Black Tiger with a System

Chapter 34: Faye speaks the 1st time

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Having decided on cultivating again, he, this time just moved a few meters away from Faye instead of going back to his usual place deeper inside of the cave how he would usually do when he had something to do. The reason he did not do that, was mainly because it surely wouldn't hurt Faye if he practiced with a few meters of distance between them and secondly because he was too lazy to move right now.

Thus, he laid his body down on the cave floor and the closed his eyes while following the instructions of his Abyssal darkness cultivation manual just as he had done the one time, he had cultivated this technique before at the beginning just when he had received it out of the System novice gift pack. A few seconds later he already felt the mana in the surrounding vicinity entering his body through his bodily pores and slowly poured into his demon core, where the mana was subsequently purified and then coalesced with the rest of the mana residing inside his demon core.

'Hah, this feeling is indeed very refreshing, as if one were to drink a cold beverage after an extremely exhausting bodily activity like running a marathon. I really can't fathom why I don't cultivate more often; it is simply an activity that relaxes the spirit and body. And to top it off, you even get stronger by cultivating.

Sigh, my head must have been kicked by a donkey in the past, whenever I decided on just do nothing instead of cultivating, because even cultivating only a few minutes every day, this will be adding up to a long time later on. And it is not like I can depend on my < Black hole > to practice and become stronger, in every situation, in view of the fact that I could find myself in a situation where there are no living beings nearby or they are way too strong for me killing and subsequently devouring them.

This could be the case if due to any unknown reason, I end up in captivity or in some godforsaken place with no living entities at all. And where there are no living beings there is also no possibility on utilizing the Black Hole skill to increase my strength. Well enough of that, I need to clear my mind so as to not make a mistake in my cultivation.' thought and mused Thiago suddenly when he first felt the feeling cultivating gave him, and then continued to expand his thoughts.

Having rid his head of these distracting thoughts, Thiago resumed his cultivation without any further distractions for an additional 4 hours until he suddenly let out a breath of turbid air and simultaneously opened his sharp eyes again. The first thing that he noticed was, that Faye was actually still practicing on the floor opposite of him, which made him rather satisfied owing to the fact that he had thought previously she wouldn't last that long of a time.

What he did not regard at that moment was, that he could not compare her with him. What is meant by that, is that just because Thiago only cultivated for 4 hours and already thought it was a lot of time, doesn't directly mean that this time is considered long by Faye as well, who is an original inhabitant of this world. The original inhabitants of this world unlike Thiago are used to cultivating and every beast has the inclination to cultivate in tehri bloodline inherited from their ancestors, so cultivating is something completely normal for them and four hours can't be considered much at all for regular beasts and this also applies to human cultivators.

Anyways, he was just about to turn his attention back to his own site again after seeing that she was still practicing, which made tiny amounts of mana swirl around her, but he suddenly saw that her body shook slightly and a small man vortex formed around her body that was frantically sucking in the surrounding mana into her body. "Oh? She's actually breaking through, not bad at all.

It only took her roughly four hours, which doesn't seem to be that fast, but one has to consider that she had to familiarize herself with the technique first, so it's quite a good time actually," muttered Thiago given the all of a sudden occurring situation. The process of her breaking through was not long but it also couldn't be compared with Thiago's always extremely clean and fast breakthroughs, not that it was something possible achieving for her, owing to the fact that after all, he was a tiger with a golden finger.

But Thiago had to admit that it was really interesting to watch a realm advancement on someone else, because previously he had only felt the breakthrough with his own body and this time it was the first time, he had actually seen someone else making a realm advancement. Well, technically the second time, because when Faye had reached the Novice realm, he had also been standing next to her at that time, but that advancement couldn't be compared with the one she was having now, because the first one was achieved by eating a mana imbued steak which just was something completely different.

Thiago observed the mana rushing towards Faye and then being sucked into her body while the aura on her body was constantly approaching the next smaller realm. "Truly a sight to behold, Haha," laughed Thiago happily after not being disappointed by the view of Faye's breakthrough at all.

Although it was nothing extremely fancy and was rather small in scene it still made him admire it nevertheless. And then a short time later there was a small-scale shockwave radiating outwards with Faye as the centre, indicating her breakthrough to the 2nd Tier of the Novice realm. Just as Thiago wanted to speak out congraturlary words, Faye didn't show signs of her breakthrough stopping and her body straight away shook for a short time and then she radiated the aura of a 3rd Tier of the Novice realm outwards.

This time Thiago thought she had been lucky somehow and broken through two realms at once, but the same thing happened as a few seconds priorly. He was about to say something to her and just as he opened his mouth, she showed signs of a breakthrough again. "Huh, What the hell is going on with her,?" exclaimed Thiago in bewilderment.

Seconds later she once again broke through setting of huge waves of doubt in Thiago's mind.

As if that hadn't been enough already she advanced another small realm just a few seconds later, making Thiago doubt whether he was seeing right or not.

With that advancement she has already reached the 4th Tier of the Novice realm.

"How long will she be breaking through for," questioned Thiago him self being dumbfounded while he had already detected the next sign of an impending breakthrough.

Unexpectedly she broke through again.

Now She had reached the 5th Tier of the Novice realm.

And... again

... again


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With her latest breakthrough She had managed to reach the 10th Tier of the Novice realm making Thiago doubt his life, because she literally broke through faster than he had back then.

Just when Thiago felt that her continued and seemingly never-ending advancements would surely stop now owing to the fact that it was already getting incomprehensible and non-logical how many times she could break through on the spot, the mana inside of the whole cave amassed around her while forming a mana vortex around her and subsequently surged into her body as if the inside of her body was a magnet and the mana were iron filings attracted by its magnet field.

When the mana inside of her body reached a saturation point and the demon core was entirely filled with mana, the vortex stopped spinning and her body shook one last time. Just after the little body shake, a mana wave was once again subconsciously released by her thereby announcing her breakthrough into the Student realm.

"That can't be real, what am I witnessing here? I must be day dreaming for sure," mumbled Thiago in disbelief after having fully witnessed Faye breaking through nine small realms and one major realm in basically under twenty minutes.

Just when he was questioning his sanity, Faye awoke from her strange state, in which she had been while breaking through all this time.

"I-cough, krrj, I, c, an sp- p—eak," Faye uttered her first ever sentence haltingly, due to not being familiar with speaking yet, just after having finished her advancement to the Student realm.

As if only realizing that Thiago was staring at her with his eyes full of question marks, she turned her gaze towards him and spoke again this time with an already quite acceptable pronunciation, "My esteemed self has to say, T-thank you, for everything!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Thiago confusedly due to not really knowing for what she was thanking him right now.

"You saved my honoured life and took me in subsequently, have you forgotten that?" replied Faye which immediately made Thiago dawn on realization.

"Ah, well I haven't forgotten that, it's just that I did not consider that just now, Anyways if you want to thank me that much then I gladly accept your thanks," said Thiago.

"Well, it's good that you haven't forgotten saving this venerated self, now how should I address you?" asked Faye shortly after to which Thiago promptly answered, "My name is Thiago Khan and but you can just call me Tiago."

"Oh, alright, you may call this venerable self, Faye." declared Faye domineeringly which made Thiago almost burst out in laughter.

He had had to really supress breaking out into laughter the whole time he talked with her, due to her self-centred and high and mighty way of speaking.

What he did not consider was that the noble blood of the Stygian ore Tiger race was flowing through her veins and thereby influencing her tone of speech, which made her talk as if she were Royality which she technically also was, considering her bloodline. Now one may ask that, if she has this noble bloodline, then why did she not inherit any skills and cultivation techniques trough a bloodline inheritance how it was usual among major beast clans. Well, the short answer to that is that Faye's inheritance had been seized by a fellow clansman shortly after she had just been born.

Now coming back, not to mention that he was the one who had given her this name originally, but if this was her personality than he would just let her be, it was more interesting that way anyway.

'It's too funny, pahaha. This is just perfect to liven up my day in the future, Haha.' thought Thiago inwardly.

"Oh, what a very nice sounding name, indeed, now Faye, can you explain to me how you were able to break through so many stages at once?" requested Thiago after she had told him her name, which he had obviously already known before.

"Well, this respected self has nothing to hide, so I will gladly tell you how I managed to achieve this miracle others could only dream of. Basically, I had all the mana that I acquired by eating these mana imbued pieces of meat you gave me these days, accumulate inside of my body, because I had no technique at that time to properly transfer that mana into my demon core.

And the density and amount of mana was too huge to be digested in the normal way by my body, which made the accumulation of mana possible in the first place.

And as it turned out, all the mana I had accumulated inside of my body got released and transferred to my demon core one after another by practicing with the technique you gave me today which resulted in me having multiple breakthroughs one after another." explained Faye in detail to Thiago.

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