
Chapter 3: 3. Wiggling!

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"I'll just wear my hoodie with the hood up," I insisted as I fidgeted in my seat. "That way nobody will see my ears!"

Mom gave me a look, "Hood or not they're going to notice your ears hun. They're not something you can hide! They're also going to notice you've suddenly turned into a girl. And that you're so small."

Dad sighed as he slowly shook his head. He had a sip of his wine then quietly said, "This is all impossible. This sort of thing doesn't happen. It can't happen."

The three of us were still in the kitchen, but it was getting harder for me to stay seated. There was so much stuff I wanted to do, I had enough talking. But mom and dad were still kind of freaking out about stuff, and they had like a million questions. They both got glasses of wine too, but I just got a glass of water.

And Kimmie got a can of cola then went back to the living-room to keep watching TV. I was pretty sure she was also texting her friends and telling them all about me being trans and also being part bunny. Luckily we went to different schools, she wouldn't start high-school till September, so I didn't have to worry about running into her friends on Monday.

"It happened last year to a girl in half my classes," I told my parents.

They both stared at me so I explained, "She was a guy all through grades nine and ten, and for the first couple months of grade eleven? Then one day in November she was suddenly a girl, and nobody made a fuss. I'm pretty sure half the class didn't even notice. I didn't notice till I heard her say her name and realized she suddenly had a girl's name."

Before either of them could respond I added, "She got smaller too, she was more like the same size I was? Then suddenly she's small and cute and a girl. And nobody even looked twice at her."

"Does this girl in your class have rabbit ears?" mom asked.

I shook my head, "Not that I've seen? She might have a tail though. She always wears a big hoodie around so who knows what she's hiding."

Dad sighed and looked at mom and asked, "Should we take her to the hospital? Or book a doctor's appointment?"

"I'm not sick! I don't need to see a doctor!" I insisted.

I wanted to stomp my feet but they didn't reach the floor while I was sat on the chair, so I thumped my foot against the chair leg instead and added "I'm happy like this and I want to stay like this forever!"

Mom gave me a hard look and stated, "Kenzie don't raise your voice to us. Your father and I are glad that you're happy, but we're also worried about you. Turning into a rabbit isn't normal! Neither is turning into a bunny-girl."

She sighed as she looked at dad and added, "I don't think the hospital or a doctor can help. And I'd worry they might try and take her away from us? It's... I have no idea what to do or think, but I'm sure someone would want to study her or examine her."

That kind of scared me a bit and I slumped back in my chair and pouted. "I just want to be a girl. I want to get girl clothes and go to school and just be me."

"I know hon," dad replied quietly. "Your mom and I are worried for you, ok? We don't understand how this happened, and that scares us. What if you turn into a rabbit again while you're at school? Or while you're out somewhere? Or what if people don't accept you because of those ears?"

Mom must have seen something in my expression while dad was talking because she gave me a look and asked, "Do you know how this happened Kenzie?"

"Maybe?" I replied as I cringed in my giant hoodie. "I didn't know it was going to happen, or I'd have done it before today. But um, I might know how it happened."

Dad asked, "How?"

"Promise you won't take it away from me?" I asked. "Promise you won't get mad or upset?"

My parents gave each other a look, then they both agreed not to get upset and not to try and take anything away from me.

I pulled the little bunny plushie out of my hoodie pocket and held it up. "I've been playing with this all week, but when I was talking with you before I said something that I don't think I've ever said out loud before. And after that I turned into a bunny, and my fur was sort of the same colour as the plushie?"

"Then after I ran back into the kitchen I touched it with my paws and thought the same word really loudly and I turned into a girl," I added.

Mom and dad glanced at each other again, then dad asked "You think that little toy somehow turned you into a rabbit? And into a girl?"

"Where did you get it?" mom added. "I don't think I've seen it before."

I nodded, "I'm pretty sure this is what changed me. I got it at the grocery store? They have those little vending machines, it was a two-dollar machine at the end. It wasn't just bunnies, there were kitties and foxes and cute stuff like that. I was lucky though, I really wanted the bunny and that's what I got!"

"It originally had a clip on it, like to hang it on a key-chain?" I added. "I cut that off though, I didn't like how it looked sticking out of its back."

Dad asked, "What was it you said that you think triggered it."

That made me blush, "It's a silly word some friends use on the internet. I think it started out as a typo but it's kind of cute and everyone started using it? It's 'bnuuy', like a typo for bunny?"

My parents shared another look, then when they looked back at me they both looked shocked again. A moment later I realized what I'd just done. I immediately let go of the plushie and it fell down under the table.

I took a few steps back as I looked down, and sure enough my hoodie was underneath me on the chair. Just like before I was a little beige-coloured bunny, and I flicked my ears and wiggled my behind with joy. Then a moment later I felt kind of scared about how my parents would react, and I looked up at them both.

Mom and dad just sat there staring wide-eyed at me for a few seconds. Then dad picked up his glass and drank the rest of his wine before asking, "Kenzie? Can you change yourself back again?"

I hopped off the chair and put a paw on the little bunny. I thought 'bnuuy!' really loudly, and a few seconds later I realized I was a girl again.

Like last time I was cross-legged on the floor under the table, and when I got to my feet I found I was still tiny. I still had my little beige-coloured tail and my long bunny ears. And a big happy grin on my face.

"I can turn into a bunny or a bunny-girl!" I announced as I pulled my huge hoodie on again. I was so happy my tail was wiggling as I added, "This is so cool!"

"That's not the word I'd use to describe it hon," mom said with a sigh. "We promised not to take that away from you, but I'm going to ask you to promise not to take that toy out of the house. I'd honestly be happier if you put it somewhere safe and never used it again."

Dad added quietly, "For goodness sake don't let Kimmie get her hands on it. Don't even tell her about it, ok Kenzie? Please?"

I hesitated as I thought about what would happen if Kimmie knew. For a moment I thought dad was worried about having two bunny-girl daughters, but then I realized what he was really getting at. If Kimmie knew she'd probably take it. And worse, if she got me to turn into a bunny then took it I wouldn't be able to turn back.

That was why mom didn't want me to take it outside the house too, I realized. Not just for the risk of changing accidentally at school or something, but also the risk of losing it or having someone take it.

You are reading story Bnuuy! at

"Ok," I nodded. "I promise. I'll put it away somewhere safe in my bedroom."

Both my parents were glad for that.

Mom finished her wine too, then she sighed once more as she set her empty glass down. She finally suggested, "We still have some of Kimmie's old clothes down in the basement. Let's find something that fits you now hon. I'll have to take you shopping tomorrow though. You're going to need some bras, and that's something Kimmie didn't need when she was as small as you are now."

Just like that I felt happy, embarrassed, and awkward all at once. I found myself blushing and grinning at the same time.

"You girls don't need my help for that," dad said as he got up from the table. Hearing him call me a girl made me happy too.

Mom got up as well and suggested, "Kenzie why don't you go up to your room and put that toy away? I'll get the old clothes up from the basement, and join you upstairs in a few minutes."

"Ok mom thank you I love you!" I exclaimed happily. "I love you too dad you're both the best parents ever!"

I practically launched myself out of my chair and dashed past both mom and dad then zoomed upstairs to my room. After sitting at the table for so long I'd been just itching to move again. The plushie bunny went into a little box that I tucked into the back of the drawer in my bed-side table.

Then I spent the next few minutes bouncing on my bed while I waited for mom to come upstairs.

• • • • •

"Kenzie will you please stop fidgeting?" mom asked with an exasperated sigh. "Why can't you sit still?"

"Sorry," I pouted as I tried to stop wiggling in my chair. I was so happy though it was hard not to wiggle.

Kimmie giggled quietly but she didn't say anything. I already knew she thought it was pretty cool having a bunny-girl sister. She was a little too happy about me being smaller than her now, but she didn't tease me or anything. Mostly she just accepted me as Kenzie and thought I was cute.

After a sip of my milk I added, "It's probably because of that bunny stuff I figured out yesterday?"

Mom and dad exchanged one of those looks which made me pout again.

Unlike my little sister, my parents were both still uncomfortable about that. Like they were accepting and understanding when they thought I was their normal trans daughter, and they might have been fine with me being their magically transformed trans daughter, but being their magically-transformed bunny-girl trans daughter was just a tiny bit too much.

There wasn't really anything we could do about it though. It seemed like I was going to be a bunny-girl forever. Except for when I turned into a bunny, thanks to that little plushie. And that was what I was talking about when I mentioned bunny stuff.

Yesterday morning after breakfast I took mom's kitchen scale up to my bedroom and set up my phone to do some timed pictures. Then I turned into a bunny and got some pictures of my bunny self, plus I figured out my size and weight and stuff.

Then after I turned back into a bunny-girl I searched online till I figured out what breed looked like the right match for me.

The stuff I found said lots of things like 'energetic', 'active', 'confident', and 'does not like to sit still'. Some sites even said I was bitey and aggressive, but that sounded like an exaggeration to me. Especially considering how tiny I was. Both as a bunny and as a girl.

It also kind of explained the whole tiny thing too, my bunny breed was like the second-smallest you could get apparently. So I was a tiny bunny and a tiny bunny-girl.

That kept me busy Saturday morning, then in the afternoon mom took me shopping and got me some new clothes. Which was just as fun and awkward and embarrassing as I expected.

The hardest part was finding clothes my size that weren't meant for kids. According to mom I was still seventeen, like she said my body was developed the way she'd expect for a seventeen-year-old girl. Which was her way of saying I had boobs and hips and a butt. Except being less than a hundred and forty centimetres tall ~ not including my ears ~ meant I was about the same height as some ten-year-olds.

We managed to get a few things, but I'd either have to go down to the city and find a specialty store or order online if I wanted a better selection. I couldn't complain though, I was grateful for what I got and for mom helping me out and buying me all that stuff.

In addition to clothes she also got me some inexpensive make-up to experiment with, and some other necessities she said I'd need now that I was a girl.

Then today dad helped me fill out an official name-change application that he downloaded. We needed to get it certified and witnessed, and there'd be a fee, but dad promised to take care of all that with me during the week.

And mom already promised to talk to the school tomorrow morning, she'd take me into the office to speak with the principal so the school would know who I was, and so they'd know to use my new name and everything.

In the meantime, both my parents and sister were all calling me Kenzie and using the right pronouns and everything. And all that stuff made me extremely happy. So happy in fact that ~

"Kenzie you're fidgeting again," mom pointed out with another sigh.

My cheeks coloured as I protested, "I'm not fidgeting mom! I'm wiggling. It's a totally different thing."

She gave me a look and asked, "Well do you have to wiggle at the dinner table? It's distracting."

"I can't help it," I explained with a wide grin. "I'm just so happy I have to wiggle!"

Kimmie giggled again while mom looked like she didn't know what to say.

And dad finally grinned, "Your mom and I are both glad you're happy hon. In fact you've been smiling more this weekend than I've seen in the last few years."

"Thanks dad," I replied with a wide smile. "It's true, I don't think I've ever been this happy."

Mom grimaced, then finally she relented with a smile of her own. "All right hon, if being happy makes you wiggle then I suppose I'm grateful you're so happy."

"Yay! Thanks mom!" I giggled as I did a half-binky ear-flick. And that was followed by even more happy wiggling.

~ The End ~

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