Beyond The Outline

Chapter 48: 46

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In the lodging room next door behind the wall, they could vaguely hear Hou Jun and the others chat while writing their disciplinary reviews. Then these noises gradually faded away little by little, until the only sound in Xu Sheng’s ears was the wind nearby and Shao Zhan’s faint breathing.

Xu Sheng couldn’t help moving his fingers a bit, but his slightly curled knuckles were quickly flattened out again by Shao Zhan. “Stop moving about.” 

“…” Xu Sheng’s heartbeat inexplicably skipped a beat. He could only search for something to say. “It’s just a small wound. I might have accidentally scraped it against the wall earlier. It’s fine.”

Shao Zhan’s actions were very gentle as he put on the medicine. He covered Xu Sheng’s hand, using the cotton tips to carefully swab the wound clean.



After a while, he asked, “Why did you fight.”

Xu Sheng, “Why should there be a reason to fight, is not liking him a reason? We school tyrants are like this, we can’t help but want to fight after seeing some reckless person acting out in front of their grandfathers. We have to stand firm and let them know who is the actual number one tyrant at Lin Jiang.” 

Shao Zhan screwed the medicine cap back on with one hand, and looked up at him. “Lies.”


Xu Sheng, “…”

Shao Zhan, “Still lying.”

Xu Sheng didn’t want to say the reason from the start; fighting was actually a very shameful thing. It was very refreshing while fighting, but what was he supposed to say after the fight? And he didn’t want to mention that group of Hong Hai people in front of Shao Zhan.


Shao Zhan finished screwing out the cap, and was about to let go of Xu Sheng’s wrist when Xu Sheng grabbed him with his other hand before he could let go.

“Because of you.” With so few people moving around, the lights in the hallway had died out. Xu Sheng hadn’t had the time to rearrange his clothes after fighting. The black thread had slipped out from behind his shoulder. His collarbones sank deeply. He said, “Because I didn’t want them to say bad things about you.”

“What kind of person you are, compared to hearing what others have to say, it’ better for me to use my own eyes to see.”


Xu Sheng hadn’t wanted to mention the fight, but he couldn’t resist telling him some things. He grabbed at his hair. The emotions he wanted to express were too complicated, and his ability to organise his words declined. “…Not everyone thinks like that group of people from Hong Hai, look at Hou zi and the others, they…they…” 

They were fucking normal people!

They didn’t compete with trash, and the trash didn’t come over to find issues with them.

At this time, someone came back in from outside. Footsteps sounded and the lights lit up again from the echoes.

When the lights lit up, Xu Sheng almost saw a light gleam within Shao Zhan’s eyes. That thread of light was hidden very deeply, and in the end it sank into the cold recesses of the youth’s gaze. 

Inside the room.

This was the first time Hou Jun had ever written a disciplinary review. He scratched at his ear as he wrote. “…I was wrong, I deeply acknowledge my mistakes…Fuck, how am I supposed to write a full three thousand words.” He finished scratching his head, and saw the two people walking into the room. “Sheng ge, come get some A4 paper!”

Xu Sheng was stunned, then realised there was still a review to write.

He walked behind Shao Zhan, and was about to reach his hand over to receive the paper, when he saw Shao Zhan place the plastic bag carrying medicine on the table, before very naturally taking that stack of paper from Hou Jun. “Do you have a pen.” 

Hou Jun, “…” Wasn’t this Xu Sheng’s disciplinary review, why was Study God acting like he was going to write it.

“I do.” Hou Jun fished out a pen from his side. “There’s still one here.”


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Shao Zhan took it, halted, then said, “Thanks.”

Vtjb Itjc vlvc’a ibbx ja atf qfc jr tf rjlv atjcxr. Lbe Aec nfgs delmxis gfjilrfv ktja atf atjcxr kjr obg. “Pa’r olcf la’r olcf, lo atlr kfgf jcs batfg raevfca lc atf mijrr, jii bo er kbeiv tjnf ralii gertfv obgkjgv.” 

Kjc Bjl jirb rjlv, “Eluta, la’r gfjiis olcf, jiatbeut atf offilcu bo olutalcu…ageis lr qgfaas oec.”

Lao Meng had come too suddenly earlier, so they hadn’t had the time to recall the moment. Now that they had to recall the events while they wrote the disciplinary review, Yuan Ziqiang said, “Hou ge, fuck, you’re really violent. I watched your slipper fly out—and then you decided to just throw over your other slipper. You slapped the Hong Hai people silly with your slippers. I wouldn’t be able to tell normally, you’re very surprising during battle.”

Hou Jun clasped his pen into a fist. “Too kind, too kind.”

They didn’t know who started laughing first, but in the end, the entire lodging was filled up with the sounds of laughter. 

Xu Sheng also laughed. As he laughed, he pulled out a chair and sat down, asking, “Why did you take the paper?”

Shao Zhan used his left hand to write the two words ‘Xu Sheng’ in the upper left corner with extreme familiarity. His knuckles rose as he gripped the pen, and he didn’t look up. “You want to write it yourself?”

With someone helping him write his disciplinary review for free, he didn’t even have time to be happy. Why would he refuse?

Xu Sheng, “I don’t want to.” 

Shao Zhan had been “Xu Sheng” for a while, and had written a disciplinary review before. Imitating Xu Sheng’s handwriting and writing a disciplinary review wasn’t difficult, but Hou Jun and the others were stunned, lost in the fact that Study God was actually helping school tyrant write a disciplinary review.

The morning stretching exercises were a required segment every day. On the third day of the national defence education, after the stretching exercises were over, the students of the four schools didn’t go to the cafeteria to eat like the previous two days. Instead, they went to the stadium that was used for the opening ceremony under the orders of the instructors.

The various students looked at the familiar sound equipment at the stadium, and fell into discussion. “Aren’t we supposed to go to the cafeteria?”

“I don’t know, is another instructor going to make a speech?” 

“Probably. Don’t school instructors like doing this kind of thing? We can only hope that it’ll end sooner rather than later. I’m about to starve to death.”


The sound of discussion was too loud. The head instructor barked out, “Quiet, do you all want to stand military style?”

The students of the four schools were divided into four colours, all neatly standing within the stadium area as they waited for the ‘instructor’ to make a speech. After the equipment was adjusted, an instructor did indeed go up. 

Gu Yanwang’s face was blue. Before he came, he had had a hunch that Xu Sheng wasn’t going to be obedient, but didn’t think that the nightmare would become reality at such a rapid speed. “I’m very apologetic for wasting everyone’s time. The incident involving my school’s students fighting and causing trouble during the military training…they will read their disciplinary reviews in front of all the students.”

The moment the word fighting came out, all the schools were in an uproar.


The people at Sixth High were relatively okay. Well versed from Xu Sheng’s numerous disciplinary reviews, they were calm when facing this kind of situation.

People from other schools were different. How could they have witnessed such a stimulating thing before? Before the military training had even commenced for a few days, a fighting disciplinary review was already here. “Disciplinary review?! Who is it, who’s so wild?” 

The Sixth High students glanced at them, thinking to themselves: Such a small group of people, who else could it be? Sixth High’s school tyrant, the nightmare of numerous teachers—

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Gu Yanwang began reading off the name list. “Xu Sheng of the Seventh Company.”

Gu Yanwang put the main perpetrator at the top. After reading it out loud by itself, he then took a breath and continued reading. “…Hou Jun, Tan Kai, Yuan Ziqiang, the four of you come up.”

When Xu Sheng walked out of the crowd, he attracted no less attention than when Shao Zhan had gone up onstage as the student representative on the first day of military training. 

A handsome guy would attract gazes no matter where he went, and even more so a handsome guy who had just finished a fight. Xu Sheng didn’t wear his military training hat. His actions and appearances were above standard. His sleeves were rolled up above his elbow. The youth stepped up onto the stage in twos and threes and casually took the microphone at the side, before handing the microphone over to Hou Jun.

What was up with Sixth High, how come they had such appearances in the two times they had come up on stage?

“I was wrong, I deeply acknowledge my actions this time.” Hou Jun was the first to read his disciplinary review. He didn’t have any experience, and naturally was nervous. The contents of his disciplinary review were also very standard. “I shouldn’t have broken the rules and harmed the students of Hong Hai…”

Tan Kai and Yuan Ziqiang’s disciplinary reviews were no different from Hou Jun’s. They woodenly read through the disciplinary review from beginning to end and got it over with. 

Reasonably speaking, the other people should have been upset that they couldn’t eat breakfast for the time being, but when the Xu Sheng at the edge of the disciplinary review group who hadn’t spoken yet came on stage, many people fell silent waiting for him to speak.

Ten minutes later, Yuan Ziqiang finished stammering through the end of his manuscript. “Our Lin Jiang Sixth High’s motto is about being civilised, harmonious. I will definitely keep that in mind for the rest of my time as a student. My disciplinary review has ended. Thank you everyone.”

The microphone finally landed into Xu Sheng’s hands.

Xu Sheng’s hands held the disciplinary review booklet he had turned in to Meng Guowei that morning. Shao Zhan’s disciplinary review writing skills were truly excellent; the opening was a famous quote by a famous person, a sublime disciplinary review. The morning sun was too strong. Xu Sheng had been under the sun for a while on stage, and his military uniform had warmed up under the sun. He stared at the words on the disciplinary review booklet, grasped the microphone in his hands, then suddenly changed his mind before opening his mouth. 

Shao Zhan stood in the back row of the group. He looked past the lines of people to see Xu Sheng quickly fold those pieces of A4 paper. The youth then said with his hands empty, “Hello, respected teachers and students, I won’t take up too much of everyone’s time. I’ll do a simple disciplinary review. I am very ashamed. I’ve made a mistake I shouldn’t have made this time.”

Xu Sheng’s expression was natural, completely different from the three nervous, script-reading ones from earlier. He had the aura of ‘this is laozi’s scene’.

The first half of Xu Sheng’s speech could be considered normal. Then, when everyone thought that he would quietly and obediently do his disciplinary review this time round, he suddenly changed topic, swerving back towards the ‘mistake’ he had mentioned at the beginning. “My main mistake this time is—I shouldn’t have fought with others at Green Boat Bay.”

Gu Yanwang’s originally rather bad expression didn’t even have time to clear up before it straight away darkened completely. When the contents of Xu Sheng’s disciplinary review shifted, he immediately sniffed out a trace of familiarity. “Hurry and unplug the microphone cord. Have Xu Sheng step off the stage! Make him shut up! He’s really contrary! It’s fine if he’s messing around at school, but doing it in front of all the schools this time, does he want to go to heaven?!” 

However, the time it took to unplug the microphone wasn’t as fast as Xu Sheng’s talking speed.

“Fighting is prohibited within the Green Boat Base. Students are obliged to abide by the rules of the base. I should have fought outside.”


The youth’s voice was broad. Perhaps because he hadn’t slept enough in the morning before coming out to exercise, along with the fact that he had languidly been under the sun for quite a while, his voice carried a few hints of laziness. He smiled at the Yang Shiwei waiting under the stage to do his disciplinary review. “If some people say one word more than they should next time, I’ll fight every time I see them.”

“Person undergoing disciplinary review, Xu Sheng.” 

Xu Sheng’s voice had just landed when the entire scene exploded!

Xu Sheng’s remarks contrasted too sharply with the Sixth High’s ‘civilised, harmonious’ ending Yuan Ziqiang had used as the disciplinary reviewee before him.

Gu Yanwang, “…”

Meng Guowei, “…” 

All the teachers and higher ups at Lin Jiang Sixth High, “…” Their Lin Jiang Sixth High was ruined.

After Xu Sheng finished his disciplinary review, he wanted to hand the microphone over to the instructor who was at the side earlier. The instructor didn’t dare to take it.

All the students from the schools under the stage exploded. “Fuck brothers, that’s pretty wild, is this even a disciplinary review—”

When had they ever heard this kind of a disciplinary review? It could be summarised in just four words, I’ll still fight again. 

Was he crazy???

He was this arrogant?

“I surrender.” There were actually some people who applauded under the stage. “It doesn’t matter where heroes come from. Although this brother isn’t from our school, I still bow down to him.”

Gu Yanwang could no longer contain his fury. He didn’t think of the fact that there were so many schools watching and that he needed to retain his graceful reputation. The reputation had been completely ruined by a few of Xu Sheng’s words anyways. He took off the jacket he had been wearing to stave off the sun, threw it into Meng Guowei’s hands, and shoved his sleeves up as he ran up the stage. “Xu Sheng! You like fighting so much, right. Let me show you what the beatings of society mean. Don’t run, stand there, you brat—what nonsense were you spouting during the  disciplinary review. I see you’ve forgotten why the flowers are this red—” 

Gu Yanwang’s appearance threw the entire scene into chaos. Meng Guowei went up on stage to hold him back. “That, calm down, let’s all calm down…”

Meng Guowei was busy to the extreme, and didn’t discover that the pride of Sixth High, Shao Zhan, who shouldn’t have been on stage, had also come out from the crowd and ran up the stage.

He only noticed the students under the stage.

The students at the other schools, especially the girls, had a very deep impression of that seemingly very cold student representative from Sixth High from the day of the opening ceremony. Many girls couldn’t forget him, but they also hadn’t thought they would see him go up on stage at this time…when they thought of this they stopped, then realised he had gone up on stage to protect the one that had been fighting. 

Within chaos, one had to take advantage of whatever one had.

Xu Sheng decided to just hide behind Shao Zhan’s body, saying as he hid, “Right, Homeroom Teacher Gu, let’s calm down.”


“How the fuck am I supposed to calm down.” Gu Yanwang reached out to point at Xu Sheng, looking for a tool near him. “If I don’t die today then it’s time for you, youbrat, to die—”

Xu Sheng’s comrade Zhang Feng gaped from under the stage. “Shit.” 

Xu Sheng’s battle today would go down in the historical archives of Lin Jiang Sixth High.

The stage was too chaotic. Shao Zhan didn’t place his heels down stably enough, and was very quickly struck by a panicked Hou Jun. Hou Jun couldn’t sustain the state he was in, and was about to find an opportunity to escape off stage. Before he exited, he genuinely praised, “Zhan ge, to be able to stand up in this kind of situation, you are a real man. You hold on. I’m leaving.”

Shao Zhan, “…”

Under the blazing sun, the scene melted into a state of confusion. 

When Shao Zhan had stood under the stage during Xu Sheng and the other’s disciplinary review earlier, he had lost his focus for a moment. His gaze had moved past the layers of people before finally landing on the person on the stage.

To him, Lin Jiang Sixth High hadn’t really meant anything special before his second year of high school.

He had only changed to an environment where no one recognised him, and had put away all his thoughts and emotions, placing them upon studying.

He had put them away in order to become a ‘good student’. 

He made it a habit to avoid others.

When did it start? Shao Zhan asked himself.

When did it begin to change?

Time flowed, back to that day the two of them met for the first time. It had been very windy that day and the chirp of summer cicadas cycled continuously. The youth in a black T-shirt pushed himself off from where he sat on the high, high wall and jumped down, jumping into his world. 

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