Blood and Winter

Chapter 3: Chapter III – Escape

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Blood and Winter

War in the Riverlands

Chapter III - Escape

Evening his breathing, Eddard closed his eyes. His accommodations in the Black Cells were terrible. He'd already lost track of the days, not a single glimpse of light for him to tell when day gave way to night.

The wound on his leg was no doubt infected, if it wasn't treated soon he imagined he would die. His condition was only made worse by the lack of proper food and sleep he had been getting.

No, Ned imagined he wasn't long for this world if things continued this way.

'But what will become of Sansa and Arya?' He did not want to imagine what the Lannisters would do to his daughters. They were so young and innocent, he couldn't bear the thought of them being in danger. 'And what of Robb, Bran and Rickon? What of Cat?'

The thought of his family was perhaps the single greatest cause of worry for him as he sat in his prison, but it was also the only thing that kept him going strong.

Especially now, he'd been visited by Lord Varys recently who told him his son, Robb was marching south with an army of Northmen at his back. Soon war would come to the Seven Kingdoms once again. But the one thing that worried Ned the most, was the fact that his son was leading them.

There was no denying Robb was a smart lad, Ned had never doubted that. But war was another matter altogether, war changed a man, it showed the deepest, darkest parts of them. His father, Rickard had always told him that in peace, sons bury their fathers but in war, fathers bury their sons. Ned had fought hard in two wars, first against the Targaryens and then against the Greyjoys, all to ensure his children would never have to go to war. All to ensure that the natural order remained so that it would be his children burying him, and not him burying them.

However, it seemed the world was cruel and had destroyed all his hard work.

Now his son marched south to war against the Lannisters.

Ned would not deny that he was scared, no he was terrified. Winter made men of boys and war made monsters of men. He and Robert had been young when they fought against the Targaryens, but his son was younger still, only a lad of five and ten.

Not even of age yet.

'Old Gods, the Seven, look over my family. Even if you ask for my life in turn, take it. Just save my family, I beg of you.' He prayed.

That's when he heard shuffling outside followed by what seemed to be a struggle. There was a brief shout, but that was quickly silenced after a dull thud of metal being struck hard by something. Again there was more shuffling, and then the door to his cell burst open, a number of men bursting in.

He didn't recognise them, they were no discernible colours or sigils leaving their loyalties unknown to him.

"Lord Stark?" One of them asked.

"Aye," Ned answered with a nod, warily staring at the men across from him.

"We've come to rescue you, m'lord." The same man spoke and Ned frowned. "We haven't got much time, we've managed to secure your daughters and got a boat down at Blackwater Bay waiting for us, but we must move quickly."

"Sansa? Arya?" He questioned, hope and relief filling him and the man nodded.

"Yes, m'lord."

Ned, however, narrowed his eyes. "I was told that Arya had escaped and Sansa was being held hostage in the Red Keep. How am I to believe that you have them and this isn't a ploy?"

"M'lord please, I beg of you we don't have much time. If we don't leave now we will be caught and this will all have been for nothing. I swear to you, your daughters are safe and waiting for you in Blackwater Bay with those loyal to me."

"And who are you, Ser?" Ned questioned, the man sounded earnest but he wasn't just going to trust him straight away. He'd done that with Littlefinger and look where that had gotten him.

"I'm nobody, m'lord, just a simple commoner, a soldier, not a Ser. But the man I work for, he said that I must get you out of the city no matter the cost. But I fear if we do not leave now, it will all be for nought. Please, m'lord." The man tried once more and Ned was almost swayed.

But not entirely.

"Do you have something belonging to your lord that I may identify him by?" Ned demanded and the man paused, but he noticed the look of relief on the man's face. He rummaged in his pockets and then handed a brooch out to Ned who took it. As he looked at it, his eyes widened in shock before a smile came upon his face.

"I apologise, my friends, let us be off. I want to see my daughters." Then he would head north and meet with his son, hopefully before everything was too late.

"Is this true?" Lord Galbart Glover asked, his voice holding a measure of hope to it. A sentiment shared by many of the Lords gathered in the command tent stationed in the centre of the camp.

"Aye, could be," Greatjon muttered arms crossed over his chest.

Robb listened to his Lord's mutterings, but he never looked up from the letter clutched in his hands. His gaze flickering back and forth over the parchment as he reads its contents over and over again. He didn't know what to make of it, was it true? Were the letter's content true or another falsity meant to give him hope?

To Lady Catelyn Stark,

You are reading story Blood and Winter at

I bring you good news, Lord Eddard Stark, your husband is safe. My men managed to spirit him out of the Black Cells along with your daughters, Sansa and Arya Stark. They are currently on a ship heading to my holdings where they shall join you soon.

It was not signed.

That was what concerned Robb and the lords of the North the most. If it was true, it was obvious why they didn't sign, it would give the Lannisters and those allied with them an enemy to turn their attention to. But at the same time, by not signing it, there was no authenticity to the letter. All Robb and the Lords of the North could do was take the letter at face value and trust that the contents were true.

But while Robb was willing to do so, others in his council were not. "I think it's a load of bollocks." Ser Brynden Blackfish spoke gruffly from the corner of the room.

He, along with his mother had arrived earlier today having met Robb's main host at Moat Cailin where they were currently camped. They had arrived along with the Manderly host consisting of fifteen hundred men led by Lord Wyman's son, Ser Wylis Manderly. The arrival of the Manderly host had swelled the ranks of the Northern army to over nineteen thousand strong.

"Ah what do ye know about it, Blackfish?" Greatjon shot back, a glare on his face directed towards the Riverlander. "Yer not from the North, shouldn't even be here."

"Greatjon," Robb spoke up, the slowly rising clamouring of his Lords going quiet. "Ser Brynden Blackfish is family, or have you forgotten of what family my mother hails from."

"Nay, I haven't forgotten," Greatjon responded gruffly, nonplused at being chastised so blatantly in front of others.

"Ser Blackfish and any Riverlander that chooses to fight beside us is an ally and comrade, I will not have dissension between us. Only when we stand united against the Lannisters will we win, we can't afford to be divided." Robb spoke firmly, making sure to look at each of his Lords individually to make sure they understood he was serious. "Great-uncle, please speak."

Ser Brynden studied him closely for a few moments silently, before giving a stiff nod in turn. For some reason, Robb felt that he had earned the man's respect at that moment.

"As I was saying, I think it's a lot of bollocks. It's not signed, and there's no mention of where he is or what condition Lord Eddard and his daughters are in. It's more than likely that the Lannisters have gone and fucked up, letting Eddard and his daughters die and are trying to cover it up by saying they escaped."

That was Robb's biggest worry.

Like he had known and like the Blackfish had pointed out, it's not signed and therefore there's no authenticity behind the letter. As much as he hated the thought of it, Brynden words could be correct.

"So, what do we do now then?" Lady Maege Mormont demanded.

Her words sparked off another argument among his Lords.

"If I may." Robb looked from where he stood at the head of the table, seeing Lord Gregor Forrester standing close by. "I believe it would be best to continue this campaign as if we never received this letter."

"As if my father and sisters are still held by the Lannisters?" Robb questioned and Gregor nodded his head.

"It's not ideal, but if we free the Riverlands and beat back the Lannisters, it will provide us greater security to find your father and sisters if the letter is true," Gregor suggested and Robb despite not liking it, could see the sense in what the Lord of Ironrath said. "If we don't march south, it's highly likely that we will tear each other apart from the inside and we'll never be able to free your father and sisters or avenge their deaths if the letter is truly a lie. Marching south and fighting the Lannisters will at least keep us united with a common enemy to fight."

"Aye, what you say has some sense about it." Robb nodded his head before gathering the attention of the arguing Northern lords. "My Lords, we'll march south and continue to engage the Lannisters and free the Riverlands. If my father and sisters are truly free of the Lannisters then rest assured, they will come to find us standing strong and the lion retreating with its tail between its legs." His pronouncement was met by a resounding cheer as the Lords slowly trickled out of the room preparing their men to continue marching south in the morning.

"You're good at this," Theon noted from beside him and Robb slowly nodded his head. He still trusted Theon and saw him as one of his greatest friends, but there was no denying he was wary. The visions he saw clearly showed a Kraken attacking and drowning a wolf, he just hoped that the Kraken was not Theon. The two had been raised as brothers and he could see he and Theon stood side by side, victorious over their enemies and wanted to make that reality.

"It's difficult," Robb admitted eventually, and he was not lying. At parts, he felt lost, unsure of what to do, but at times, leading felt natural, like he had done it before. Either way, he would not deny that he seemed to be doing well, the Lords listened to him, if not respected him.

He just needed to remain strong and firm, the Northmen respected strength. If you weren't strong, they'd never follow you.

"We march for the Frey's tomorrow then?" Robb nodded his head silently, watching Theon look over the map of Westeros. "No doubt those greedy bastards will attempt to ask for a toll. They didn't even fight against the Lannisters." Theon spat angrily.

"My Lords said as much, the Frey's reputation proceeds them," Robb noted, studying the marked location of the Twins, the seat of the Frey's, but then he paused. "Theon, do you remember what the sigil of House Frey is?"

"House Frey? Why?"

"It doesn't matter why! Just tell me, do you know?" Robb shot back impatiently, trying to rack his brain back to the time when his mother and Maester Luwin taught him about the houses of the Riverlands.

"Em, two towers, I think?" Theon responded unsurely, looking at Robb in confusion as he got a piece of parchment and started writing down a note on it. "Robb, are you alright?"

"Not now, Theon!" Striding forwards, Robb burst out of the tent and made quick work of heading towards the Stark encampment in which men of his household were set up. " I need a rider, a fast one!" He called out, a number of his men looking at him in confusion before a younger man stepped forward.

"I'm a fast rider, m'lord."

"Good man, I need you to make haste for Greywater Watch, deliver this message to Lord Reed and only Lord Reed, am I understood?"

"Yes, m'lord." The man took the letter, rushing to his horse and Robb quickly turned back on his heel heading back to his command tent. If what he saw in his visions was true, then the Freys and the Boltons would betray him. He couldn't do anything to either of them yet, but he wasn't going to leave him and his men to the tender, non-existent mercies of the Freys and Boltons.

So, another chapter is done and I hope you all enjoyed it. Anyway, if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. 

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