Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 145: Chapter. 129: Steps Towards Essence

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I looked at Elasia quizzingly as she chuckled, she met my eyes as she answered my question.

“Relax, there is still like a year or two till the Summit,” she reassured.

I shook my head. “What does being your Champion have to do with the Summit?”

“Well if the Champion is capable and wipes the floor with other Champions then it makes the Patron Monarch look good.” Elasia explained. “Of course, you don’t have to force yourself, but you could also kill the Champions for levels and stuff. Ah, and well I could help you learn an Essence Skill if it is what you desire, Blair.”

I shifted a bit uncomfortably. “So do we just go in there and kill things? Like, for no reason? It’s a bit of a random request. And while I stand to gain from it, I guess I don’t see the point.”

Elasia shrugged. “What is the point in things? Some people just push forward convincing themselves that no one works harder than them. That’s their whole motivation, being the best. Their life revolves around being the best. It sounds pathetic, but when you get to know these people they are perfectly happy doing that. If I find fulfillment from revenge on the people that insulted me, then I believe it is fine.”

I frowned as I found myself agreeing with her reasoning, however, Elasia continued speaking.

“The world is selfish, if you can’t place yourself and your close ones above others then you won’t achieve anything, but I am sure you understand this, Blair. Though maybe you are growing soft? I believe I am the same.”

I slowly nodded. “Maybe I am growing soft…” Then I frowned. “But unlike you, I cannot afford to be soft.”

Elasia smiled as she looked over the horizon. “Then work hard so you can afford to do so. Work hard so the world doesn’t push down on you.”

I felt my heart thump to her words. It was correct. I just had to work hard, I had to be strong so I could be free, so I could distance myself from all stupid troubles that did not concern me. I closed my eyes.

“I will work hard.”


◇ ◇ ◇

I lied in bed as I stared at the ceiling. It had been quite a long time since I fought anything except for maybe the elf ⁠— if that could be called a fight ⁠— even then, that one had happened about a week ago. I didn’t exactly know what I was doing on the daily, Elasia and Lumina told me to wait, and to be honest I felt a bit purposeless. I held no interest in watching how the town was being developed, not even trying to understand how the pesky town system worked. I had left it all for Elasia to manage.

A day or two ago I decided to relax. I decided to take a shower in a nearby river and rid myself of all the dried blood, cleaned and tidied my hair. Even cleaned my armor, which was dirty and made nothing but muddy water. And now, I was just lying in bed without clothes. Everything but my armor pieces were destroyed.

Even though I had suffered numerous life-threatening injuries there were no scars to be seen, at the same time my body felt more ⁠— muscular? But it was toned, not ugly like some of the warriors in the elven village that were masses of pure muscle. I had changed a lot, I could sprint without being tired, I could jump a couple of meters into the air, I could run, dive, flip even. I could sense the things ongoing outside with nothing but my ears, I could feel the wind shift and the weather itself.

The System had changed me.

The door opened and Sun lunged in, jumping into the bed lying next to me.

“Pardon the intrusion.” He just said that and circled before falling asleep.

I sighed, and looked up. Relaxing really wasn’t so bad, but I also didn’t completely enjoy doing it either. It made me feel guilty, as if I was supposed to be doing something or I didn’t deserve to live. I didn’t get to be lazy, and yet⁠— I simply laid there, feeling the warmness of the bed. So much had happened, and to be honest I didn’t exactly know what to do. So much had happened, I couldn’t believe that in the span of four-ish days I had revived Lumina, it felt a bit too fast,

Well, all things considered I had gotten level 100+ in about two weeks… I had fought for my life actively, bled a lot and struggled a lot. And now, I was simply relaxing, stronger than ever with allies that could kill me in a single skill.

And then, there were other things, such as my Grand Feat. Herald of the Dark Calamity, something that attracted unwanted attention.

There was also System Corruption, a weird phenomenon that I didn’t particularly understand other than I should avoid it at all costs.

Super Star Cluster, Selia. It was where I lived, though relatively speaking, it was like a continent and I simply lived in a hut inside of it. With numerous huts spread, some making cities, some towns, and some alone.

And there were multiple of these. It was a bit odd to me all things considered.

What am I even doing? I flipped on the bed, facing towards the wall. What had I been doing? I flipped once more towards the sleeping Sun. I wanted to protect those that were dear to me. I closed my eyes remembering how Sun had almost died and I felt like crying. I inched my body and gave him a big hug.

I had to get stronger.

Before it was to survive, to carry myself, but now it was different.

I had things to protect.

◇ ◇ ◇

My body felt relaxed, but also I just felt great. Wooden buildings had appeared all around the mountain, following a loose grid layout. Houses surrounded the main home where I lived, from one day to the next there would be more wooden buildings, some half completed and some with windows and doors, furnished insides with working water. Elasia simply explained it as Quick Building, and pay Prime Currency so The System does it for you.

I didn’t exactly get it that much, so I didn’t question it. All I knew is that the mountain was slowly becoming a city, and currently it was a town. I admired it a lot. I liked how it was progressing and turning out.

And eventually, Elasia called for me using the communication bead.

◇ ◇ ◇

We stood on the same hillside we had talked about, overlooking the horizon line. Elasia turned to me with a small smile.

“Do you want to begin learning about what is Essence? Though Lumina already gave you great hints.”

I nodded immediately. “I wish to be stronger.”

Elasia smiled, seemingly noticing something with me. “Then you must remember what Lumina had said, about finding what your very being is and encapsulating it in a concept?”

“I nodded. Though I don’t know how to start with that.”

“Well it is related to your Prophecy.” Elasia added. “Personally, I think my being can be surmised as a patient yet resentful person, but it’s not particularly super related to lies and delusion.”

“Right. So it has to do with our way of battle rather than what we actually are.”

“Yep.” She agreed. “The Feat you received a while back ⁠— that I made you accept ⁠— will greatly help with that. Your essence is akin to mana, but more and yet less plentiful at the same time. If you find yourself on the right track, the Feat will help you grow stronger much faster. It will help you realize your Essence as your power nearly doubles. Of course, you can’t exactly enhance every skill with Essence or bad things happen, since it is an unstable thing and certain skills do not represent us.”

I nodded. “How do you think I should start?”

“Well first, you think about who you are in battle, what makes you deadly and what part of your attacks represent you the best. You turn that into a concept, sort of like a mentality, an obsession. Something you vehemently believe in, if you truly don’t doubt that that is you, it shall become your Essence.”

I frowned. “That is a bit confusing.”

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Elasia nodded. “Just keep thinking about it, for example I believe that I can fool the world itself, that the world is nothing but my playground that can be bent at will, all it takes is to change the world of other people.” She smiled with a chuckle. “Of course, it’s a bit paraphrased, but it is what makes you, you. Some archers believe their arrows can’t miss, and well, they can’t.”

“That sounds pretty strong.”

Elasia nodded. “That said it is also what separates a high C grade and someone who just attained C grade. Just because the dragon got it for free, doesn’t exactly mean it’s easy⁠— ah, think about Guardians, they cover concepts. That could be said that that is their essence.”

I thought for a moment, that made a lot more sense to me. It was still just a tad bit confusing, but it made sense. We stared at the sunset for a few moments.

“How did you discover your Essence?”

“I got lucky.” Elasia sighed. “Most people do. System Revelation when they are in peril. The Blood Drinker apparently had one too. It’s not necessarily from The System but rather it is easier to find inspiration when one is actually going to die, when everything is at stake.”

I frowned, but Elasia continued.

“Though, it is best if you just learn it without that. You can’t exactly count on such things after all.”

“Right. That is true.” I agreed with some apprehension. “Thank you.”

◇ ◇ ◇

I thought about the things Elasia had said regarding Essence. I also tried the Legendary grade skill, and it was an odd one⁠— one that I really liked but I was unsure about how strong it actually was. While the skill was always active, everything that I touched, that my plants touched would gain a piece of Instability, and upon Destabilizing it, it would just break the air apart and snap things out of existence.

It seemed a bit too strong, but maybe it really wasn’t all that amazing. I mean, everyone at my Grade could split a tree in half after all.

With that in mind, I simply focused on my Prophecy, in thinking about how I battled, and I always arrived at the same thing.

I liked the instantaneousness of things. Instant death is what I had wanted from my Prophecy, It’s what I wanted, I wanted my plants to be instantaneous tools of death, I wanted vines to whip and spawn from nowhere⁠—

Well, that just sounded like I wanted for reality to bend from my will.

I laughed a bit, it was delusional. But a power that allowed me to bend reality, to make things instant, kill anything? Like some sort of god?

I wanted that. My current way of fighting focused a lot on the archery, on the instant damage and travel of Immediate Fate, it focused on being a merciless hunter that unloaded salvos of arrows upon things. But it was also about getting the jump on things, about being unexpected.

An instant death, one that came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

That's what I wanted my Essence to be, that’s what I was going to believe in.

I drifted asleep.

◇ ◇ ◇

The next day, Elasia called upon me, summoned me with the bead saying she had something important to talk about. I walked through the dirt road, it was flat and smooth, the sides of it were lined with wooden houses, some were somewhat rectangular and others looked closer to huts. I could feel some presence within some, mostly just Moonfangs and the occasional Bloodfang. The town was actually pretty deserted all things considered.

Soon, in just a few minutes, I met with Elasia, same place, same hill, same horizon line. The forests beneath looked unchanging and yet everything in the mountain had changed. The forest on its top had been culled, the forest beneath had been refined and had actual paths and trails made.

I stood next to Elasia as she turned to me.

“So, remember how you want to make a City so you can take all elves and then take them to kill the dragon?”

I nodded with some confusion. “Yeah?”

Elasia looked to the horizon once more. “Well, for that you will need population.”

“Right.” I agreed not knowing where it’s going.

“We can’t make a city if the population isn’t high enough, Blair.” I nodded once more.

“So, what can I do?”

Elasia sighed. “What you will be doing Blair, is find survivors and make them join your faction. Make them join this town.”

“What?” I asked, was she being serious?

“I need you to find survivors.”

“How many?”

Elasia frowned thinking. “Well, even though technically speaking it wouldn’t be a city, I am sure The System would be willing to let it slide. But we have about two-hundred Moonfangs here, close to a hundred Bloodfangs, so we would need another⁠— just over another thousand of whatever?”

“One thousand?” I asked.

She smiled. “Yep!”

“Just where am I supposed to find that many people, let alone those that are willing to join me?”

Elasia shook her head. “Relax, there is a place that Lumina discovered. It’s south of here, you will go there and recruit them.”

“A place?”

“A city.” Elasia smiled. “One from one of the integrated planets. You will go there and recruit them.”

I frowned, but she continued:

“The people are in peril, and you, you will save them.”


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