Beyond The Outline

Chapter 57: 55

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After the morning exercises, the flag was raised. The flag fluttered in the wind. The background music hadn’t been shut off yet. The students were dismissed and made their way back to class accompanied by the sounds of the speakers. Someone commented in a low voice, “Big news, did you guys hear, the Four School Competition League got moved up this year…”

“I heard. They just sent it in the class group chat. When I saw the news, my hands shook,” another person echoed. 

“Really, the Four School Competition League got moved up? Doesn’t it usually come after midterms?

The students’ voices rose as they spoke.



They couldn’t supress their excitement at all. It seemed that the “Four School Competition League ” was much more interesting to them than the likes of a basketball or esports competition.

Theoretically, students who were usually tortured by various exams would not be interested in such boring competitions. 

But…the Four School Competition League was different.


—For the students of Lin Jiang Sixth High, no competition was as worth watching as last year’s hotblooded competition.

First of all, the Four School Competition League was different from other competitions.

The contestants competed with each other on-site, and there was an audience, so they could cheer for their schools while spectating. Each round had different rules; some questions had more words than the solution itself, and some questions tested speed.


It could be said that the Four School Competition League was the peak of viewership enjoyment and entertainment.

That people could get excited like this, wasn’t only due to the competition being attractive.

The most important factor was that last year, their Lin Jiang Sixth High’s demon king had massacred all the other contestants.


When they recalled this, all the contestants in the room became high-spirited. 

Gu Yanwang led the students in shouting their motto, then briefly explained the arrangements of the competition. “There are less than two weeks before the Four School Competition League. During this time, the student contestants will need to come in often to prepare for the competition. I will also set out plans for all of you…”

Xu Sheng still hadn’t recovered from the news of the competition before he was harshly dragged back to the edge of the abyss by the other competitors.

The student sitting next to him scooted over and bashfully confessed, “Study god, your battle last year was too handsome.”

“Ah.” Xu Sheng had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. He scooted a little over to the side to create distance. “Really.” 

He really didn’t know what Shao Zhan had done in the competition.

Usually during large events, the school would give everyone a break.

There was no way to tell if Xu Sheng had obediently stayed at school that day. Although he had probably gone to the PC cafe.

Someone  opened up that box of memories first, and the topic quickly spread amongst the contestants. 

“I didn’t even dare blink my eyes that day during the finals. I can still remember every single little detail of how you solved that problem—it was so fucking terrifying. It wasn’t a competition, it was basically a beating. Last year’s finals were against that bunch of Ying Hua guys. The Ying Hua students were all bruised when they left the competition site.”

“Especially that last event. Even the Ying Hua principal was dumbfounded at the speed you solved the problems.”



Faced with these admiring eyes, 24K pure studying failure Xu Sheng felt like he was sitting on a bed of needles. 

One of the contestants who was a first year was confused by the sudden explosion happening around him. “What happened last year, was he super strong?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

A senior contestant patted him on the forehead and said, “You don’t know about the incident last year when study god entered the competition as a first year and shocked all four schools? Are you even a student at our Lin Jiang High? He beat Ying Hua up until they called him daddy. You can’t feel his prowess?”

“Vaevs ubv kjr rb tjcvrbwf veglcu ijra sfjg’r mbwqfalalbc.”

Pa kjr kfii jmxcbkifvufv atja bea bo atf obeg rmtbbir lc J Jlas, Olc Aljcu kjr cba atf yfra. Tlcu Lej Szqfglwfcaji Llut Vmtbbi kjr ja atf abq. Pa tjv j ibcu ifujms, atf ifnfi bo fvemjalbc atfgf kjr fcbeut ab rmjgf batfgr, jcv la tjv rafqqfv eqbc Olc Aljcu’r tfjv obg j ubbv cewyfg bo sfjgr. 

But last year Lin Jiang had fought for a beautiful reversal!

And it was a thorough beating!

What kind of beating had it been? To call him the devil king was not an exaggeration.

Previously when Xu Sheng had faced that powerpoint which acknowledged Shao Zhan’s victory, he had not completely understood what it had meant. He hadn’t understood what kind of a heaven-breaking rebellion it had been. 

In the midst of this group of contestants chattering about the competition as if it had just happened, he understood.

The Four School Competition League didn’t divide contestants by grades, but the finals always consisted of third year senior contestants. This was almost an unspoken rule.

The seniors had learned much more content than the rest of them, so it was very difficult for lower grades to beat them.

As a freshman, Shao Zhan had slaughtered a path into the finals, where he gave Ying Hua a beating. It was said that when the Ying Hua students heard the two words ‘Shao Zhan’, they would recall that feeling of suffocation from that day at the finals. 

Xu Sheng realised that the him who had once wanted to drop out of school due to the comments on the campus beau selection had been so childish, and so incapable of standing up to the rigour of school.

What did forgetting his review even count for.

What did the monthly exams count for.

What did serving as the school’s representative and making a speech on stage count for. 

All of these in the face of the Four School Competition League, were absolutely nothing in comparison.

How could he have been beaten by such little hiccups into wanting to drop out of school?


The more he realised this, the more Xu Sheng wanted to leave this world. He turned his head around to glance at the window by his side. He really wanted to climb over there and jump off the fifth floor without hesitation.

Xu Sheng went to class with a pile of thick, freshly printed, competition practice problems. 

However, Shao Zhan’s fans in the conference room were obviously unwilling to let go of him. Before Xu Sheng even reached the doorway, the other contestants who had been sitting further away from him flocked over. “Study god, I believe in you. This year, with you here, we’ll definitely leave the championship trophy at our Lin Jiang.”

Another student giggled as he leaned over from behind the other students and said, “Isn’t it a certain thing that study god will win first place. There’s a phrase but how does it go…right…beat’em all!

“No problem, beat’em all!”

“Of course he has to beat them all. Have you guys seen the forum, there’s even people who’ve begun to cheer for us.” 


Xu Sheng thought to himself, what ‘beat them all’, when the time came around he might be the one beaten down into calling someone else daddy in the first round.

Xu Sheng was surrounded by this crowd of contestants and couldn’t move away for a while, completely wrapped three layers deep.

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It was good that ‘Shao Zhan’ was tall. Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have been able to breathe. 

Xu Sheng raised his chin. He grabbed the pile of exam papers and embarked towards the edge of the crowd. When the flame in his heart was about to go out, he saw a ray of life—his own “self”, emitting coldness, and was currently walking over from the other end of the hallway. It seemed that the event on the field had already ended.

It truly had ended.

Shao Zhan hadn’t seen him when he returned to the classroom and had guessed that he was still in the conference room. He was afraid that something had come up, so he came over to look for him.

Xu Sheng grasped at this life-saving straw. Their eyes met, and he mouthed soundlessly: Come here. 

Save me.

The contestants in the conference room were still discussing the phrase “beat’em all” and the topics Gu Yanwang had just given them for the competition. No one had noticed the extra person that had appeared in the conference room at some unknown time. The youth wore a black t-shirt that was completely out of place in the conference room. He came through the back door, and when he soundlessly came up to them, everyone unconsciously made way for him—

After the Green Boat Bay incident, the two words ‘Xu Sheng’ became even more powerful.

Previously, they had only heard about how he got into fights. 

This time, he had actually fought, and had even gone to mess with students from other schools.

Not only was his name now famous, he was someone people didn’t dare get close to.


The first few students who noticed “Xu Sheng” couldn’t understand. “Why is the school tyrant here?”

“I don’t know. Speaking of which, is school tyrant really that scary. How come I feel like if he looks at me, I’ll be living in the midst of winter?” 

Of course, all these discussions died down when “Xu Sheng” reached a hand towards “study god”. “Xu Sheng” didn’t even look at them, and said coldly in a quiet voice, “Are you done chatting? ”


“When you’re done chatting, can you return my deskmate to me? ”


“Xu Sheng” finished speaking and didn’t wait for an answer before directly grabbing “study god’s” wrist and dragging him out.

When they left the conference room, Shao Zhan let go and said, “Don’t you usually talk a lot? How come you’re mute at this time?”

It was mostly because Xu Sheng had received too big of a shock, so his reaction speed had declined.

Any other poor studier who had learned that they were about to become “The Light of the School” and had the task of “Beating’em All” in this competition, also wouldn’t be very calm. 

It was just that Xu Sheng, who couldn’t make sense of all the chaotic thoughts in his head with the furious repetition of “Fuck, what do we do”, actually calmed down after seeing Shao Zhan.

What situation was this?

School tyrant and study god, those two?? 

After those two had left, the contestants left behind in the conference room were thrown into so much chaos that the shock almost made them forget about the Four School Competition League.

The next class was physical education. There was no need to rush back to the classroom. There were several empty classrooms by the stairway on the sixth floor that people seldom passed by.

Xu Sheng sat on the stairs. He lifted his hand and undid the top two buttons of his collar, then he handed the competition papers to Shao Zhan. “Here, Gu Yanwang just handed these out.”

Shao Zhan stood by his side, leaning against the railing as he took the papers. 

“The Four School Competition League…”

The two of them opened their mouths at the same time.


After a moment, Shao Zhan grabbed the examination paper. “You speak first.”

Xu Sheng, “Can you drop out of school.” 

Shao Zhan, “…”

Xu Sheng, “Taking time off is fine too.”

Xu Sheng scratched at his head. Then his hand went down and he propped himself against the edge of the steps, and said, “Forget it, I’ll just die.”

Shao Zhan’s state of collapse was no better than his, to the point that he wasn’t even listening to what the flag-raising ceremony speaker was saying. 

Truthfully, the questions given during the Four School Competition were not that difficult, but based on Xu Sheng’s grades, and the fact that he could even score like he did during the most basic monthly exams. Having him do the competition questions was even more difficult than making him ascend into a deity.

If the two of them didn’t switch back by the date of the Four School Competition League, Xu Sheng would have to compete under his name.

Shao Zhan didn’t even dare to think about this kind of situation.

…But it didn’t actually seem that disastrous. 

Shao Zhan rolled up the papers little by little, before he finally turned to the side and laughed lowly.

Xu Sheng suspected Shao Zhan had gone crazy from the anxiety. “What are you laughing for.”

“Nothing much. I just think that after meeting you,” Shao Zhan said, “Everything that was once impossible in this world has seemingly now become possible.”

Whether it was switching bodies, something that couldn’t be explained by science, or their increasingly chaotic lives. 

Or a certain someone…who was becoming closer and closer.

Xu Sheng was dumbstruck.

Shao Zhan, “There are still two weeks left. There’s always a way.”

His words were not wrong. 

People could always come up with a solution.

After school, Xu Sheng spent a long time on his phone searching for lightning rods.


Before, he had wanted to avoid the thunder. Now, he wanted to beg for it to come.

Xu Sheng thought about it, then deleted it. 

Even insulation suits didn’t have any effect. He couldn’t trust science.

Xu Sheng closed his eyes in despair. But as he closed his eyes, he suddenly thought of the opposite of science.


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