Black Summoner

Chapter 371: 372

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―――― Grell Barreka Empire

“Well, do you go beyond the endless poisonous sand from the ground? Isn’t it!”

Štra and others were blossoming in the story with a sister fight in the distance. I joined Melfina sometime later, and I got a better spirit. It extends to Efil special lunch and seat.

“I’d like Mel Sister to ride me. I didn’t remember because I was sleeping …”

“Don’t be humble. Is it a big deal just to sleep in that poisonous place?”

“That’s right. Because we were in the middle of evolution, that’s when Stra should be sweetened. Oh, can you take that fried chicken?”

“Oh, how are you”

“Thank you. Nmm …! Efill’s cuisine is exceptional.”

Melfina screams with joy and screams with golden fried chicken received from Begalzeld. Beside that, hahaha and rough transformation of breath were aside, and the atmosphere was mostly friendly.

“That’s absolutely. The devil is indifferent to the basic dishes. Some of them were unintentionally improved, but they weren’t the arm so far. I want to serve you. “

“Efil, my sister was sneak into Kelvin’s older brother, so it’s 100% impossible. Any major power offer is refused immediately”

“Is that so? Sorry … It’s a chance to add a red spot to the Devil’s four heavenly kings because he’s vacant now.”

“The Demon Four Heaven is not a devil …”

Isn’t it just fine for the four kings? And I think Stra, but I didn’t say that I had to deny it easily because each person had a sense.

“Anyway, did you just say evolution? Ah, was it Stra? I heard that human evolution itself is rare, but isn’t it unusual to evolve at that age?”


“Is that true? Neither your elder sister, your older sister, nor your grandfather were conscious of them because they were all stronger than me.

“Hum, you might be able to go. Let’s verify it when Dahaku returns”

“–I’ve never seen a human who has evolved as much as a hero’s party, but that wasn’t the case for all the heroes …. you, new heroes. Is n’t he really good? ”

Begarzeldo is reminiscent of the predecessors, Serge. The person who buried himself is a hero, so he may be weak.

“Ahaha, my friend is a hero, but I am not a hero”

“Ufufu, unfortunately I am also a goddess and not a brave man”

“(I’m the summoner, but I don’t have a habit of being a brave man”

“Yes, I’m safe!”

Three people felt like they could hear the sneeze of a sister-in-law two swords over the story.

“I’m not proud, but I’m not defeated, too? In the Demon Four Heavenly King Senior Devil ( Arc Daemon ] 19459031] Only the first Sebasdel had crossed the wall of , but after being resurrected, he would receive the special training of death called Miss Bell’s Death March without any questions. Literally, if you’ve overcome the death trap because you’re going to die, I’ll be able to evolve like this! Well, maybe the level was originally high. “

“Death March? … Death March. Oh, after all it is a sister”

Strato is convinced by himself whether he remembered something. On her mind, the figure of Toya’s suffering was drawn.

“Since all of the Demon Four Heavenly Kings have evolved, is that what it is?”

“From the original Superlative Devil ( Daemon Load ) Except Sebasdel This is the story, Gustav-sama also received a special training for her daughter, but she grew up the most because she wanted to show her a good place to her daughter …

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“Well, what is it. My brother is happy”

“Father making an effort for his daughter … Family love is wonderful!”

“Your surprise is quite different from my expectations …”

The ancient Demon King has been revived and strengthened. It seems to be forgotten, but usually this is a place to be scared. Devil’s premier growth strain, the name of the former Demon King Gustav. Those who are strictly trained by their daughters and feel joy …! Don’t convert in your brain like that.

“Oh, yes. If you have Gustav, Sera’s father, you have to report that.”

“Are you talking about? Well, Sera’s sister is definitely inevitable”

“What is it, what is the report? Was it something that was also congratulatory for Sera’s lady?”

“Yeah, a great thing. What I said is the story of the engagement of Kelvin brother and Sera sister. I have to say hello.”

“Well, I’m so excited! Gustav-sama’s daughter greetings … Guberabuk!”

Begarzeldo suddenly exhales blood.

“Oh, uncle !?”

“… Wait, please wait. Wait a moment. What did you say now?”

“Uh, Uh, Sera-san is engaged …”

“Double scan !?”

Begarzeldo, tumbling while spitting blood. The behavioral principle of shock is not clear. The shaking was more than Gallia.

“Are you all right?”

“Huh, huh … No, it’s okay, but it’s okay. It’s worse than that, it’s badly bad!” You, you should leave early here. If you become involved, you will be killed by the Clan Party Gustav! ”

“Yes, eh?”

“Gustav-sama is always domineering, but when it comes to the young lady, she will run out of control!” A girl-child may be the opponent, but mercy is never like me! ”

“Oh, you were forgiving. Thank you, doctor.”

“Don’t break the story! And forget the current words! … No, I’m obliged to follow Gustav-sama’s command. If you haven’t discovered it, you can’t miss it. While these junks are listening to my orders, I haven’t been able to tell Gustav who is at the top of the ordering system. I will eat it! “

Begarzeldo who stands up, spreads his arms and begins to intimidate. There was no dust so far.

“… Uncle, older brother has already entered the magic city. Even if we are told, we can’t just leave.”

“Evil, but Kelvin, he should give up. Perhaps, Gustav-sama is going to judge himself. So give up. Only say that.”

Begarzeldo is serious. Stra, Collet and Melfina were here. Three people who are good at reading people’s feelings, but desperateness is transmitted regardless of that.

“Well, yes, the doctor’s uncle is kind. But I still can’t hear the proposal.”

“That’s right. I agree with Stratra. It must never be abandoned, such as abandoning Kelvin who is equal to God.”

A gold wise woman and a silver saint who also stand up. There was a magical thread in his hand, and a stone statue, Mystic Cougar, was in his side.

“… Stupid. If this happens, I’ll stop even if I faint. Demon Giant King ( Daemon Gigant Road ) I know that the power of my demons will not be dismissed by successive demon kings! ”

While Muschamus and Melfina took out the lunch box from Kroto’s storage, the fierce battle was over and dropped.

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