Blades Duology

Chapter 32: Curse of Blades: Chapter 31

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Ralix found him only minutes later, though to Coulta it felt like days. The younger man helped him move from where he had slumped on the floor to the bed. Coulta's mind was starting to function properly again, and he was glad his attendant wasn't panicking.

"What happened?" Ralix asked as he settled Coulta against the bolsters. "Should I send for a healer or Prince-General Rohan?"

"Myri," Coulta answered, annoyed that his voice sounded as weak as he felt.

Ralix nodded and went to the door.

Though he was weak, Coulta could also feel himself recovering while he waited. Was his curse healing an illness, or had someone tried to poison him? He'd never been ill before, which he attributed to the curse, but he'd never experienced the curse actually healing an illness. Had this happened before without him taking notice? It wasn't hard to imagine, considering how physically and emotionally taxing his life in Arren had been. He could have simply thought it to be a response to taking innocent lives.

When Ralix returned a few minutes later he had more than just Myri with him. Wildas, Shelton, and Anil followed them inside.

"What happened?" Myri demanded. "Ralix says he found you on the floor."

Coulta nodded. "I was feeling ill, but I'm much better now."

Myri proceeded to examine his eyes, check for a fever, and feel his pulse. "It just came over you suddenly?"

He nodded again. "I was drinking that tea," he explained, pointing to the desk.

"Poison?" Wildas asked, glancing at Shelton with obvious concern.

Shelton moved to the desk and picked up the cup. After a few moments of staring into it, he shook his head. "There's nothing wrong with it. It's just the tea he's supposed to be taking now." His expression suddenly changed from puzzlement to understanding and he put the tea back down. "Coulta, give me your hand."

Coulta held up his left hand as Shelton walked over to him. The sorcerer placed one hand under Coulta's, fingers on Coulta's wrist, and his right hand in the same position on top of Coulta's. His violet eyes closed and Coulta could feel a gentle warmth spread up his arm and through his body, then it receded almost immediately and Shelton opened his eyes.

"It was the tea that made you ill," he explained, taking his hands away, "but not because it was poisoned." With a sigh he went on, "I don't know if it's because of the curse or not, but you have no life-giving force."

"What does that mean?" Coulta questioned, though he thought he had an idea.

"You're infertile," Shelton answered, his voice gentle. "In some people the force is blocked and can be unblocked through healing herbs and magic. But yours just isn't there. The tea is used to temporarily block the force, and when it found nothing to focus its power on, it created havoc in your body. The effects should fade, as they already seem to be." He smiled. "At least you won't have to drink the tea every morning. It gets rather boring after a while."

Coulta forced a smile. "I knew I wouldn't be fathering children anyway. I suppose this makes my life easier."

No need to explain that knowing he wouldn't have children was different from knowing he couldn't. He'd need to get used to the idea.

Shelton gave him a small smile. "You can miss the meeting this morning. Let the tea wear off."

Coulta nodded. "Thank you."

The Second King nodded in return and gave Wildas a sharp look. "But you can't miss it."

"I know," Wildas assured him. "I'll be with you in a moment."

"I don't think the effects will last much longer," Myri said once Shelton had left. "I can make you something to help it along, though."

"I'm fine, thank you," he told her quickly.

She gave a short laugh. "I thought you'd say that. Send for me if you need me." With that, she gave each of her future spouses a kiss on the cheek and left.

Anil did the same, telling Coulta, "I'm glad you're all right."

Wildas took Coulta's hand when they were alone. "Are you truly all right?"

"I will be," Coulta answered. "I don't understand why it bothers me to know I can't have children. It doesn't change anything. It might have, if I had known before now."

Wildas gave him a curious look. "How so?"

"I wouldn't have avoided every whore in Arren," he admitted frankly. "You wouldn't need to teach me so much because of my inexperience."

Wildas smiled. "I'm enjoying it, and you're learning quite quickly. What made you avoid the men in Arren, though?"

"I've seen what happens on the streets. They hit you and steal everything of value you have on you. Why haven't you asked before?" he questioned, suddenly curious.

Wildas shrugged. "I assumed it had something to do with Varin's control. And I thought I'd let you have some secrets. I'm sorry I asked now."

"I don't mind," Coulta assured him. He reached up with his free hand and pulled Wildas down for a quick kiss. "Shelton's waiting."

"I know." Wildas gave him another swift kiss, then left for the morning meeting.

Ralix soon materialized out of whatever corner he'd melted into and asked, "Is there anything you need?"

Coulta shook his head. "You heard everything?"

Ralix nodded. "My duty is keep your personal life personal. Rumor-spreading attendants don't remain in the castle very long."

"I didn't mean to accuse you of anything," Coulta clarified.

Ralix nodded again. "I know. I was just assuring you that I wouldn't be telling anyone."

"Thank you."

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Coulta was awoken the next morning by Ralix and a trio of servants who insisted on helping him prepare for the wedding ceremony that would take place in a few hours' time. He was feeling well again, and no matter how many times he told the woman who was clearly in charge that he could do things himself, she insisted that they had been sent by Queen Yvona. Ralix gave in to them almost immediately and stopped trying to help. In the end, Coulta also surrendered to their assistance, and suffered through it as they made sure his black silk clothing was perfectly arranged, his hair was tidy, his face was carefully shaved, and his new ceremonial boots shone so brightly they could have been mirrors. Ralix had spent an hour polishing those boots the day before, but he clearly wasn't well-trained enough for the women to let him handle things himself. The attendant mostly sat and watched, shaking his head every time his lack of skill at dressing Coulta was grumbled about.

By the time he was escorted to the hall outside the throne room where the ceremony was to take place, Coulta just wanted to get it over with.

The entire ceremony had been thoroughly explained to them all the afternoon before, and seemed simple enough. Because Wildas was the Crown Prince he needed to be ceremonially treated as such – especially when he was marrying three commoners – and would already be in place before his parents' throne dais. Anil and Myri were to enter the hall from doors on each side, while Coulta would enter from the back of the hall.

He was dreading the attention of a hall full of the city's nobles, and he was almost tempted to magically hide himself from them. Only the thought of how that would upset Wildas stopped him from doing it.

It seemed like he waited outside the door for hours before the commotion inside the hall died down and the door opened for him. Inside, the throne room was even more highly decorated than usual, with garlands and ribbons strung across the rafters and several intricately carved benches providing seats for the numerous guests.

The guests were dressed in fine outfits of bright silk and lace, with the ladies sparkling in their jewels. Deandre sat on his throne, dressed in elegant royal blue and wearing his crown. Shelton sat beside him, wearing his own, slightly smaller crown and wearing a violet sorcerer's robe that was more elaborate than the ones he normally wore. Yvona was wearing an elegant, pale blue gown, her shining crown, and numerous glittering jewels. The fourth throne was draped in black with a crown identical to Yvona's resting on the seat.

Off to the side of the thrones, and on the steps below them, stood Brother Pelles in his dark blue priest robes. Below him stood Wildas, looking rather handsome, Coulta had to admit, in his blue silk attire with his gold-and-blue cord of status worn across his body. The prince also looked incredibly nervous, and Coulta knew he would be too, if he were conducting nearly the entire ceremony himself.

The other princes and princesses flanked their parents on the dais, dressed just as elaborately, the princesses glittering nearly as much as their mother. The only one not with the family was Rohan, who stood along the walls of the hall with a hundred of the highest ranking members of the Guard. All the Guardsmen wore ceremonial red uniforms that included sheathed ceremonial sabers. Coulta envied them for this, as he felt naked without a single weapon on him. A number of the Guardsmen, including Rohan, wore cords that marked them as members of the royal family, mostly cousins and uncles to Wildas, Coulta had been told.

Coulta arrived before Wildas at the same time Anil and Myri did. Both women were dressed in pale violet, lace frilled gowns with a few small jewels that allowed them to look a bit like they belonged to the royal family already. Coulta knelt with them before Wildas, who then began the ceremony.

"Anil of Windwick, Coulta of Arren, and Myri of Windwick, I have chosen you to be my spouses now, and when someday I wear my father's crown. If you accept this, rise and let it be known to all the witnesses here."

One by one, they each rose to their feet, took Wildas's hand, and kissed it. Wildas then turned to his parents seated behind him on their thrones.

"These are the ones I have chosen," he declared, "do you give us your approval?"

Shelton nodded first, with a smile. "I approve."

Yvona also smiled and nodded. "I approve, as well."

Deandre was the last to nod, and Coulta could feel his eyes on him. "I approve."

Wildas gave his parents a small bow, while Coulta bowed deeply and both Anil and Myri curtsied. Brother Pelles walked up then with a bright silver tray. Wildas took a blue-and-gold cord from it and stepped to Myri. He tied the cord around her waist, the way all the princesses wore them, then took a gold ring from the tray and slipped it onto her finger. She smiled and he kissed her.

He then took another cord from Brother Pelles, and stepped up to Coulta. Coulta bowed his head as the cord was draped across his body. Wildas then took his hand and placed a ring on his finger. It was bright gold, with four small diamonds fitted into it. He smiled at Wildas, who smiled back and kissed him softly before moving on to Anil.

Once all three of them wore their new cords and rings, Brother Pelles handed Anil another ring. She pressed it to her lips and passed it to Coulta, who did the same and gave it to Myri. She kissed it, and all three of them placed it on Wildas' finger, touching it in some way all at the same time.

Wildas smiled as they each kissed him in turn, then spread his hands out. They all took each others' hands, forming a circle, then brought their joined hands into the middle of it so that they were all touching. Then they turned and kissed each other.

Brother Pelles stepped into the circle once they'd all kissed, and placed his hands over theirs, speaking a prayer to the gods to bring them happiness, protect them, and grant them many children. When he finished and stepped away, they separated into a line facing the audience, with Coulta on Wildas's right, and Anil and Myri on his left.

They joined hands again, and Wildas declared to the crowd, "Behold, my wives and my husband!"

As the hall erupted into cheering and applause, Coulta couldn't deny how happy he felt. It was a strange feeling, considering that he had no idea what the future would bring to him as the Crown Prince's husband. The thought of eventually being the Second King made him uncomfortable, but he knew he'd have time to become used to it.

He might as well enjoy this as much as possible.

Lord Varin drew a deep, contented breath as he finished dressing. The ragged bedchamber smelled of blood and sex, a glorious mixture of scent that practically made his mouth water. The girl was motionless, slumped against her restraints beside the bed, but he knew she was alive. She was bloody and used, but alive nonetheless. He'd have a servant tend to her, like always, while he finally found some sleep.

Ever since the gifts he'd received for Dyrai, the need for blood and power had been growing. Nothing made him happier than torture, and the lust he found from that exhibition of power. It kept him from sleeping and, sometimes, eating. Beneath this need was the even greater desire to finally march on Ryal and take the throne that should be his.

The bone necklace he wore was coated in red-tinted gold. The red came from the blood of his soldiers, forced to swear loyalty to him or bleed to death over the burning hot vat of liquid metal. It was a far better control than what he'd had over that cursed assassin. The only way these soldiers would be free was through death. Their minds were under his control, their bodies acting even as they were broken.

Even his sons had cast their blood into the gold, so that they could then bind their own armies in the same way as they took control of all the cities surrounding Ryal. The same bloodlust ran through them now, as they bound every man of fighting age and killed every old man, raped every woman and girl child. The young boys were bound to the gold but held in reserve. Once Ryal was Varin's they would need the young crop of boys to become soldiers.

Varin was proud of his sons. And why wouldn't he be? They were a part of himself.

The necklace suddenly grew warm as he left the chamber for the cool hallway. He immediately grasped it, excitement soaring through him.

It is time, a voice whispered in his mind. Ride to Ryal and crush them into the earth.

Yes. It will be done.

Leave at dawn. You will arrive outside Ryal in four days. Capture the farmers outside, but do not kill them or the destroy the farms. They are needed to feed our forces. Kill only those who seek to warn the city. Save the raping for after the victory.

Something to look forward to, then, besides killing the royal bastards. Yes.

I have a gift for you and your sons. See what is in your stable. Attack with the dawn so that they may see what you ride and be fearful.

The communication stopped and the necklace went cold. Still excited, Varin left his castle and walked to the stables behind it. What he found inside made him laugh with joy.

The twenty-stall barn was filled with undead, demon-like unicorns. They were all colors, from black and gray to chestnut and bay. All had sharp, pointed horns and steel-studded hooves. They were bony thin, but Varin knew his master wouldn't have given him animals that would be useless. Oozing, crusty wounds and scars covered their bodies and their manes and tails were tangled. But it was their eyes that excited Varin; their dead, blood-red eyes that burned with a life that was not their own.

Oh how the bastards would fear him.

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