Beyond The Outline

Chapter 44: 42

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Although the environment wasn’t quite right, Xu Sheng couldn’t help thinking that this deskmate of his was really putting on a cold act above all else.

These two words, cool and emotionless. 

We’ve fought.

Shao Zhan reluctantly added a more complete explanation to the two words. “I’ve fought him.”



During his time at the middle school in Nan Ping, Yang Shiwei had muddled along rather well. Everyone in the school called him ‘Wei ge’. Shao Zhan’s circles were different from his, and they didn’t have much of a relationship with each other.

At that time, the school tyrants were split into two groups. Yan Shiwei was one of those who spent all day rampaging. The other group was led by Shao Zhan—they didn’t have much presence; other than not really going to class, they didn’t have much interaction with other students. 

If someone like Xu Sheng could be considered a school tyrant, then the Shao Zhan at that time was more rebellious than Xu Sheng by a few hundred times, to the point where school tyrant was too light of a term to describe him.


Shao Zhan sat in the back row, sometimes sleeping, but most of his time was spent leaning against his chair, and playing games while watching the words on the chalkboard. However his textbook was always devoid of any lines, and his homework book completely blank. Silence was merely a façade; the youth’s brows were set with a cold, bitter aura, sharp and outstretched, his eyes deep, gaze filled with an invisible oppression.

He looked extremely tranquil, but everyone knew this master wasn’t an easy nut to crack.

And no one dared to provoke him.


Yang Shiwei’s buddies once came to his class to make a scene. They’d thought that Shao Zhan wasn’t going to be in the classroom, but Shao Zhan had grabbed a fistful of his hair and sat up. He casually moved his hair. Before he even said a single word, the group of people met each other’s gazes, silently saying to each other, “Didn’t you say Shao Zhan wasn’t going to be here.”

“There really was someone who told me he wasn’t in the classroom.”

Finally, they didn’t dare to make a scene. After hesitating for two seconds, they immediately left.


In the words of the people who were in the classroom at the time: This is the damn real boss. Not only does he not waste words on you, he doesn’t even pretend to make a scene. 

Now when Shao Zhan recalled that period of time, everything seemed to be blank. He didn’t even know what he himself had done. Whenever he returned home and turned on the lights, the rooms were completely empty, maze-like, and he couldn’t find his way through. ‘Going bad’ seemed like a very easy thing.

His actual conflict with Yang Shiwei was during a later period of time when Shao Zhan had worked part-time at a coffee shop near school after classes.

He was very eye-catching, his height shooting up to 1.8 metres. He also didn’t speak much. There were many girls at school who secretly noticed him, to the point that the shop was always full.

“The one on that side, the one with long hair. I heard Yang Shiwei has been chasing her recently. She’s quite pretty.” After his colleague finished taking an order, they said to him, “But she’s been running over to our store all day instead. Her feelings are written all over her face. Are you not even slightly interested in her?” 

Shao Zhan had just finished a fight before coming to the shop, but was completely unharmed. If his colleague hadn’t personally witnessed Shao Zhan entering the door dragging someone in his hand and throwing them away like a bag of trash, there was no way anyone could have imagined he was actually picking fights before going to work.

Shao Zhan’s eyelids didn’t even lift after hearing this. “No impression.”

His colleague tsk’d. “Say, why is it so unfair. Others can’t even dare to be envious, while you don’t even take a look.”

But the colleague stopped being envious soon enough. 

Because Yang Shiwei quickly brought people over to make a scene. “—Shao Zhan, come out. Fuck, what the shit are you trying to imply?”

Normally, he was always oppressed by Shao Zhan at school. On the surface, the number one school tyrant of Nan Ping  was Yang Shiwei, but no one knew that the real school tyrant at Nan Ping was Shao Zhan. Not even that, even all the girls flocked towards him too.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tjcu Vtlkfl mbcalcefv, “Lbk vbfr sbeg rtbq tlgf qfbqif, tjnfc’a sbe lcnfralujafv tlw? Gb sbe xcbk ktja xlcv bo qfgrbc sbe’nf tlgfv? Llglcu jcsbcf lr bxjs yea tlglcu atf rbc bo j wegvfgfg—”

Vtjb Itjc vlvc’a qjs jcs jaafcalbc ab Tjcu Vtlkfl ktfc tf rjlv atf olgra ofk atlcur; la kjr bcis ecali atja ijra qtgjrf, ktfc atja kbgv jqqfjgfv. 

There was an entrance to an alley across from the cafe.

Before he went, he slowly untied the apron from his waist, hung it on the front desk, then rolled his sleeves up and counted the number of people in front of him. “Five.”

Yang Shiwei didn’t hear him clearly. “What?”

Shao Zhan’s reply was a sharp and direct elbow jab. Yang Shiwei was aggressively pulled over, and his vision immediately went dark, leaving him no time to react. He couldn’t resist crying out bitterly from the pain in his abdomen. 

To tell the truth, Shao Zhan didn’t need to say much. Xu Sheng could already guess the gist.

The exposed hints from before all pointed towards one place: Bad.

His study god deskmate had been an actual school tyrant in the past.

Xu Sheng really wasn’t stupid, it was just that all his I.Q. had been added onto his E.Q. instead. He had had a vague speculation before, and today’s statements from the one surnamed Yang had verified his previous suspicions, and even drew out another thread. 

Due to the wind blowing in from the window, Shao Zhan’s bangs were scattered into a mess, covering his eyes. “What did he say to you.”

Xu Sheng subconsciously didn’t want to reveal that nonsense phrase about his father. “Not anything really, just some nonsense.”

“Do your classmates know who your dad is.” It was Shao Zhan himself who mentioned it. He laughed and said, “Probably something about like father, like son.”

Xu Sheng thought to himself, this guess was really accurate. 

Shao Zhan fell silent for two seconds, then said, “My dad…”

Shao Zhan didn’t look at Xu Sheng’s current expression. He was long used to the reactions of people around him to this matter, to the point that it stunned him when he heard his own voice ring out, but in a completely opposite tone.

“Who your dad is has nothing to do with you. It’s not like your dad is my deskmate, so you don’t need to explain this.” Xu Sheng said, “That Yang whatever thing, if he were to keep talking, I would’ve let him know that his daddy’s last name is Xu.”

Xu Sheng wasn’t done. The hints of amusement within his eyes retreated as he continued harshly, “Don’t let me see him next time.” 

“He doesn’t know that he avoided a catastrophe today. If this Master Xu Sheng himself had been there, his entire being would cease to exist the moment he said the first phrase.”

The breeze outside the window suddenly felt warmer.


Shao Zhan finally shook away all the thoughts from earlier out of his mind. His throat felt dry and raspy. He forcefully looked up, borrowing the dim lighting in the hallway to find Xu Sheng who was a few steps away from him.

Who was also “himself”. 

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Xu Sheng usually looked easy to talk with, languid as if he didn’t have bones. He had no ‘killing spirit” unless he was betrayed; when he was serious, he became entirely different.

Xu Sheng’s logic wasn’t quite like others’. After lifting the lid on the topic of Shao Zhan’s dad, the next question Xu Sheng had after cursing out Yang Shiwei was actually, “Why did you catch me that day? You have also been considered to be someone with the title of ‘school tyrant’ before. Jumping over the wall and skipping class shouldn’t be things that need to be reported to the dorm supervisor, right.”

Shao Zhan, “…”

The more Xu Sheng thought of this, the more he couldn’t understand. If Shao Zhan was actually a ‘good student’ then maybe it would explain it all. 

Xu Sheng sighed. “You’re a thousand year old wily fox. What kind of skit are you trying to play with me.”

The atmosphere shattered from the ‘thousand year old wily fox’. It wasn’t clear who laughed out loud first, but both of them couldn’t help but laugh. Shao Zhan’s laugh was very deep. He laughed once, then slightly tilted his head up. His Adam’s apple bobbed twice.

After a while, Shao Zhan said, “Because it was too similar.”

“Similar to what?” 

“I can’t explain it,” Shao Zhan said. “Maybe like how I was like before.”

There were just too many rules at Sixth High, so many that Shao Zhan had hazily thought he was already far away from that time.

He was surrounded by hard working model students.

The silhouette of Xu Sheng at that time, sitting on the wall preparing to jump down, had violently tunneled into his vision, letting him pass through the layers of dusty chains until he saw himself. 

Only he hadn’t expected that the two of them would switch bodies afterwards. When he opened his eyes and woke up again, he had actually become “Xu Sheng”.

The movie was an hour and half long. They couldn’t be absent the entire time and had to get back before the auditorium brightened up again. Xu Sheng reached his hand out to the person sitting on the windowsill. “Are you coming.”

Hou Jun watched up to halfway before he once again heard movement at the side. He turned around to see the study god and school tyrant, who had completely missed half the movie, come back together.

Hou Jun shook his head and continued watching the movie, thinking to himself that he really knew too much. 

Really, these two were too obvious!

After the movie ended, a supervisor led each class back to their lodging districts.


Lao Meng was watching from the side with a bag in his hands. Instructor Wang announced the curtain opening instructions for the next day. “First, I will give you all fifteen minutes after the announcement tomorrow morning. Dress and gather neatly here. Those that can’t come within fifteen minutes can test and see if they can bear the consequences of doing so. Second, there will be an instructor who will be coming to your lodging to check the hygiene, blankets, and face washing basin. These must all follow the regulations…”

There was a bathroom in the lodging. Green Boat Bay was too big, so a public restroom would be inconvenient no matter where it was placed. 

Hou Jun asked, “Who wants to wash first? Rock paper scissors?”

After rock paper and scissors, Shao Zhan was the first to wash up.

Xu Sheng didn’t realise that there was still a showering situation. It was a good thing they didn’t have to do it in the public shower. Otherwise showering while facing Shao Zhan would have been a very strange situation.

But the current situation wasn’t much better. After all, Shao Zhan was currently using his body. It was fine as he usually couldn’t see it in the dorms, but now that Shao Zhan was going to shower in his body in front of him…Xu Sheng sat on the bed, listened to the sound of the bathroom door being locked, and couldn’t finish playing the game in his hand. 

Friend in Game Zhang Feng: ?

S: Not playing.

Zhang Feng: Big bro, what situation is this, we were so ahead in this game…

Xu Sheng turned off the screen. When he heard the sound of water in the bathroom, his head continued to fill with uncontrollable thoughts: Has he taken off his clothes yet. 

Are his eyes open or closed.

Where is he putting his hands.

Where has he touched…


“Zhan ge, why are your ears so red?”

Hou Jun was currently looking for his pajamas in his bag. When he turned around, he saw that ‘study god’ was sitting in the lower bunk opposite him. Study god’s ears were flushed, almost completely red from the base of his ear to his neck.

Xu Sheng got up violently, pulled open the side door, and went on to the patio to get some air. “Nothing, it’s just a little warm.”

At night, Hou Jun and the others switched into boys’ nightly gossip mode. 

Xu Sheng was the last to shower. By the time he came out the lights were already off. There was only a bit of light from the bright phone in Shao Zhan’s hand. If not for that, it really would have been a patch of darkness meeting him after he left the bathroom.

Hou Jun, “Sheng ge, are you still playing games?”


Shao Zhan didn’t respond.

Only when Xu Sheng got into his bed did the phone screen dim. 

Xu Sheng finally dazedly fell asleep amidst the chatting, until he heard the ‘announcement’ Instructor Wang had mentioned. The announcement was merely a song, singing vigorously, “Unity is strength, strength is iron, this is the steel of strength!”

“What the—”  As one of the main members of the nightly chatting session, Hou Jun turned over and plugged his ears. “Why are they even playing songs.”

Xu Sheng’s consciousness wasn’t quite awake yet after hearing the song, but Hou Jun’s voice brought him back quite a bit.

Because the location of his voice wasn’t right. 

Hou Jun had obviously been sleeping in the upper bunk across from him. How come when he turned over, even the planks under his own bed shuddered?

As Xu Sheng thought, the morning light was so bright that he couldn’t even open his eyes. As he raised his hand to grab at his hair, everything was a blur in front of him. His vision slowly focused, and finally concentrated on the hand he had paused midair—this was his own hand.

Xu Sheng was a little confused.

The first time, it went on all the way until the end of the monthly exam. 

He had already made preparations to struggle for a month.

But the second time they switched, they switched back not even 24 hours later?

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