Black Prince: Cruel Magic

Chapter 35: Chapter 35.0 – To the Dukedom

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Damon sat atop a branch; Stolas had told him to wait at the tree half an hour earlier. However, he still hadn’t arrived.

“Turn into your old form.” Heard Damon telepathically.

Damon’s wings disappeared into his back, his horns retracted into his skull, and his talons became cerenoid feet. Although he felt constricted in his transformed state, he understood that he couldn’t show his true form to anyone but Stolas.

Not too long after, Damon saw an owl walk next to a young boy. He was perhaps fifteen or sixteen. Although the fact that the owl might have a companion didn’t shock him, the fact that it would be a young kid did. After all a mage’s strength was strongly correlated to his age.

Damon should have gotten down from the tree to introduce himself, but recently he’d started to feel comfortable when perched in trees under the moon light. Especially when the clouds did not block out the constellations.

Since there was a third presence Damon spoke aloud to Stolas, “Who is he?”

The boy seemed surprised to see him. Had he not noticed? There aren’t even any trees to obstruct his view. How low is his perception, or did he go around staring at the muddy ground?

Stolas flapped his wings and perched himself on a branch a meter above Damon’s. “His name is Beruda and he will be your porter.”

“A porter? Why would I need that?”

“Don’t forget you are going there as Damon ke Stolas, a noble of the elvish continent who ended up working for a sect.”

“Well, I can understand the noble part, however, is it wise to tell others my name?”

“It’s a bet. Remember, you need not only wealth, strength, but also authority, and reputation.”

Damon clapped his hands, “I can’t believe I forgot about why I’m here. So, this way I can build a reputation and maybe a bit of authority as a demon or dark mage, and when some angel comes to find me, I’ll just hide as a human or something. Yes, this should work out.” Damon stood on the branch and turned to the child, “So, who are you?”

The child took a second to answer, “I’m… I’m Johan.”

“What are your magic skills, and what’s your race?” Damon’s curiosity got to him, to be honest he just wanted to know if he was special kid with godly powers. He still hadn’t met a living being weaker than himself. So now that a child who might have been weaker than himself, he felt the great joy in his own growth. OK, maybe there was a bit of arrogance mixed in there.


Three years ago, I lived in an orphanage, two years ago I got dropped onto the streets, a year ago an alchemist took me in as an apprentice, and today I’m following a talking owl. The owl told me that I’d need to accompany a black mage to another city.

I continued to follow the talking owl and we started to enter a dense green forest, however, as we progressed through the it, the trees started to lose their colour and the leaves turned grey. After a few minutes we entered an area where trees didn’t have more than four or five leaves and no grass could be seen. After another hour, we reached a leafless tree whose bark looked like ash and in which a dark elf in noble clothing looked down on me. Although I was far away, I could see his dark yellow eyes and his purplish skin. When we got closer, I got a better look at his clothes, and immediately got attracted to the various jewelry which decorated his body, from the silver earrings, the gold rings, and bracelet encrusted with precious stones.

If I could become like him with magic, then I would even kill.

The owl named Stolas flew away and perched himself on a branch above the dark elf. They murmured for a few seconds and then they quieted down. I didn’t know what to do, I wasn’t sure whether they were looking at me or beyond. However, I stayed silent until they spoke to me. I learned that well in the orphanage and it served me well till now.

The dark man stood on the branch and spoke, “So, who are you?”

I wasn’t sure if I should answer him, but what I hated more than anything awkward silence, “I’m… I’m Johan.”

“What are your magic skills, and what’s your race?” asked the man the next second.

If there’s one thing, I learned is to not tell other information on your status screen. I looked over to the kind owl, apparently, he was the boss and the Alchemist told me to trust him and tell him everything.

“Anything you can say to me you can say to him too,” said the owl in a warm voice which soothed my heart, “his name is Damon, a dark elf who works for me and the person you’ll be following for the time being.”

Although the owl said that I still didn’t have the best opinion of the dark elf. Perhaps because he looked like a noble, although I doubt a noble would hang around such a dreary place.

“I’m Johan, a level two black mage, potential seven, level two fire mage, potential four, and level two earth mage, potential four, and race, well I’m human.”

At those words the dark elf frowned, perhaps my levels were too low for someone like him. But two seconds later he sighed and seemed to relinquish a point, I had a feeling the two were communicating, I don’t know how, perhaps a spell.

“Well, let’s go,” said the dark elf. He jumped down at least eight metres and landed without difficulty or pain. I wonder if this is the strength which comes with levels, however, if this was the strength of a mage then how strong were warriors? Can they fall from the highest cathedral and still feel nothing? Again, I would do anything to become like them. The elf gave me a bag which I hurriedly secured on my back and followed behind him. He hadn’t spoken to me yet, however, he hadn’t hit me either which made me feel at ease. Perhaps he was just one of those people with scary auras but were good inside.

We walked through the forest back to the nearby villages where we stayed over at a small inn. We ate good food, black bread, beans, a stew, and beer. Although since joining the sect I’d gotten better food than before, this man didn’t seem to be stingy with money, well he didn’t look like he lacked it.

For some reason when we entered the carriage that would lead us to the dukedom, I noticed that his jewelry had disappeared. Since he didn’t seem concerned, I didn’t bring it up. He probably got robbed at night and didn’t want to talk about it.

The carriage traversed more dense forests and passed through small villages and towns. We didn’t encounter any beasts nor bandits so unfortunately; I wasn’t able to see his powers. Well, I should have the same magic as him in ten years or so, well he is an elf so he might be extremely old, so I don’t know. However, what I do know is that I will become like him and pay a visit to that orphanage once again.

For two months the dark elf didn’t speak and all I had to do is carry his bag around, I ate good food and slept in good ins, so I had no complaints. Before long we arrived at X City. Before we entered the noble district the elf turned to me and finally spoke, “First I’ll bring you to your new job so you can find your way back. I’ll be staying with my employer.”

I nodded and followed him to an alchemical store. Inside there was a human receptionist. Damon asked for Adelphina and a tall woman, probably a Nord came out and greeted me. She looked much more agreeable than the dark elf. This job will be rather good I think, she has the same energy as Emilia. This made me almost forgot that I still needed to follow the elf one last time. When we left once again, I noticed that his jewelry had returned. It must have been magic; however, I don’t know how it’s possible. There’s just too much I don’t know.

When we arrived at the inner-city gates, or, in other words, the noble district the dark elf showed a sealed letter to the guards who promptly let him in and said, “Well then, we’ll see each other again.”

The houses here were tall, incredibly tall, perhaps twice the height of two-story houses and they were built entirely of limestone and other smooth stones, which gave the area a vibrant and rich air. The streets weren’t filled with shit and mud but flowers and grass. This was the wealth of true nobles, the wealth of a duke. When we arrived at the largest and most splendid mansion, a middle-aged butler received the elf. Another young man took my bag and left back inside the mansion with the bag.

“You can go back now,” said the elf.

I hesitated for a second, I wanted to at least see what the insides of a mansion. Were the walls covered in gold, did they snack on the finest meat, and were the maids the most gorgeous beauties of the dukedom?

“Go back.”

Those cold words snapped me back to reality and I nearly ran away back to the Adelphina. This place wasn’t meant for me, at least not for now.

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When Damon entered the carriage to the dukedom's capital Stolas contacted him. “I have unfortunate news.”

Damon had never heard these words from Stolas, so he sat quietly with great intent.

“Emilia is dead.

Damon took a second to process the information. She’d been the only kind human he’d met in this world. “What happened?”

“The king ordered the execution of multiple black mages in the capital.”

“Why did he do such a stupid thing? Won’t every sect act against him now?"

“Recently, his eldest son and the heir died due to a curse. As such he is hunting down black mages.”

“If they didn’t ban the use of black magic in the first place, he’d have mages to counter the curse. He’s gone mad; isn't he just as vulnerable to curses as his son?.”

“Well, as you know to prevent a curse you just need to make sure none of your organic material is taken. As such he’s locked himself in his castle and only meets his vassals when hidden behind flames.”

“Then the fact that the duke wants his son to learn black magic means there is a group which doesn't agree with the kings ideology, i.e., the reasonable group.”

“Exactly, however, the two eldest son of the Duke are currently studying in the capital, although they might not be on the level of the king, they have still fallen prey to his propaganda. They see black magic as a necessity; however, they wish for black mages to only learn how to dispel curses, which isn’t practical. And this isn’t an isolated situation. As such we are currently moving a lot of personnel along battle lines.”

“Civil war?”


Damon wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked outside the carriage to the vast forested area. “How will it work?”

“There are currently five dukes in the kingdom. Our sect is currently trying to take control of three; however, the other sects aren’t letting down their attempts at influencing them. The civil war will happen, and when we win the kingdom will officially recognize black magic. With this we’ll get official backing from the nobility. This is why everyone is clamouring to get the backing of the biggest fish.”

“Then why send me for such an important mission?”

“Because it’s the easiest. The duke in question is the poorest, and the other sects are concentrated on seizing the two other dukes we are in control. And the fact that I can pass you off as a dark elf noble makes the duke much less suspicious of what we’re trying to do.”

“The duke doesn't already know?”

“Yes, but he thinks we just want money in exchange for our cooperation,”

“I guess we want the black mage to become the duke instead of two other sons.”

“Exactly, so for now I want you to bring the kid to our side. When the civil war breaks out, we’ll find a way to dispose of the two others. Plus, since they are in the military, it shouldn’t be too hard.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Oh, and one last thing.”

Damon looked down to his rings, “If this goes well, you'll have to give me a new item.”

“Well, sure we achieve this, I can give you an LVL.8 enchanted item.”

Damon smiled and thanked him through telepathy.

But wait, there’s one last thing. Her older sister is also in the capital in night’s training; however, we think she’s more receptive to black magic. Unfortunately, we believe another black sect has already contacted her.”

Damon stopped caressing his rings and realized that the bracelet he got 'as a gift' was meant for something else. “I won’t do it.”

“You don’t have to; you just must make her fall in love with you. Nothing else. After that she’ll serve you loyally until you set her free or a holy mage of rank nine and above sets her free.”

“I’ll just kill her." Damon intended to use the mind control magic on a felon or grade A asshole. No innocent person should ever be brainwashed. 

“Kill her after. Look, if you do it, I’ll give you another item worth twenty large gold coins.”

“Why are you so desperate for her, do demon owls like to touch humans?”

“That’s not it. She’s betrothed to the third prince.”

Damon sucked in air. “Oh.” He thought about it for a second, “You’re being so stingy for such a profitable mission”

“This is still a business; we need to expand, and I need all the money I can. Thirty large golds.”

“Add a five.”

“Sure, just do it OK.”

Damon nodded, “As you will my owl Lord.”


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