Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 108: Chapter 108: Hundreds Years Plan.

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Hundreds years ago, in the times of half elves and elves fighting for their ideology. The defeat of humans caused the problem that had been suppressed finally erupted. One day a young Half elf with his little brother escapes from the human kingdom and finally becomes a leader of half elves to fight for their rights.

On that day tens of thousands half elves surrounded the elven capital city. Uvrasaryn kingdom council.

"It's better if we just kill them!"

"No, let's have a discussion."

"How dare the mongrel challenge us."

The elves are having a meeting on how to deal with the half elf. Suddenly a warm energy entered their body and all of them went quiet. Because they all have received an order.

Following a discussion between the elves and half-elves. Their leader, a half-elf named Glarald with blonde hair, has been summoned by the World tree.

He entered one of the forbidden zones guarded by various magical formations. People can only see a normal forest from the outside. For the first time, he notices the World tree, whose branches and leaves almost completely cover the entire large magical formation. Glarald's only emotion right now is veneration.

"Child, what do you want?" An androgynous voice come out from the World tree.

Inside the forbidden area there is only Glarald and the World tree. Without thinking the first word that comes out from his mouth is. "Revenge." Glarald said with anger in his eyes.


The whole Vechos continent is in shock after hearing the result of the war between the Uvrasaryn kingdom and the three human kingdoms. The three kingdoms have been defeated and all of their army will be sentenced to death at the forest that has been burned by Khodia kingdom general.

Few weeks later at the vast burned land. Thousands of human prisoners have been tie-up. There are several times that the human prisoner tries to escape during the journey, but in the end they all die by the elven army hand. In the sky many elven flying warships hover near the execution ground and on the ground the human prisoner is surrounded by an elven army.

"Do you think they will send an envoy to negotiate or an army to rescue us?" The Chubby general asks. When he sees no chance of winning, he quickly surrenders but the result is not like he expected. During the trial the council leader found them guilty and their punishment was death.

"Even if they send an army it is useless, unless they send a Grand master." The handsome general reply.

"Hahaha, you are really funny, but it was not impossible. Right now our kingdom's reputation is in ruins. To restore it, our king needs to do something." Most of the prisoners already accepted their fate, they have tried many ways to escape. But it was futile because of the hatred of the half elves and elves toward humans.

In the sky a female high elf with white dress looks at the human prisoner. "It's time, prepare to execute the prisoner." Elia orders.

The archers begin taking out their bow and arrow.

From afar can be seen an elven master rank fly towards Elia. "My lady, they are coming."

Three powerful entities are entering Uvrasaryn kingdom territory. The mana in the air begins to become turbulent. Not far from the execution ground the three figures stop in the sky.

"I am a guardian of the Trezar kingdom, release them." An old man wearing an aristocratic clothes order. Although the man speaks like normal, all people at the execution ground can hear him.

Beside the old man is a middle aged man in Knight armor and woman wearing a mage robe both of exude powerful aura and mana.

"I can't release them; the council has orders for their execution." Elia said.

"I am Khodia kingdom guardian, where is the Khodia kingdom general?" The middle aged knight asks.

"I don't know; we don't find the general corpse." Elia lies, from the report that she got, the muscular general has been taken by the monsters.

"That means he escaped." The middle aged knight has a look of relief after hearing that.

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"Does that general really your son?" The middle aged female mage from Eqodor kingdom asks in curiosity.

Khodia kingdom guardians just stay quiet.

"It looks like; we need to save them by force." The old man said. Before the three Grand masters can make a move, the ground begins to shake. But the quake not only happened at the execution ground but the entire Uvrasaryn kingdom. Numerous specks of light with various colors come out from the ground and create a transparent shield and cover the entire Uvrasaryn kingdom.

Suddenly the view of the three Grand master changes, what they saw is no longer the burnt land but a lush forest. They also can see the transparent shield that has been created by the numerous specks of light with various colors.

"Let's retreat." The old man said. He has lived a long time and knows when is the right time to fight or retreat. The other two Grand masters nodded and followed behind the old man toward the transparent shield. They easily pierce through the transparent shield but what they see is another lush forest.

"Is this the same forest?" The middle aged knight asks.

"Wait, let me use my spell." The middle aged female mage raises her hand and a large magic formation appears. Many birds made by mana come out and fly toward different areas of the forest. The middle aged mage, after using her spell, makes an unsightly face. "We are trapped."

The old man still looks calm. "To create this kind of magic formation requires a lot of energy, they can't maintain it for a long time."

"You are wrong." The blonde hair middle aged half elf appears from the sky and the pressure that he is releasing causes the air to distort. Near him four more elves with similar or stronger strength appear. "This magic formation is created by the spirit of this land, that means as long as the elven land exists you will be trapped here."

"You have broken the rules that other Grand master can't enter other Grand master territory." The elderly High elf said."

The old man looking at the five elven Grand master and begin to contemplate, he never thought that the Uvrasaryn kingdom have five Grand master. "Release us, we promised to never invade the Uvrasaryn kingdom for 500 years and we shall compensate you for the damage that our kingdom has done."

"Wait, what about the prisoner?" The middle aged female mage asks.

The middle aged knight beside the old man, just stays silent and ready to fight.

"You don't really understand your situation right now." Elderly High elf said, after saying that two more beings appear. The first to appear is a beautiful fairy with a small crown on her light green hair and colorful transparent wings like an insect. The second creature is a large Treant, with every step the ground begins to quake.

"Stupid human how dare you burn the forest; I shall never forgive you!" The fairy queen screamed. When the fairy screams the space in front of her creates a shockwave.

"You. Have. Kill. A. lot. Of. Innocent. Creature." The Treant speaks slowly.

The face of the three human Grand master begins to change; they all can feel something is wrong. Grand master rarely fights in battle, usually they are being treated as deterrent. The only reason that their kingdoms dare to invade. Because they receive information that the only Grand master in Uvrasaryn kingdom is the World tree.

The middle aged female mage, quickly rips apart a few scrolls and casts several spells to escape, but nothing happens.

The old man looks at the elves. "Do you really want to fight us?"

"It's already too late for you." Glarald said. While he is speaking the sky suddenly is covered with large tree branches and leaves. Huge pressure falls down to the three humans Grand master.

"Attack." The elderly high elves said.

The face of the humans Grand master after a long time since becoming Grand master, finally show fear.

That day the human lost three Grand masters.


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