Black Mafia

Chapter 3: Ch 3

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100,000 has been transferred

I keep reading the message over and over. Even now I can't believe that all this money is mine. In the world of the wealthy, even after all these years, I still can't understand how they can bear to throw so much money around. As if it were change or a dirty dollar bill that they wanted to get rid of from their pocket. $100,000 of hush money… My heart is trembling, thinking of the events that happened three months ago still makes me break into a cold sweat.

3 Months Ago

  "Brandon… sit the fuck down," Sam said. After I sat, there was a long, dreadful silence. My mind began to churn, racing as my nervous eyes flitted across the large dining room. It's about 50 feet from my chair to the garage, the garage should still be open due to Margaret's outburst earlier. If I run at full speed I should be able to cross that distance in about 3-5 seconds, the main problem is that Sam is sitting directly in the path of my escape route. Depending on how fast his reflexes are I may have to fight my way out of here. My eyes raced to the steak knife in front of me… I've killed before, and to save my life I'm willing to kill agai-, "Brandon," Sam said, the voice he used to call out to me was small, however, it seemed to fill the room with its oppressive nature. I looked up the table towards him while clenching my clammy and sweaty hands together, "Yes," I responded, trying to sound as if I'm keeping my cool, however when the sound left my throat and hit the air, it sounded small and pitiful. I tried my best to look into his eyes when I answered back, however, I had to avert my gaze. His eyes were like those of a snake, cold, calculating, and predatory. They bore into my soul and left my body without strength. I knew that even if I escaped from this house, I wouldn't make it home. My heart drummed so wildly I'm sure everyone could hear it, I felt as if I would throw up while in the middle of a heart attack. "You know…" he said, breaking the silence, "that what you heard is enough to…", " I promise! I can swear on my mother's life and everything that I hold dear to me that I will never, NEVER speak of what I heard here today!" I said. Sam chuckled as he said, "Relax, relax, I know you would never sell me out, we're old buds from college! I still remember how you saved my ass during multiple exams by giving me all the answers. Plus it's not like you snuck in here, I invited you for dinner! Speaking of which sorry for the shit show, marital issues, you understand." After which he belted out a deep laugh, and I joined in awkwardly for a few seconds until silence returned to the room. "Well anyway," Sam said, "I'm sorry for all the trouble, and possibly nightmares that we caused tonight. How about I give you $100,000 and we call it even?" He said casually as he resumed eating. "$100,000 is more than enough! $10, no $5,000 is still acceptable." I promptly responded, most people would think it better to refuse any payment at all, however, I know the rich, if you refused, or even hesitated to take a pay off they would suspect you, and if their paranoia outweighed their reason they'd have you silenced. I didn't hesitate, "No, no, I insist on $100,000 and not a penny less," Sam said with a wide smile, as the world seemed to slowly regain warmth. It appears that I passed his test, I thought, as I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything from here on is business. I take the money, I head home, and hopefully, I never see him again. "So should I leave my banking information with you, or…" I asked, "oh no, it's fine" Sam replied with a small smile, "I'll get that all figured out and have the money for you by the end of the night." My heart clenched again, this was a clear warning and a threat, Sam was going to find out everything there was to know about me, from when I wake up to when I take a shit, and if I ever stepped out of line… he'd know where to find me. I looked him in the eyes and gave a solemn nod of understanding, to which he nodded in turn. "Ok, well I really must be going," I said for the second time tonight, but this time Sam didn't stop me. "Ok, get home safe!" He said as he continued to relish his steak and potatoes. "Would you like me to package the rest of your food?" Stacy asked, reminding me of her existence for the first time since she landed me in this dangerous situation. I looked at her seemingly innocent face with confusion and a bit of trepidation, before glancing at Sam, who seemed oblivious to the situation at hand. "No… thank you" I lightly responded, "the dinner was lovely," I said before hurriedly leaving the residence. The whole ride home was a numb blur, after struggling a bit to fit my key into the trashy lock, I kicked open my door, before quickly stripping to nothing but my boxers and flopping into my bed. I began to reflect on the night's events and the moments leading up to it, how close I was to death, and how I narrowly avoided it. Just as the tears of fright and relief began to well up in my eyes I heard my phone vibrate. I lazily fumbled it out of my pants pocket, and read the notification at the top. *100,000 has been transferred* the message made my stomach drop, but the words right after it made me begin to shiver although I was engulfed in my warm bed, 'Use the money to buy a new lock for your door, or better yet, get a new place ???? if you need help finding a place let me know, I know a guy.' - Sam. He somehow managed to find my house and most likely enter before I even got home, did he set up wires, cameras? I looked in all the places where I usually set up such devices but found nothing. Even if I did, so what? Do I even dare to remove the equipment he set up to monitor me? After thinking it through I sat back down on my bed and heaved a sigh, it's going to be a long night.

Present Time 

I stare blankly at the message that I've probably read a couple thousand times while reminiscing, my phone begins to buzz, an early warning that a call is coming through. I groan in annoyance, my bank has been calling nonstop about my new balance, first inquiring about whether the money was illegal or a scam of some sort. After verifying its legitimacy they began to bombard me with financial managers and calls every time a new investment opportunity arose. Since I've never been so rich as to receive attention from the bank, at first these calls were interesting and filled me with pride, and vanity. However, over time, my excitement faded into numbness until finally annoyance. I answer the phone without even looking and begin to yell and rant about privacy and inconvenience until I hear a small chuckle from the other end. The voice of a man I'll never forget. "Hey buddy, I need your help," Sam said.

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I zip down the road in Terrance's new 2021 Voyota Xamry, weaving in and out of traffic, before pressing the brakes heavily to make a hard drift right into a small alley. I look into my driver's side rear view mirror, just in time to hear a loud bang, the ring of a gun going off, as the mirror I was looking into shatters. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"  I screamed while ducking my head as much as possible while still keeping an eye on the road. How the fuck did I let Terrance convince me to do this stupid fucking job, I thought. Even if the rent was raised I should've just got a second job, if I die here what'll happen to my mom and brother. Another two shots went off, one sounded like it hit the trunk of the car, and the other pierced right through the windshield and kept flying. No time to think, just act "Q, WHERE THE FUCK AM I GOING!!" I screamed through the headpiece I was outfitted with. "Hey first calm down, really not that serious, second we have code names I'm #3, your #-" Q was saying before I cut him off. "THIS ISN'T A FUCKING GAME" I screeched as my voice all but gave out on me. "I'M BEING SHOT AT, AND I COULD DIE AT ANY MOMENT, NOW WHERE THE FUCK AM I GOING!!" I yelled deafeningly into the mic. There was a second of agonizing silence on the other end before Q responded, "your right, I'm sorry. Take the first right after leaving that alley, after that you're gonna drive for about 2 miles before reaching the warehouse facility, the gates will already be open so don't worry about that, head to the third warehouse on the right, and once you are in there make an extremely sharp left or right, your choice." I remained silent as I concentrated on the road and controlled my breathing, it's really hard to get a good gulp of air under this stuffy fucking face mask, I thought as I exited the alley and made a speedy right turn. The car pursuing me skillfully turned the same way I did and followed me down the stretch of road. I pushed down on the gas as if I was trying to have my foot penetrate the underbelly of the car. My body was pushed back into the seat as the car leaped forward, covering the 2-mile distance in less than a minute. I blew past the open gate and began counting the warehouses as I flew past them. I briefly glanced at the internal rearview and saw the other car hot on my tail, he was so close that I could clearly see his features. White guy with sandy dark blonde hair, a bit of a round face that emphasized his exhaustion, makes sense I thought as I smirked cockily under the mask. We had him chasing his tail for the last 2 days. I turned my attention back to the road as the third warehouse came into view. I angled the car to the left before sharply turning right into the warehouse, instead of straightening the car I hit the brakes hard as I kept turning right with the steering wheel. As inertia swung the car right I let go of the brakes and shot forwardly 30 feet before I braked again lightly slamming into the wall, just as the other guy, let's call him Tom, shot into the warehouse right after me, however, he couldn't do the same maneuver I did and so he drove right over the spike strips that were 15 feet back from the warehouse entrance. The airbags after a bit of delay pommelled my face, but I ignored the heat, and pressure they exerted on my body and unbuckled my seat belt. I slid awkwardly out of the car and fumbled the M19 pistol out of the fanny pack I'd smartly slung around my waist. I felt the weight of the pistol in my hand, the smooth and slightly warmed metal and plastic due to being in close contact with my body. I gripped the pistol tightly and readied myself for whatever would come next. I'd practiced shooting before, my shot wasn't too bad, I just don't know if I'm ready… or willing to take a life right now, or ever. I shouldn't have to, the plan will work, I just have to trust Terrance I thought while breaking myself from my reverie. I turned with my pistol in hand and pointed it towards the now steaming car that was smashed into the back wall of the warehouse.


  "SAM WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! HOW CAN YOU SIT ON THE COUCH AND READ THE PAPER WHILE OUR DAUGHTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED?!?!" I screamed. "USE YOUR STUPID FUCKING CONNECTIONS, GET THE POLICE TO RIP APART THE CITY BLOCK BY BLOCK UNTIL THEY FIND HER, SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!" I said as I grabbed him by the collar and shook him with all the force I could muster. He, clearly irritated, slapped my hands off of him and then pushed me back. "Do you think I don't have a plan? Do you think I'd sit and do nothing while someone threatens my family, and tries to extort money from me? If I call the cops, they go to court, then prison, I can't touch them. No, I have a guy on the job, I'm going to capture them and toy with them one by one until they break, then, and only then will I let them feel the sweet release of death. Some roadside thug trash think they can bully me huh? G613 my ass, watch and see!" He said while seething. "Just know this," I whispered, "if my daughter is hurt, because of your arrogance, I will never forgive you, and I will put my life on the line to tear both you and everything you care for and built to the ground," I said with cold conviction as I stared him directly in the eye. He looked at me with unconcealed fury and slight coldness, however, I didn't buckle under his pressure, I kept eye contact, and showed my determination, he gulped just barely audibly and said, "Honey don't worry, everything will be fine, it's all taken care of. Come let's watch a little TV while we wait for the good news ok? … ok?" He asked. I stared at him silently, until it seemed like he was on the verge of panicking, then I sat lightly on the couch beside him. He grabbed me around the shoulders and dragged me closer to him, into the nook of his armpit where he held me tightly. I at first wanted to resist, but it had been so long since he last held me, since I could feel his warmth, and smell his unique and familiar scent. I closed my eyes and leaned into his chest, holding onto this moment and guiltily wishing it'd last forever. That is until I heard Sam say, "What the fuck?!" I look up to see the TV that was previously on the news start to crackle and the image swirl until the screen abruptly goes black. I held my breath, a strange sense of foreboding washing over me, "Tsk tsk tsk," was the sound that came from the TV. A beam of light splashed down from somewhere on the other side of the screen, fully illuminating my daughter, with her mouth covered by duct tape and her hands and feet tied tightly to a chair, her eyes red and puffy, with dried tears covering the areas of her cheeks that we're visible. "MARGARET!!" I screamed, "YOU BETTER NOT HURT MY DAUGHTER!!" Sam roared twice as loud. "Sam, Sam, Sam," a man with a deep and electronically distorted voice said. "We tried to play nice, but you sent your dog after us… we have him by the way, he's tied up on a leash waiting for his owner. You didn't want the old deal, so here's the new deal. It was $500,000 now it's 1 million dollars for your daughter and $200,000 for your cute little puppy. You have an hour to decide what you want to do, when I call back, you are either transferring the money or I'm going to start chopping off fingers, ok bye!!" The screen went dark before it began playing the news again.

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