Blue-Winged Fairy

Chapter 2: 1.2

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The morning sun shone brightly. The house of husband-wife pair Setiawan and Rini faced east, where the sun rises. Even though it was bright, the morning sunlight is good and can activate the vitamin D in human’s bone. It was not like Maya cared about the morning sun that she was currently busy in the garden. She didn’t have a say in this as she had to hang the clothes that she washed at dawn earlier.


Maya smiled hearing that alto voice that she recognized very well. She turned to look. “Leaving, Ms. Lintang?”

The beautiful woman with neat makeup smiled sweetly. Her eyes smiled amicably behind the thin glasses that she wore. “You already know yet you still ask!”

Maya laughed listening to Lintang’s quip.

Lintang walked towards her. “May, why did you not wash my clothes together?”

“No, miss. These are Mom, Dad, and Vina’s clothes. I will do my clothes and Miss Lintang’s clothes, along with the new tenant’s clothes in the evening. Would that be okay, miss?”

“Oh, that’s okay. I was just asking. Oh right, how old is that new tenant? I saw him a bit earlier when he went to the bathroom. Quite handsome, huh!”

“If I’m not wrong, he is a freshman, miss. That means about nineteen years old maybe.”

“Sigh, young leaf,” lamented Lintang. “Five years difference, can or cannot?”

“But the person is a bit quiet, miss. How can he get along with Miss who is talkative?”

“I just wanted to tell you that. That’s right! He didn’t even greet me, even though as fellow tenants it would be better if we know each other, right? Am I right?”

“Well… different people have different thoughts, miss. But living here is good, right, miss?”

“Yes, I like living here. There is laundry service. My friends who live in different rentals have the same price, but without laundry service. Plus, I also get to have breakfast here.”

“It’s good if Miss likes it. That means Miss is comfortable here,” Maya said as she firmly flapped the clothes that she was going to hang. Lintang had to take a step back, afraid that she would get hit.

“Hey, my clothes will get wet here!”

“Sorry, miss.”

Lintang looked at the girl in front of her that worked without stopping since she moved into this house. “Hey, aren’t you tired of working non-stop, May? I never see Vina working.”

“Hasn’t it always been like this, miss. She is busy with school.”

“What busy with school? If not watching TV, she would read magazines or comics everyday. When does she ever study? After two months of living here, I know you are only a step daughter in this family, but… how could they do that, making you a maid. It’s better if you go to school…”

“I have told Miss previously, Mom and Dad could only send Vina to school with their finances. Since Dad got fired, we are having financial problem, miss. This is also why the two rooms are being rented out,” Maya explained patiently. Even though her heart stung a little, she didn’t want to show it. It would only make her even more sad, and it wouldn’t change the current situation.

“But they…” Lintang was still in doubt.

“Hey, Miss, it’s quite late now,” Maya cut her while pointing at the sun with her chin. “Wouldn’t Miss be late?”

Lintang looked at her wristwatch hurriedly and half-walked-half-jumped outside the house. “Oh my goodness, yes! I will be leaving now, May!” she said as she waved.

Maya could only smile while shaking her head. “Be careful, Miss!”

“Oh right, there will be a surprise for you later when you collect my dirty clothes!’ Lintang shouted again, and she ran towards the main road where her figure could no longer be seen.

“Mayaaaa!!!” another voice sounded.

This time Maya didn’t need to turn her head. She knew that voice very well. It was Vina’s voice. She wasn’t sure what else that kid wanted. It would be better for her to pretend to not hear anything.

Maya entered the house using the side door. From there, she passed Lintang and Yoga’s rooms. There were plates after their breakfast in front of their rooms. There were also their dirty clothes. She lifted the clothes and put them in the empty basket that she brought.

As she lifted up Lintang’s dirty shirt, she found a bar of chocolate. Maya smiled. Lintang is very kind.

Yoga’s bedroom door opened. The young man’s head appeared outside.

“Maya, do you have a nail clipped?”

“I do, would Sir like to borrow it?”


Yoga followed Maya to the kitchen. After she put the laundry and dirty plates in the kitchen, Maya looked for the nail clipped in the kitchen drawer and gave it to Yoga.

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“Thank you,” Yoga said.

Maya was  dumbfounded. When Yoga retrieved the nail clipped, she saw that Yoga’s nails looked well-groomed and neat; it was also coated with clear nail polish. Her nails were less clean than his. Wow.

At that time Vina entered the kitchen. “Oh my gosh, May, you must be deaf. I have been calling you for a while now and you didn’t respond?” But once she saw Yoga, Vina blushed shyly. “Eh… Mr. Yoga.”

“Looks like she is not deaf, but busy,” said Yoga coldly, then he left.

Vina’s face immediately scrunched. Maya tried her best to keep her smile in.

“What is he doing being so arrogant! Acting like a ladyboy, he thinks he looks good!” she grumbled.

“What’s the matter, Vin?” Maya asked.

“Dad is leaving. Where is the breakfast?”

Maya immediately prepared the plates. “Oh right, I forgot.”

“See? I am not making this up! It is you who is forgetful!” Vina spouted while leaving.

At the dining table, Setiawan, Rini, and Vina were already sitting. As Maya entered while bringing three plates of fried rice, Setiawan asked, “Why is it only three? Are you not eating together with us?”

“I will eat later in the kitchen, Dad,” Maya answered.

“Huh? Let’s just eat together. Come on, make another plate for yourself.”

Maya nodded and went back to the kitchen quickly to scoop a plate of fried rice for herself. She then joined the family of three at the dining table.

Rini is still wearing her nightgown and hair rollers. Her indifferent face seemed bored as she looked at the newly arrived newspaper. It looked like she wasn’t interested in socializing with her family members.

Vina followed suit. She took her comic book and read it as she ate.

“Vin, Dad has told you so many times, do not read while eating!” Setiawan reprimanded.

“Then why Mom can do it?” The girl protested, but she put the comic book on the table.

“What holiday is today?” asked Setiawan to Vina.

“Just the usual, teachers’ meeting.”

“How is your school?” asked Setiawan again.

“It’s alright. Why do you ask, Dad? Are you afraid that my score is bad?”

“You! Why do you keep answering back! Dad just wanted to say, study well. School is expensive, isn’t it bad if you waste it? This is why Dad didn’t agree that you go to school at that place from the beginning! If you had gone to a standard school, wouldn’t Dad be able to afford Maya’s schooling too?”

Whack! Rini placed the newspaper that she was reading on the table. “Not this again! Why is Papa still talking about this matter?”

[Rini, the wife, refers to Setiawan, the husband, with Dad 

(Papa) too. But when they refer to each other I will use Papa Mama like in the original to avoid possible confusion.]

Setiawan’s voice weakened. “It’s not like that, Ma. I am just giving advice to Vina. I see that everyday what she does is watching TV or reading comic books. Isn’t she an adult already?”

“So Papa has a problem with my way of raising our child, is that so? I cannot raise a child properly, is that so?” Rini replied with higher pitch.

Maya lowered her head. This was why she didn’t want to eat together. Again with the fight.

“It’s not like that, Ma. I just feel bad for Maya, she couldn’t go to school…”

“Pity for your illegitimate child?”

“Mama!” Setiawan stood up. He didn’t finish the food. It looked like he had lost his patience. “It’s better if I leave now.”

“Yes, go leave now! Staying out all day, unclear what he actually does. It would be better if you at least bring money when coming home!” Rini grumbled.

Setiawan didn’t reply. He left the dining room and went outside the house.

As Setiawan left, Rini and Vina continued reading. Maya was still trying hard to finish her food as quickly as possible so she could leave the table.

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