Black Mafia

Chapter 1: Ch 1

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    It’s hot, it’s extremely hot here. Waterfalls of sweat drench the back of my white T-shirt. However, I can’t complain, this hellish inferno is one of my choosing. “Welcome to Joey’s NY Style Pizza, the best pizza on Xtlanta’s East Side!”, I said to the customer who’d just walked through the door. She cordially greeted me, then proceeded to give me an extensive, and painstakingly specific order of pineapple, ham, sausage, and a plethora of other things onto a SMALL pizza. Great, I thought, another idiotic order, another wave of heat from the ovens. As I walked to the back I took a moment to stare at the little fan Joey was “kind” enough to leave in here. You couldn’t even keep an ice cube cold, I thought as I passed by it and mentally prepared myself before turning up the oven. There are better places to work(better conditions), I told myself. But they’re much stricter and pay less than $10 an hour, my inner self chided. “True,” I grunted aloud as I began prepping the customer's pizza. “Excuse me?” she inquired. “Oh! Just talking to myself,” I said with a wide smile. “Oh?!” she said, sparks of confusion glimmering in her eyes.

    Well then, it’s probably time to introduce myself. My name is Terrance Harrison. I started working in this hell-hole at the ripe age of 16, two years later and I run the place. Joey no longer shows up so I do everything by myself, good thing we are not too busy. Sometimes I get angry at the fact that I’m here alone, but then again, not everyone can handle this kind of pressure. Not to say that I’m anything special I take pride in being a part of the “common man” group. However the work is heavily tedious and quite a bit of intellectual prowess is necessary to fully operate a store by one’s self, but don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that I’m any smarter than anyone else. I believe that my peers and I all operate on the same level. The only thing that differentiates us is the standard to which we hold ourselves, and as a young African-American my standards for myself have to be very high. That’s why I talk properly, dress nicely(outside of work), and act right(in public), because although my facial appearance won’t be winning me any rewards, the way that I hold myself, without fail, will. 

    I don’t know why I do this. Constantly talking to myself to ebb away at the boredom between orders, and the unbearable heat in the summer that mingles with the unbearable heat in the store. I know this could probably be a problem for me somewhere down the line, but for now, if it gets me through my shift I’m fine with this bad habit of mine. As I look up at the clock I sigh a heave of exhaustion and defeat, another hour before I can go home.


“Testing, testing, hello? Can anyone hear me?”, I asked. The crackling hiss, similar to the sound of walkie-talkies, trickled through the mic. Then the sound of an annoying but familiar voice filled my ears, “YES! We hear you, Q, now get on the goddamn game!!”, JoJo yelled through the mic. “I WILL! Now shut the hell up, JoJo!!”, I replied in kind. As the  game loaded up, and the hateful voices of my friends serenaded my eardrums with commentary on how I’d never be anything if I showed up late for everything, I silently chuckled and thought, “These are my friends.” 

    “He’s to your left DL! Your left!” I screamed. “There’s a guy right in front of you, turn and shoot the damn gun!”JJ said, his voice coming through the mic at an earsplitting pitch. “No-No-Noooooo! How, how did he get me?!” DL exclaimed after being killed. “You are utter garbage, absolute shit.” Terrance calmly stated in a condescending tone. “Not only that but you might be the dumbest, most stupid, entirely idiotic person I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing!” JJ added on. “That was redundant.” I chided, “But damn DL, You can’t even win a 3v1, sadness.” I said tauntingly. “Hold on, Hold on. Didn’t all of you die before me?” There was a long pause before a stream of cuss words, slander, and rhetorical questions about kills and damage were thrown at DL. 

Although this may seem like a group composed of Assholes and Douche bags  I enjoy these moments the most. We all get along quite well, we express ourselves, our hopes and dreams, you know, the classic white sitcom, despite being an all-black cast. We have some epic moments together, and life is always interesting with them around. Above all, we’re all, at root, strikingly similar. Self-centered, cynical people who easily(and earnestly) point out others' flaws while ignoring, if not completely denying, our own. The toxic remarks, followed by even more lethal rebuttals, as well as jabs from the bystanders make every conversation engaging and, funny as hell. 

“Hey wait a minute, consider this.” DL stated in a sinister tone, “ If Q hadn’t died trying to loot bodies, none of this would’ve happened!” There was another long pause, and I knew that when it ended the person at the end of this smoking gun would be me. DL’s statement made no sense, we all knew it, but if there’s one thing we love doing more than getting on someone for doing something wrong, it’s getting on someone who’s done nothing at all. “Hey guys,” I said. “I have a scenario for you. How would you-”


 How would I change the world if I could at all? It's a dumb question, and also extremely unrealistic, the world order is already set. If I as an upstart tried to shake the balance I'd be silenced before even given the chance to speak. Which is what I stated to Q yesterday when he came up with that idiotic scenario. However, for hypothetical's sake, we decided to hash it out tomorrow (which is now today) and see how unique our ideas are/were. 

  Honestly, I've thought long and hard, and I'm still drawing a blank. All I've ever wanted to do is support my family, which consists of me, my mom, and my little brother. My dad was shot and killed while protecting us during an attempted home invasion. Since then I've had to step up and be the man of the house. I dropped out of high school and took on a job driving trucks for a local Xlanta company. It's not much, but it's a good-paying job that helps me and my mom keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. Sometimes I get depressed, thinking that my life is going nowhere, and I'll only ever be able to work for the rest of my life… my sole solace is the smiles on my family's faces, and the camaraderie of my friends, those fuc**ng a$$holes.

  But, all that aside, I guess I'll have to be roasted on the game tonight because I can't think of anything. That's fine, it's only a hypothetical anyw- "Johnathan Johnson, food is ready,!" My mom shouted, "Coming," I hollered back.


  "Terrance… you can't be fuc**ng serious right?" I said, "It's a scenario, it's not real! Trying to do something like this can land us in deep trouble. Worst case jail time, if we aren't killed trying!" "D, you know me, I plan everything out meticulously, I wouldn't come to you with this if I wasn't sure!" Terrance responded, "I'm sorry bro, but I just can't, things are going well for me, my father's company is doing well right now, my mom is healing from the car accident, and I'm going to a performing arts college pretty soon. I can't mess that up for some half-baked plan to make some quick cash." I said, "It's not FUC*ING HALF BAKED!!" Terrance raged through the phone. 

  This is his problem honestly, he seems to think he's always right, and hates when someone tries to go against him, which is why he makes a lot of mistakes. However, there is some charisma to his confidence, which is probably why he fits so well with our group. At first, it was just Jo, Q, and I, but somehow he wound up in our group. Honestly, I can't even remember the first day we met, I just know that he was similar to us, and we hit it off, the rest was history. "Are you even listening to my idea? How about you give it some thought, and hit me back later, this could change everything D, everything." Terrance said before promptly hanging up. This mother fu*ker, I thought, while looking at my phone. I'll let him cool down for a few days before telling him no again, I refuse to ruin my future for some dumb idea. Muffled shouts wake me from my inner thoughts, who's yelling so much, I should be the only one in the house right now…, I grab my baseball bat, step into the hall, and slowly start creeping my way towards the shouts.


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  Half-baked my fuc*ing @ss, when have I, the supreme Terrance Harrison, ever ONCE had a half-baked idea. I'm far too intelligent to ever do such a thing, wait no, I mean I think things out properly (that was close)  Q's scenario lit a fire in my heart, the fire of change. I was orphaned at a young age, I don't know if it was a fire or a shooting, or maybe I was just left in a dumpster or in front of a fire station(which happens a lot in Xlanta) all I know is that I've only ever had myself. Bouncing from foster home to government shelter and back, all while trying to finish my fuc**ing education. All for me to end up stuck at a shi**y job for the last 3 years while not being able to go to the college I always wanted to, just because I can't afford it. No! This isn't half-baked, this is resolve, if not to change the world, then to change my world, my future! If no one will do it with me… I'll do it myse- *BEEP*BEEP*BEEP* the alarm rang, letting me know my 15-minute lunch break was over. I heave myself up with a tired sigh, just as the bell above the door rings. I look up as I recite the words that are muscle memory now. “Welcome to Joey’s NY Style Pizza, the best pizza on Xtlanta’s East-" the last few words got stuck in my throat as I look at the customer who just walked in… who the f**k is this bit**

Sam Hall

  "The food is delicious, honey," I said as I looked at my wife Stacy. "The steak was cooked to perfection, crisp and well seasoned on the outside, while juicy and not too tough or too chewy on the inside. While your potatoes and steamed vegetables are as amazing as usual! " I exclaimed." While looking lovingly at my wife, the atmosphere was warm and comforting, the ambiance was one of tranquility. Good Job me!!! I thought to myself inwardly, as I glanced swiftly at my old friend from college who I'd recently seen after a while and decided to invite him to dinner. 

  All of a sudden I heard words that made my spine shiver, "So who's food is better? Mine or that whore who you leave your family to fu** every night?" My wife responded venomously. Ahhh you demonic woman, make me look bad in front of my friends huh?!?! Well since you've already ripped away any goodwill I had for the night, I might as well hit you where it hurts, "Your beauty lies in your hands, your ability to make the best meals I've ever tasted, her beauty lies on her body, and her ability to make me horny, something you haven't been able to do in many, many years my dear.," I said as I gave a small polite smile and chuckle. The atmosphere immediately plummeted to negative 200 degrees Celsius. My wife and I had a battle of a thousand words purely through our eyes, the stalemate was only broken by my teary-eyed daughter slamming her hands down on the table, "Seriously?!," She asked, "You argue even at the table? Even in front of guests!!" She exclaimed. I can't do this, she cried as she ran from the table. "Margaret!!" I yelled in an attempt to call her back, but she was already long gone. "See what you've done!" I said as I looked at Stacy with hate in my eyes. "Me, ME, WHAT I'VE DONE!!" She yelled.

Brandon Wright


  I coughed loudly to bring to the attention of the Halls that I was still at the dining table. Even back in college, Sam was a playboy, so I'm not too surprised by the scene unfolding in front of me, still, it's extremely awkward to be caught in the middle of a family spat, especially when the whole point of this dinner was for Sam and me to catch up. Once they took notice of me, I promptly took action to change the subject. "So did  you all hear that the Lakewright Holdings company might be going out of business?" I asked, "Yes, I heard about that, unfortunate business really, tax evasion I heard." Sam said with a small smile. "Heard?!" Stacy exclaimed, "Were you not the one who fabricated fake logs and inventory to hinder their business, then tipped off the ORS?" She asked. "WOMAN!!" Sam exclaimed in a threatening tone. 

  The information that I just heard shocked me, this was extremely illegal, as a private investigator I know the dark underbelly of the rich elite in Xlanta. Me happening upon this information is enough to have me killed 10 times over, and no one would know what happened to me!! I'm now starting to regret ever coming here. "Sam we've been friends for a long time, I won't rat you out, but I must be going, it's getting late," I said while slowly standing up. Brandon… sit the f*ck down," Sam said in the most bone-chilling voice I've ever heard. Time seemed to have frozen, the seconds that ticked by seemed like years, then I sat back down.


  I hate them, I fu*king hate them! I thought as tears streamed down my face. I ran to the garage and ripped open the door of my Lamborgene Escalor. I hopped in and ripped off down the road, not looking nor caring for my surroundings. How the fu** did this even happen. I had a family, a happy loving family, but around the age of 12 I was sent to school in Surope, and when I came back my family was in shambles. It's not like my mother and father don't love me anymore, they gave me a small charity to run, all the food, clothes, money, and cars I'll ever need, but I can't bear to watch them attack and rip at each other so viciously every day. It makes me sick.


Who the hell is this? This fuc**ng cop! On most days I'd patiently take the ticket and carry on, my daddy will pay for it anyway, and he owns the company that all of our cars are insured too, so there's no problem on that front. However I've had enough for the day, and no shit*y little cop is going to dictate what I decide to do in MY city. "Hey there miss, do you know why I pulled you over today?" The officer asked, "I don't know, and frankly I don't give a fu**" I responded. "Do you know who my dad is? Sam Hall, of the Hall Foundation, the same one who gave 3 million to your police ball, the same one who funded the Mayor's election campaign, the same one who probably owns the house or apartment complex you RENT." I expunged. "So let me ask YOU, something officer, do you know exactly what will happen to you if you don't get THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY?!" I screamed "I-i-i"  the officer stammered "Y-y-you" I mocked "Will go back to your vehicle, start your car and drive away, and if you see me again.. you didn't, understand?" "Y- yes Ms. Hall!" The officer yelped as he scrambled away. A smile crept its way across my face, there are a few perks to being part of the Hall family, I thought as I ripped off again.


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