Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 104: Chapter 104: The Elf War (3).

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"The Elven forest sure is beautiful." Eqodor kingdom general said. The chubby general is looking down from the flying warship deck.

"Yes general, and soon everything here will belong to our kingdom."

"Does the scout have sent any report?"

"Yes, they don't see any elves army."

"Are the elves really afraid of me?" The Eqodor kingdom generally looks at the sky and feels condescending. "My great name will be put inside a history book for the future generation to awed by my achievement."

While the general is fantasizing of the future. The many green sprout grows bigger become a large tree vines burst out from the ground and heading to the several flying warships in the sky. The large tree vines acted like a kraken tentacle and wrapped around the flying warship and pulled it to the ground.

Means time the soldiers on the ground are in chaos. The vines have caused the ground to break apart and the tree vines keep coming out and cause the army formation to be in ruin.

"Everyone don't get separated, gather together." While the Eqodor kingdom captain of the group giving orders an arrow flies and pierce the captain's head. Many Half elves appear and begin firing arrows and spells.

"It's the elves!" The soldier shouted. For most humans they can't differentiate between the half elves and elves.

The general and several master ranks flew out from the flying warship. The flying warships try to fly higher but are slowly being pulled to the ground by the large vines.

"General, what is your order?" The male master rank asks.

"Attack the vines!" The General order. He can't let the flying warships get captured.

When several master ranks are ready to launch an attack. "Stop!" One of the master ranks shouted.

"Why?" The general is puzzled because this mage normally will not disobey his order.

"General look down, if you cut or burn the vines it will fall down on our army."

The general looks down and sees his army is in chaos. At the same time an army of elves are attacking his soldier.

"Then what should we do?"

"We should retreat and regroup the army, only after that we can destroy the vines." The mage is one of the chubby general followers and the people that opposed the invasion. But after being warned he just follows orders, in the end his life is more important.

"You are right, order the army to retreat." The general looks down and sees his army have been killed by the large vines and the elves. "Few of you go down and protect the army."

The human master rank mage begins to cast spells and send a telepathy message to the lieutenant and captains of the army. The Eqodor kingdom army, after receiving the order, retreated far away from the vines. While they are retreating, not far from the battlefield an elven warship and elf army are getting closer.


"General the Eqodor kingdom army has begun retreating." A half elf wearing a black cloak said.

"How are the druids?" To cast the large scale master rank entangles spell, three druids have depleted their mana.

"They are fine, only one fainted after using the master rank spell."

"Good, even if they manage to destroy all the vines at that time it's already too late for them to escape." The half elf General said.

"Let's go, delay the Eqodor kingdom master rank before the main force arrives." The general and master rank half elves flew to the sky.


Army of the Khodia kingdom near Isetaesi city. "Protect me." The muscular general order. The general draws his saber and begins activating the master rank skill. While waiting, the other master rank surrounded the general in case the skill was interrupted. One of the master rank mages ripped a few scrolls apart, and a vast area was covered by a magical formation. Now that the entire area has been sealed, no one may perform space magic here.

"Finally the general is making his move." The middle aged soldier looks at the sky where the general is floating with several master ranks.

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"Do you know; the general is a master rank mage knight."

"Impossible the resource required to become master rank mage or knight is a lot and you are telling me he is both?"

"Let me tell you something, our leader is already rank 5 mages and rank 6 knights. That's why even though the general has a vile character no one tries to punish him."

"Why, I am sure we have another rank 6 master in our kingdom."

"Yes, but mage knight is rare and if you are the only son of the Grand master it will be a different story."

"I thought that was just a rumor?"

"Who knows." The middle aged soldier doesn't really care; their job is to follow orders.

After hearing that the soldier stayed silent. The only Grand master in the Khodia kingdom is the kingdom guardian. The weird thing is the kingdom guardian never clarified this rumor because of that when people first hearing about it feel disbelieved but after a long time the rumor begins to spread.

While the soldiers are ready to invade the city. Numerous zombies and skeletons suddenly reappear behind the army line. The zombie is a mix of monster and human zombies, the same with the skeletons.

The first to reach the Khodia kingdom army are the skeletons. "What the hell! Where did the undead come from?" The soldier draws their weapon and slams at the skeleton.

"Shield, guard the back, soldiers protect the archers and mages." The captain ordered. The soldier holding the shield in front of the formation line begins rushing to the back to protect the archer and mage. The soldiers near the archers and mages try to hold the zombies and skeletons' army back. While the archers and mages launch their attack at the army of undead.

"Few of you kill the undead." The Muscular general order.

Before the master rank can react, many zombies have been thrown to the sky by the troll and orc zombies. The zombies landed inside the army formation and attacked the soldiers.

"Quick kill the zombie!" The captain shouted. Although the number of the undead is large compared to the Khodia kingdom army, the undead army will lose. Suddenly the zombie's body in the army formation begins to get inflated.

"Kaboom!" The zombies exploded. The soldiers near the zombies either die or are injured from the explosion.

When the master rank saw what happened, launched multiple attacks at the undead. The rain of fire and blade fall down to the army of undead.



Various monsters come out from the forest and attack the Khodia kingdom army. Several Fire serpents ram toward the soldier shield while crushing the undead and human, at the same time exhales fire toward the soldiers. Fire Trolls and Hobgoblin sorcerers also Hurl Flame or cast spells. Behind them are Mammoths and five headed Hydra standing still without doing anything.

In the sky the several Roc, Wyverns and Arrowhawks are aiming for the flying warships and master rank humans. The weirdest thing is a group Cockatrice looks like a hideous hybrid of lizard, bird, and bat. Turning the soldier into stone after biting them.

"General. what should we do?" Right now the several Khodia kingdom master ranks are in panic. Because the number of the master rank monsters that appear can trample an entire kingdom.

When the Muscular general saw this, he chose to unleash the master rank skill attack on the group of flying monsters. "Everyone take cover, Blade of Destruction!" The flying creatures are surrounded by a massive crescent blade. The general felt weak after unleashing the onslaught, but he quickly recovered.

All the master ranks are relieved, with the flying monsters gone. They only need to focus on the ground monsters and with the help of general, rank 6 mage knight it will be easy.

"The weakness of master rank skill is it takes time to use and useless if you can't hit the target." A long red-haired female said and near her a space portal opened and the flying monsters that get attack from the master rank skill appear.

"What happened, I thought we already locked the space here?" The muscular general asks the one in charge of the space lock formation.

"I don't know?" The mage answers in panic. He has bought the scroll at the mage guild and the scroll is genuine and has been appraised.

'Hahaha, that mage is not even a formation master. No magic formation can stop me.' The Black crystal talks to Devlin using telepathy.

"Attack." Devlin order.

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