Blood and Winter

Chapter 7: Chapter VII – Young Wolf

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Things had gone exactly as planned.

He would lead a host of two thousand strong, half consisting of the entire Frey cavalry and the other half comprised of men from the North. Robb himself would lead the charge, heading directly for the centre of the western flank while Lord Stevron would take his men south and cut off any escape for the enemy.

Ser Brynden with his three hundred men would spin around and join with the two thousand men led by Lord Karstark and attack the front of the enemy. While Maege Mormont would hit it from the side, Jason Mallister led his men through the centre on the eastern flank. Finally, Lord Greatjon Umber would take his men and come south, meeting with Lord Stevron and charging at the enemy's rear.

The Lannisters would have nowhere to go.

Raising his sword up, the tip pointing towards the Lannisters he gave a battle cry echoed by the men following him.

It was not even a challenge.

The disorganised and unprepared Lannister army stood no chance against an organised enemy cavalry charge. He swung his sword around and cut through one Lannister soldier as he continued through the ranks, his charge never halting as his blade slashed at every soldier he could reach.

Speed was his greatest asset.

Behind him, horses and riders clashed.

Horses smashed into one another and launched their riders out of their saddles where they wrestled in the ground. Others were trampled to death underfoot. Those that remained seated were cut down by enemy soldiers as the northern cavalry charged through the enemy ranks.

It was a bloodbath.

Stabbing his blade forward into one soldier, Robb struggled to pull his blade free from the armour that gripped it. He could see another soldier clad in red and gold coming at him, from his exposed side hoping to kill him while he had no weapon to defend himself.

However, Dacey was there.

Urging her horse on with great speed as she swung her hammer round and smashed it into the head of the soldier unhorsing him. The man dropped to the ground with a thud, his helmet dented where her hammer had struck.

Finally, he managed to pry his blade free and took a momentary breather.

The battle waged on around him and while it has only just begun, it was already coming to a close. All around him men lay dead or dying, crying out in pain and effort as they fought with everything they had. Blood and mud splash into the air with every step and swing.

His eyes took it all in, committing it to memory, the atrocities of war. But he shook his head soon after, it would not do to dwell on such matters in the middle of battle. Instead, he turned his gaze to survey the battle as a whole.

The centre had been crushed by the pincer strike caused by his and Lord Mallisters forces.

The rear that had been softened by the Riverland archers was being made short work of by the men led by the Greatjon and Lord Stevron.

The only place that saw the fiercest of fighting was the front, where the Kingslayer was. It seemed the man's presence alone was enough to inspire those around him to continue fighting despite being completely overwhelmed.

'There is still a chance that he could escape.' If anyone could, it would be Jamie Lannister, a man praised as one of the greatest swordsmen in the realm. If he were to gain momentum then there was a chance he would be able to cut his way out of the encirclement and make it back to the Lannister camp. 'If that happens, we will have failed.'

Robb could and would not let that happen.

"Lord Mallister!" He called, the aged Lord of Seagard who was nearby looked from where he too had been surveying the battlefield. "On me!" The man nodded his head, urging his men to match pace with Robb and his personal guard.

While the rear was done for, the centre was still seeing some Lannister men fighting.

However, they were quickly buckling.

Many surrendered in hopes of being spared.

But most were killed before they even got a chance to utter a word.

Robb paid them no heed, leading his men through the battlefield towards the front and it seemed to be done just in time as the Kingslayer burst his way out. He felt a momentary slither of doubt seize him as he watched the skill and grace the Kingslayer showed. His sword cut through the air and men with ease as he led what remained of his men through the soldiers of the North.

But he quickly affirmed himself, gripping the handle of his blade tighter.

"Kingslayer!" He roared, the son of Tywin Lannister looking at him with a frown, though that soon changed to a smirk.

"Come then, Young Wolf!"

How nice of the Young Wolf to let him know where he was. It saved him all the trouble of trying to find him. Jamie had long since realised the battle was lost, but he had decided that if he was going to lose then he was going to at least take the young Robb Stark with him.

The only problem with that was finding the Young Wolf in all this mess.

'He sure is eager to die.' The Kingslayer thought viciously, a smirk coming onto his face as he charged to meet Robb Stark's own charge. His blade held loosely in one hand down by his side, the muscles along his arm tensing as he prepared to cut the young boy down where he was.

Or at least that was the aim.

He only caught a glimpse of it, a blur of grey coming at him from the side before he saw it in full view.

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The Starks Direwolf leapt at him, its front paws extended, claws gleaming in the moonlight and its maw opens revealing sharp and bloody fangs.

Then it landed, teeth digging into his horse's neck and claws scratching along its front legs. Jamie let out a gasp as his horse lurched forward and it was only his quick reactions that saved his life as he jumped out of his saddle in time to avoid being crushed by his own steed.

Even so, he landed with a thud, the wind rushing from his lungs as he looked up at the Moon.

The moon was soon replaced by the sight of the growling Direwolf, its fur matted with blood.

Rolling away quickly, he managed to avoid having his face ripped off. Gripping his blade tighter, Jamie rose to his feet and went to swing at the Direwolf only to be then struck by a horse. He felt more than heard his shoulder dislocating as he was flung along the floor before eventually landing on the muddy ground.

Groaning, Jamie lay there for a few moments, his head dizzy and his vision blurry.

Slowly and tentatively, he managed to push himself up by one arm and looked around for his blade. He found one, it wasn't his but it would have to do as he turned to see the battle once again raging around him.

However, he could see the Young Wolf quite clearly.

He stood there on his horse, head held high as he surveyed the battlefield. He gave the occasional order to intercept any Lannister men that attempted to flee, his sword dripping with blood as it rested by his side. As men died around him, the Young Wolf just sat there, calmly as if he was above it all.

Jamie let out a scowl come across his face.

It may cost him his life, but he would at least take the Young Wolf with him.

Even with one arm uselessly dangling by his side, it wasn't his sword arm, no that was fine. And so, he made short work of the men before him. Any soldier of the North that tried to stop him was quickly cut down. Occasionally a blade would sneak past his guard, but his armour would protect him allowing Jamie to spin around and cut them down.

The gap between him and the Young Wolf quickly closed down to nothing. There was a reason that he was one of the most gifted and dangerous swordsmen in Westeros.

But his presence had not gone unnoticed, the Stark boy having turned to view him with disinterest. Jamie would almost believe it if he hadn't seen the way the boy adjusted his grip on his weapon. Even so, it wouldn't save him from Jamie.

He rushed forwards quickly, a young Northmen rushing to intercept.

Jamie parried his blade to one side and swung his blade around cutting into the man's neck. "Brother!" Another Northman exclaimed, charging with a roar of anger towards Jamie who prepared himself.

As the man swung his blade down, Jamie moved around the downward swing and went to strike at the nobleman's exposed back. It would have been a clean cut if it hadn't been for another blade swinging around and intercepting the strike. He pushed against the blade with his one good hand and followed it along to see the Young Wolf holding the blade. Both their arms tensed in order to push against one another with all they could, Jamie having the advantage of pushing downwards.

He barely had time to think about that before he was tackled to the ground by the Northmen that he had just attempted to kill. The blade in his hand came loose and bounced away from him as the man raised his blade to bring it down.

"Eddard, I want him alive." The Young Wolf ordered when the nobleman went to stab his blade down into him.


"I need him alive, Eddard. You will have revenge for your brother later. Believe me, the Kingslayer will pay for his crime, but not yet." The Young Wolf affirmed and while disgruntled, Eddard did so, keeping his blade pointed at his throat.

"Well, it seems you've won this battle, boy." The Kingslayer noted humourlessly.

The Young Wolf just looked at him in disgust. "Eddard, knock the man unconscious, I have no interest in listening to the man's jests." That was the last thing he heard before the nobleman, Eddard struck him across the face with the handle of his blade.

Watching Eddard knock the Kingslayer unconscious was satisfying to witness.

"Lord Stark, the victory is ours." He frowned slightly at being referred to as Lord Stark but looked to Lord Mallister. It was like all but admitting his father was dead, something he had overhead the northern lords believing to be the case.

"Aye, it is, but the night is not over yet." He responded, looking around over the battlefield. It was littered with the corpses of the dead, his ears filled with the sound of moaning men as they slowly died, a fine feast for the crows.

"Even so, we have scored a great victory." Lord Mallister continued, the older man recognising the signs of guilt upon the young man's face. Commanding men in battle was hard, especially when one learned of the deaths that came with your orders. However, he couldn't allow the young commander to lose hope.

Men already whispered and looked at him differently.

The Kingslayer had called Lord Stark the Young Wolf and it was a title already spreading throughout the men. An army of this size needed a symbol to rally behind and they had one now, the Young Wolf had ridden to their aid and scored them their first major victory, even capturing the Kingslayer.

If the Young Wolf lost hope, then their campaign would be doomed.

"Give it to them, my Lord." Lord Mallister said. "Raising your sword into the air and say the words."

Robb looked at him with a frown before he gave a stiff nod.

All around men watched as the Young Wolf raised his blade into the air.

"Victory…is ours!"

And all around, men cheered to the heavens.

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