Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 129: Chapter. 114: Infallibility

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I turned and fled. The roars of the monsters resounded through my ears, hammered through my brain as my vision became clouded in nothing but red. Lots of things passed through my mind, but the main one was: If the source of the corruption was so damn big, how hadn’t it been discovered already?

I rushed through the dark forest, the plants gave way to me as the monsters chased right behind. I could hear the screeches and yelps of pain the further I advanced into the forest, my rational side told me there was no danger for as long as I was surrounded by the dark forest, but my rational side told me otherwise.

My perception was at an all time high, I had to rely on it. And at that moment, the danger shifted to in front of me in a wide-sweeping arc. I ducked, and in an instant I saw a gigantic monster appear before my very eyes and try to grab where I was. It was a Blight Corrupted Lycan. It smirked, but its face soon turned to horror as dozens of thorn laced vines whipped in its direction. It let out a yelp as dozens of tendrils dug into its skin.

I stumbled past it and continued my run once more. My heart slightly ached knowing the amount of free kills I was missing, but at the same time no place felt safe. I would have to duck, spin, and side-step to avoid getting injured while the plants of the forest handled things. Protected me rather. I felt lucky to be in such circumstances, however, I felt not so lucky about being chased by dozens of monsters.

Soon, I left the patch of dark forest and ran through the line of dark grass. That’s when the monsters began to catch up, mostly only wolfes ⁠— running by my side looking at me with nothing but bloodthirst, trying to find any type of opening. I held onto my spear as nervousness gripped me. Monsters chased after me looking for any type of opening⁠—an opportunity to pounce me out of the line of dark grass.

As I had to step over a fallen branch, my senses warned me, I inwardly cursed as I decided to dive towards the ground. At the corner of my eye I saw a wolfe pass overhead and stamp itself against a tree. I hit the ground with a small grunt, as I recovered⁠— another wolfe pounced and I jabbed with my spear. I nearly lost my balance, as vines jabbed towards the wolfe and made short work of it. I took two steps back as the notification came.

[You have assisted to kill: (C) Blight Corrupted Wolfe. Lvl 101.]

I stumbled with heavy steps. There were no level ups, and it only made sense given I had just jabbed the monster into the dark grass rather than anything else. I nearly left what was the safe path in the process, which was just met with a ferocious pounce that scraped my arm. It was surface level, but it still hurt a lot⁠— however based on how the claws slid off from my skin, I did have my high vitality to thank that I did not lose my limb.

With a snort I managed to step another pounce, and finally⁠— I managed to fully run once more. The wolfes chased after me effortlessly, but they did not dare to attack me anymore.

I just have to get back into the dark forest.

I ran and swiftly dodged, it felt like an eternity, and while the wolfes chasing me had been reduced to a mere three, it was still exhausting. I ran and slid all over the ground for what felt like over an hour, constantly fearing for my life and gaining random gashes throughout the course of the run. They were simply relentless, but I felt some semblance of calm as I saw the dark forest off in the distance⁠—

Soon. Soon I was going to reach my safe spot. Soon, I would have some reprieve.

My breath was ragged, I felt every single gasp of air get stuck on my chest, my legs burned and my arms were profusely bleeding. However, my disarrayed mind became focused as I saw my clear goal⁠— I just had to run faster, even if it made me vomit, even if I ended up breaking my legs, I had to use everything. With a nearly impenetrable mental fortitude, I ran as fast as ever, my legs practically grazed the ground.

The dark forest grew closer, and at that moment I understood I made it. I smiled⁠— Danger.

Purple flashed to my side only to see that thing.

[Blight Corrupted Lycan. Lvl. 139]

My face twisted into horror as I braced for impact, I shielded with my arms and I felt its claws dig into my skin, before I also felt something inside of me give way. I was launched away from the dark forest and into a tree, burning pain seared through my very being as I began to profusely bleed⁠— my entire body began to become warm, and my breath suddenly felt like it ceased to exist.

At that moment, I tried to move but my legs were unresponsive. I looked down only to see numerous thorns stuck on them, glued like vines. I gritted my teeth as my gaze wandered to the front of me. I saw the Blight Corrupted Lycan and the Wolfes nearly smiling at me, as if they were mocking me. They had succeeded.

I let out a long breath and pushed mana onto my ring, popping a bead inside my mouth. I didn’t need to use my arms anymore. Some of the pain returned and the feeling in my legs came back⁠— good, I just have to run⁠— My thoughts paused as I saw all the monsters coming from me. Danger was everywhere, and that’s when I realized.

I am going to die.

I had no escape plans, no instant recovery skills, nothing⁠— I was empty-handed. Flashbang⁠— it was useless. Everything was for naught. My mind rushed for answers, as I made a plea for assistance, from somewhere, someone, Elasia, Lumina, anyone, and then; the white came. My entire vision became a searing white as the monsters before me became nothing but shadows that disintegrated under the unceasing light. Everything was engulfed, nothing in my vision spared.

Particles of light floated up from the ground as I blinked. The entire forest before me had become nothing but charred trees except for the inner forest, which remained strangely intact.

“I made it in time.”

A familiar voice spoke from the side as my head snapped in his direction. In a pristine metal armor with flashing lights, he stood with his hand raised⁠— particles of mana floated up from his palm. He let out a very visible sigh as he sternly walked towards me.

The Light Maker.

“You’ve really given me a great headache, Realm Breaker,” he admonished. “I am supposed to protect you. Your death would void the contract and be quite painful to me.”

I slowly nodded, but he didn’t say anything more as he took another step.

He stepped over dark plants, the trail I had been following had been charred. He paused and knelt down, then he looked towards me seemingly examining it. He stuck his hand onto the dirt, only to trace his finger across a silvery spot on his armor, and I saw red⁠— blood. It was my blood.

“Well, looks like you have some explaining to do.”

I tensed up, but he shook his head.

“That said, even though I could kill you right now⁠—”

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“The contract.” I protested.

“The contract does not prevent me from killing you. Yes, I am bound to protect you, but it’s not like there are additional punishments for me killing you,” he mused. “I did have a hunch though, specially how you dodged my question, or rather⁠— the fact that you were still alive while a treant was about five meters away from you.”

I frowned. Wasn’t he supposed to pay with his life? Did I miss something?

“Now, don’t get too angry. Surely you saw this coming.”

I let out a snort. “No, how am I supposed to see a horde of monsters coming for my very life?”

He chuckled.

“Well, no one is infallible. Now, instead of killing you, tell me everything about your trial and I will let you live.” His voice became emotionless, and chilly like The System’s.

He could actually kill me? I felt vulnerable, and my arms were broken. I took a deep breath before speaking.

“How about you help me recover first? It’s not like I can fight you. You are a good one-hundred levels above me.”

He thought for a moment, and I could swear he was smiling.

“Well, you are indeed trapped with me, Realm Breaker. And I do believe every sentient being has the right to dignity, so I shall agree. However.” His voice turned somewhat angry. “Tell me what caused all of this? Right now, or your head⁠— flies off.”

I gulped as I stared at his unmoving visor and body. I deliberated my options and coming events before I let out a long breath.

“The source of the Corruption, I found it.”

There was silence.

“Then, you better make an agreement with the plants to not attack me or your head flies. It must be on one of the dark plant islands⁠—”

“It’s in the for⁠—.” I choked as I felt my heart tighten. The oath. I inwardly cursed. “The desert. It’s in the desert.” I spoke with a deep breath. “The source of the corruption is outside of the forest.”

“That’s not possible.”

“I can’t even lie about this.” I snorted.

He processed for a moment. “I see, so the Legion isn’t to be trusted, the Empire isn’t to be trusted?”

“What do you mean?” I asked with a frown.

“The whole planet was scanned to try to find the source, and if it's just in the desert then⁠— how was it missed?” He muttered something under his breath and his voice turned chilly. “So much for allegiance.”

“Allegiance?” I paused for a moment. “Like, your faction, there is a traitor?”

“Maybe, or maybe some form of corruption, nothing that you should be concerned about.” He teleported to my side with a flash of light. “We should head back first, I doubt the monsters gave up on their chase.”

I nodded and he crouched and wrapped one of his arms under my legs and the other one went behind my back. He turned to me looking down.

“You’re going to tell me everything once we are back, then I’ll make my decision.”


The war shrieks of monsters echoed off in the distance, and at that moment, I was enveloped by light. I blinked, and felt weightlessness before falling off on a soft surface. The couch. My vision readjusted only for me to see the interior of the base. I tried to sit up right, only for to be somewhat pressed down.

“Wait here, I'll get you a potion.”

I paused⁠— he was leaving. Maybe I could escape? I thought back on the teleportation and sighed. Or not. In the end, I was just stuck between a rock and a hard place. I had no choice but to comply for now and hope everything went well.

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