Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 110: Chapter. 95: Monolith

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Ten years ago, Amelia woke up alone and lost in a broken world where she had to fight for her survival.

Now, after reaching the pinnacle of power, defeating the Void itself, and escaping the abyss, she has finally found her way back into the real world. But instead of finding herself on Earth, she is in the land of Vacuos. A fantasy world with magic, monsters, Classes, and Levels. A world that is governed by a System like it were a video game.

And when rewarded with a Class befitting her accomplishments— to become a powerful [Hero] that will forever dedicate her life to protecting this world that is not her own— she only has one response.

“Absolutely not. I’m going to live a normal life now, thank you very much.”

After all, who needs a Class when you're already the strongest anyways?

Seriously check it out, MelasDelta has helped make this fiction possible, and he is also my best friend! Do give it a read! 

My body was sore, and I woke up disoriented. I could see nothing and I could barely breathe. My mind was in disarray as I struggled to move. What happened⁠— My head throbbed as I regained my memories, as the flaring pain across my body started to make sense. I panicked and quickly moved whatever was on top of me. It was heavy, but thankfully I wasn’t too hurt, though my arms barely responded. I looked around only to see nothing but gray, an ashen chamber where there was only coal.

Nothing made sense. All of the Moonfang bodies were gone, the Guardian was nowhere to be seen and my body was incredibly burnt. My armor clung to my body as it slowly tried to regenerate but I wasn’t counting on it. My mind panicked as I looked around⁠— something was missing, something⁠—

I stopped as I looked at the thing I had moved from me. It was black. My breath caught in my throat as my heart stopped. All I could do was call his name.


There was no reply as I crawled towards him, too pained to do something. I couldn’t feel anything, nothing coming from him. Was he dead? I felt tears well within my eyes as I ran my hand through its body. I felt no heartbeat or movements from him.

He saved me… I began to ugly cry. His last words lingered in my mind.

Fuck⁠— fuck, fuck, fuck!

I screamed in pain as I looked over his corpse.

[Sun, Guardian of Radiance, Guardian of the Deep Dark. Lvl. 55]

My mind paused. It didn’t say remains or anything like that?! I crawled towards what I assumed to be its head and saw hardly any place to force feed him some of the nectar⁠— right! I scrambled for my necklace and hurriedly took it, it ripped through my messed up hair with a small burst of pain, but nonetheless I wrapped it around what I assumed to be its neck. I pushed a small wisp of mana into the fang and the bead⁠, and a golden radiance enveloped him.

It took a few moments before I saw him twitch, then growl in pain, and slowly regenerate as flesh seemed to grow from the charcoal, as fur and skin unfurled. It took a minute or two before finally, he was now just like a remembered him⁠— a wolf, as Lumina had called it, with orange fur and clearly alive.

I began to tear up just from happiness and relief alone. It was a bit selfish to think about, but I was going to miss him, at the same time I didn’t feel alone anymore, but the thought of losing the only being that kept me company, made me tear up.

I crawled towards him, and began to shake him. Shaking him awake as he let out a low growl. I kept shaking him, and even started to slowly pound on him with my destroyed and pained arms. Every move made me feel pain, and sometimes they would spasm, but it didn’t matter.

He finally opened his eyes as he looked at me.

“Blair?” He asked in surprise, his voice turning somber and pained. “Y-You died too?!”

“No, you stupid.” I sighed, my voice raspy. “Your neck.”

He twitched a bit and felt the now drained blessing wrapped around his neck. He blinked for a second and opened his mouth.

“Thank you.”

I smiled, and couldn’t help but ask. “Is what you said true?”

Sun blinked, once more and awkwardly wagged his tail.

“It is…” He averted his gaze. “I do love you…”

I felt awkward. “I love you too, as family.”

He nodded. “As a family.”

Oh. I paused for a moment, before he met my eyes again.

Blair, your level⁠— it went up, a lot?” He sounded confused.

I tilted my head and looked back at the notifications I had gotten.

[You have killed: (C) Herald of the Supreme Moon. Lvl. 93]

[Level up: You have achieved level 47. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIG]

[Level up: You have achieved level…

[Level up: You have…

[Level up: You have achieved level 58. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIG]

Confusion went through my mind as I realized those were only the level up notifications.

It almost felt like a fever dream. I killed it? My confusion went through the roof the more I thought about it, and at that moment, Glim materialized next to me and coughed.

[You did kill it, remember? You shot a spear through its head before the dragon fired the beam of death.]

I nodded with a bit of confusion. I was struggling to recollect everything that happened.

Though, at the same time didn’t it mean I missed one skill reward? I sorted through my notifications once more only to notice.

[You have skipped a skill opportunity due to amazing Feats of combat skill. Milestone rewards for level: 55, have been modified.]

[New Milestone reached ⁠— Skills & Feats Available]

My mind paused. What?

There were also two Feats.

[Feat Achieved ⁠— Bane of the Elite Monsters — You have a superb battle record against Elite monsters; Heralds and Guardians. Denies System Assistance from any Guardian or Herald fighting you. Territorial Will is ineffective against you.

“Assistance these balls, dumbass!” ⁠— Ur, Champion of All.]

I felt instantly happy reading the Feat, and the quote made me laugh even.

[Grand Feat Achieved ⁠— Realm Breaker — You have Feats that not many others can claim! Fighting a Monster of 40 levels above and killing it, to being the Champion of a Supreme being. You have leapt a planetary Grade to fight your foe! You have broken the Realm. While this feat is active, all your skills will be boosted an entire Grade with the limit of B grade.

“At least your experience points will be useful!” ⁠— Blair, the Realm Breaker.]

My mind froze. Was that my name on the quote? When had I even said that? Grand Feat? What? What did it mean with, while this Feat is active? Why was I in the quote? What did it mean for my skills to be boosted a grade⁠— what?

Glim whistled. [A Grand Feat is the equivalent of C grade. Good job, Blair.]

Uh huh. I got a Grand Feat over killing the stupid Moon Guardian? Well, that felt undeserving, but who was I to question the System that kept giving Guardians assistance and a bunch of other things? I was just glad Sun was alive, all things considered, and I was glad that the nightmare of the Moon Guardian was over, and I was glad I had become so strong in such a short period of time.

I looked at my other notifications.

[Claim your rewards at the chest.]

You are reading story Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG at

[You have cleared a nest. D ranked Super-Nest, The Light of Night.]

[A monolith is available to claim.]

Finally, I stood up, my body still ached a lot. I took out a nectar bead from my ring and popped it in my mouth, the relief was near instant. I couldn’t help but feel awe for my surroundings, everything was charred black, everything burnt and turned to ash, no place untouched. I reached for my spear and my bow⁠—

My bow and spear?

“Fuck,” I muttered as I realized the loss⁠— “FUCK!”

What’s wrong?” Sun asked.

“My bow, it’s gone!” I couldn’t contain my rage. The spear sucked, but the bow?!

Glim floated elsewhere. [Blair, here is what remains of your bow!]

I slowly walked to where Glim was only to find a piece of metal. I reached for it and immediately felt the crystal inside. I ran my mana into it and⁠— I let out a long sigh of relief.

It was safe. The Immediate Fate Crystal was safe. Who cared if the bow was gone!? The real issue with the Crystal. And it was safe. I put the hunk of metal inside my ring, given that most of the bow was gone, it fit perfectly. Still, looking up I could see the night sky and the real stars shine upon us. I could see the clearly melted edges of the rock, and the ash that continuously fell upon the chamber was almost unsettling.

I sighed and looked towards the center of the room, where the Guardian stood. I simply assumed the chest would be there, and⁠—

I saw a glint at the hole where the Guardian was. Curious, I walked hurriedly. Sun was still laying down, seemingly tired of things but decided to accompany me to where the hole stood. I peered down, only to see a big crystal, one that was as big as my head. I reached my hand and as soon as I touched it, a notification went off.

A Matriarch has finished Continental Challenge #4 and can now pass through the Central Wall. Due to unexpected circumstances a Herald Monster still lurks. A Crystal remains to be claimed.

This notification came in the form of something that could be heard in the air itself. It made me uncomfortable to be called Matriarch due to the fact that my entire race was dead, and at the fact that I didn’t even miss them that much anymore. I shook my head as I noticed the crystal disappear, and underneath I saw a charred long stick, and a chest.

I reached for the stick and it felt solid⁠— What? It was covered with ash and charred dust. But rubbing it revealed my spear, and it was⁠— fine?

[It probably survived due to the fact that it’s made to constantly corrode things. So its biggest advantage is its durability. Also, items do regenerate if they aren’t too badly damaged. Your bow, well it won’t, but the spear did.]

It still didn’t quite make sense to me, but I was just glad that out of my two weapons one had survived. I grabbed it, cleaned it, and finally looked towards the chest.

I kicked it open and peered inside.

[C Grade Prophecy: Eternal Moonlight

Moonlight that shines alone, awe-inspiring and eternal.]

I shook my head as Sun seemed to shake. There was another item lying underneath the rock. I could see the outline of it and felt a bit excited.

“Blair, do you think I can have that?” He asked, evidently shaken.

“Sure.” I nodded and reached my hand only to stop⁠— “Take it, the Illusionist will take it from me.”

Sun nodded and reached to bite the Prophecy, taking it from the chest. I would’ve been excited over a C rank Prophecy, but it wasn’t something I could use or do anything with by the looks of things. Even after Elasia’s explanation it was a bit weird. Then I reached for the other item and simply smiled. It was, unexpectedly, a bow. It was a normal bow rather than the weird shaped things I had been using, it was a pitch black material that was coarse, and it had golden engravings through its length, the limbs were smooth and elegant.

[Moonlit Arc ⁠(Epic Item) — A bow blessed by the Moon, crafted from the bones of Terrifying beings and engraved with the finest of metals. Passive: Lunar Stasis ⁠— Arrows fired from this bow will be slow targets by 60% for 3 seconds upon contact.]

Oh⁠— it was a great bow. I picked it up and quickly got familiar with its rather surprising weight. I placed it on my back and moved to other things. I wanted to take a look at my skills, but decided that it wasn’t the place for that. Sun seemed to have gone elsewhere, but I sensed that he wasn’t doing well.

I remembered a notification regarding a monolith. I turned to the stone pillar, and quickly prodded it with inquiry.

[Super-Nest Monolith: Claiming this Monolith will automatically claim the surrounding area pertaining to the Super-Nest. Claiming requirements: Must have a claimed area within 200m of the nest.]

There was a brief period of confusion before I walked towards it, and eventually extended my hand only to be prompted once more.

[Do you wish to claim this Monolith?]

I agreed to the prompt, and in an instant a barrier was erected around the entire mountain. The fuel or mana crystals? I didn’t know, it just appeared.

[You have expanded your Settlement!]

[Feat Achieved⁠—

[Allied Party, ‘The Illusionist’ wishes to visit your Settlement.]

My mind paused, and I instantly agreed, not knowing what else to do. There were a few minutes of silence, as a small flash of light appeared next to me. Two figures stood side by side. One was Elasia, familiar as ever, and the other one was The Illusionist, he only had a single eye, the rest of his face was bandaged with a mouth piece, and his gaze was still as scary as ever.

“Congratulations,” he spoke. “You’ve not only reached D rank, but have also dodged a tremendous fate. It is saddening that you couldn’t fully enjoy your rewards as soon as you killed the pup, but it’s all trivial.”

I nodded somewhat awkwardly, he seemed friendly.

“It seems that Elasia’s faith wasn’t misplaced,” he continued. “Worth noting that in fact, you’ve greatly surpassed my expectations, and that I do find you worthy of carrying Lumina’s will.”


“Congratulations Blair,” his eye curled pleasantly. I took a look at him just to make sure, and⁠— he was still hiding his level.

[The Slayer Of Stars. Lvl. 143]

He beckoned. “Come here, I have a present for you.”

I hesitated but Elasia simply smiled. I had to ask.

“Is this not too much interference?”

“No, don’t worry about that,” Elasia reassured.

I sighed and walked towards the Illusionist, just when I was about to reach him I felt a voice go off in my mind. It was a weird impulse, but I also recognized it.

‘Remember that favor?’ Lumina asked. ‘Mind if I use your body for a bit? Just relax your muscles.’

I agreed, after a moment of hesitation, but Lumina could’ve harmed me already if she intended to. I relaxed, and I felt a weird sensation come through my spine, one that crawled throughout my entire body and I felt my mana whir. My mouth moved on its own and my voice came out raspy.

“I found you~” My hand went to my back, and mana pulsated throughout my body once more. I felt my ring activate and a handful of seeds were taken out, manipulated and shifted.

No⁠— My mana flared, my spear went forward, and before The Illusionist could even blink, he was engulfed in a myriad of vines and the spear went right through his heart, as his innards melted, and before I could react further. I let go of the spear and my body spun, kicking him in the chest. I felt multiple bones break on contact through the spikes of my boots.

Before I knew it⁠— Elasia vomited a mouthful of blood. Lumina pushed my hand, and the Illusionist fell over with the spear and vines, akin to a corpse. Nothing came, no notification, and my mind simply panicked as his body seemed to disintegrate into a corpse eaten away by the plants.

Elasia, let out a long breath as her lips trailed blood, she met my gaze⁠— Lumina’s gaze. There were a myriad of emotions present on her face, but Lumina spoke anyway, ignoring all of that.

“It’s not nice to hide from my inheritor~”

I felt control return to me, and a long satisfied emotion pass through the deepest reaches of my mind.

Elasia looked at me once more and shook her head.

“I knew it was coming, but I never thought it’d be Lumina the one to do it,” she sighed. “Though, I guess she recovered a lot of memories. Still, I do have a present for you, Blair.”

I scanned her once more, she looked largely the same, and mostly unphased. However, something was truly different. It made my mind completely freeze.

[Elasia, The Illusionist. Lvl. 581]

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