Beyond The Outline

Chapter 37: 35

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1989th comment: You’re in the last exam room, I’m in the first exam room. The distance between you and me is too great. Since you can’t get closer to me, then let me walk towards you.

1990th comment: The comment above is correct. This definitely has to be the thoughts of our study god! 

1991st comment: There’s a phrase that I’m already tired of saying…




1992nd comment: Zhang Without No Sheng “szd”

It was a good thing Xu Sheng had a very awkward feeling regarding the forum posts after the incident last time and didn’t log into his forum account anymore. Otherwise, he would’ve discovered that he had carried their CP flag all by himself, the rainbow farts of nonsense were all his doing, and he was the one who had done the monthly exams. 

Other than these people, the examinees in the last examination room also experienced something magical: wouldn’t they be taking their exams with study god during the midterms?


They thought about the lineup for the midterms and were scared out of their wits. This was definitely the strangest incident of their academically poor lives so far.

The students in Class Seven watched in the hopes of eating melons, and were also unable to contain the doubt in their hearts. After gym class, Hou Jun grabbed the collar of his school uniform and fanned himself. “Zhan ge, last class, two people in the class next door made a bet and said if you tested second to last he would go eat shit. They’re currently being pressed towards the bathroom by their classmates. What’s going on?”

Shao Zhan, “…”


Xu Sheng, “…”

Not only did Shao Zhan have to placate every subject’s teacher, he had to face the judgment of not just the entire grade, but the entire school. He glanced at Xu Sheng, who very responsibly coughed once, then sat down in his seat with an attitude of ‘this doesn’t affect me’, leaning against the windowsill and fiddling with his phone.

Shao Zhan opened up a page in his book and briefly summarised what had been said in the office. “My body is unwell, it’s dysfunctional.”


Xu Sheng only set his phone down after Hou Jun had left, then proactively reached his hand out. 

Shao Zhan was planning on solving a logic problem a teacher had given to him previously. When he opened up his textbook, he realised it was covered with Xu Sheng’s handwriting, wild and messy. This person’s notes were made without a drop of patience, and there were a lot of doodles. What struck Shao Zhan’s vision was Zhou Yuan’s likeness stuffed in between the notes. At the time, Zhou Yuan had probably been angry during his lecture and had stopped class to discuss the issue of discipline. With just a few strokes, Zhou Yuan’s furious expression had been completely captured. But he had only glanced at it before it was immediately covered by a hand.

Xu Sheng’s wrist was turned up, pressed against his textbook. It was probably because the sun had been too strong on the track just now, but the tips of his fingers were red.

Shao Zhan didn’t know what he wanted to do. “Take it off.”

Xu Sheng was becoming more and more shameless, and already didn’t care much for the details. His other hand supported his cheek as he said, “Don’t you like getting physical. How about this, I’ll let you touch, so we can let this incident go.” 

“Who likes getting physical.”

“Whoever pressed me against the wall is clear in his own heart.”

The seat in front of them had nowhere left to look and nowhere left to listen. They scooted forward in their seat without any change in expression, thinking: the relationship between these two big men in their class made people feel more and more puzzled.

Today’s lessons were basically lectures about the exam questions. 

It was rare that study god’s exam wouldn’t be copied and given to everyone after a test. The students weren’t very used to this. Meng Guowei announced the summary of the monthly exams. “Although our class’s scores weren’t too ideal, that’s okay. The monthly exams are already over, so let’s look towards the future. If you learn everything well in the days to come, then one incidence of failure doesn’t represent anything!”

The grade’s last and second to last place were both in Class Seven. It would have been strange if their class score was at the top. They ended up second to last overall.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yglulcjiis, atfs tjv atbeuta qeaalcu Vtjb Itjc lcab Jijrr Vfnfc kbeiv wlalujaf We Vtfcu’r rmbgfr, yea atfs tjvc’a atbeuta atlcur kbeiv aegc bea mbwqifafis jujlcra atflg fzqfmajalbcr ilxf atlr.

Zfcu Xebkfl kjrc’a vlrmbegjufv. Cr tf rjlv, atf wbcatis fzjwr vlvc’a gfjiis gfqgfrfca wemt. Rbgwjiis, fnfgsbcf’r tbwfkbgx dejilas kjr vfmfca, jcv atf bnfgjii ifnfi kjr jmmfqajyif. 

“Wenhao, pass out the exam papers. Let’s simply discuss the monthly exam questions—”

Xu Sheng flipped open his exam papers. Before receiving his papers, he had thought Shao Zhan would only help him control the exam score by leaving blank spaces for some of the questions. He hadn’t thought that he would discover Shao Zhan had perfectly emulated the logical reasoning of a slacker. It was a model slacker exam paper.

Question: (), after a sudden shower


Although there were no mentions of Hamlet or such, it was a method of thinking that made others feel awe. 

Xu Sheng, “I never would have guessed, you’re pretty good at answering questions.”

Shao Zhan wasn’t in his good mood. He flipped over the answer sheet and saw the “off-topic essay” Meng Guowei had mentioned in the office: Dear teachers, with my heart full of respect, I have written this essay.

…Maybe he had written too many disciplinary reviews.

Shao Zhan’s head truly hurt too much. As he spoke, he flipped the answer sheet over again, and finally decided to crumple it up and stuff it directly underneath his desk. 

Xu Sheng, “…”

Xu Sheng forced himself to pay attention to class for a while, then began to deliberate if it was better to sprawl over and sleep for a while or take his phone out to play games.

He finally chose the latter.

He hadn’t played games in an entire month. Xu Sheng’s ranking in the game had been demoted by quite a bit, and he had been forced outside the top three hundred. However, he had gotten onto the top rankings for “Sudoku”. After accidentally entering the game once, Xu Sheng discovered multitudes of people kneeling at his feet calling him daddy. 

Of course, Shao Zhan hadn’t responded to a single one of them.

The moment he went online, Zhang Feng’s private message immediately appeared: Boss?

S: ?

Wild Butterfly on Mountain Peak: Didn’t you say you were no longer playing games. 

Only then did Xu Sheng remember his previous hellish words about wanting to focus on his studies.

S: People can’t help but stray on the wrong path.


Wild Butterfly on Mountain Peak: Ah?

You are reading story Beyond The Outline at

S: I wasn’t mature enough before. Now I’ve thought it through. Studying isn’t very interesting, so I should chase after freedom and enjoyment. I should place the life I have at hand into games. 

S: Let’s play a match, I’ll team up with you.


Wild Butterfly on Mountain Peak: Oh O.O

Zhang Feng hid his phone inside his table with one hand. He glanced up at the lecture podium, afraid he would be discovered, then lowered his head again, and was rendered bewildered by Xu Sheng’s remarks. 

This guy’s attitude changed too fast. So was he going to study or not.

Every Monday was the day the rules were followed with the strictest scrutiny. Gu Yanwang would occasionally enter the second years’ hallway to check on how students were behaving in class.

Xu Sheng looked very calm when playing games, as if he were merely killing time. He lowered his head, his entire being leaned against the corner. Because he was thin, his nape bones slightly protruded. After playing halfway through, the screen of his phone was obscured by a shadow.

He looked up and saw Shao Zhan’s hand. 

Xu Sheng, “What are you doing?”

Xu Sheng wanted to cluck his tongue and say, the disciplinary committee didn’t even care if he was playing with his phone or not.

Shao Zhan didn’t say anything. One of his hands was hooked around his pen and taking notes, while the other reached over horizontally. The youth’s distinctive slender fingers tapped on Xu Sheng’s phone, gesturing for him to throw his phone back under his desk. Xu Sheng didn’t react at first, moreover Shao Zhan’s gesture was filled with an implication that he wasn’t allowed to disobey.

The word “fuck” rose to Xu Sheng’s lips when a few very distinctive footsteps in the hallway appeared from the back door. 

Gu Yanwang’s big face was stuck to the window next to Xu Sheng—

Gu Yanwang had come to carry out a sneak attack, but didn’t catch him doing anything. Facing Xu Sheng like this, Gu Yanwang reached his hand out to point harshly at him with some semblance of awkwardness, a warning before he left: You little brat better behave, don’t let me catch you.

Xu Sheng retracted his gaze and realised after the fact that Shao Zhan had wanted to give him a warning just now.

Shao Zhan hadn’t looked at him at all. After he finished taking his notes, he looked up at Meng Guowei, then said a few cold words. “Do you not want your phone anymore.” 

“…So along with this topic let’s go back and take another look at the question. Do you guys understand where we are in the question now? You guys found the wrong key point of the passage, so reply to me with your new knowledge. What exactly is the main point of this reading passage?”

Meng Guowei’s voice as he lectured, the sounds of pages being flipped, the fan over his head swirling in the hot, dry summer breeze. Xu Sheng felt like his fingertips were heating up. It seemed to be at the place where Shao Zhan’s fingers had just brushed against earlier.


Before school was over for the day, the exam papers were all thoroughly explained.

None of the teachers assigned much homework, only emphasised that they should focus on correcting their exams and preparing for the new material. 

Last Friday, as soon as the two of them had switched back, they also immediately switched back their dorm rooms.

Everything had been changed back to its original state.

When Hou Jun sent his message, Xu Sheng was currently about to go to bed. He had completely forgotten the appointment he had made during gym class after the entire day had gone by.

Hou Jun: When are you and Zhan ge coming over? I sent a message to Zhan ge, but I don’t think he saw it. I left a spot for you guys, it’s about to start soon. 

S: Wait, I’ll be there soon.

Xu Sheng clutched at his hair. Remembering that this was still going on, he stepped into his slippers and knocked on Shao Zhan’s dorm room, trying to figure out what he should say in a bit in order to convince this student, who only knew how to do practice problems, to agree to joining a class activity.

There was no movement beyond the door. After a while, he heard the sound of the lock being twisted.

Shao Zhan had been showering. The lights had gone out. It was difficult to see him clearly in the dim light of the hallway. The youth was cold all over, a few strands of wet hair covering his eyes, his nose bridge high. He wasn’t wearing his school uniform, and was instead wearing a simple dark T-shirt. “What is it?” 

Xu Sheng said directly, “Hou Zi wants me to ask you, our class has a group activity tonight, do you want to come? ”

“Apparently there’s going to be something stimulating.” After he said this, Xu Sheng realised this sounded somewhat dangerous, and added, “This is what Hou Zi said.”

Shao Zhan, “Not going.”

“…” This answer was within his expectations. 

Shao Zhan moved to shut his door. Xu Sheng noticed this and moved quickly to halt him with an air of “if you don’t agree then I won’t let go”. He had just gotten up from bed and his hair was a little messy. His collar was also askew because he hadn’t taken the time to fix it and his movements had been large..

Even though they had never mentioned this before.

But both of them could not be more familiar with each other’s bodies. Just from seeing that glimpse of collarbone revealing itself, Shao Zhan didn’t need to think before the youth’s slim waist appeared in front of his eyes, and the abdominal muscles he hid under fabric.

Shao Zhan thought up to there and didn’t go further. 

Xu Sheng usually had an attitude of “if you don’t want to go then whatever”.

But inexplicably, because of the thought that he hoped Shao Zhan would come, or perhaps the hope that he wouldn’t always look so stiff, along with the image of staring at his exam paper floating in his head, Xu Sheng said without realising, “Why don’t you want to go?”


Shao Zhan wasn’t actually that resistant to the idea, and merely thought it was too much trouble. But Xu Sheng’s words were very interesting.

Shao Zhan bent down to look at him and drew closer. “You want me to go?” 

The atmosphere became inexplicably strange. It was obvious Hou Zi was the one who had asked him to go; he wasn’t the one who had.

Xu Sheng thought a heap of things to himself and finally thought to himself, he didn’t give a damn whether or not he came, he didn’t care anymore.

“Let go.” Shao Zhan retreated a bit and said, “How am I supposed to go if you’re blocking the way.”

Hou Jun’s dorm room was upstairs. It wasn’t far away. After the lights went out, other than the dimly flashing lights in the hallway, the entire dormitory building entered a state of darkness. Along with him and Shao Zhan, Hou Jun’s dorm room had a total of six or seven boys. 

Only when everyone had arrived did Hou Jun solemnly fish the hidden tablet out from under his bed. He pressed the on button. “There’s only 45% battery left. Brothers, let us cherish this hard-earned night.”

“Let’s do something stimulating” was a phrase that sounded very mysterious, but it was actually just watching movies.

But compared to the strict and rigid Lin Jiang Sixth High, this truly was stimulating.

Xu Sheng sat in the empty bed across from Hou Jun’s bed, one leg crossed, not thinking much of it. 

But not even twenty seconds into the movie, a gory scene struck Xu Sheng’s eyes. His entire being froze, and he thought to himself from the bottom of his heart, fuck.


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