Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 120: Chapter. 105: C Grade Prophecy

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The air was earthy and my footsteps echoed throughout the tunnel, the steps were much wider and visible — cleaner and made of a pale stone ⁠— the walls were still lined with bricks and the green light embraced it all. Sometimes I would see illusory plants, or vines coil around, but under the light they would fade. I was very unsure on where I was even going, let alone going.

Minutes passed as the illusions became more frequent, more vivid, much more lively. The plants would move aggressively, and soon enough they became more twisted, aggressive ⁠— plants of horror where they were nothing but black, laced with spikes and had nothing more but the deepest hatred for life. They would envelop me, try to swallow me, but with the light they were nothing but apparitions.

Just where am I even going?

I frowned as I saw the end of the steps. They led to a very dark chamber, the archway was cracked and the ground was nothing but pitch black grass. I reached the last step as my footsteps sent a dull echo through the place. In comparison to the chamber above, this place was expansive and teeming with plants. I could barely see a stone ceiling in spite of having the light from the necklace, but the strangest part was definitely the darkness of the room itself. In spite of my 200 plus points on Perception I could see absolutely nothing past the light. It was odd and unsettling, however my senses told me there was nothing. I could feel plants all around the room, but no presence of beasts or monsters.

What is this place? The sense of mystery increased tenfold for me. It was confusing and made me skeptical. At that moment a notification went off in my mind.

[You have reached the Chamber of the Beginning — Next step: Find the crystal, the seed and the book.]

That was a bit confusing. I have to find three things? That's what I got anyway. My eyes darted around the room, looking around with some confusion. How was I supposed to find three things in a creepy chamber where I couldn’t even see anything? I shook my head and with some apprehension I stepped down a step and into the dark grass. My boots let out an audible squelch as I felt my foot sink into the ground.

During that small instance I had a sense of regret, but ignored it. Instead, I focused on the chamber itself, where the light reached there were nothing but lush bushes of hatred and trees that would make people despair. Looming spikes, dripping acid, curled hooks⁠— all of it was like a trap designed to keep people in. I took a deep breath as I stepped forward, the only sounds that accompanied me were my breath and the squelching of my boots. It did not take long for me to reach the first plant, even though the light shone of it this one did not disappear ⁠— however it did not react to my presence either, which was good. Last thing I wanted was to worry about the plants attacking me.

With a bit more confidence, I moved around and about, swinging between plants and trying to find something. Not long after, I did find something, at the very center of the room there was a pedestal, a platform of stone with a path to each side. The pedestal was overgrown with black vines, but its stone was dark and teeming with white lines, carved with jagged but elegant patterns, it was almost like a forgotten sculpture. Atop of it, there was a book, it was thick and in pristine condition.

Well I found the book. I frowned as my eyes wandered to the other paths. First things first. I walked up to the platform and reached the book. Its leather exterior was cold like stone, but it was almost soft and aside from metal embellishments it was smooth. I inquired about it to see what the book was.

[Great Encyclopedia of the Dark (Legendary Item) ⁠— The long lost Encyclopedia of the Dark. Containing all known information about the Dark affinity within a now destroyed Star Cluster; this not only includes but is not limited to, dark plants, dark corruption, dark light.

“Its destruction is imminent. Take my word for it.” ⁠— Unknown to Lumina, The Rotten.]

I frowned, everything suddenly seemed related to Lumina within the trial. Which I suppose made sense since it was meant to help me with the Prophecy, but… it still bothered me. With a sigh I grabbed the book with my free hand and⁠—

The crystal light flickered and went off. In an instant the whole chamber screeched and danger filled my surroundings. I rolled out of the way, unable to take the book with me as I heard numerous darts and a whip destroy part of the platform, and then⁠— the crystal came back to light. The danger faded as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of my head.

What was that? I stared at the crystal dubiously. I shook my head and figured I should try to find everything as soon as I could and get out before the crystal gave out. Suddenly, I felt nervous, but instead of doubting I got up and reached the pedestal once more. The book seemed untouched, I reached my hand and as soon as it lifted⁠, the crystal began to flicker. I let go, and the crystal came back to full strength.

I cannot take the book. That sucked. Then again the next step told me to find things, not take. I shook my head and looked towards the other paths of stone. I picked one and walked in that direction, even though it became buried by the grass and dirt I could somewhat feel it underneath my feet. And soon enough, at the end of it I saw a pedestal on the wall. There, a crystal sat, its light was bright but also limited. It was well cut and it refracted the light with beautiful whites.

I reached its side and inquired it too.

[Mana Crystal (C grade) Plant Affinity affinity type. Mana purity: Excellent.]

That seems familiar.

◇ Mana crystal of Dark plants (C grade).

Right, it was part of my objective. With a frown, I reached for the crystal, my greed was more than evident. My hand touched it, and with some nervousness I looked at the keepsake, its light remained strong. I moved the crystal and⁠— nothing. I lifted it and once more the keepsake did not react. Soon enough, it was within my arms. I decided against throwing it within my ring, fearing some sort of reaction so I simply traced back my steps.

I reached the platform with the book, and I decided to leave the crystal there. In case the other side did not go as smoothly.

Venturing to the other side was much the same, and much the same, there was another pedestal there; just as ornate, as decorated and as forgotten. Atop of it, there was a small box, one that was easily taken without reaction from the keepsake.

In just a few minutes I found myself with the box, the crystal and the book before me. There was no reaction from the system quest, so I decided to open the box only to find a seed. I wasn’t surprised by that, but I was surprised by how it looked. It was as big as my fist, however it was also covered with thorns and it seemed almost decayed.

[Blight-touched Seed (Epic Item) ⁠— A seed that has been touched by Blight. Originally, the seed of a World Tree of Asbes, now, unable to sprout. Its energy has been compacted and sealed.]

Well, I did not understand what blight even was, but it seemed awfully convenient to just get the mana crystal and the seed from the get go. Weren’t they supposed to be hard to find or something? It certainly made me skeptical.

[You have found all three items ⁠— Next step: Choose between taking the book, or the seed and crystal. Warning: either choice greatly impacts the contents and result of the trial.]

I instantly frowned. The book was a Legendary Item, it was B grade. What did that mean exactly? I was unsure, but it was the first Legendary Item I had ever seen, moreover it seemed to contain extinct knowledge that I wouldn’t find anywhere else. Meanwhile, while it was probably hard to find the seed or the crystal, I was sure it was possible.

Or alternatively…

Couldn’t I get to C grade at this moment and take the book? Well, I was unsure on whether The System and the room would allow it, but I almost wanted to try it.

“Get C grade, then take the book.” Lumina spoke, but did not elaborate.

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I frowned. I kind of wanted it to be my choice, but if she agreed then there was probably something I wasn’t seeing. I grabbed the seed and the crystal at the same time.

[Tier Up Objective Completed: Find a Mana crystal of Dark plants (C grade).]

[Tier Up Objective Completed: Find a Blight-touched Seed (Epic Item).]

[A Great Beginning (C Grade Prophecy) Completed.]

[C Grade Prophecy Tier Up Available.]

I smiled, and decided to ‘tier up’ as the System called it, only to be met with another prompt.

[Do you wish to undergo C Grade Prophecy Tier up? After agreeing to this prompt consume Guidance of the Stars to begin.]

I frowned, that was certainly new. I had a 20 second vial, a 1 minute one and a full 10 minutes one. With some skepticism, I took out the 1 minute one and agreed to the prompt. Nothing exactly happened at that moment, but also knowing what came next I simply drank the vial without questions.

My vision went dark and once more I found myself staring at a sea of stars. They spun without a specific goal and I was a bit lost on what I was supposed to be thinking about. That was until The System spoke once more.

This is a large step for any being. At the end of a Prophecy one would need to think about what to shape and change of their Prophecy, a new fate and calling to lead them to victory. However, this step is still very much linear for you. What is it that you seek?

I frowned. That question did not seem linear at all, but I gave it some thought. My current Prophecy was based on the instantaneousness of things, something like an instant death. Crimson World was slower and more methodical, but I still wanted something like that. I wanted the ability to unleash instant death from a single arrow, to weave multiple plants together. It was a stray thought, but I almost wished I could change the plant's properties on the fly.

“Same thing, but faster and more lethal.” I spoke with my eyes closed. “Instant death, the ability to weave plants for the right situation, the ability to connect and change the plants I made.”

There was only silence, but the stars came to a standstill and slowly faded into a void. However, it did not take long before I saw faint colors of a dark forest, ones that grew stronger and more vivid. At the center of it, there was a figure walking, but their presence made me feel ill and pale. It was a warrior, sleek and had nothing but wooden armor and green wisps as eyes. Soon, a different enemy showed up, it was a man with a stubble and a deep frown, his face looked tired and his armor looked ragged.

There were no words spoken, the man simply drew the sword at his waist, and when he did a bright ray of light came. The clouds stirred and the earth shook. The sword shone in a yellow light, and he swung down with the might of earth itself. The entire place became white and when the vision came back, there was nothing but a deep crater where the wooden knight stood. It went hundreds of meters deep into the ground, and a large part of the forest had been erased.

The man had no reaction and let out a quiet scoff before stowing away his sword. But as he did that he froze and jumped away, a stake came from the ground where he stood and thousands of thorns exploded. The knight emerged from the ground with tendrils covering it and gazed at the man without sentiment. Then, in a swift motion of its hand, the man had his leg grabbed by a vine. Then came the arms and legs, and he was immobilized, every struggle and shake would make the air tremble but the vines held strong.

The knight looked at the man before shaking its head, and in an instant the vines exploded into thorns that dug into its body, then they flowered into beautiful flowers that consumed him whole. There was no sound to be made, just a quiet and fast death.

I frowned. It was a bit not what I expected, but the idea of shifting plants into each other was there. The vision ended.

“That is what I seek.”

A notification came as if agreeing.

[Prophecy Skill Learned ⁠— Plant Mutation ⁠(Epic) — Any plant that is yours can be mutated at will into variants of itself at the cost of the mana that feeds it. A plant can be mutated a maximum of three times before it dies.]

It was certainly useful.

Integrated one. This process will be extremely painful. Brace yourself.

Painful, why⁠— a massive headache assaulted me as new plants filled my mind, there weren’t a lot of them, but they were much more complex, more beautiful and deadly⁠— unable to process things, I fainted.

◇ ◇ ◇

I awoke under the shining light of the keepsake. I had no recollection of things, I only saw notifications within my mind. My body felt stiff and almost different.

[Your Prophecy has reached C grade and is now: Scarlet Shift]

I was unsure if I liked the name, but it had changed.

[You have completed the first step of a quest ⁠— Lumina’s Will (Mythical); reach C grade ⁠— Next step: Find the Great Encyclopedia of the Dark (Legendary Item) and gaze upon its contents.]

My mind paused as my eyes wandered over to the pedestal of my side. Wasn’t the Great Encyclopedia of the Dark right there? What? My confusion increased tenfold.

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