Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 118: Chapter. 103: The First Seed

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[Started Tier up: A Great Beginning (C Grade Prophecy) ⁠— Reach the third level on the relevant affinity⁠. You have discovered the higher power of your Prophecy, and its natural limit. Its pinnacle can be reached, all you need is one last push.

⁠◇ Level (III) in affinity. (Completed).

◇ Mana crystal of Dark plants (C grade).

◇ A Blight-touched Seed (Epic item).]

I looked at the notification with some pause. Naturally it wasn’t something that I expected but at the same time, I found it hard to process. I had completed what was arguably the easiest step, and while I could probably ask Elasia for the other two entries, since they seemed to be items there was a question to be made.

How was I supposed to get a C grade Prophecy inside the trial?

I had very little clue of where I could find the mana crystal, let alone the seed that it was talking about. With that in mind, I simply shook my head and decided to focus on the relevant things. Inevitably, my gaze turned to the Sangir tree. I felt some form of connection with it, but I was unsure of what to do.

I tilted my head and the tree twisted its trunk as if imitating me, I moved my arm and its branches followed suit. I couldn’t help but grow confused as I saw the wood in front of me split and give way to a pale green wispy flame⁠— it reminded me of the Treants I had seen in the vision⁠— Oh.

I made a treant. A sentient tree. I nodded to myself and the tree rocked forward without missing a beat. It seemed to be imitating me, which was something I didn’t know what to think of, but it certainly didn’t annoy me. With that out of the way, I faced the grass trial towards the center of the forest and began walking.

The treant practically crawled through the ground, waddled through the dirt as if it had no care in the world. It was loud and somewhat unsettling considering it was multiple meters tall. That said, the fact that it could follow me at walking speed was impressive to me ⁠— it was a tree after all ⁠— I did not understand just how useful a treant would be, but I was certainly curious now that I had one. At the same time it was lively and my mana wasn’t being consumed inside the tree, it was a weird thing all things considered. All of my other plants subsisted in my mana for the most part after all⁠.

Well, they would also feed off vitality. I shook my head dismissing the thought only to hear the tree rustle behind me. It was a bit entertaining except for the fact that I was still in a death zone, where numerous high level monsters just went around and about. I simply focused on treading back to the original Sangir tree to try to figure out my situation.

The trek was mostly silent save the treant moving and sometimes destroying smaller trees with thorns and cuts. It was a bit tyrannical to see, but I at least saw that the treant’s attack power to some extent, and I was more than surprised. As I was about to reach the inner forest, or the truly dangerous forest I saw a shadow off in the distance.

It was sleeping and barely noticeable, but its deformed figure with sticking bones was more than familiar.

[Blight Corrupted Wolfe. Lvl. 113]

I pondered for a second before turning behind me to see the treant. It decided to face me instead of also turning, which was nice. Then, I switched to look at the wolfe once more, and finally my gaze slowly drifted to the inner forest that was maybe ten meters away from the resting spot of the wolfe. I smiled as I turned back to the treant and pointed at the monster.

“Fight it, and throw it into the dark forest.”

The treant stared for a brief second but as I blinked, it waddled over to the wolfe at walking pace. It was disappointing, but I was more than prepared to run if things went awry. As it creeped closer I was simply waiting for the wolfe to awake and attack the treant, but to my surprise the treant stopped. It looked at the wolfe as its branches shifted and vines dropped down. What is it⁠—

A salvo of vines was launched towards the wolfe, they were laced with thorns and poison that instantly maimed its flesh. Blood sprawled with an awful yelp, and the wolfe began to glow in a purple color trying to use some kind of skill, but before it could the vines whipped and lifted the wolfe, in one swift motion it was thrown into the dark forest. Blood flowed as the plants inside the forest rattled and turned towards the monster.

I couldn’t help but leave my jaw open as the wolfe tried to rush outside of the zone only to be smacked back into the forest by a vine whip from the treant. Howls of pain echoed as it flew further into the forest, I saw the wolfe’s leg get caught inside a plant. As it struggled, more plants enveloped around it until finally, it died.

To my surprise, notifications came.

[You have assisted to kill: (C) Blight Corrupted Wolfe. Lvl 113.]

[Level up: You have achieved level 68. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIG]

[Level up: You have achieved…

[Level up: You…

[Level up: You have achieved level 73. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIG]

I paused, somewhat surprised. I had gotten more credit for the kill than ever before. The treant was technically part of me so I guess it made sense, but it was strong⁠— maybe it can even⁠— I paused as I noticed the tree standing there and staring into the forest.

“Come here,” I softly called.

The treant snapped its trunk in my direction and hurriedly moved towards me once more. Soon enough it was standing before me once more and I couldn’t help but take a good look at it. Its flame had dimmed a bit, which I somewhat expected, but other than that the plant was perfectly fine. The coarse and dark wood was free of fractures, and its red leaves were as rich as ever. It fit perfectly into the appearance of the forest.

The moonlight still shone overhead as if nothing had ever happened. I found it a bit weird and annoying visually. My perception was so high that I could see clearly, but occasionally my eyes would adjust to the darkness or the light and I’d see the forest in different shades of color. I shook my head and turned back in the direction of the Grand Sangir Tree.

“Let’s go.”

I began walking as I heard the treant follow behind. It was a bit strange to me to have a gigantic tree following me around at all times, but it was undoubtedly strong. I hadn’t finished my thoughts as I noticed it was immobile, but I believed it could kill one of the wolfe monsters, at least if I gave it my full help anyway.

I thought for a few moments as I replayed the moments of the wolfe getting trashed in my mind.

My treant was definitely strong. Though there was some shame in the fact that I didn’t actually know how to produce the seeds for the Sangir tree. Maybe⁠— that reminded me of the fact that I had missed the usage of one of the milestone skill and knowledge rewards. With a sinking feeling I navigated the system log, only to notice something rather weird.

[You have skipped a skill opportunity due to finding the rewards inappropriate among the tier. The more milestone opportunities that are skipped the better the next one is. Number of skipped opportunities: 1.]

Well the truth was closer to I had forgotten about it.

I could receive a skill or knowledge at the moment, but suddenly I wanted to wait till level 75 if not 80 to receive a skill. It was certainly something that I found curious. At the same time I found it a bit confusing that The System had assumed I just found them to be inadequate, but who was I to complain?

I opened my status and noted that I had a grand total of 56 attribute points. I placed half of them on Wisdom and the other half in Perception, and with that I was done.

Name: Blair | Level: 73

Race: (Elf)??? (D-Grade)

You are reading story Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG at

Grand Feat: The Realm Breaker

Feats: [Lone Survivor], [Bottomless Ambition], [Champion Of Champions], [Champion Of Illusion], [Pest Control], [DeathShot], [Five of a Kind], [Pacifist of the New World], [Evolutionary Herald], [Bane of the Elite Monsters], [Bringer of Civilization], [Untamed One], [First Leader]

Prophecy: Scarlet Bloom (D-Grade)

Basic skills: Universal Understanding (NaN), Universal Inquiry (NaN)

Free attribute points: 0

VIG: 176 | END: 70 |

STR: 68 | AGI: 100 |

PER: 219 | WIS: 228 |

Skills: [Proficient Archery (Uncommon Passive)], [Explosive Shot (Rare)], [Power Draw (Uncommon)], [Penumbral Instinct (Rare Passive)], [Frictionless Slide (Rare Passive)], [Burrowing Shot (Rare)], [Flashbang (Rare)], [Mana Manipulation (Epic Passive)], [Three-Marked (Rare Passive)], [Frenzy (Rare)], [Enhancement Mimicry (Epic)]. [Dynamic Mana (Epic Passive)]

Prophecy Skills: [Seed Manipulation (Rare Passive)], [All Dark (Uncommon Passive)], [Friend of the Dark Plants (Rare Passive)], [Blooming Combustion (Epic)]

Attunements: Dark plants (III)

Prime Currency: 5,250

I quite liked how my attributes looked now. I liked having high Perception more than what I expected, it felt as if everything was just natural. I no longer needed to worry about not realizing where danger lurked, I was aware of everything that went around me⁠— it was perfect for the instinctual person that I was. My way of battling required a lot of mana so Wisdom felt just right as well, admittedly I also felt like I should place some points in Endurance at some point later. It was terrifyingly low.

I shook my head and moved forward, entering the inner forest with my treant right behind me. It was ignored by the plants except those that were about to die in its path, those were just killed by the treant and did nothing but chafe at its trunk. It was a bit pitiful, but it also showed me that it was in fact a great thing.

Eventually, I reached the Grand Sangir Tree and came face to face with it. The treant followed right after me, and grew a bit confused upon seeing a tree that was almost like it⁠— except one towered over the other. I approached the tree and placed my hand upon it, eventually touching upon its mana. The tree, not long after, spoke.

You’ve done well, yes. It’s clear as day now. You have what it takes to rule this place, this forest. You are almost there, I can just feel it.”

I nodded. Where is the first seed?

You will meet the first seed soon enough. I can see you’ve improved and advanced. You’ve even gifted a lower-one intelligence. You consumed the fruit and took its knowledge at the end of the forest just like I had asked. Magnificent.”

I waited for the tree to continue.

“I am but a guide that lingers…” It said in a whisper. “The first seed died a long time ago. All I hold is her remains. I feel like you’re the right person to carry the torch.”

Confusion grew inside of me. What do you mean by that?

“I am just a guide arranged by the first seed.” The tree spoke distantly. “You are the first person to come here in centuries… You might be feeble and weak, but you also carry the quality of a royal.”

You keep speaking of being diluted, I do not understand it… I admitted.

“You possess the quality to bring a new Adastra into the world. The Almightiest of the mightiest of trees. You are very far away from that, but you have the right to rule this forest, you have a sweet mana that is the only one we can consume. The other is like poison to us… You extend our lifespan, your mana line has the quality to bring a new Adastra, it has the power to rule us.”

I nodded very slowly. Adastra?

The grandest of all trees. The primordial. Where all life came from. Now, there isn’t much time, enter the chamber.”

Chamber? As I asked I saw the wood and roots shift as they formed a small hole in front of me. I could see wooden planks underneath, my confusion increased as I held onto the tree.

“You may meet the first seed.”

[Hint Updated: Enter the chamber.]

The System was certainly useful. I rolled my eyes and let go of the tree before descending. It was very hard as I felt like I was forcing myself to descend into a small hole rather than some sort of room. Outside I heard the treant push against the tree and my heart skipped a beat.

“Stop, wait.”

I commanded and the treant stopped in place. I sighed and continued my delve into the chamber. It took a few minutes but eventually I saw a light. It was warm and orange as I reached a door, it was wooden and rusty, some sort of candlelight pooled underneath at its gaps. I could barely stand straight at the bottom of the stairs. I took a breath of uncertainty as I reached for the door without a handle and simply pushed.

The door creaked as it gave way, the first thing I saw was the root filled ceiling, I also took note of the wooden floor and as I finally saw the entire room I couldn’t help but pause.

Holy shit.

At the center, there was a person sitting down on a chair. She had silver hair and a peaceful resting expression, her body was marred with dried injuries and she had a whole on her chest where the heart would go. The person was clearly dead but her face and features were still bright, it was as if she had died just a few hours ago if not for the dried blood. And she was smiling.

I felt a painful headache pulse through my entire being as Lumina seemed to awaken. She screamed in my mind.

“Why am I dead right here?”

It was Lumina’s corpse.

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