Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 79: Chapter. 68.2: Flashbang & Trivia

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[Ehem,] Glim coughed. [I know you’re confused, so allow me to explain. You see, certain skills might change the nature of your mana while used. However, it’s not something you can control, so I wouldn’t worry about it.]

“So, the reason for the flash and the stun, part was the mana nature? Attunement? Affinity?” I second-guessed the words towards the end, but I had faith that Glim would understand what I was talking about.

It bobbed after a second. [Yes, more specifically you could say that was light attunement. Though as you may also know some are more specific such as your dark plants one.]

“How many attunements exist?”

[Hmm… Well, a lot have variants, you have dark for example. However, some of the variants are specific to the attunement itself, such as well⁠— dark plants. You have for example fire versus ghastly fire. So, I suppose that most of the attunements can be divided into four categories. Earth, water, air and fire. Yours falls under earth.]

Huh… “What would be a subset of fire?”

[Magma!] Glim chirped. [Er, I mean. There are different types of attunements that don’t really fall under a specific element. It’s just so you can understand it.]

“So…” I frowned. “Attunements are about as random as Prophecies?”

[Well, maybe not that random. But for example, you can have ice, darkness, light, earth, plants, lightning, etcetera… I could go on, but all of them could be said to be a form of element.]


I pondered for a second.

“Are there types of Prophecies, some sort of category?”

Glim trembled. [Glad you asked me that, because it is indeed part of your tour! It’s almost as if it will come to an end eventually… haaa…]

“If you don’t want to say it because you’ll eventually die, then don’t bother.” I shook my head.

[No, no, no! I’ll say it!] It bobbed. [There are three types, well two types depending on how you see them. I’ll start with the two types, and then the three types. The two types can be categorized between external and internal, external touch on things outside of your body, and internal only within your body. So for example a swordsmanship Prophecy would be internal.]

I nodded. That seemed simple enough, and mine was external.

[Then you have the three types. Emitter, well they emit. Enhancer, they enhance, like the elf. And the third would be Transformer, they transform. Whether it is themselves or the things around them. I suppose something like the one the Ant Queen Empress used would fall under that.]

“Huh…” I frowned for a second. “Is there any point to this information?”

[No?] Glim bobbed, clearly confused. [I mean, it’s just trivia, you’re the one that asked? Perhaps just knowing that between all three, Transformers are the rarest, and Emitters are the most common. Yours lands under rarest. Does it affect the strength? Not really.]

“Ah…” I nodded.

I suppose that was about it. It did sting that I had lost two Prophecies that weren’t crystallized like that, but it was part of the contract. That said, what did The Illusionist need them for? To sell? The contract did not prevent me from buying them from another person, so it must’ve been something else. I pondered for a few minutes but in the end I simply shook my head.

I had better things to do, for instance, I had forgotten about quests. I had completed numerous quests, so I wondered a bit on how they looked now. Though based on my memory a lot of them were already completed. A quick check and…

[Active Quests:

[Land Reconnaissance (Common F): In order to conquer, one must first grow familiar. Reward: Small Territory Claim. Condition: Travel 20km. (6/20) (Repeatable)]

[Ecology Dissection IV (Rare D): Now familiar with the land, one must research further. Reward: 5 Shards of Great Ambition. Condition: Kill Beasts of a Higher Grade. (2/5)]

[Till They Bleed (Uncommon E): Exploration does not come without pain, make them suffer. Reward: Suitable piece of equipment (armor). Condition: Kill other beings. (23/40) (Repeatable)]

[Lumina’s Will (Mythical) ⁠— Lumina has accepted you as their inheritor. Advance your Prophecy to C rank. Reward: Unknown. Step. 1 out of ?.]

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[Dynamic Quests:

[Visions of Power (Uncommon E): It is said that the peak exists for a reason. Power to overwhelm, power to surpass the peak; Power Overwhelming. Reward: Guidance Of the Stars (10 minutes). Condition: Reach Level 20 before the Incubation period ends. (25/20) (Completed)]

[Chosen Matriarch (Epic C): As the leader of your race it is your job to secure prosperity. Reward: Ownership of the Planet. Condition: Acquiesce the rights from the other Patriarchs and Matriarchs.]

[Equilibrium (Mythical A): Equilibrium is the fairest of all desires, it is required for all life to be eternal. Reward: Nothing. Condition: Equilibrium of the New World.]

[Final Space (Legacy): At the arch of eternity, far beyond the reaches of the universe and The System, the Final Space awaits its purpose. Reward: The Next Step. Condition: Acquire Seedling]

I was down to three active quests, and I had completed a dynamic quest. Moreover, the only one that wasn’t repeatable among my active ones was Ecology Dissection IV, I had completed three of them already. I turned to the completed dynamic quest, Visions of Power and accepted the rewards.

With a bright flash a small vial formed, it was familiar. A tear-drop shaped crystal with liquid on it. It was the third one?

[Guidance Of The Stars: 10 minutes (Epic item) ⁠— Seek the guidance of the stars themselves to show you the path of your Prophecy.]

Oddly enough it was epic as well which confused me, wasn’t one of the other ones also Epic? I pulled the other one from my ring, seeing it lasted one-tenth as long and yet it was the same rarity.

[Guidance Of The Stars: 1 minute (Epic item)⁠—

Then there was the one I had gotten from the elder.

[Guidance Of The Stars: 30 seconds (Rare item)⁠—

I wanted to consume one of them immediately, starting with the 30 second one, but I felt like I was missing something. My eyes moved around unsure of things, and then finally⁠—they landed on the walls of the clearing and a brief memory flashed within me.

Mana can be extracted from mana crystals, but they are also used in weapons…

Right, Glim had said that. The entire place was sparkling, glittering with purple glints. Mana crystals.

◇ ◇ ◇

[Mana Crystal (Basic)]

[Mana Crystal (Basic)]

[Mana Crystal (Basic)]

The crystals were easily held within my palm, and quickly stowed away with a single touch. I didn’t count, but I felt my arm aching after a while, and the space within my ring had gotten quite overwhelmed. I seemed to be able to rearrange it with my mana and some touching, but it was weird. Ultimately I managed to just treat the mana crystals as if they were ground rocks and everything else on top or buried halfway.

And then, finally, I turned to the tear-drops, the…

Guidance Of the Stars

[Guidance Of The Stars: 30 seconds (Rare item) ⁠— Seek the guidance of the stars themselves to show you the path of your Prophecy.]

30 seconds of it sounded… weird. But it was supposed to help me with my Prophecy somehow. I didn’t feel particularly stuck, but I definitely did not understand what came next, or what I was supposed to do next. Was I just supposed to learn new plants? New uses? It felt a bit open-minded which was good, but at the same time I felt lost. I opened the vial, its cap miniscule and slowly placed it in my mouth, unsure of the liquid or anything I flicked it with my tongue, the odd coldness of the glass spread for a bit before I finally felt a small sense of wetness.

And that feeling vanished, instead. I saw stars. A myriad of them. And each one of them felt unique, almost as if all of them were calling to me.

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