Blair: A Non-Human LitRPG

Chapter 99: Chapter. 84: Under The Moonlight

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Elasia’s words echoed in the air for a brief moment, before she continued. Not leaving any room to ask what she was even talking about.

“The Illusionist has done it, Blair. You should be safe now, thankfully,” she sighed. “So, it’s good news for you.”

I paused as her words lingered. “What do you mean by safe?”

There was some static before Elasia continued to speak. “Well, things were unsafe for you due to Continental Challenges, but now that your Fate has been⁠— well let’s say heavily skewed there is not a thing to worry about.”

I frowned. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Of course, it is impossible to change your entire Fate, but after consulting someone, The Illusionist was told that you’d most likely die at the hands of a certain person. But now, well, the likelihood of you encountering them is much lower. Consider it a favor from him as a Champion.”

“Still…” I took a breath. “I don’t know what this is about.”

“Blair, someone’s Prophecy has picked a predetermined Fate for you, a Fate that allows you to remain alive. Of course, this can be voided, since no Fate is absolute, but consider it something that is for your safety. You’re honestly free to do whatever you like, just know that something has already happened.”

“And…” I pondered for a second. “How do I know it has happened? Also, wouldn’t this be interference?”

“To answer your second question, yes, but it is minimal since Fate is considered fickle anyway.” I swear I almost heard her shrug. “That said, regarding how you will know. The answer is you won’t. You can just pretend that nothing has happened and nothing will feel off. What’s the point of changing someone’s fate if they know about it?”

“Then why are you telling me this?”

“Because The Illusionist told me to,” she answered curtly.

So my fate has been changed? I thought, before I recalled the fact that she basically said it was to prevent my death, and that⁠— it annoyed me to some extent.

“Does that mean I can’t die now? Or I wasn’t going to die until that person encountered me?”

Elasia sighed. “Blair, you had about five predicted deaths today alone. So to answer your question, if it makes you feel a bit better, it’s closer to superstition rather than something that will affect you.”

I wasn’t following anymore. “Then why tell me if it hardly matters? If I am meant to die, I’ll die, no?”

“I suppose so.”

“Then?” I asked.

“It’s closer to it will prevent the scenario from happening, rather than helping you directly should you say, encounter the slumbering Dragon. Ultimately, it cannot change death, it can only help prevent it in advance. Think of it as a situation that will alter the course of things. You’ll know when you experience it.” She let out a breath. “Blair, I know you’re just untamed and this will most likely bother you more than help you, but just know you’re not disposable. Take that as you will.”

Huh? I was about to reply but the bead buzzed, and the sound disappeared. I was once more, alone with Glim and Sun. Elasia had cut off communication now.

Seems like you have someone that really cares for you,” Sun said regarding me.

I snorted. “I got things from them, and they probably don’t want to lose them. Besides, she was probably told by The Illusionist to tell me all of this. He does illusions and deceptions after all.”

“Hm, she seemed to be saying it in a personal manner,” he mused.

I shook my head and left it at that. Glim bobbed.

[Hey Blair, you completed a quest. And well, you seemed pretty displeased, so I was thinking of a better quest for you. How about something that rewards Grand Shards of Ambition instead?!]

I sighed. “Glim, I am kind of over shards of ambition at this point.”

[Well, how about a Great Ambition as a reward? Just, a free Feat! Well, I’ll admit I am just trying to give you a quest. Since I feel guilty that you were disappointed over the rewards of Ecology DIssection, and well, the chain kind of continues on till the number ten. So, I want to give you something else.]

“Can I complete it?” I asked, feeling a bit dubious.

[Given enough time, yes!]

I frowned, feeling suddenly skeptical over the things that Elasia had said. Think of it as a situation that will alter the course of things. You’ll know when you experience it. Well, a new kind of quest surely seemed like the best way⁠—

[Stop, second-guessing! Too late, here! You can choose to not finish it if you so choose] Glim interrupted and a notification came.

[Accepted Quest ⁠— Continental Champion ⁠— Undefeated. You’re the best Champion of the continents. Among the best four on the planet! Prove superiority over all other Champions in the continent. Reward: Feat.]

Uh, huh… I stared forward a bit. What? It seemed pretty reasonable to me, which made me feel a bit more skeptical, but after some seconds of deliberation I finally sighed. I suppose it’s fine. I shook my head, and moved on. My mana was nearly full now, so I was ready to keep training at least.

“Hmm, it seems you people are finally done doing voice of god things,” Sun snorted, now on the ground. “Blair, are you ready to go outside? You can finally enhance your body, so consider using that.”

I had a brief pause before I nodded. “I’m ready, sort of.”

He stood up with a shake, and looked down on me. “Alright, then let us go, Blair.

A small part of me felt some uneasiness over being accompanied, but I ignored it. I was supposed to be stronger, get better.

◇ ◇ ◇

We traveled through the forest for a bit, towards one of the sides of the chamber. And finally, Sun stood, he simply looked forward and nudged his head in a direction. Somewhat pointing there, but it was lazy and somewhat unfocused.

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Two Lower Moons, you can do it.” He turned around as my mind spaced out for a second from the confusion.

“You’re not coming?”

No,” he answered curtly before adding. “The Guardian of the Full Moon might sense me if I battle. At the same time, if I am here it won’t be a learning experience for you.”

He ventured outside the trees and back in the direction of the lake, where the center of the chamber was. A few seconds of silence passed. The wind blew, pelting at the greenery, the sounds of the forest and the occasional howl accompanied me. I blinked. He really left? My face became a bit ugly, it bothered me more than it should have. But I also thought it was probably better for me to be alone.

I sighed, as I looked around. The forest was a dark blue, constant moonlight filtered through the leaves, giving it a mystical sense of eternal night. The cold wind grazed my skin, and the occasional mana light floated by. I grabbed my bow along with a tendril arrow, and marched in the direction Sun had pointed.

It didn’t take long before I saw a clearing, and then I heard a weird sound as I saw for lack of a better word two Moonfangs on top of each other. My mind couldn’t understand what was happening other than some sort of bonding activity. Suddenly, I felt a bit weird⁠— Why here? I erased my thoughts and simply saw it as a great opportunity to end both of them at once. It made me feel uncomfortable, and at the same time I couldn’t help but wonder why at a clearing under the moonlight, but such was the cycle of life.

[Moonfang, Lower Moon. Lvl. 33]

[Moonfang, Lower Moon. Lvl 37]

I took out another tendril arrow and nocked both at once, hopefully to either hit⁠— I paused and took yet another one, it was best to make sure at least one of them died at the same time. I slowly pulled the string of the bow to max strength as I aimed towards the higher level one. I took a deep, I was maybe fifteen meters away at most, but the Moonfangs were busy doing their things, enough to at least give me the confidence to properly execute my surprise attack.

Enhance all three arrows with the power to burrow, enhance the string, let go of the string⁠— enhance all three, the string, let go⁠— enhance, string, go⁠— it became a chant in my mind as I repeated the action in my head numerous times, I needed it to be swift and fast, enough to at least kill one of them. I needed one of them to die. As I took a final breath and pushed my mana, time seemed to come to a crawl as a breeze passed by my neck, the grass rustled, and the Moonfangs shone under the moonlight as the mana illuminated all three arrows, as it passed towards the string, it all was so slow⁠—

I fired, the arrows left a burning sensation in my fingers as they became nothing but a green streak that instantly hit its target⁠— the Moonfang on top received three arrows on the torso mid howl, they instantly crawled into its insides as the howling pitch shifted from some type of happiness to pure pain, guttural sounds of misery graced my ears.

[Activated: Mark of Death.]

It thrashed around, still connected by its legs to the other Moonfang. My mind didn’t register it until I commanded it⁠— Bloom. Tendrils broke though its body, as pitched sounds of pain drifted to cries, in an instant I saw more and more reddish tendrils break through its body, and then I saw it wobble⁠— the part between its legs broke apart with an explosion of gore and blood, its entire rear was dissected into two as tendrils crawled and with a final guttural scream, it fainted? The notification came.

[You have killed: (D) Moonfang, Lower Moon. Lvl. 37]

[+50 Prime from Hunter (Uncommon E) Quest.]

[Level up: You have achieved level 33. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIT]

[Level up: You have achieved level 34. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIT]

Silence filled the place, as the second Moonfang let out a small yelp-like howl, interrupting me from any kind of level up excitement. The tendrils drifted, and attached to the Moonfang below, crawling into its skin as it finally awoke from its trance. Digging into its legs.

“What⁠—!?” it shrieked from pain as it finally awoke from its stupor. Blood oozed from its legs, as it tried to move. The Moonfang let out a guttural scream as its mana exploded into mist, as its whips began to burn, blue wisps floated around it as its head snapped towards me. Its golden eyes bore into me, staring me down into my very soul. “You!”

It screeched at me as its whips hit the ground, leaving deep rifts in the grass. I winced a bit even knowing I hadn’t been hit yet. It was going to be hurtful, but at the same time the Moonfang was clearly bleeding from its legs. I made a quick decision as I discarded my bow and reached for the spear⁠— I can do it now. The Moonfang rushed towards me at rapid speeds, with nothing more than a frenzied dash, but⁠— I could do it now, right? I smiled as I fished my mana around my body, almost carving a meticulous yet messy web that encompassed it. It took less than a second for the mana to expand around me as I felt sudden power, and at that moment a flash of purple hit me across the shoulder.

Burning⁠— pain flared, but I grunted. I felt a bit confused as I opened my attribute to check my stats, and the first thing I saw was⁠— 96.

VIG: 96 ????| END: 49 ????|

STR: 46 ????| AGI: 59 ????|

PER: 50 ????| WIS: 95????|

A smile instantly formed on my face as I met the Moonfang head on, swinging my spear at full strength, enhanced with my mana. I tore through its limb, causing it to limp as it did a little hop back. I felt a bit stronger, but my pain tolerance had gone up. It whipped my back, but aside from a small grunt, I simply charged. Shoving my spear into its neck as I shifted my mana and pushed⁠— exploded it at the tip. Its insides were churned as it thrashed on the spear tip. It whipped once more, my armor broke, but my skin barely bled.

Again⁠— I pushed more mana and with another yelp and two whips, I shoved the spear further into the Moonfang, I pushed and shifted my mana, and with a mighty pull, the spear tore through its neck⁠— and then, as I swung the notification came.

[Activated: Mark of Death.]

My spear went off-weight and it swung directly into the side of the Moonfang’s head, cleaving through a part of its skull, and in an instant it yelped as it began spasming on the ground. The notification came as I practically instantly killed it due to a Critical Hit.

[You have killed: (D) Moonfang, Lower Moon. Lvl. 33]

[Level up: You have achieved level 35. Prophecy Bonus: +1 WIS +1 VIT]

[You have completed a quest ⁠— Invaders! (Rare D) Receive Reward?]

[New Milestone reached ⁠— Skills & Knowledge Available]

I smiled, that sure was fast. My back was burning, but it wasn’t crippling, it wasn’t enough to make me scream. At the same time, I noticed the quest notification and couldn’t help but go through some confusion. I sort of remembered the quest, it required me to either kill or ally things⁠— subsequently I remembered the notification regarding the Guardian.

[Parties allied to the Guardian of The Deep Dark Settlement are now part of the Settlement.]

Did that finish the quest for me? But it only required 50 things to kill or ally. There were hundreds of Bloodfangs… I frowned, something seemed weird. Did most of them just die? I tilted my head for a moment, but then I felt dizzy and my head began to throb. The mist was still leaving⁠— I hurriedly canceled the skill as a wave of small nausea hit me. My body felt drained and I had no more energy.

The consumption was⁠— steep. Quick calculations told me that with full mana I’d be lucky to be able to use it for a minute. I frowned as I looked over the corpses and into the moonlight.

What were they even doing?

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