Blue Outline

Chapter 4: 1.2

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Chapter 1: Art is not a pleasure trip; it is a battle

Translated by 64990022
Edited by Fen01lalune


Chapter 1: Art is not a pleasure trip; it is a battle


Part 2



“Komiya-senpai–, otsukaresama–!”


“Otsukare. Be careful not to hit the canvas bag!”


I bowed politely and watched the first-year students leave the art room. 


“Sorry, Komiya-kun, can you tell Hiiragi-sensei to order some turpentine for me? We’re running out of stock.”

[TN: Turpentine is used to loosen up paint, as well as to thin paint for under paintings, and it helps to smooth out the brush stroke.]


“Well, thanks for noticing. I’ll check and see if there’s anything else that needs ordering and I’ll let him know.”


I said a quick goodbye to a club member of the same grade. He seemed to always notice every detail.






“Otsukare. See you tomorrow.”


As the head of the club, it was my daily routine to see the members off, one by one, all the while working on my painting. Whether painting a picture or carving a sculpture, art was usually a solitary activity. While we were not that close, the atmosphere was not that bad, and we could get along well enough. I had no complaints to the art club, if you would excuse the problem child, Yuri, and Hiiragi-sensei’s policy of leaving that matter to me… But that did not excuse the headaches they caused.


“Um, Komiya. The art club won’t be participating in the snow festival this year, right?”


Igarashi asked me as she prepared to leave, her long, almond-shaped eyes peeking out from her wise looking glasses moved to focus on me. She was a girl with a willowy frame that seemed to tumble at the slightest of wind. In contrast to her physique, she was unimaginably willful and headstrong. That characteristic should have created a lot of enemies, but I supposed that her caring and compassionate nature made up for it. I even heard that many of her friends and kouhais adore her.

[TN: Kouhai, a word used to refer to a younger, more novice or inexperienced person.]


“I haven’t heard anything from Hiiragi-sensei as of yet, but I don’t think we will… I’m praying that we don’t have to,” I let out a dry laugh.


The Maimori Snow Festival, the biggest event in Maimori. An event to look forward to as a spectator, but no laughing matter when you were involved.


The Maiei High School art club gathered volunteers to participate in the event every year, at the request of the event director. But volunteers were scarce when the activity involved molding snow outdoors for at least three days in a temperature well below freezing point. It would not be a problem if there were members who were interested in making snow sculptures, but unfortunately, we were all occupied with our own work.


At the pleas of the club members, Hiiragi-sensei was in the process of asking the director to cancel the compulsory participation in the snow festival this year.


“That’s good to hear. Well, I’ll be leaving soon. It seems that you’ll be the last one again. I’m sorry, but please take care of the keys.”


“Got it. Otsukare, Igarashi. It’s already dark, so take care.”


“You too, Komiya. Don’t be too late. Bye–”


In the empty art room, the temperature dropped. Finally alone, I let my shoulder relax and let out a deep breath in the chilly room.


The art club members tended to stay in the art room until late, but since many of them lived far away, I, who lived in this neighborhood, were always the last one remaining. But I still needed to spare some time to return the key to the staff room too.


However, standing alone in the art room with the irreplaceably unique scent of oil painting wafting in the air, I felt my frustration and anger boil, emotions that could not be good for my mental health. 


When I looked away from the canvas I was working on, even for a moment, I found my sight gravitating towards Yuri’s painting at the far end of the room. It was a painting that she had been working on according to the rules of the art club, which required at least one work to be completed in a year. It wasn’t going to be submitted to any competition, worse, to her, it was merely a pastime. No matter how I looked at it, it was an art of great finesse. In front of that astonishing, magnificent, overwhelming picture, whispers slipped my mouth.


“Being so wrapped up by the mixer that she can’t even spare a thought about the art club nor the Koji Competition. That girl…”


No matter what I did, I could not help but compare it to my own paintings. Jealousy and inferiority blended together made my heart throb. Making an excuse to myself that I didn’t want it to get dusty, I covered it with a piece of fabric.


“Does she really think that things could continue like this…?”


Yuri Kashiwazaki, seventeen years old. A girl with an arrogant and self-centered personality. However, she was nowhere less than the title “genius” when it came to her artistic talent in painting. She had been regarded as a child prodigy for as long as I could remember. 


But even the towering genius who refused to draw could be triumphed over if you worked hard enough, I believed. And I would be the one who surpassed her.


But there was one concern.


When it came to that, what would I do if Yuri decided to never paint again.


“What the hell was with her?! How could you be so complicated?!”


I curled, clutching my head in anguish. I had always wanted to become an even better painter than Yuri, but at the same time, I did not want Yuri to stop painting. Torn between two contradicting wishes, I guessed I was just as complicated as her.


To encourage myself, I dug for my phone, snapped a shot of the canvas in front of me.


“In progress. I’ll send it again when it’s finished.”


The recipient was Utako Kashii. She was finally allowed to have a cell phone at long last when she entered high school. Exchanging messages with her was my only source of solace and revitalization.


She was now studying at a prep school in Tokyo. The school was so famous that even I knew its name. To pursue her dream, she was busy with cram school and English conversation classes. And it was no small feat to be continuously ranked first in her grade in such a prestigious school. Those achievements were a testimony of her efforts.


She was usually quiet and not very self-assured, but she kept true to her words with an immeasurable determination. This was why I fell in love with her.


She once said, “Studying here is hard, but thanks to this school, my mother was reluctant to move, so that’s good.” It seemed that she moved a few more times even after she moved from Maimori. And she would say ‘It’s my mother’s decision, it couldn’t be helped’ to me, even if it was for work reasons, wasn’t that too much? But I still had yet to know about the details. 


Anyway, her mother was rigorous, and that value was imprinted into Utako’s mind. To her, what her mother said was absolute, so she obediently followed the rule of not using cellphones in the house. On top of that, her mother didn’t seem to be fond of her time in Maimori, and was somewhat against Utako contacting me or Yuri. So I wasn’t able to have much exchange with her. Few though it was, being able to talk with her strengthened my resolve, it was as if she was here, encouraging me to go on.


I rolled up my sleeves, letting the chilled air restore my vigilance.


The size of the canvases to be submitted to the Koji Exhibition Competition had to be within F20 and F100. The painting I was going to summit was a F30 sized Yezo spruce. I was aiming to create a sharp contrast between the stark white snow and the saturated spruce green. I wasn’t bad at drawing plants, and I thought the judges would appreciate it better if I drew something from Hokkaido.


I shook my head, surprised to find myself unintentionally thinking about appealing the judges. Wasn’t it insincere to try to win an award without drawing what you want to draw?


Yuri would never think like this. I was losing to her at this point, weren’t I?




My hand that reached for the oil paints froze. No. This was not the time to stop. If I stopped now, I would only be farther left behind. My teeth grinded. I wasn’t a genius. No…


My heart began to trum with frustration, bottled emotions gushing forth–


Creak. Startled by the sound of the door opening, my head snapped to the direction of the sound. When I looked up and saw the person who had appeared, I was beyond surprised. Rendered speechless, my troubled mind instantly went blank.


“So the rumor that you are always the last one here was true…”


Somehow, the familiar art room instantly became glamorous the moment she stepped inside.


She was just opening the door and entered the room normally, yet I became agitated, my heart quickening at an unprecedented rate. 


“S-Sugawara-senpai!? W-why are you here?”


Long golden hair, paralleling double eyelids, and slightly drooping eyes. Prominent nose and well-shaped lips. Sleek and slender limbs with a small face. Appearance that screamed that she was from the entertainment industry. Unlike Seino, she wore her makeup gracefully, harmonizing her natural beauty and enhancing her beauty. Thin ornate bracelets on her arm further amplified her allure, giving her a full blown feminine charm.


The owner of this dominating presence was Kaede Sugawara Senpai, a highschool third year student, the said “Miracle of Maimori”.


Seino, a fan of hers, told me that Senpai was scouted in Harajuku on a school trip in the second year of middle school, and quickly became a fashion model. She often appeared on the covers of fashion magazines, and was said to be a well-known figure, especially among teenage girls.


Although we were from the same school, our school years were different, and on top of that, she was constantly absent from school due to her work in Sapporo and Tokyo, so the chance of us meeting was practically zero. She was a person worthy of the expression “captivating”.


“Well, there must be no one here, else there’s bound to be misunderstandings. You know, I’m famous.”



Her statements and mannerisms were brimmed with confidence.


“So… you have something to do with me?”


Noticing how carried away I must have seemed, I burned with embarrassment. However, Senpai just smiled at me.

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“Yes. I’m offering myself to be a model for your painting.”


I resented my brain’s slow processing speed. All I could do was tilt my head in confusion.


“Eh? But why?”


As I was bewildered, Senpai studied me, then shifted her gaze to the canvas in front of me.


“I wanted to be a model for Yuri.”


I was caught off guard by this unexpected blow. For a moment, my breath caught. Even someone who seemed to have nothing to do with her mentioned her name?


“…If that’s so, why don’t you just ask Yuri yourself from the beginning? Yuri painting was a rare phenomenon, it would surely increase your reputation if she suddenly drew you. I think that’s the quickest way to raise your popularity.”


I had planned to inform her rationally, but the next thing I knew, words laden with bitterness spewed. Once lit, the fire of resentment was not something easily extinguished.


“Popularity? Hmm, I didn’t want to become a model for Yuri Kashiwazaki for such a cheap reason.”


Senpai closed the distance then asked.


“I’m beautiful, aren’t I?”


“Yes, I think you are.”


When I frankly answered, Senpai nodded in satisfaction.


“I’m glad you’re so honest. But you know, I’m beautiful and my mother is half Finnish, so I stand out in rural areas like Maimori. Because of that, I was bullied a lot in elementary school. But when I was in the sixth grade, I went on a field trip to an art gallery in Sapporo, and when I saw Yuri’s picture on display, I felt a shiver of excitement. I can’t explain it well… but it made me realize that I should not be ashamed of my individuality, but to use it to my advantage and improve myself.”


Most of the pictures that Yuri drew were awarded and exhibited, so even though I had been drawing with her for a long time, it was difficult to identify which picture she saw. It may seem like a lie or exaggerated story to some, I had no slightest doubt.


The most important feature of Yuri’s paintings was that they evoked some kinds of emotions in the viewer, whether it was excitement, shock, anger, sadness, and much more, communicating on a spiritual level.


“Because it’s a picture drawn by Yuri.” That was all the explanation needed.


“I just recently found out that the artist who drew such a picture; Yuri, is in this high school. And I didn’t find out until I was about to graduate! I was such an idiot! I’m very thrilled. But…” she trailed.


A shadow fell on her bright face.


“Yuri isn’t drawing anymore, she isn’t even trying to. I can’t let someone who changed me regress like that. She told me to be myself, yet she isn’t true to herself anymore. That’s why I want her to properly draw again… But she’s pretty stubborn, isn’t she. My words haven’t reached her at all.”


“Well… Getting her to draw isn’t that easy. If there’s a secret to get her to draw, I will do anything to know it,” I sighed.


During our years together, for countless times, I had been trying to convince her, but to no avail. So what were the chances of Yuri listening to Senpai?


“So, I was considering how to get her to draw, that was when I overheard that you’re also trying to get her to draw, aren’t you? If that’s the case, why don’t you draw a picture of me and show it to her to provoke her, litting that fire of passion again? If she sees me as her model, she’ll definitely want to draw me,” Senpai suggested confidently. 


How could she be that reassured? I became dizzy at the astonishingly egotistical suggestion. She didn’t even consider my willingness nor my circumstances; there was no way Yuri would change her mind with this.


“No, I’d rather do this alone, I won’t team up with you,” I declined.


I was sure that I was worth no more than a potato to her, and even I had my own pride. No matter how beautiful, or no matter how much she would stare at me, there was no way I would agree on this.


“Really? That’s fine for now. But keep in mind that I hate losing. I’ll definitely win you over sooner or later.”


“Um, I don’t think this is about winning or losing.”



I was expecting for her to either give up or even be angry at my refusal or anything that would leave me alone, yet she just simply backed down for a time being, the fire of determination in her eyes was still aflame. Since I did not want any grudge between us, perhaps waiting for her to give up was the best choice.


“Say, why did Yuri stop drawing? Did she find something more interesting than drawing or something?” asked Senpai, ever again peering at me.


“Oh… She’s just playing around and doing stupid things. She’s going to a mixer for the first time this Saturday and so she’s unusually excited and apprehensive. She’s a curious being. I think she’s more into the prospect of experiencing new things than getting a boyfriend,” I scoffed, failing to contain the derision.


Then I noticed that what I said was a mistake, for Senpai’s eyes gleamed. It was now too late to take that back, it seemed.


“She’s going to a mixer? I’m really curious to see what that genius looks like in front of a guy! Let’s trail after her!” she declared.


The words of refusal never had a chance to leave my mouth as my cheeks were squashed between Senpai’s hands.

[TN:The fact that there’s no illustration for this scene is a crime]


“You’re going?”


‘Senpai, why ask when you’re forcing me anyway…’ I complained silently. 


And so, I was forced to stalk Yuri to the mixer.




Finally, the day arrived.


Saturday, November 24th. Today was the day of the mixer. 


“Oh, here they are! Somehow, I’m starting to get nervous too!” exclaimed Senpai.


“Senpai… Could you keep your voice down? You’re already conspicuous just as you are.”


At the rendezvous, in front of a station, Yuri and Seino stood, and not far behind were us, trailing after them.


While Seino was covered in makeup like usual, she did not wear her usual flashy dress. Instead, she wore knitted one piece with black tights, an outfit specialized in attracting men. On the other hand, Yuri was dressed in her everyday clothes, her usual down jacket and jeans. If I were to judge from her outfit, her enthusiasm to get a boyfriend was non-existent. Worry crept in. She wouldn’t go ballistic if she didn’t get attention from them, right?


“Yuri’s as dull as ever, and Seino’s really into this, isn’t she?” I mumbled “By the way, isn’t there supposed to be another person? Who did Seino invite…”


“Oh, maybe it’s a last minute cancellation? Seino-chan seems to be raging on the phone.”


Even from a distance, it was clear that Seino was fuming. She then lowered the phone, then turned to talk with Yuri, all the while pouting. It was almost time but the third member still hadn’t showed up.


“I’m going to jump in. For the sake of my cute juniors!”


“Please stop, Senpai! The guys will undoubtedly be overjoyed, but definitely not the girls. Seino might even cry, and Yuri would be in a sour mood for days!”


And they would be taking it out on me. So please spare me.


“I’m joking,” Senpai grinned. “Yuri, what a waste… What kind of shirt is she even wearing–. Seeing her makes me want to lecture her on fashion! Hmm, what kind of clothes do you want your date to wear?”


“Huh? Well… ‘Anything she wants to’ is too honorable an answer… I’ll go with clothes with a fluffy feeling. If it’s a date, then I definitely want her to wear a skirt…What’s that look on your face, Senpai?”


“If you like that kind of simple girlish clothes, then why didn’t you just say so when we met up,” she accused sulkily.


Senpai was dressed in simple black skinny pants and a white coat, probably aiming to be indistinct, for her original style could be recognized from a mile away.


“Do I still have to remind you that you’re beautiful no matter what you wear?”


“If that’s the case couldn’t you just say sooo— Ah, I think those guys are here.”


In the distance, three men called out to Seino. They were thin, handsome, and stylish, with refreshing smiles to add to their charm. As a person of the same sex, I could sense an aura of “These guys are definitely popular with women.” radiating. When I heard that they were from a technical high school, I imagined that they would be more unfamiliar with women. Oh, how the tables had turned.

[TN: Sousuke, you know, as a technical highschool student, I’m quite offended]


I should have known that these guys were handsome. Afterall, the ikemen obsessed Seino said she was interested in them, there was no way they were not handsome.

[TN: “Ikemen”, Japanese slang for attractive men.]


After a quick chat, the five of them started walking to a karaoke bar near the station. As I watched them enjoying themselves and laughing on the way, I began to feel like an idiot. Why did I have to chase after Yuri like this, even for something other than painting? Why didn’t I just paint while she frolicked? Why was the sight of her enjoying herself so, so irritating?


“…Senpai. I’m… going home.”


“What?! Wait! Wait a minute! Hey!”


As I hurried away, the bustle of the city faded into nothing, nothing but me and this frustration.

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