Beyond The Outline

Chapter 46: 44

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I need to go pick a fight.

This phrase sounded just as casual as if he had said “Wait a bit, I need to go eat first” instead. 

Kang Kai: …

“Drawing God, help me out in drawing this piece of cloth.” In the studio, someone called for him. “I feel like I keep making the colours too similar and it’s hard to tell the difference.”



Kang Kai replied, “All right, wait a moment.”

“Who are you talking to?” That student flourished his paintbrush, wiped it off on a sponge afterwards while casually asking, “… Also, what’s with that look on your face? What happened?” 

The look on Kang Kai’s face was indeed complicated. If one looked closely, it seemed as if there was a sliver of…pity.


Although he didn’t know who had aggravated Xu Sheng, he was used to mourning for the opposing party in advance.

This Xu Sheng rarely raised a hand to fight.

As long as it didn’t cross the line, didn’t offend his values, he was always too lazy to be calculative over it.


Kang Kai remembered in middle school, that one time at the school gate—

This guy was never one to start a fight, but once his hand was forced, then the other party was toast. Basically they ended up being held down and beaten.

“That Drawing God who came to the studio last time.” Kang Kai tossed his phone to the side, shook his head and muttered to himself, “Who knows which short-lived idiot annoyed him this time. Forget it, never mind. You, get up, let me see that painting of yours.”


After Xu Sheng sent that message, he turned off his phone screen and casually stuck it into his pocket. He pushed himself up to stand with one foot and said, “I’m going out for a bit.” 

There was no expression on his face as he spoke. His smiling pair of eyes had cooled down, the slightly amused peach blossom gaze growing completely cold with hints of bitterness. He had just taken a shower, his hair had not completely dried yet. He had changed into a military training uniform with a loose T-shirt. There were a few creases on his jeans, making his legs seem long and straight.

“If my deskmate comes back in a while,” Xu Sheng said before he left, “Don’t tell him about this.”

Yuan Ziqiang, who was closest to him, said “Oh” dumbly.

After Xu Sheng left, the more Hou Jun thought about it, the more he felt as if something was wrong. “Kai zi, did you feel it?” 

Tan Kai, “Feel what?”

Hou Jun, “Killing intent.”

Tan Kai, “I faintly felt it.”

Hou Jun slapped the back of Tan Kai’s head again. “How was that faint!” After Hou Jun spoke, his keenness and intuition made him link the situation at the cafeteria that morning with the present one, and he violently sprang to his feet. “No, I think something is going to happen. I have to go take a look.” 

After he said this, Tan Kai also returned to his senses. “Shit, it’s not those people from this morning right…”

Hou Jun looked around at the three remaining people in the lodging and made urgent arrangements. “Kai zi, Ziqiang, the two of you follow me. Wenhao, if no one comes back in ten minutes after we leave, go and find lao Meng directly.”


At this time, it had already been dark outside for a while.

Only the streetlights at Green Boat Base were on, the tree-lined roads strewn with a scatter of lights. There weren’t many people on the street, and the night was dark and windy outside. Those who had sneaked off to the little convenience store to buy instant noodles after showering had already all gone back to their lodgings. 

When Xu Sheng appeared empty-handed at the entrance of the alleyway, Yang Shiwei and the others were leaning against the wall, smoking. He squinted and breathed out a slow puff of smoke, waiting for Shao Zhan to come and see him. But after this mouthful of smoke was puffed out, the smoke dispersed in front of his eyes, covering the scene in front of him with a faint fog. After the layer of fog mostly cleared, he finally saw the youth standing in the alley under the glare of the street lights.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf qfgrbc ktb tjv mbwf kjrc’a Vtjb Itjc.

Tjcu Vtlkfl rjk atja ojmf, jcv lwwfvljafis gfwfwyfgfv atf bcf ktb tjv yffc rlaalcu jmgbrr ogbw Vtjb Itjc atja wbgclcu, atf bcf ktb tjv wjvf j obbi bea bo tlw.

Tjcu Vtlkfl, “…Qtb atf tfii jgf sbe. P’w ibbxlcu obg Vtjb Itjc. P vbc’a tjnf jcsatlcu jujlcra sbe obg ktja tjqqfcfv veglcu atf vjs, kts jgf sbe gecclcu bnfg tfgf rffxlcu vfjat?” 

Lin Jiang Sixth High’s school tyrant Xu Sheng didn’t answer who he was, and was too lazy to report which side he was on.

“Me? Who I am isn’t important. You can call me daddy.” The key on Xu Sheng’s neck had slipped out halfway. He raised his hand to pinch at the key while tucking the black cord back under his collar. Then he asked bluntly, “Are you guys all going to come at once, or will it be one at a time?”

Across from him, counting Yang Shiwei, there were in total six people.

And he didn’t have anything in his hands. 

Xu Sheng hadn’t fought with others in a very long time. After he counted the number of people, he began cracking his knuckles without any change in expression.

It shouldn’t be a problem.

After Xu Sheng asked, he didn’t wait for an answer before setting the rules of the fight for them. “You should all come all at once, it saves time.”

Yang Shiwei was angered into laughing. He nudged out the cigarette from the side of his mouth. His brothers seemed to want to immediately rush directly towards Xu Sheng. Yang Shiwei raised a hand and stopped them. After being provoked by another, all he wanted to do right now was to let others see how he was going to blow this person’s head off in front of them. “You guys stay back.” 

Yang Shiwei came up by himself, and faced Xu Sheng.

“Fine.” Yang Shiwei threw the cigarette away. “Since you’re looking for death so much, I’ll fulfill your wish.”

Before Xu Sheng had come out, he had calculated that the fight should be over very quickly. If the idiot in front of him wanted to do a one on one fight, then it could end even faster. His burning mood had burned to an unexpected degree of “coldness”. He even habituatually smirked, a hint of amusement within the depths of his eyes, but that amusement was strangely cold. “Let’s make a bet. You won’t even last five minutes under me.”

Yang Shiwei clenched both of his hands into fists, waving them around as he cursed. He hadn’t been fooling around in vain all those years at Nanping. From his vigorous and resolute fist, one could tell that he really did have a set of skills—Xu Sheng turned sideways and decided to just restrain the other party’s striking hand, pinching Yang Shiwei’s wrist. Yang Shiwei really hadn’t expected that, although Xu Sheng looked like a ‘I don’t fight, I usually only play with other people’s feelings’ kind of person, he truly wasn’t weak. He used a lot of effort, but still couldn’t break free. 

Yang Shiwei, “You fucker…who the hell are you?”

Xu Sheng, “I already told you, I’m your dad.”


Yang Shiwei couldn’t keep his face, and the people behind him didn’t know whether they should come forward and help. Xu Sheng’s other hand lifted up, directly pulling Yang Shiwei up by the collar. He was about to knock him down immediately before getting rid of the people behind him. The atmosphere was extremely tense. At this time, hurried footsteps sounded outside the alleyway. The footsteps came closer and closer, sounding like someone in slippers.

Pitter patter.  

Hou Jun ran at the back. Under the light of the street lamp, he saw Xu Sheng holding up a person in his hands. It was exactly, perfectly overlapped with his previous conjecture. This master really came out to fight!

As the class president, he couldn’t overlook his classmates fighting and making trouble during their military training period. He shouted hurriedly, “Sheng ge! Slow down! Let go of him!”

Xu Sheng was stunned by his shout and unconsciously released his grip a little. Yang Shiwei took advantage of this opportunity to break free of his grip. “…”

Hou Jun was out of breath from running. Tan Kai and Yuan Ziqiang followed closely behind. 

Xu Sheng moved his wrists in circles, wanting to ask what they had come for, but Hou Jun had already bravely inserted himself in between him and Yang Shiwei. He solemnly put both of his hands on Xu Sheng’s shoulders, forcing Xu Sheng to look at him. Hou Jun even courageously called out his full name, strictly saying, “Xu Sheng!”

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“…” Xu Sheng said, “What fun are you…” Fun are you trying to get in on.

Hou Jun interrupted, “Fighting is wrong. This time during this military training, we’re not only representing our class, but our school. Besides, have you thought about the consequences of this fight? Gu Yanwang will definitely not let you go. Why can’t you talk peacefully with this student?”

Xu Sheng, “…” 

Tan Kai added, “Right, Sheng ge, don’t fight. If you have something to say, then say it nicely.”

Yuan Ziqiang, “What’s our Lin Jiang Sixth High’s motto? It’s civilised, it’s harmonious. We have to let the students of other schools know that our Sixth High students are reasonable. Only barbarians use their fists to talk!”

What were they trying to do.

Xu Sheng was dumbfounded by the three of them. 

He let out a sigh, wanting very much to tell them to stop joining in and to hurry up and go back, turn around, and walk out in unison.

Hou Jun, “Anyways, if Zhan ge knows you’ve been like this, he definitely wouldn’t want you to get into a fight here—”

At first, when Hou Jun and the others suddenly spoke up, Yang Shiwei didn’t have the time to react to it. He straightened his collar that had been tugged open by Xu Sheng, and when he heard the words “Zhan ge”, Yang Shiwei remembered the reason he had come here in the first place.

After being held down by Xu Sheng and being unable to get away, with his new and old grudges all melding together, Yang Shiwei walked forward, applauding as he spoke, “Zhan ge? Looks like you and Shao Zhan are pretty close.” 

As Yang Shiwei said this, he stepped closer. Hou Jun was the closest to him, and Hou Jun felt as if someone was whispering into his ear, making his hair stand on end. “Since you guys are so close, then do you know what kind of person this ‘Zhan ge’ you keep talking about is like? Do you know that his father is—” His voice lowered as he spoke the remaining words, but it was as clear as day to the rest of the people there.

For a moment, the alleyway was silent.


Actually, this was pretty close to Xu Sheng’s guess.

Just that the reality was a bit more serious. 

Xu Sheng couldn’t help but think, after those last few words, how much gossip had Shao Zhan endured all these years?

How heavy was the burden he carried, until he pulled himself out?

The reason Xu Sheng came out here to fight was that he didn’t want this person spilling Shao Zhan’s business everywhere. But no matter what happened, the person involved didn’t want to talk about it. How did this matter come to light in such a way?


Why did he go easy on him, instead of knocking him out?

As Xu Sheng thought that, he couldn’t help but wonder: Hou Jun and the others… What did they think?

“Don’t play along with this,” Xu Sheng said. “Go back to where you came from.”

This was exactly the kind of reaction Yang Shiwei wanted to see: all of Shao Zhan’s classmates were speechless. But before he could revel in the satisfaction, in the very next second, the person who had rushed into the alleyway to advise against the fight first, actually swore. 

Hou Jun completely forgot his own identity as the class president who wanted to maintain order at Lin Jiang Sixth High. “Fuck!”

Not only Hou Jun, but Tan Kai and Yuan Ziqiang also let go of their hands that were holding Xu Sheng back.

After that, Xu Sheng stared at the Hou Jun who had said “fighting is wrong” do a complete 180. “—You can take this? You really think our Class Seven is easy to bully?”

Tan Kai, “Is our study god someone you can speak ill of. Who the hell do you think you are, what the hell does this have to do with you? 

Yuan Ziqiang was pretty built, and his words were quite threatening. He walked up, throwing Lin Jiang Sixth’s morals to the side as he said, “Fine, come on then, didn’t you want to fight?”

Yang Shiwei, “…”

Yang Shiwei and the others had never expected things to develop this way.

What kind of situation was this? 

Weren’t these people against fighting?

Why was the reaction like this?


After he spoke, Hou Jun patted Xu Sheng on the shoulder again. Although they didn’t usually talk much during class, they were still youths around 16 and 17, full of vigour. It was inevitable that something hidden in his body would scream wildly. “Sheng ge, I understand your feelings now. Don’t worry, you can fight to your heart’s desire. We’ll take care of the rest.”

On the other side. 

Shen Wenhao, who stayed behind in the dormitory, was pacing back and forth, glancing at the time now and again.

Ten minutes had passed.

They still weren’t back. Something must have happened!

Shen Wenhao remembered his class president’s instructions. Meng Guowei’s room was in B ward. He hesitated for two seconds, and then grabbed his phone before rushing out the door— 

B ward, teacher’s quarters.

“Okay, you can think about being the host,” Meng Guowei said. “I won’t force you.”

There was an office table in the teacher’s quarters, and Shao Zhan was standing in front of it. “Thank you, sir.”

Meng Guowei temporarily put aside the matter of who would be host speaker for the night, and thought of another issue. “The competition this year, taking into account prep time, is…” Not far away. 

As Meng Guowei said that, a shout sounded from outside the door. “T-Teacher Meng!”

“Teacher Meng—!”


Meng Guowei raised his head, looking towards the pig-like scream, and saw his Class Representative, Shen Wenhao. “Wenhao? What happened?” 

Shen Wenhao had run to B ward, climbed up three sets of stairs until his legs were jelly. He rushed in, panting, leaning against the door for a couple seconds before saying, “Something’s happened. Xu Sheng is fighting with the people from Hong Hai.”

Meng Guowei was dumbfounded. “Fighting?”

It had barely been two days since the military training camp had started. Not even 48 hours had passed, yet Xu Sheng had started an incident like this already?!

Shen Wenhao explained the situation, “Hou zi brought some people over there, but they haven’t come back yet.” 

Shen Wenhao said all that, and then froze.

It was Shao Zhan.


The youth’s aura was menacing and oppressive, his voice cold as he stepped closer and said, “Where is he?”

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