Black Summoner

Chapter 577: 568

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— Central sea area

“Yeah, yeah! Please give me all of you! Now then, I will start the trap …”

賽 was thrown. The stage of our battle, the culmination of it, is in the middle of the sea where there are few harmful effects as we compete. Abyss Land ( Abysland ) ] It is dyed in color, or a tornado is generated by seawater. None of this is a trivial event compared to Chromel, but it’s in a short time. If prolonged, there is a risk that it will develop into abnormal weather. Cannot be neglected. …… Well, I thought that it would be a good place for a battle.

Confronting Kromell is Gerard who rides Boga on me and Sera flying. Plus, it is Mud Falak who goes away from the front with Efil and snipers.

“Ooooo, last minute! Is it just in time! ? Kelvin’s older brother, Ssu, came to Sukita! ‘Ness hands to participate in this grand festival!

Dahaku arrives at a ridiculous speed, replacing Efil who rides on Mud Farak. In addition, Dahaku also entered the war. It ’s almost late, this is bad. But now, I don’t care because I feel great.

“Dahaku, Boga. Is it quick and bad, but can you ask for a signal to start the war? [Do n’t hesitate, Chromel will accept anything, so please do well]

“Oh, that’s magic! My Breath ( Breath ) I don’t know where to stop!

“Hey, Dahaku! I’ll do it right away! 漲 ( Minagi ) I’m overdoing the tone! I know. Such a guy sees painful eyes every time!

“Uruze, Boga! When you are in good shape, riding the waves is the best way to enjoy Ryusei!

“Ah! ? Breath [194590007] ( Breath ) Try out ! Breath of the Great Eruption ( Iraption Loud Breath ) !

“Don’t say this guy! ? My Breathing ( Breath ) is much better! It ’s really serious! Breath of corrosion decay ( Venom Vice Breath ) !

Friend is good enough to fight, but in this case it is too good. At this time, there is no need to make any sense of tension while emotions are being suppressed. I’m impressed in a way.

However, Dahaku and Boga’s Breathing ( Breath ) was real. The green and red rays unleashed by Melfina’s status can only erase the earth without a trace. Appropriate as a signal of the battle, the person who released it seems to be quite surprised. Even so, I can see that Mel ’s blessing is working well.

“ Symbol of demise ( Cruelize ) ・ Dragon哮 ( Lower ) ”

Two dragon kings who are upset by the power of their figures. Contrary to Dahak et al., Chromel was calm, with excitement. Tentacles parasitizing the machine dragon form the heads of the two dragons in an instant. From the big mouth, the black Breathing ( Breath [19459011 ] ) I vomited . Let alone aim, attack of dahaku and boga approaching chromel. The colorful breath that collided from the heads scatters an endless shock wave around.

“Goo …!”


There was a clear difference in the surplus power between the two, even though they were shooting with two bodies. Breath ( Breath ) antagonized in the last minute No, I ’m almost going to lose. Breath ( Breath ) I don’t know the sensation of voting, I can understand enough that they are bulging from the bottom of their bodies. That’s why I couldn’t sweat one more, and I could see the chromel margin that I could clear up between my hands.

“I will endure it, Boga!”

“You too, Dahaku!

However, Dahaku and Boga are approaching Chromel Breathing ( Breath ) . Serra flies at an overwhelming speed shown inside the Ark, and a tracking-type flame mass that Boga secretly fired, Memorial fire ] ( Volterm ) Gerrard is on . Of course, I was the one who started approaching.

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Until now, Breathing ( Breath ) approaching chromel It wouldn’t have been left, but now that unreasonableness goes through. The closer to Chromel, the stronger the shock wave, but now it feels even more comfortable. Everything you can feel or see here is a different dimension from the world I have perceived so far. Even a restrained mind is somewhat exciting. Of course, this is also unquestionable, so it is not necessary. No, it was an obvious matter without explaining it.

“First of all, instead of greetings! Tsukuno empty jaw ( Matoi Agito ) !” 19459002]

Gerard jumped from Memorial Fire ( Volterm ) , followed by [ 19459006] Memorial Fire ( Volterm ) Moved to . On the leap forward, empty jaw ( Agito ) The slash combined with Boga’s flame wore the flame and went straight to Chromel.

“Congratulations will stimulate your curiosity! But …!”

槍 Owner shook by Chromel slashes like Gerard did. Breath ( Breath ) Similarly, this was also canceled.

“Gerard, thank you for supporting my beloved person for a long time! This is a special thanks!”

The body of the dragon and its abdomen are suddenly swollen. I also thought I would do something with tentacles, but it seems to be different. There is something like a sphere in the group of tentacles. There was a black shadow that looked like a personality in a huge crystal. Maybe that is the core?

“The black princess’s direct invitation or interesting! King!

“Oh, I know. Oh, is there an original of Zildra? * Leave the core to Gerard. However, either is a game with time. Kick off the chromel’s attention to some extent, and kick me while the dahaku and boga attacks continue. Others will do something with us!

“I understand!

“Because your weak points are exposed, don’t be wary! It ’s so easy!

“Gach ha! , Thoughtful and painful!

Listening to me and Gerard, Boga changed the flame missile destination to the core. Gérard, with a shield and a magical sword, rushed into the core that jumped out of the dragon belly.

“Kelvin, what do I do?

“Sera finds the heart of the god machine. I don’t know where this is. Only your intuition can be relied on. ”

“Huh, I’m a woman you can count on!” Leave it to me, I will crush it!

Once it was to determine the situation, Sera flew to the sky. Despite having little time, Sera’s surplus confidence remains unchanged. Really reliable.

[Remaining is Mandala ( Mandala ) and chromel body … even in this state I can. I ’ll help you with your best. ”

“Haha, it’s a composition that reminds me of the beginning. It’s so encouraging that there’s no more]

Chromel responded firmly to the attack on this side, and his gaze always looked at me. I feel like I’m beckoning myself if I come over here. In fact, there may be such an aim. But ――――

“— Don’t worry! Your opponent will be decided by me!”

Celebrity of me and chromel crossed, lifting their mouths together.

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