Bleach: Innate Control

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Duel of the fates? Not really.

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Rangiku Matsumoto POV.

I was seated in my office, filling out some paperwork as usual. 'It seems that the division is going to go a bit over budget this month as well.' Idlely glancing at the clock, I notice there's still an hour before I can take my break. 'Not like the Captain would ever need a break.' Feeling the familiar sense of frustration building, I dive back into the paperwork.

Hearing a knock on the door and feeling Riku-kun's reiastu, I call for him to come in. 'Is he finally going to complain about the Eleventh? I had hoped he would be able to deal with...' Deciding to suspend my judgement, I motioned him to say his piece. "Morning Vice-Captain, I would like to officially submit my challenge for the Third Seat."

Giving him a thorough once over, I can tell he is serious. I never really tried to get a reading of his character after he was admitted to the division, and relying on his academy psych evaluation has its own problems. Recalling his record over the past few months, it is quite impressive.

Officers usually deny any deployments they can, since it only takes one bad call from the Twelfth division to get sent into a Hollow ambush. Riku has taken more deployments in the last six months than the current Third Seat has in 2 years...


Riku's POV.

The office had fallen into an awkward silence as I could only blankly stare at the visibly thinking figure of the Vice-Captain. Just as my patience was running out, I heard the Vice-Captain sigh. "Okay, Riku-kun, I'll discuss this with Captain and let you know by the end of the day." Seeing her shooing me away, I made my way to the door. "One more thing Riku-kun...Good luck." Allowing a slight smile, I don't turn back and keep walking.

The rest of the day passed with me taking it slow and reviewing the medical papers I got from the Fouth division. Although I don't think having extensive medical knowledge is required for Project Atlas, it would probably make things go a bit smoother. 'And it will be important for my future Kaidō training.'

Feeling the relatively familiar reiatsu outside my door, I call for him to enter even before he knocks. Seeing that it's the division messenger, I know it's about my duel. He starts, "Tenth Seat Riku-san, the Captain has approved your challenge for the Third Seat. The duel will begin at dawn. I must remind you that you are not to disable your opponent or cause fatal damage deliberately. The punishment of which is being charged with treason." Without waiting for my response, he dramatically turns and leaves.

'Cocky prick.' Ignoring the guy, I go back to reviewing the papers. I was not worried about the duel since I had massively grown my available reiryoku and deepened my Kidō knowledge far beyond what can be expected of a Seated Officer.

I was not in the big leagues yet, which was made clear when I felt the reiatsu the Vice-Captain released during one of our deployments. But in three years at maximum, I will have reached her level, which is lightning fast for Shinigami.

Calling out to Sōten ni zase, I start checking in with him. 'How is the progress with Project Atlas?' As usual, he doesn't verbally respond but shows me his memory of the process. Throughout the day, I had been testing my new strengthening spell matrix on my left foot.

However confident I am in Sōten ni zase's simulations, I couldn't just start strengthening my whole body without being sure I wouldn't rip myself apart. The spell was operating within the expected parameters. Putting pressure on the floor, I could feel the increase in strength. Although my joints felt more stressed than expected, a bit more bug testing will get that sorted.

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Riku's POV. Next day.

After fixing my uniform in the mirror, I feel ready for another day of work. Although today will be more exciting than usual, I don't think the fight will take more than a few minutes. 'Hopefully, the admin increase is not too exaggerated.' Having my mood dampened inexplicably, I continued making my way through the quiet streets of the Seireitei.

The division was a buzz when I arrived at the headquarters. The housing for the Seated Officers was a ten-minute stroll away, giving me ample time to think up a game plan.

The duel was meant to take place in the common training ground, and all the Seated Officers were present. Most had a neutral expression, likely because they didn't care all too much about who was the Third Seat. While a few frowned, again likely due to them being on good terms with the incumbent seat. Then there was the Captain and Vice-Captain, who were positioned away from the officers. Both Shinigami had expressions of boredom, and I don't blame them. I wouldn't be all that enthused about watching two weaklings fight, either.

Ignoring the peanut gallery, I turn my attention to my opponent. And as I expected, he was nothing special. He had significantly more reiatsu than the Ninth Seat, but that is to be expected. Unless his zanpakutō has abilities that he never showed in combat before, I was confident in wrapping this up quickly.

Loudly clearing his throat, the Captain drew everyone's attention. "Okay, let's keep this friendly, yeah...You know the rules, so I won't repeat them. All I can say is that I advise you both to try your best. Not that it matters anyway." He practically whispered that last part, but judging from my opponent's slightly twitching lip, I reckon he heard had. The Captain wrapped up by raising his arm. Bringing it down, he said in a bored tone, "Begin."

"Ride the wind, Azuma-" Interrupting the guy's release, I release the spell I've been constructing. Empowering it as far as I can in my base state. "Bakudō #4. Hainawa." I had learnt my lesson about concealing the reiatsu fluctuations of my Kidō spells. Seeing him panicking from being trapped in the reiatsu rope and trying to repeat his release phrase, I follow up with a similarly empowered spell to finish him off. "Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden."

His screams seemed to bounce off the walls. And no matter how many times he might claim otherwise after this, he did in fact scream like a girl. Keeping the Hadō going for a few more seconds, I wait for him to collapse. Wishing I had a barrier so I could contain him in case of any weird zanpakutō shenanigans, I go for the next best thing.

Double casting two spells, I Shunpo away from my opponent. "Bakudō #73. Tozanshō." "Bakudō #26. Kyokkō." Feeling a bit more comfortable after going invisible, I conceal my reiatsu. Circling the now trapped and seemingly unconscious Third Seat, I take note of my reiryoku. 'Still at eighty per cent.'

Keeping an eye on my opponent, I glance towards the Captain. Seemingly, sensing the glance, the Captain caught my eye and proceeded to sigh. "Alright, the match is over. Riku, unbind him." Dispelling the Tozanshō and the Hadō I was constructing in the background, I walked to the side of the training ground.

"Well, there you have it. With all the Seated Officers, the Vice-Captain and me, the Captain, as witnesses. I announce Riku the Third Seat of the Tenth division. Long may he reign." Tacitly ignoring the final part, the officers gave me half-assed applause while some of the division members guided the Fourth division medics to the now crispy Tenth Seat.

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