Black King

Chapter 3: The Rune Stone

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Its been 27 years, I was steadily winning this war. And confession was not going to happen, even if it meant death but with my previous words I had made it too obvious huh? gad dammit.

“Phew… old ghost you better take a seat before your old bones fall off, and do not let the younger one’s find out about the power you hold, well, we hold. I don’t know where it came from or how it came about but I sincerely hope it can bring new vitality to these old bones, I still have a grudge to settle.”

When she nodded at me and smiled with that old wrinkle face of hers, I unconsciously found myself smiling back before I reeled back the crazy pink head that’s trying to show its pitiful heart shaped head.

While the old woman rested, I started thinking deeply about what had just happened, but no matter how much I thought about it, only one thing came to mind and that was somehow a few of us or maybe multiple humans have gained abilities that we have no idea who they came from or for what reason they came about.

The room me and the old lady lived in was more like a cave rather than a room really, the Devourers had made sure to make our lives as hard as possible, for reasons unknown, they seemed to actually fear getting rid of our species but at the same seemed to get a lot of satisfaction from our suffering.

These were one of the things I had noticed for a long time now, after all, I shouldn’t be alive to grow to this age if we were only made to procreate and produce young for them to eat. If that was the case then I had long since grown impotent and my body too weak for the job.

The night went by, while once again we still had nothing to eat but some small sweet potatoes that we shared with the young ones who would go around the mountains we live in to forage a few edibles.

But it also had to be the bravest one’s because not only the devourers infested the earth, but also savage and mad beasts that not only fed on us but also on the very Devourer’s that had made them.

“Grandpa Black ..I found something..” a sweet tiny and wonderful voice that filled with me sadness came from the wooden door as it moved slowly like someone opening a door trying not to wake the sleeping baby inside.

“Grandpa Black…look..” Lilly showed me a small stone, the stone looked like every pebble on the roadside, in fact these stones were all over the mountains we called our home.

“Ho? What do you want me to see young girl?” even though I thought it was just another stone, I enjoyed this young girls company, so I thought it would be fun to see what she could show me, but what I saw next nearly threw my old heart out of my old wrinkly chest.

On the other side of the stone was a single number, no instead of a number it looked like squiggle characters I would call a rune perhaps.

This made me intrigued so I took the stone from the little girl only to be met with even more surprises when the stone suddenly lit up in a sparkling blue before pulling me into a white room devoid of anything but my lonesome self.

I had seen a lot since my birth, I had experienced a lot as a doctor, and I had definitively experienced a lot as a bred cattle for the Devourer’s, but nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for the thing that had just popped up in this tiny room.

Instead of a thing it was better to call it a nano baby. Yes that’s very correct, I am now standing in a white room with a nano baby I could only see because he was floating right in front of my right eye.

“Hmm.. I see, so Earth 206 has been invaded by the Devourer’s as well huh… old boy you seem to have awakened your affinity, was it your view of the world and your situation that gave you the shadow affinity?

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Ah well, it’s not my problem anyway. Oy! Old bones stop gawking and listen, I have approximately 10 minutes before those bastards cut this connection.”

Even though I was confused by this small foolish thing, my body seemed to want to listen even though my pitifully old brain was still digesting the notion that my earth, my home, our planet was only another one with a number.

“Now listen carefully and don’t forget what I tell you or you will probably die even though you were the first human in this Earth to gain Astral Sense.

You and this small group are the only 300 left in this small pitiful planet, the Devourer’s had somehow found out about the one forcing them not to make the humans in this planet extinct, and it was the same irritating bastard who sent me here to warn you.

So old boy you only have 1 week or rather 10 days. In this one week you should find a way of getting this stone to the mountain peak. That’s the only way the tower matrix can be built without alerting those disgusting Devourer’s.

Worry not about how to build the tower or its matrix, the only think you should concern yourself with is getting enough food to survive the amount of destruction that creating the Tower Matrix would cause.

You only have 10 days old boy or the Astral Force I have left in this stone will cease to exist.”

Even though I didn’t understand what a tower matrix was or how it was going to help us and why we needed to prepare ration to survive not mention what level of destruction this little bastard was talking about, I understood one major thing from this nano boy's words.

We had a chance to survive, a chance to build a future for our species, a chance to grow and become something other than food and domesticated animals.

Before I could answer though, this little irritating child continued speaking as if he didn’t realize my inner turmoil which am sure was showing from my shaking old bones.

“Old boy, now that I have showed you a way forward. I carry one last gift, in fact it is only a simple thing that you will realize is worthless in a week from now.”

Before I could further comprehend the little menace's words, the small hand pointed at what I thought was my head, but due its size it felt more like it was pointing at my pupil.

A blue line flowed out from his hand looking like a flowing river of beautiful stars but yet the power it radiated made my old body get goosebumps and made me feel as if my body would be soon broken apart.

But yet again, this irritating nano bastard made sure I couldn’t even move a muscle, heck I couldn’t even scowl at him, I could only watch as the blue line penetrated my forehead and a large amount of information was stuffed into my brain.


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