, that person didn’t look at him at all and walked past him into the dormitory building.

The dormitory uncle heard the noise and pushed open the window. He was very familiar with the student who wore the school uniform and said warmly, “You’re back? Everything okay at home?”

“Yes.” Even his voice was cold, but also a little low. 

“That’s good.” The dormitory uncle opened up the logbook and passed a pen to him. “Cross out the leave days, sign and then you can go up.”

“Uncle,” the student said after he finished signing. “There’s something else.”

“Are the dormitory window screens broken again?” The dormitory uncle said. “Ai, a lot of people have come to report it to me these past few days. I’ve passed it on to the school, they said it will take a few days for repairs.”

“It’s not that.” 

Xu Sheng had just stepped onto the first stair when he heard School Uniform say, “That one over there, without the school uniform.”

The next sentence was, “He came in through the back gate.”



Xu Sheng nearly fell over. 

The words had already been said, it was impossible for the dormitory uncle to not understand. He took the logbook, and slapped the table with it, shouting, “That student over there not in school uniform, stay behind, come over.”

Two minutes later, Xu Sheng had been dragged into the dormitory lounge by the dormitory uncle.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

School Uniform was even standing beside him.

Szmfqa atja tf kjr atf bcf yflcu aglfv, jcv Vmtbbi Fclobgw kjr atf pegs. 

Ktf vbgwlabgs ecmif rtea atf vbbg klat j ‘yjcu’. Pa rffwfv atja atfgf tjv yffc cbatlcu obg tlw ab vb atfrf vjsr, jcv cbk atja tf tjv mjeuta rbwfbcf, tf kjr ublcu ab pevuf atfw qgbqfgis. “Qtb’r ublcu ab rqfjx olgra? Qtja tjqqfcfv?” Ktf vbgwlabgs ecmif qeiifv eq j qijralm rabbi jcv rja lc ogbca bo ybat bo atfw, atfc aegcfv abkjgvr We Vtfcu. “Lf rjlv sbe pewqfv lc bnfg atf yjmx ujaf?”

A string of curses exploded inside his head.

If his English grade had been acceptable, he could have even cursed a thousand more words at him in other languages.

“What do you mean?” Xu Sheng asked in a quiet voice. “Didn’t we agree on this?” 

School Uniform then turned to look at him properly. Xu Sheng heard his voice, calm and cool, emotionless as he rebutted, “We?”



The dormitory uncle pressed on, “I’m asking you a question. Did you jump over?” 

Xu Sheng had no choice, and could only make a noise of acknowledgement.

The dormitory uncle, “What did you jump over the wall for?”

Xu Sheng wracked his brain and finally found a decently reasonable answer. “To destress.”

The dormitory uncle, “What do you need to go out of school to destress for?!” 

Xu Sheng, “Too much school stress.”

If Meng Guowei or any of the other teachers in the high school department had heard those words, they would have had a breakdown right then and there: What kind of school stress do you have? What have you learned, where did this stress come from?


“…” The dormitory uncle said unhappily, “Even if there is a lot of school stress, you can’t just go over the walls whenever you want. If every student was like you, then there would be no order in the school.”

One had to bow their head when under the eaves. Xu Sheng sighed. “You’re right.” 

“Students nowadays really don’t take school rules seriously. It’s the third rule, students must strictly follow the curfew set by the school!”

The dormitory uncle wanted to bring the school rules out to teach this student a lesson and to make sure he thoroughly understood his mistake, but the school had many regulations, and it really might not be possible to recite them all right now. He was stuck in the middle of stating the rules. “No… Uh, no…”

A low, cold voice continued.

“No climbing over the walls and recklessly entering and leaving the school. Those who leave the school by violating the above rule will be punished according to the severity of their actions.” 

Xu Sheng ‘tsk-ed’ in his head, wondering where this specimen had come from.

He had memorised the school rules back-to-back.

“Uncle.” School Uniform didn’t seem to want to be standing there. After he spoke, he looked down at the clock on his phone, then asked, “Can I go?”

The dormitory uncle’s attitude towards him was vastly different from his attitude towards Xu Sheng. He was gentle and warm like a spring day to one, and to the other one… Xu Sheng was the other one. 

The dormitory uncle smiled. “Sure sure sure, go on. Go back and check the window, if there are any problems, report it to me tomorrow.”

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Xu Sheng felt that the dormitory uncle’s mood right now was not too bad, and asked as well, “Can I go too?”

The smile on the uncle’s face immediately disappeared. “You, stay here. I haven’t finished dealing with you yet.”


Xu Sheng wasted another five or six minutes before the dormitory uncle finally sighed and waved. “All right, I won’t make it hard for you. Just follow the rules, go back and write a 500-word disciplinary review… Have you written any reviews before?”

Disciplinary reviews on their own were a small matter, but Linjing Sixth had a messed up rule where the word count of disciplinary reviews was cumulative, meaning that the first one was 500 words, and the second one was 1000 words.

And because Xu Sheng didn’t wear his school uniform in his first year, the numerous big and small disciplinary reviews he had written had already totalled past six or seven.

Which basically meant that tonight, he would have to write a 3000-word disciplinary review. 

Xu Sheng forced himself not to think about the view of School Uniform’s back as he left, just in case he really was going to do something like bully his classmates. “I have… I’m quite experienced.”

However, Xu Sheng couldn’t quite let it go. He pushed the door open, his hand pausing on the door handle for two seconds before releasing it. “Uncle, that person just now.”


Dormitory uncle, “?”

Xu Sheng tried hard to keep his voice calm. “Who is he, what’s his name, what class is he from, what’s his dorm room number.” 

The dormitory uncle didn’t respond after Xu Sheng had finished speaking. Xu Sheng forced himself to remain calm. He opened the door again and said, “Forget it, don’t tell me. I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself.”

The dormitory uncle who became even more confused the more he listened, “??”

Xu Sheng spent the night writing the disciplinary review. That self-satisfying word was seen by him and no one else. The beginning of the review started off with a sincerely written “Fuck”. After he wrote it, he even tore it up with restraint.

Due to this review, Xu Sheng only went to sleep at 2 A.M. When he woke up the next day, he had missed morning self-revision. When he grabbed his disciplinary review book and headed out of the dormitory building, it happened to be time for the flag-raising ceremony. 

The national anthem started to play from the field.

The red flag with five stars rose to the very top, floating in the wind.

Xu Sheng passed by several classes before seeing the silhouette of Meng Guowei standing with his hands behind his back. “Laoshi, I’m late.”

Meng Guowei had been rudely awoken first thing in the morning by a call from the head of discipline. “Your class’s Xu Sheng was caught jumping over the school wall. It’s a serious violation of the school rules and he must be educated properly! He must present his review to the entire school!” 

He really hadn’t thought that this student could cause so much trouble within such a short amount of time.

“You’re not late.” Meng Guowei was feeling surprisingly calm at the moment. Probably because when things became extreme, the reverse course of action had to be taken. “You came just in time to recite your disciplinary review.”


Xu Sheng had also not expected Meng Guowei’s reaction. “…You’re in a pretty good mood today?” 

Meng Guowei, “When people are in situations of extreme sadness, they often do not cry.”

On the flag-raising platform, a student representative held the microphone and began to report the disciplinary notices. “Our school’s Xu Sheng of second year Class Seven broke the school rules by jumping over the school walls to enter and leave school premises. This behaviour is bad. Student Xu Sheng, please come up on stage and present your review to the school.”

Once that sentence was spoken, the entire school burst into noise.

To them, the new school semester had just started. Without counting the first two days of preliminary assessment and the review of papers, today was the first official day. 

And the school tyrant had a fresh review to be recited on the first day of the new semester.

“This is too amazing,” someone said softly. “What is this speed?”


In fact, Xu Sheng was also quite surprised. He always knew what he was doing. If it hadn’t been for that unknown student in the shadows behind him, he wouldn’t have ended up in the position of writing a disciplinary review.

As such, all the teachers and students stared at this young boy walking onto the stage in front of thousands of people. Although it was early morning right now, the sun bathed the grass turf in a hot layer of gold. 

He was wearing a t-shirt with a loose hem as he stepped onto the stage.

Xu Sheng took the mic from the student beside him. The mic let out a short, ear-splitting screech, and then the peculiar, unassuming and casual voice of the boy followed with a “hey”, then a “Dear teachers and students”.

Everyone thought that the disciplinary review had started.

But the tone of voice suddenly took a turn. “My disciplinary review might be a little longer this time. Before I recite it, I want to give a bit of advice to the school leaders.” 

Xu Sheng was going off the script here. He hadn’t even opened his disciplinary review book. “Can we set an upper limit on the word count for the reviews? Otherwise, I’ll get up to thirty thousand words someday. It’s not a big deal for me, but other students still have to go to class.”

Meng Guowei suddenly realised. Under situations of extreme sadness, not only would one not shed tears, one’s breathing and heartbeat would even stop. He waited for Xu Sheng to come down from the stage before he took in a deep breath and said, “Xu Sheng–– Come to my office before you go to class.”

Meng Guowei had still been preparing for his “one-on-one” plan last night.

Their class’s Shao Zhan had excellent character. The teachers and students alike thought he was a good student, parents thought he was their child from another family. If Xu Sheng could interact more with this top student, then after one semester of influence, he would definitely discover the true path in life and correct his learning outlook and values. 

There was no such thing as bad students, only teachers that didn’t work hard.

As such, before Xu Sheng had even stood in the teacher’s office for three minutes, he noticed that what Meng Guowei wanted to talk to him about was different from what he had expected.

Meng Guowei scolded him as usual but quickly changed the topic after finishing his scolding. “You’ve all just been split into classes, are you still unfamiliar with your classmates?”

Xu Sheng handed in his disciplinary review. Meng Guowei glanced down at it. It was covered in illegible scrawls and scribbles. He had no idea how Xu Sheng had even read from it. The first word ‘fuck’ that had been crossed off was very well written. 

After Xu Sheng handed it in he said, “Not really…” Not really familiar.

Before he could even say the word ‘familiar’, Meng Guowei spoke again. “If you’re not familiar with them, never mind. There needs to be some initiative when communicating with other students, actively participate and talk to them more, then you’ll become more familiar. Come, I’ll introduce you to our class’s Shao Zhan.”

Shao Zhan.

That name had left an impression on Xu Sheng. 

That was the one Zhang Feng had been nagging endlessly about not being able to see, the student who had been ahead of the grade’s second place by a whole twenty points.

But that sounded wrong.


Introduce who to whom?

Meng Guowei took a sip of water, as though he was ready to speak for three days and three nights. “Our class’s Shao Zhan…” 

Meng Guowei and Xu Sheng were on two entirely different trains of thought. Xu Sheng thought that he had made himself extremely clear yesterday: If you don’t mind me, then I won’t aggravate you. Everyone is happy.

If this had been delegated to another teacher, they would definitely not bother with the effort of dealing with him.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t know exactly what Meng Guowei had up his sleeve, he stood up straight and interrupted, “I don’t want to get to know him.”

His words had obviously come too late. 

A voice came from behind him:


Tofu: Meng Guowei most relatable chara yet

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