Blessed by God

Chapter 11: 11

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Chapter 11: The Two of Them Beneath The Moon

In the 28th year of Kangxi, the Imperial Noble Consort passed away. She was posthumously titled Empress Xiaoyiren. Because the emperor was in mourning, he stopped court for three days. For these three days, no one would be allowed to enter the Qianqing Palace [1]. 

Several Empresses of the Qing Dynasty lived in Kunning Palace [2], and Empress Xiaoyiren was the last woman in history to live there [3]. Yinyou stood outside Kunning Palace, hesitating. He really couldn’t find the strength to go inside.

“Is the seventh brother worried about the fourth brother?” At some point, the eighth brother had walked behind Yinyou, and now he bowed in greetings, “Seventh brother expression doesn’t look very good.”

Yinyou instantly came back from his daze, and he too bowed.  

“Eighth brother is exaggerating, it’s nothing more than the result of going to bed late.” He didn’t know what the eighth brother wanted to do, but at this critical time, he didn't want to get too close to him. He didn’t want the fourth brother to think that the people around him left him one after another. This desire sprung not only because Yinzhen was the future Yongzheng Emperor, but also because he treated him genuinely and with kindness.

Yinsi’s expression changed slightly when he heard his words, “So that’s the case. A few days ago, Huang Ama bestowed me with some soothing tea [4]. Why don’t I ask someone to bring some to the seventh brother?”

“Eighth brother is too polite”, Yinyou bowed to Yinsi. “I’ll go inside to check on the fourth brother. Now if you excuse me”. Then, he bowed again and turned around to enter the gate of Kunning Palace.

Although Yinyou was not rude, his attitude showed he wanted to keep his distance from the eighth brother. Yinsi pondered for a while with his eyes lowered before turning and leaving the place.

“Master, are you not going in?” The little eunuch behind him gave him a careful look.

“No need, I’ll just come back tomorrow,” Yinhu paused, looked back at Kunning Palace, and left without hesitation.

The Kunning Palace was dressed in white [5]. When Yinyou walked to the mourning hall, the other elder brothers had already left, but Yinzhen was still kneeling there with some slaves kneeling around. It’s just that when compared to the heartbreaking scene when Kangxi was in the hall, the scene now seemed much colder.

Yinyou adjusted his light-colored clothes, unaccustomed. When Tong Jia-shi died, she was the Empress. Right now, all the princes were her sons and needed to mourn properly and nobody dared to wear bright colors. He looked at the lonesome back of the fourth brother and stepped forward. 

He knelt down beside him, kowtowed three times, and then he turned to look at the pale Yinzhen, “Fourth brother, I am waiting for you to come to Wuyizhai.” After speaking, he embraced Yinzhen, then got up, and left the mourning hall.

He couldn’t persuade the fourth brother not to be sad, he couldn’t kneel with the fourth brother, and he couldn’t even persuade the fourth brother to eat, because at this time his every behavior may cause trouble. Although Yinzhen could be sad and confused, he himself couldn’t be confused. Right now, he can only let the fourth brother know that he was not alone and that he was waiting for him to get out of his sorrow.

After going out and instructing the eunuchs and maids below to take good care of the fourth brother, Yinyou stood helplessly in the courtyard outside for a while, and then slowly returned to the Southern Three Places.

Listening to the footsteps behind him gradually fading away, Yinzhen added a few pieces of paper money to the incense brazier. The brief hug just now had warmed his frozen heart. At least in this harem, it’s not that no one really cared about him.




When Tong Jia-shi was finally buried, all the children of the royal family in the capital went to the funeral. Yinyou knelt in the crowd, listening to the hypocritical cries around him, and buried his head even lower. So what, how many people really cried for her?

Listening to the monk reciting the scriptures, hearing the crying and Kangxi’s edicts, Yinyou could only really care to look at Yinzhen who was kneeling in front of him. Yinzhen didn’t cry, but his shoulders couldn’t stop shaking. He felt distressed. Yinzhen was still a child less than twelve years old now. In his previous life he should be a boy in the sixth grade of elementary school, how could such a young child hold back his tears after losing the dear mother who protected him?

Concubine De, who was kneeling among the imperial concubines, raised her head slightly and looked toward the direction where the princes were kneeling, but because the distance between them and the concubines in the harem was too far, she could only see a lot of elder brothers, and as for the fourth brother... Her thoughts were very complicated. She felt that it was fortunate that this son can return to her knees, except, she didn’t know how to treat this grown-up child.

Thinking of her youngest son who was still stumbling while walking, Concubine De’s mood became even more complicated. It was not until the back of her hand was scratched lightly by a nail guard that she came back to her senses. Looking at Concubine Cheng who was kneeling silently beside her, a hint of gratitude appeared in her eyes.


For most people in the harem, Tong Jia-shi’s departure did not have much impact. After the funeral, the princes over the age of six continued to attend classes, while the concubines still looked forward to the emperor turning over their cards.

It’s just that, after the Empress passed away, no one in the palace dared to dress too conspicuously. Even the Crown Prince took off his purse and sachet, and only wore a jade token representing his identity.

At Yin Shi [6], Yinyou had finished his meal. Today he wore a light-colored robe, which was neither too plain nor too eye-catching. Before leaving, he took a deep breath and walked quickly to Wuyizhai.

When he arrived, only the eighth brother was there. He glanced at him, and before entering the house, he heard footsteps behind him. Looking back, it was Yinzhen. He immediately turned around to greet him, “Fourth brother.”

Although the weather was not too cold now, the morning was still a bit chilly. When Yinyou saw Yinzhen’s thin clothes, he frowned.

Yinzhen had clearly lost weight, and the expression on his face was even more expressionless than before. Seeing Yinyou’s worried eyes, he barely showed a hint of warmth, “Yinyou.” After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to hold Yinyou’s hand. The heat made him feel relieved.

“Fourth brother, why are your hands so cold?” Yinyou stretched out his other hand to bring Yinzhen’s two hands together, Yinzhen’s hands were freezing. He looked worriedly at the little eunuch behind the fourth brother, “What’s the matter, did your master not eat breakfast?” 

The little eunuch didn't dare to lie, so he could only kneel on the ground.

“Okay, I didn’t blame you, get up.” Seeing the little eunuch like this, Yinyou knew that Yinzhen hadn’t eaten, and he felt helpless as he said, “Fourth brother, how can you not take care of your body.” After speaking, he asked the little eunuch to make some hot tea as he dragged Yinzhen inside Wuyizhai.

Yinzhen watched Yinyou give him the snacks hidden on his body and serve him hot tea. At first, he didn’t want to eat but seeing the worried look on Yinyou's face, he could only put it in his mouth. The dim sum was salty, and the stuffing inside was a little greasy. After taking a sip of hot tea, he looked up at Yinyou, and seeing that his face had eased a lot, he took two more sips. He felt as if his entire body was warmed by these two sips of hot tea.


As the eighth brother quietly watched the seventh brother’s behavior, the expression on his face became unclear. He always thought that the reason for the friendship between the seventh brother and the fourth brother was because of Tong Jia-shi’s status, but now Tong Jia-shi was gone and the identity of the fourth brother was a bit embarrassing among the princes. He didn’t understand why the seventh brother treated the fourth brother so well. Was it really the so-called brotherhood?

In the deep palace, afraid that even full-blooded siblings didn’t have such feelings. So why do the seventh brother and the fourth brother who did not even have the same mother still have such feelings?

The seventh brother was not as ignorant and harmless as he appeared on the surface. The eighth brother could see it more clearly than the Crown Prince. In fact, he also wouldn’t know if it wasn’t for the seventh brother reminding him not to show his sharpness too much. Now he knew that this slightly clumsy brother was in fact a scheming elder brother.

The seventh elder brother was smart enough, but unfortunately, he was not heartless enough. Otherwise, how could he have covered his mouth a few years ago so that the people under Concubine Hui didn’t find out that he missed his E-Niang? And more recently in the last month, how could he have reminded him not to be too sharp so as to not endanger his safety?

Seventh elder brother. An honorable prince who had a foot disease. A prince who was smart but also soft-hearted. 

The eighth brother picked up a pen and wrote the word “seven” on the paper. Just at this time, the Crown Prince came in with his attendant. Yinsi calmly took a piece of paper and covered the paper. Then he rose up and said, “Greetings to the Crown Prince.”



 七 qī. Seven in Chinese.


The Crown Prince glanced at the eighth brother, raised his hand to stop his courtesy, and then reached out to support the fourth brother who greeted him, “Fourth brother, there is no need to be polite.” After a few words of concern, he returned to his desk, looking quite like a caring elder brother.

Yinzhen returned to the table with a grateful expression on his face. Only Yinyou saw that he was holding the book a little tighter than before, and when he turned the pages he was still a bit slower. It’s just that, for the ones in the unknown, Yinzhen still didn’t show much emotion.

After a while, several other elder brothers also arrived, and they stepped forward to comfort the fourth brother, presenting a good scene of brothers respecting each other. Yinyou felt tired just by looking at them, but he still had to admire these people, at such a young age they had so many calculations.


After school in the evening, it was the usual time to go greet one’s E-Niang. Since Tong Jia-shi was gone, Yinzhen was returned to Concubine De to raise. Yinyou knew that the Yongzheng Emperor in history didn’t have a close relationship with his  birth mother, and he had no choice but to say, “Fourth brother, let’s go greet your E-Niang.”

Hearing this, Yinzhen glanced at Yinyou, expressionless, neither saying yes nor no. Seeing Yinzhen like this, Yinyou felt a little guilty and didn’t know what to say for a while. After all, for a child, this matter was undoubtedly cruel, but if Yinzhen didn’t go, he would be called unfilial.

Yinzhen still understood Yinyou’s intentions. He stretched out his hand and patted Yinyou, who looked worried, on his shoulder, “I have prepared the gift, let’s go.”

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Yinyou breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the fourth brother was also very clear about the current situation. Still, he couldn’t help but feel distressed, such a young child knew so much.

When they arrived at Yonghe Palace, Yinyou and Yinzhen did not enter until the eunuch reported them. However, Yinyou was a little puzzled as to why Concubine De received them with his E-Niang. After all, the fourth brother came to greet her, there should always be one or two things to say between mother and son.

Entering the wing room, as expected, Concubine Cheng and Concubine De were sitting together, Concubine Cheng looked gentle, and Concubine De looked energetic. 

After saluting, the two sat down on the carved wooden pier at the lower head. Then, both Concubine De and Concubine Cheng received gifts from Yinzhen, and they also gave many gifts in return. In fact, even Yinyou got a share. It’s just that there was an indescribable alienation between Concubine De and the fourth prince.

“Fourth brother, don’t leave behind your homework,” Concubine De said with a proper smile on her face, “You should pay more attention to your body on weekdays. When you have free time, you can go to… E-Niang’s place.”

“Child knows,” Yinzhen replied dryly, and seeing that Concubine De was still looking at him, he added, “E-Niang also take care of your health.” 

Half a month ago, he still called Tong Jia-shi E-Niang, and now he found himself using that same word with this woman. He felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

“De E-Niang, you don’t know yet. Today, the fourth brother secretly asked me if you would like these gifts. Guess what my son said?” Seeing the awkwardness between the mother and son, Yinyou decided to speak up, “De E-Niang, if you don’t guess correctly, please embroider a pouch for me and the fourth brother.”

At first, Concubine De was a little annoyed but when she heard the seventh brother’s words, she let out a smile, “I think you’re just thinking about that pouch. Alright, De E-Niang will give you and the fourth brother a purse, now tell me how you lied to your fourth brother.”

“This can’t be called lying,” Yinyou smiled when he heard her reply, “I told the fourth brother that Er Niang likes colored glaze beads and ring puzzles.” 

Concubine De covered her smile, “Good job, little seventh, I think it’s you who likes these things. Maybe when you gave your fourteenth brother a cloth tiger last time, you are still thinking about it.”

Concubine Cheng who was sitting on the side also laughed.

Concubine De conversed with Yinzhen for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, she let the two older brothers go down. Although the mother and son were not as close as other mothers and sons, it was not too embarrassing.






Outside, the moon was climbing up the branches of the willow trees [7].  Yinyou stepped on the green stone road, and said to Yinzhen, “Fourth brother, I will sleep with you tonight. The book says that this is called... living and sleeping together [8]. Isn’t it right, fourth brother?”

Yinzhen tilted his head to look at the boy under the moonlight, and the gloom in his heart seemed to slowly evaporate, “Then, let’s go.” 

The moonlight made the shadows of the two of them longer and longer, and finally, the two shadows seemed to be entangled and inseparable.





▲ Footnotes 

[1] Wikipedia: The Palace of Heavenly Purity, or Qianqing Palace. During the Qing dynasty, it often served as the Emperor's audience hall, where he held council with the Grand Council. (Wikipedia).

[2] Wikipedia: “Palace of Earthly Tranquility or Kunning Palace, one of the three Inner Palaces of the Imperial Palace, was the resting hall for empresses in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. It was first built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty; destroyed twice in 1514 and 1596 during the Ming Dynasty, and rebuilt in 1605”.

The Palace Museum says: “In Qing times, the empress did not live here. It was the bridal chamber for the Kangxi (r. 1662-1722), Tongzhi (1862-1874), Guangxu (r. 1875-1908), and the abdicated Xuantong (r. 1909-1911) emperors. The couples only spent their first two days of marriage in this palace. Then they moved to live in the Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqing gong) or the Hall of Mental Cultivation (Yangxin Dian).” 

[3] Wikipedia says: “From the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor onwards, the Empress moved out of the Palace following the Emperor's move out of the Palace of Heavenly Purity. However, two rooms in the Palace of Earthly Harmony were retained for use on the Emperor's wedding night. The wedding ceremony would be held in the main room, and afterward, the Emperor and Empress would retire to one of these rooms.” This is why the author says that Tong Jia was the last woman in history to live there.

[4] 凝神 茶. Specifically, a kind of tea that soothes the mind, helps to concentrate and helps to sleep better, like if you have insomnia.

[5] From Wikipedia: “Traditionally, white clothing is symbolic of the dead, while red is not usually worn, as it is traditionally the symbolic colour of happiness worn at Chinese weddings.” 

[6] 寅時 yín shí.  3-5 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times).

[7]   月上柳梢頭 yuè shàng liǔshāo tóu. Literally “Willow tip on the moon”. This is a reference to the poem of Ouyang Xiu who lived during the Song Dynasty:

During the Lantern Festival, the flower market was illuminated like daylight.

Make an appointment with the beautiful woman after dusk, 

when the willows are on the moon, and share my heartfelt feelings.

In this year’s Lantern Festival the moonlight and lights are still the same as last year,

but I can no longer see the old friend from last year, 

and the sleeves of the spring shirt are wet with tears of lovesickness.

What concern us is this bit: When the moon arrives at the tip of the willow, people make an appointment after dusk. “These two sentences are exhaustive and meaningful. The tenderness and affection are beyond words.” Also, “Because it is the night of the Lantern Festival, the bright moon that is slowly rising at this moment is climbing up the branches of the willow tree. The lights and the moonlight have added splendor to the festival; and against the backdrop of the graceful willows, the bright moon is even more charming and affectionate, as if watching everything in the world.” Source.

The Lantern Festival is a Chinese romantic date, when lovers usually hang out, kinda like Valentine’s Day. You may see it in novels where the couple is “guessing lantern riddles (which became part of the festival during the Tang dynasty). These often contain messages of good fortune, family reunion, abundant harvest, prosperity, and love” (Wikipedia).

This poem also inspired a song. You can hear Teresa Teng singing “月上柳梢頭” at minute 1:53. 

[8] 抵足而眠 dǐzú ér mián. Baidu says: “Sleeping with one’s feet, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is dǐ zú ér mián, meaning to sleep on the same bed with the feet touching the ground, describing the deep friendship and close relationship between the two people.  From The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.” 

Hon Code says: “Explanation. Sleeping on the same couch with feet facing each other. Describe a close relationship and deep affection. Also known as lying down on one’s feet. Synonym. Like-minded.”



Yinsi writing his crush's name in his notebook, lmao.


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