Boku no Gakuen Seikatsu wa Mada Hajimatta Bakari da!

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 2 Takahashi Starts His Club Activities


note : Look at chapter 1 again, part 2 has been added, it tells how Satou conquered Takahashi and forced him to join the club.

Lunch break the next day.

When it came to lunch breaks, it was naturally time for lunch. Some people went to the student cafeteria, some people opened the lunch boxes they brought from home, and some people brought bread and juice bought in the cafeteria into the classroom, the view was different.

However, in a Class 2-3 classroom filled with laughter, only the area in the middle of the classroom seemed as quiet as a vacuum. Because in the middle of the class is Takahashi-san's seat, which is my seat.

If it's a school drama or a school animation, the protagonist's seat is basically close to the window. It is convenient to use scenery to express psychological states, and it is also convenient to create drawings based on the above reasons, I am very jealous of such a geographical location. Because then I can escape from reality by looking at the sky or the page. But if the seat is in the middle of the class, after all, you will suffer in the midst of a harmonious atmosphere.

I don't know what I've done in my past life, but my seat has always been near the center of the class since first grade.

Basically no big deal with short breaks after class during class and between classes. Before starting the morning class meeting, as long as you enter class at the last minute, you can go straight home after school.

But just a lunch break is a formidable foe. How to deal with a 30 minute lunch break is a topic that has been bothering me since last year.

It was very difficult at first, and even gave me the illusion that the torment would last forever.

However, after a difficult year in high school, I also learned some stunts.

It was a highly cultivated technique for survival in this cruel modern society.

Now it's time to show this secret skill...!


The long time called lunch break was about to pass.

The hustle and bustle around me was like meaningless chirping of birds.

Time passed peacefully and gently in my consciousness. The spring air is so warm.

Whenever I think like that, it feels like everything in this world is unimportant.

…………. …………. ……——. ————.


...What happened? I don't know where the voice came from.


Who? Who called me?


After a loud scream in my ear pulled me back to reality, I saw a beautiful girl standing beside my desk.

"What, it turned out to be a daydream... It's a sad hallucination..."

I planned to return to my dream-filled world, but I always felt that the girl in front of me had a feeling of deja vu.

"Ah, the person called Satou."

I lift my face and she nods, placing her hands on my desk.

"Takahashi-kun doesn't have a cell phone, right? So I came to look for you during lunch break. By the way, how come you didn't notice after I called you so close? Did you sit up straight and fall asleep?"

"Sorry, sorry, I was using the Life Hack earlier."

"Life Hack? Is it a dangerous drug?"

Satou-san's expression stiffened slightly.

"No. How can I describe it, it's a skill that can make this assassin's life colorful with minimal effort. Hey, you can treat it as something like nirvana. Right."

"…I don't really understand, but what should I do specifically?"

"For example, I used two Takahashi-style Life Hacks at the same time. The first was the Life Hack called 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'."

In modern society, more than 90% of the causes of problems stem from interpersonal relationships. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is the ultimate self-protection technique to protect oneself from various dangers by completely severing ties with the things around them. It's not that you can't be friends, it's that you're not! Something like dating a girl is bound to cause a lot of trouble! So even during your lunch break, it's the best policy to block your heart and not talk to anyone!

"Ah... um..."

Satou-san didn't say anything, only showing a subtle expression.

"Then another trick is Life Hacks called 'Welcome to the Abyss'."

Negative emotions such as self-hatred and low self-esteem often arise by comparing one's personality and abilities with the outside world. "Welcome to the Abyss" is the ultimate heart protection technique that "wants to shackle one's heart to block all stimuli from the outside world and maintain inner peace forever!" You can stay calm even when you are alone during your break!

"Even if you want me to give you a response... do you really need a response?"

"Please, please."

"That... you are so pitiful..."

"It hurts so much, it hurts my heart so much. You can't say that the poor man is pitiful in front of him, quite sympathetic in heart. My fragile heart has been really hurt by you."

"It's better to use that welcome to protect your heart."

"It's too late after the damage is done. To repair the trauma, you have to use other Life Hacks."

"For reference, how many Life Hacks are Takahashi's style?"

“Even though there are currently only 48 types, every time the mind takes damage, it will increase gradually. Every time the pain causes me to bend my knees, I will learn a new skill and bounce back!”

"Even though it sounds like nirvana, doesn't that just add to the method of escaping reality?"

"If I had to say it, the number of Life Hacks in my life matched the cruelty of the world."

"Oh yes."

"Satou-san can remember that too. For example, I have Life Hacks that come in handy if during gym class, when we're told to form groups of 2, that's what it is."

"I see, that's great. Next time I'll hear from you, let's go over what I said first."

Satou-san seemed to be coaxing a mentally retarded child, she showed an expression of extreme pity.

At this moment, a new Life Hack was born in my heart.

"Actually, Takahashi-kun's exclusive clubroom is ready. I hope you can come after school."

"Even though it's my club, but you managed to start a club even though I haven't started anything yet. You are really capable."

Even though it's officially a club itself, it seems that all procedures such as applications for club establishment are handled by Satou-san, who is the club activities managing committee. She is a smart and capable girl.

"That's how it is. Although it's a bit rushed, I'll be waiting for you in front of the clubroom 6 building after school today. Then, I have a committee meeting, so see you after school!"

After saying what she wanted to say, Satou-san hastily left the classroom.

Now that the club classroom had been set up, that meant what he said earlier wasn't a joke. In other words, I will also start my club life. Same with my classmates making a fuss around me right now. I closed my eyes again and began to meditate in preparation for the time to come.

"Hey, Takahashi, can I bother you?"

This voice broke my meditation world in just two seconds, but it wasn't Satou-san's voice.

There was a man standing at the place where Satou-san stood before. More specifically, boys.

Not a boy, but a student from the same class wearing the same uniform and school badge color.

A handsome man with a friendly smile on his face.

But I seem to have seen this face before... But how should I put it, I always feel like there is nothing in my memory, who is it?

"Eh… sorry, who are you?"

"Hey, aren't we in the same class? No matter what… Forget it, my name is Kondo."

After hearing that name and seeing his face again, I always remember it. Even I remember his name because of the powerful Life Hack ability, which blocks more than half of the information in the class, it can be seen that he is indeed an eye-catching person. Moreover, this sentence has a good meaning for him.

A bright personality, an athletic boy with a leadership spirit, and strong social skills, he is the much-anticipated ace of the baseball club, and it seems he has also been elected class president. Information like this would pass through my ears faintly. His life path is bright, but he does not have the disdain and arrogance of people who believe in superiority from time to time, accepts everyone in the class without looking at each other, he is a young man like the sun. There was no reason for such an extraordinary child to come and talk to me, someone who could only live in a humid corner where there was no sunlight, like a fungus that was harmful to the human body. Having said that, I don't know why he put himself at this point. After all, he and I should be people living in different worlds.

However, it is not necessarily completely ignorant, I am afraid that he came to me for it, I can predict. That is, people who grew up healthy like Kondo-kun can sometimes get out of control because they are too healthy. In other words, since there is almost no experience of being rejected by others and resulting in low self-esteem in life, and no experience of self-criticism or self-denial, then he will try his best to make all human beings become like him - whoever the object is, they can be chat like friends, sweat while exercising, be positive, focus on studying, communicate with the opposite sex, and have a fulfilling day. And as a result of his faith and care, when he finds a helpless person in his field of vision, he will have a sense of mission to save that person.

For example, if you find that there is a boy in class who doesn't talk to anyone, and never communicates with anyone while out of class, after class, or even after school, the enriched child will not take into account the lonely boy's inner thoughts, and he will make sentimental statements "He must also want to befriend everyone in the class, but he doesn't have the opportunity to do so. As the center of the class, I have to play the role of the pivot that helps him connect him and others. This will make the classroom more beautiful! The beautiful school life should be enjoyed by everyone!" excessive consideration. I defined this type of person as a "beautiful communicator," and then treated him as a communication expert and called him Kondo the communicator.

Such people will promote a healthy, bright and fulfilling lifestyle without realizing the disgust of others. They would visit the house of a classmate who refused to go to school, and then say things like "Going to school is so much fun too! Everyone's lonely without you!" Or someone who just borrowed a hidden DVD from an AV partner to fuel their daily energy with an innocent expression and asking questions like "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" without malicious intent.

Surely there will be people who will be saved by the goodness that shines like the sun. I will not deny this. No, he was clearly objectively correct. I respect him as a human being, and his way of living deserves respect.

However, there is one thing I hope people like him will understand.

That is, there are creatures in this world that will perish when the sun shines.

When he illuminates the earth with warm light, it is the day of the unfortunate death of the mold.

It's also defenseless, after all, that's how the fungus survives.

I can't see the sun, so please don't shine on me either.

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The sun, please understand that it is also a kind of gentleness to not shine on the other party!

But because I don't have the communication skills to convey the above meaning in a concise and concise manner——


So I can only put on an uneasy face and respond nonchalantly. However—

"Mmm, there's something I want to talk to you about, friend."

Kondo-kun said fearlessly, with a big smile.

Hahaha, come too. He actually refers to people who are basically the first to meet face-to-face "friends". Having said that, he is completely useless in his condescending manner to belittle what I mean. Of course there are people like this in the world, but Kondo-kun is not one of them. She believes that this honest sense of distance should be used to deal with boys of the same age, because "we are all boys", and she is someone who lives under such values. And he's also the type of person who doesn't mind the girls in his class calling them by their first names. For someone like me who can't carry on a conversation without first adding "-kun" to a boy's last name and "-san" to a girl's last name, that's out of reach. And this Kondo-kun asked me with honest feelings:

"Takahashi, have you joined a certain club now?"

"No... nothing..."

I find it very troublesome to explain about Satou-san, and I will continue to explain later. It would be more troublesome to pique his interest and then open a conversation. But even if I wanted to name a specific club, it seemed more troublesome to use more lies later, so I made this ambiguous answer.

This "Nothing..." is the perfect defensive word to end an opponent's conversation.

However, Kondo-kun—

"I see! Oh, that's great!"

He responded positively. Too bad, this is the model that got me to a certain club. Simply put, it's a "Would you like to join our club?" model.

However, this trend is not out of my control, and I continue to give cold responses.

"……So what……?"

Okay, that's perfect. The artistic answer that perfectly blends the resistance, understanding, and resonance of humility and discomfort has been completed. Ordinary people should stop here.

However, Kondo the communicator deserves to be my sworn enemy. He showed no fear of my counterattack.

"Actually, I wanted to ask if you wanted to join the baseball club?"

At this point, I finally realized the meaning of communication. The most important thing in communication is not only the ability to talk to the other party, but also the inability to understand the other party's intentions.

However, I chose to counterattack at the best time I had aimed.

"Ah… well, I'll think about it."

If possible, I will go and find a more suitable candidate.

Maybe someone who loves this way more is waiting for you.

It feels a bit interesting.

I am very sorry.

I can't confirm my next reservation yet, and I'll text you later.

Let me save my opinion first, and when I get back I'll review it in a positive and appropriate direction and make adjustments to address the issue.

Although I personally like it, I still feel it is a bit, so I will ask you to be smart.

Combining the above, the damage to the opponent is minimized, and the opponent can completely say no. The Japanese style rejection expression "I will consider it" shines!

"I'll think about it". After saying that, he could no longer meddle in other people's worlds.

This is a special social response that has the effects of counterattack and containment, as well as attack and defense.

"I see! Well, it's a bit rushed, but how about after school today? I practice almost every day, but I think it's best to come here in early April."

"Eh? Oh, no..."

What should I do, it's my first time meeting Japanese people who take "I'll think about it" as a positive meaning.

Just when I was confused——

"Ah... I forgot about this. Here it is."

Kondo-kun whispered and took a can of coffee from his pocket and placed it on my desk.

"If you don't mind, have a drink."

"Eh… ah, thank you."

What happened? Whether it's Satou-san or Kondo-kun, why are they all using coffee to attract other people to join the club?

"Then I'll go first, and I'll be waiting for you at the baseball club field after school."

Kondo-kun left this sentence, then joined the other group of students in the class.

Basic people who like to be arbitrary and difficult to understand. But–he seems like a nice guy.

At this time, the bell to announce the end of the lunch break rang. It felt like the lunch break was over before I knew it as I finished this special occasion of talking to other people.

——It turns out that everyone lives in such a flow of time.


After school, I walked on the street with my body slightly swaying from side to side, and my heart swaying too. Should we go to the meeting place designated by Satou-san, or should we go to the baseball club field——

According to the agreed order, Satou-san should be prioritized. But after a moment of calm thought, Kondo-kun's invitation got even more interesting. The reason why Kondo-kun invited me to join the baseball club isn't clear, maybe it's just an obscure wish. But wouldn't that kind of thing be a savior for me? Isn't that my last chance to regain my usual youth?

Baseball Club - In this country after the war, the baseball club has always been the king of all kings in club activities, and no one can talk about it. Even if baseball shows low modernity, the Koshien Tournament in the spring and summer is still a different level from other club activities. Because there are so many strong people, the practice will be very difficult, and the relationship between the top and bottom is also very strict. At this time, there are still unspoken rules that make no sense in the baseball world. Even so, the baseball club remains the king of the club.

I did have a setback on the junior baseball team. But the more setbacks you experience, the more you learn, and this time it may go smoothly. Besides, if all goes well, joining the baseball club will definitely give me the greatest honor, which is to be popular!

Since I'm a genius, I don't have to worry about my baseball skills. The problem is relationship, but it feels like it can be solved with Kondo's charisma.

Together with friends, seniors, and juniors, they are covered in dirt and chase white balls, fight against opponents, and may even have relationships with managers or girls who come to support. Such a future is not a dream.

On the other hand, what happens if you follow Satou-san? In this brief encounter, I've looked through her character issues, and now I don't know exactly what she's going to ask me to do. Not to mention she's most likely just treating me as a disposable guy and throwing him away when she's no longer needed.

Since it's not allowed to join two clubs at once, I have to choose between the club founded by Satou-san and the baseball club. Satou-san or Kondo-kun—

This choice will determine my future school life.

Now, there are two clear paths before my eyes.

One leads to the meeting place with Satou-san, and the other leads to the baseball field where the baseball club is located.

Is it the club to support Satou-san's ambition or the baseball club, Satou-san or Kondo-kun?

When I make a decision, I choose a path.


"Oh~ I know the situation. In the end, you still came here, which means you still chose me, right?"

I nodded in front of Satou-san.

"I can only experience my own misery around such a sage and honorable man."

Satou-san and Kondo-kun, both are indeed high-ranking humans. But the defining difference between them is their gender.

As long as I'm by Satou-san's side, no matter what the relationship is, I can get envious eyes.

Therefore, at least physically I chose Satou-san who is a beautiful girl, and this is my conclusion.

"I've simulated the future. I've come to the conclusion that Kondo-kun will be popular, not me. Because later on I'll only be responsible for handing love letters or chocolates to Kondo-kun, and being asked if he has a girlfriend. I'd rather build a bond while with Satou-san."

"...Well, no matter what the process is, as long as the conclusion is correct, it doesn't matter. Then let's go in."

Satou-san walked to the building in front of me, and I also followed closely.

Club Activity Building - Simply put, this is a building that provides activity classrooms used for club activities. Although I never entered and don't know the exact number, it looks like thirty to forty rooms are housed in this building. It was more than adequate for an ordinary school, but the number of clubs in Yaoyorozu Gakuen was unusual, so the club activity building was not the only one, but also existed in many locations throughout the school. But after comparison, it turns out that the number of activity classrooms is not as much as the number of clubs, so not all clubs have their own club activity classrooms, Clubs that do not have activity classrooms seem to be waiting for club classrooms to be vacated, while waiting for club classrooms to be vacated, they carry out club activities on the roof or in an empty room after school.

"That's on the second floor. Take the stairs here."

Urged by Satou-san, I followed. In front of the door of the club activity classroom, there is a nameplate or name tag that shows the name of each club. The design of the rooms should be exactly the same, but through the door, you can feel the strange atmosphere that comes from a different society.

Before long, Satou-san stopped in front of a door in the middle of the corridor on the second floor.

"It is here."

Is this my club activity room? There was no sign on the door indicating what kind of club this was.

"Could this place be mine—"

After asking, Satou-san stood by the door and nodded with a smile.

My special club room - my place at school.

I held the doorknob with my hand and felt my blood rush to the tips of my hands and feet, slowly swelling and boiling.

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