Blessed by God

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 2: Meet again



What should a child over three years old look like on weekdays?


Yinyou didn’t know, he only felt that the surrounding maids and eunuchs treated him cautiously, as if he would fall at any instance now. Fortunately, he was already a 30-year-old adult in his previous life, and was not naughty like the other children were. He practiced writing the simplest words with a brush every day, and wandered around the palace, so as not to cause trouble to these palace eunuchs. Like this, his days were not too boring.


After all, he was only three years old now, and he was not worried that seeing the concubine will cause trouble in the palace. Even more, the concubines here were not like in the TV series where they would just run to the Royal Garden or to the Lotus Pond casually. As for the older brothers, the ones over the age of six were dragged to get an education. So how could he often meet the big people.


Last winter, Concubine Cheng moved to the west wing of Yonghe Palace, so today Yinyou, as in the past, wore the robes neatly, and took the eunuch Fu Duo, who was his usual attendee, to Yonghe Palace to give his greetings.


Nowadays, there was no master in Yonghe Palace, but there was a favored concubine in the palace at the same level as Concubine Cheng, the future Empress Dowager. So when Yinyou went to Concubine Cheng’s side, he also saw Concubine De who was as beautiful as a warm pearl. 


“Child [1] wishes E-Niang good health [2] and pays his respect to De E-Niang.” Yinyou respectfully stepped forward to bow [3], the etiquette in place, and his face respectful.


[1] 孩 háiér - The way parents address their children or children call themselves in front of their parents. Means “child” or “baby”.

[2] 请安 qǐng'ān - to pay respects / to wish good health / in Qing times, a specific form of salutation. //  He actually says this to both concubines, but he was more respectful to De, so I wanted to make a distinction.

[3] 打千 dǎqiān - genuflection, a form of salutation in Qing times performed by men, going down on the right knee and reaching down with the right hand.



打千 dǎqiān - genuflection.



“Oh! This kid, why are you being this polite, get up, get up!” Concubine De [4] sighed inwardly when she saw that Yinyou, who was three years old did not make a sole mistake while saluting. 


[4] For those who are not clear, this is Yinzhen’s biological mother. Because she is in the same rank as Yinyou’s mother, she can’t raise his son in the same way Cheng can’t. This fact is historically accurate: Yinzhen was never close to his biological mother. He was raised since childhood by Noble Consort Tong, who was Kangxi’s paternal cousin and the one who raised him wholeheartedly. Here, Concubine De is late to raise Yinzhen, but because she is favored by the Emperor, even though she doesn’t have the rank, she can raise her next son from Yinzhen. Well, there’s more info bellow.


This child was also intelligent, but it was a pity that he was not loved by God. Thinking of this, she let out a smile all over her face and let Yinyou walk in front of her, stuffed a purse full of snacks in his hands, smiled and said to Concubine Cheng, “Older sister, Yinyou looks so well-behaved, younger sister really likes him.”


Although Concubine De was more favored than Concubine Cheng, she was promoted later than Concubine Cheng, who was named concubine when she first entered the palace. It was not an exaggeration to call her older sister.


Although Concubine Cheng was not intelligent, she was also a woman who knows how to listen to the true meaning. Listening to Concubine De’s boast, she only smiled lightly and nodded at Yinyou’s big head, “What’s so good about this child? He is behind doors all day, his mind stuffy. If he has the wisdom of the sixth brother, I, ah, shall thank the bodhisattva.”


Concubine De only smiled when she heard this. She had a grievance in her heart. The first child she gave birth to had to be picked up by other women because of her low status. Now that the child saw her, he just indifferently greeted her, and she didn’t even enter his eyes. Now because of the emperor’s pampering, she was fortunate enough to raise Yinzuo [5] herself. Yinzuo has always been smart, but it’s a pity that his body was thin. If something happened [6] to him, how can she be well?


[5] Yinzuo (1680-1685) was the sixth son of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty and younger brother of Emperor Yongzheng. Born on the fifth day of the second lunar month in the nineteenth year of Kangxi (1680), his biological mother was Concubine Wu Yade . On May 14 , the twenty-fourth year of Emperor Kangxi (1685) , Yinzuo died unexpectedly at the age of 6.

[6] 三长两短 sānchángliǎngduǎi - unexpected misfortune / unexpected accident / sudden death. Yes, she’s actually thinking that her son might die. Many of Kangxi’s sons died very early in their childhood.


She knew that Concubine Cheng was a sensible person [7], and even when the seventh brother was sent to the Southern Three Hall [8] Concubine Cheng’s face was faint. Most of the children born from the low-ranking concubines were adopted by high-ranking concubines of other palaces, but this seventh brother was sent to Southern Three Hall. It was unknown if it was because the seventh brother was disabled and others were unwilling to raise him, or if the emperor had other intentions.


[7] 安分守己 ānfènshǒujǐ - to be content with one’s lot (idiom) / to know one’s place.

[8] Southern Three Hall. This is a palace of hallways in the Forbbiden City. In history, this is the place where Yinreng, Kangxi’s favorite son, and the one he named Crown Prince at the age of two, lived in his early childhood. I wonder if the author made Yinyou live there instead of being raised by other concubines, as it was the norm, as a secret meaning of being in the Emperor’s favor. Because usually, people are unable to love other people’s sons when they can well-enough have their own, and more so if the child has a disability. So I think it is one of the first ways the Emperor bestows favor on Yinyou in a subtle way where nobody else actually knows he is in favor. (Imagine the disaster if everyone knows he is the favorite). This is a recurring saga in the novel, haha. So keep your eyes open.


No matter what the reason was, Concubine De had two points of empathy for Concubine Cheng, so much so that she also had two points of sincere love for Yinyou.


In fact, Yinyou’s foot disease was not obvious, and his walking posture was almost the same as that of ordinary people, but that was only almost. In this harem, such a little flaw was enough to make him unable to contest the throne.


An elder brother who was sensible but had nothing to do with the throne always made the harem women sympathize and love when they were bored.


After Concubine De stuffed a few more golden melon seeds [9] for Yinyou, she got up and left, leaving the mother and son in the room.


[9] These are actual melon seeds made of gold. Often, people in the palace need to bribe their servants. Masters usually personalize their rewards, for example, in the shape of personal seals, animals, and so on. In China, it is a custom to reward children with a little money, too. 


Concubine Cheng told Yinyou the things he need to pay attention to and then asked him about his daily life. Seeing the child who was only three years old being a little adult because he was not favored, Concubine Cheng felt sour. She straightened Yinyou’s collar and said a few more words. Because everyone in the palace was watching, she didn’t dare to let Yinyou stay alone with her for a long time, [10] and she looked at Yinyou several times before reluctantly letting him leave.


[10] Not sure why, but there’s an etiquette/rule that children of the Imperial Family can’t spent that much time together with their mothers. Might’ve something to do with their whole patriarchal system, tbh.


Yinyou left Yonghe Palace with some warmth in his heart. This woman really cared for him, even though every time he went to greet her, her face was faint.


Walking step by step with short legs to the Southern Three Hall, he never thought that he would meet the Crown Prince dressed in bright yellow halfway. He was followed by a few elder brothers. Yinyou didn’t dare to take a closer look, and hurriedly lowered his head to greet them, “Greetings to the Crown Prince’s brother, greetings to all brothers.”


Because the Teacher was sick, several brothers who were of age to attend school were free and had the intention of going to the Imperial Noble Consort [11] to ask for snacks. How could they know they would meet this inconspicuous little brother on the way.


[11] This is Yinzhen’s foster mother. She is the highest-ranked consort in the palace and is the Empress only without the title. Kangxi didn’t dare to title her because, for some reason, all his Empresses ended up dead. He only titled her one day before her death.


The Crown Prince [12] was only ten years old at this time. Seeing Yinyou lowering his head, he said, “Raise your head.”


[12] You know, in fact, Kangxi was breaking the rules when he proclaimed an heir so quickly. Usually, Emperors only choose an heir later in life, when they’ve shown their capabilities, or when the Emperors are on their deathbed. The fact that he chose an heir so quickly only made the Crown Prince grow arrogant.


When the child with his head buried rise his chin, Yinyu discovered that this humble seventh brother had a good appearance, with a ruddy face and big black eyes which made people look at it and couldn’t help but love it. He asked, “Why are you here?”


The child may be a little nervous, and he lowered his head again and tugged at the clothes, “Going back to the Crown Prince’s brother, the younger brother is coming from greeting his E-Niang.”


Yinyou was young, and his voice was soft and melodious like a little cat scratching a person’s heart. The prince was overjoyed when he heard this, so he said, “Brother Crown Prince will take you to the Imperial Noble Consort for delicious snacks, will you go?”


“The Imperial Noble Consort?” The child tilted his head, his eyes full of surprise, “That beautiful E-Niang?”


Seeing the child's appearance, Yinreng teased and asked, “Do you know what good looks are?”


The child seemed to be bolder, and raised his head and said, “It’s like the fairy sister painted under the lights of New Year’s Eve. Very good-looking.” After speaking, in order to increase the credibility of this sentence, he also nodded his head firmly.


When the prince saw this, he laughed again. After making fun for a few more words, he asked Yinyou to follow him to Zhongcui Palace. He was the Crown Prince and naturally walked in the front.

You are reading story Blessed by God at


Zhongcui Palace.


Only then did Yinyou see that the other two elder brothers accompanying him were actually the Third brother and the Fourth brother. He stepped behind the three six-year-old children and although he walked with difficulty, at this time he didn’t dare to let the little eunuch hug him. So he worked hard to follow the Third brother and the Fourth brother and ran behind them.


Although he didn’t know how the Crown Prince inexplicably let him, a useless person, follow him, Yinyou didn’t dare to make the prince unhappy. After all, the Crown Prince was Kangxi’s favorite son, and he was still the Crown Prince.


Yinzhen turned his head and watched Yinyou stumbling behind him. Somehow, he thought of the vague memory of a three-year-old smiling at him, and the outstretched little hand. This memory was so strong that for more than two years, every time there was a banquet in the palace, he had to take a few glances at this child. Now the child who was held by the momo at that time can now run behind him but he didn’t know if his feet would be uncomfortable. 


Thinking of this, Yinzhen stopped, and when the child ran to his side, he stretched out a hand, the expression on his face dull because of shyness.


If Yinyou were really just a three years old child, he would definitely be timid because of Yinzhen’s expression, but Yinyou was not really a three-year-old child. He was a strange uncle with three-year-old skin and a 30-year-old soul. He saw that the six-year-old child in front of him was uncomfortable, with his beautiful face tightly stretched, which was really cute. Without hesitation, he put his hand in Yizhen’s palm and then gave him a big smile.


Yinzhen blushed because of Yinyou’s smile and turned his head aside uncomfortably. Even though he was a prince who lived in the harem, he was only six years old at this time, and he still had the innocence unique to children.


Yinyou looked at Yinzhen’s blushing face and thought in his heart that even the iron-faced emperor in history had once been naive. At least when he was struggling to walk, it was this child who stretched out his hand to him.


When he arrived at Zhongcui Palace, after the eunuch had passed the news of their arrival, Yinyou was led by Yinzhen in front of the Imperial Noble Consort Tong Jia-shi [13].


[13] 氏 shi: clan name, maiden name. Women, upon marriage, are identified by their surname, and it is very rare that their personal name is recorded. This is the case even for princesses. Thus, a married woman is referred to by her maiden name with a shi (氏) after it, to show that she is married and to identify the family that she originally came from. (Dreams of Jianghu). 


Historically, Tong Jia-shi was a beautiful and intelligent woman. Yinyou had seen her several times at the banquet. She was indeed a beautiful and virtuous woman, but it was perhaps the first time that he was really close to her.


When Tong Jia-shi saw Yinzhen leading Yinyou in, she was also a little surprised, but seeing the three-year-old child solemnly greeting her, Tong Jia was also amused. She took the fresh fruits and vegetables rewarded by the emperor out to give to the children, and asked the Crown Prince and the Third brother about some life matters before talking to Yinyou who was bowing his head and eating kumquat, “Seventh brother, how is your mother?”




Hearing this, Yinyou hurriedly put down the kumquat in his hand, got up, and replied, “Back to Tong E-Niang, E-Niang is very good, thank you Tong E-Niang for your concern.”


“Okay, sit down," Tong Jia-shi smiled and stuffed two more snacks for Yinyou, and said to Yinzhen who was sitting next to Yinyou, “Fourth brother, you are the elder brother, take good care of your younger brother.”


“Yes, E-Niang,” Yinzhen replied in a milky voice, and then stuffed the oranges in his hand to Yinyou, “For you to eat.” He really liked this lovely brother, so he was willing to give this thing.


Yinyou looked at the oranges in his hand. These things were not rare in modern times, but at this time, he only knew that his E-Niang did not have these things and he understood that this was not a common product. He put the peeled orange petals in his hand and raised his hand high to reach Yinzen’s mouth, “Brother, eat.”


Yinyou’s hands were white and tender and looked clean. These white and tender hands also smelled like sweet oranges, and it was incredible how cute they looked. Moreover, when Yinzhen heard him call him “brother” instead of his estranged “fourth brother”, as a six-year-old child, he suddenly felt the sense of responsibility of a big brother taking care of his younger brother, so the great Yongzheng Emperor in history touched Yinyou’s unshaven head like a little adult, “I won’t eat it, you can eat it yourself.” He knows that these things were not available to concubines who were not high enough, so the seventh brother mustn’t have much chance to eat these things.


To be willing to part from a precious thing, and the fact that he offered it to him, this seventh brother must’ve some affection for himself. Thinking of this, when looking at his seventh brother, Yinzhen loved him even more.


Yinyou didn’t expect that such a small act of ingratiating himself would make the six-year-old boy feel so responsible. He just hugged Yinzhen and put the orange in Yizhen’s mouth.  It wasn't until Yinzhen ate the orange that his eyes smiled into a half-moon shape.


As a 30-year-old man who used such a shameless way to please children, Yinyou was not embarrassed at all but instead said that he was holding high the banner of following the footsteps of the fourth elder brother firmly and unwaveringly, so that he can retire safely in his old age, rather than being tossed to death.


Because the Yongzheng Emperor in history was really small-minded, [14] and it was the truth that friendship need to be grabbed at this time when both of them were still babies.


[14] In fact, Yongzheng Emperor’s reign was full of turbulence as the other princes were always trying to dethrone him. One time, in alliance with the Eight Kings, the 7th, 8th and 9th son of Kangxi almost dethroned Yongzheng, if it were not for the 13th prince who came to help out. But because of this event, the 13th prince died and Yongzheng lost the only brother that was close to him. Because this plot also involved his first son, Yongzheng, who did not want Qianlßong to share the same tragedy as he, sent orders for the first son to commit suicide. This way, when Qian Long ascended the throne, he had no rivals. (Source).






Seventh Elder Brother information


Aisin Gioro Yinyou (1680-1729) was the seventh son of Emperor Kangxi and the half-brother of Emperor Yongzheng. He was born from Concubine Dai Jia, but he was disabled since childhood, had a grumpy temper, and did not form a party. 

In the 35th year of Kangxi (1696), he was ordered to lead the camp with the Yellow Flag, and was promoted to Baylor in the 37th year for his merits. 

In March of the 48th year (1709), he was promoted to Prince Chun of the Second Rank.

In October of the 57th year, the Zhenglan Banner Manchurian Capital Tong Yanxin went out to the Western Front and was ordered to manage the affairs of the three flags of the Zhenglan Banner Manchuria, Mongolia, and the Han Army.

Because since he was appointed, he has fulfilled his duties and completed all his duties, and his decadent habits have gradually changed. In April of the 1st year of Yongzheng (1723), he was promoted to the title of Prince Chun of the First Rank, still named Chun. Later, the flag service was relieved by illness. In eight years, he died and was posthumously named Prince Chundu of the First Rank.

[Note from the translator: Here’s the Wikipedia page of Prince Chun.]







▲ Footnotes 

[1] 孩 háiér - The way parents address their children or children call themselves in front of their parents. Means “child” or “baby”.

[2] 请安 qǐng'ān - to pay respects / to wish good health / in Qing times, a specific form of salutation. //  He actually says this to both concubines, but he was more respectful to De, so I wanted to make a distinction.

[3] 打千 dǎqiān - genuflection, a form of salutation in Qing times performed by men, going down on the right knee and reaching down with the right hand.

[4] For those who are not clear, this is Yinzhen’s biological mother. Because she is in the same rank as Yinyou’s mother, she can’t raise his son in the same way Cheng can’t. This fact is historically accurate: Yinzhen was never close to his biological mother. He was raised since childhood by Noble Consort Tong, who was Kangxi’s paternal cousin. She raised him wholeheartedly. She was well-known for her parenting skills, as she was the highest consort of Kangxi’s harem and in her fell the task of raising the sons and daughters of low-birth. (She was the Empress in everything but name, and this was one of Yinzhen’s early advantages). More info bellow.

Xiaoyiren was famed for her parenting skills and was credited for raising several princes, including the future Yongzheng Emperor, Prince Yinzhen. Yinzhen was born to a lowly lady-in-waiting, who had no right in raising a prince according to Qing court etiquette, so Xiaoyiren adopted Yinzhen from birth and raised him as her own. The fact that Yongzheng was adopted by the highest ranking consort in the Court undoubtedly contributed to his status and helped in his ascendancy as the next Emperor. He was deeply grateful to Xiaoyiren, perhaps even more than to his own mother, whose other son, his younger brother, later became the strongest contender to the throne. After Xiaoyiren died she was posthumously awarded titles three times, during the Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing periods. (Source).

[5] Yinzuo (1680-1685) was the sixth son of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty and the younger brother of Emperor Yongzheng. Born on the fifth day of the second lunar month in the nineteenth year of Kangxi (1680), his biological mother was Concubine Wu Yade . On May 14 , the twenty-fourth year of Emperor Kangxi (1685), Yinzuo died unexpectedly at the age of 6.

[6] 三长两短 sānchángliǎngduǎi - unexpected misfortune / unexpected accident / sudden death. Yes, she’s actually thinking that her son might die. Many of Kangxi’s sons died very early in their childhood.

[7] 安分守己 ānfènshǒujǐ - to be content with one’s lot (idiom) / to know one’s place.

[8] Southern Three Hall. This is a palace of hallways in the Forbidden City. In history, this is the place where Yinreng, Kangxi’s favorite son, and the one he named Crown Prince at the age of two, lived in his early childhood. I wonder if the author made Yinyou live there instead of being raised by other concubines, as it was the norm, as a secret meaning of being in the Emperor’s favor. Because usually, people are unable to love other people’s sons when they can well enough have their own, and more so if the child has a disability. So I think it is one of the first ways the Emperor bestows favor on Yinyou in a subtle way where nobody else actually knows he is in favor. (Imagine the disaster if everyone knows he is the favorite). This is a recurring saga in the novel, haha. So keep your eyes open.

[9] These are actual melon seeds made of gold. Often, people in the palace need to bribe their servants. Masters usually personalize their rewards, for example, in the shape of personal seals, animals, and so on. In China, it is a custom to reward children with a little money, too. 

[10] Not sure why, but there’s an etiquette/rule that children of the Imperial Family can’t spent that much time together with their mothers. Might’ve something to do with their whole patriarchal system, tbh.

[11] This is Yinzhen’s foster mother. She is the highest-ranked consort in the palace and is the Empress only without the title. Kangxi didn’t dare to title her because, for some reason, all his Empresses ended up dead. He only titled her one day before her death.

[12] You know, in fact, Kangxi was breaking the rules when he proclaimed an heir so quickly. Usually, Emperors only choose an heir later in life, when they’ve shown their capabilities, or when the Emperors are on their deathbed. The fact that he chose an heir so quickly only made the Crown Prince grow arrogant.

[13] 氏 shi: clan name, maiden name. Women, upon marriage, are identified by their surname, and it is very rare that their personal name is recorded. This is the case even for princesses. Thus, a married woman is referred to by her maiden name with a shi (氏) after it, to show that she is married and to identify the family that she originally came from. (Dreams of Jianghu). 

[14] In fact, Yongzheng Emperor’s reign was full of turbulence as the other princes were always trying to dethrone him. One time, in alliance with the Eight Kings, the 7th, 8th and 9th son of Kangxi almost dethroned Yongzheng, if it were not for the 13th prince who came to help out. But because of this event, the 13th prince died and Yongzheng lost the only brother that was close to him. Because this plot also involved his first son, Yongzheng, who did not want Qian Long to share the same tragedy as he, sent orders for the first son to commit suicide. This way, when Qian Long ascended the throne, he had no rivals. (Source).

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