Boa Hancock and the Multiverse

Chapter 1: Prologue

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In the bustling village of Konohagakure, a young and extremely cute child with eyes full of awareness and wisdom that does not match a kid her age was seen lying peacefully seemingly thinking of something, the child's name was Kiyohime Hoshiyo and she was far from being just another ordinary child.

Kiyohime was not always her name in her life before this one she remembers the last moments before her death in her last life when she was asked by a mysterious voice what she desires if she was ever given another life after her death, she thought it was a prank and answered playfully, "Well I would like to become Boa Hancock from One Piece with added extreme haki talent replacing her devil fruit, I would also like a system that will help me travel the multiverse along with all memories from Hancock hahahahaha." After that, she blacked out and woke up as a child.

Six months after her rebirth she was able to passively sense what is happening around her in a 3-meter radius and was able to sense the emotion of others. She always desperately used her sensing ability to the limit because she aims to extend her sensing range, Kiyohime is desperate for strength even if she is a helpless kid with only sensing abilities because she confirmed which world she is in along with a rough understanding of the timeline.

She now has a mother by the name of Sakai Hoshino who loves her as she felt it using her haki ability, Sakai is loving and attentive to her even as she is visibly abnormal but that does not deter her from showering her with love which is the reason why she was going to become extremely strong to protect her. Kiyohime made a promise to herself to slaughter every man, woman and child who threatens her mother's safety even the entire Leaf village as a whole.

Time passed before Kiyohime knew it since her rebirth and she was now 3 years old all of Hackock's memories and experiences finished assimilating within her during this time, and she found out that her father was a jonin who died in an ambush by enemy ninjas while on a mission while her mother is retired special jonin. Since already has all of the memories of Boa Hancock she decided to not focus much on training taijutsu and instead focus on ninjutsu and fuinjutsu for now as she knows just how deadly a fuinjutsu user could be just from watching Naruto.

Today is the day she is going to ask her mother to unlock her chakra and then try to learn some fuinjutsu as her mom knows the basics since she sells sealing scrolls and explosion tags to ninja shops for a living. She has observed Sakai many times when she created explosion tags but she could not simply grasp the technique by just observing.

Sakai was resting in the living room of her house while thinking about how her anti-social daughter flat out refuses to interact with other kids her age for so long that she is helpless, she wanted her Kiyo chan to make bonds with other people since she wanted her daughter to have other people to depend on in the future.

While she was distracted she heard the door open and saw Kiyohime come in while looking all serious then she proceeds to sit down opposite of her and said to her, "mom can you please unlock my chakra and teach me fuinjutsu I think I'm old enough now and I want to become a kunoichi in the future."

Sakai was a bit surprised and then asked her daughter, "Do you understand what doing that entails Kiyo chan? You are still young and free to enjoy your childhood and you can even live a good life even as a civilian."

Kiyohime answered resolutely, "Yes mom I know that I will have to become a shinobi and I will be put in dangerous situations and can die anytime but I still want to do it."

A part of Sakai was a bit happy her daughter was more mature than other kids her age while another part was bitter that she does not enjoy her childhood then she got a bright idea and said to her, "I will teach you under one condition and it is not up for discussion."

Kiyohime visibly brightened and quickly replied, "I will do anything you say!"

"Then you have to make some friends when I take you to the playground or just play with other kids," Sakai told her.

"Deal!" her daughter responded after contemplating after a while.

"Okay, we are going to start right now sit cross-legged close your eyes, and meditate. Think of something warm coming from your stomach using the feeling you get from my hands on your back as a reference, focus on that warm feeling on your stomach, and try to guide it to the rest of your body." Sakai guided her daughter as she put her hand behind Kiyohime's back while circulating her chakra focusing on her back.

It took a while before her daughter unlocked her chakra but in the end, she did it and it was honestly surprising to her as her 3year old daughter has a chakra capacity comparable to a genin!

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