Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Assassination.

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Few days have passed after that day, Sylas is still doing the experiment and gathering information. But every day he gets irritated, he doesn't know why because in his entire life he has learned to be content with what he has, maybe because Sylas personality has been influenced by power.

"No wonder most people that have power abuse it, power can change people."

Sylas needs to find a way to solve this problem, Sylas decides to go to black market to see if he can find something because he has worked as an assassin in the black market. He knows where to find it and wears a happy mask to enter the black market. Inside the black market there are not a lot of people. Maybe because it is still morning, most people visit the black market at night. Looking at the notice board there are a lot of missions.

"Good morning, are you Happy Face from Playphis Town?" a receptionist wearing a black dress asked.

"Yes, I am what you want?"

"Black market Woodpine Town vice leader, Mr. Keith, wants to see you."

"Okay, show me the way."

Inside a room there are men sitting while writing something.

"Mr. Keith, I have brought you a Happy Face."

"You can leave, hello Happy Face my name is Keith, let's get straight to the point I have a mission for you and please sit." Keith handed a paper to Sylas.

After Sylas finished reading it. "Why did you choose me?"

"I have read your information, you only assassinated criminals and your success rate is 100% although you are only an adept rank and that person on the paper is a malevolent person."

"Since you know I am an adept rank, why do you want me to kill a master warrior?"

"I don't know, let's just say I have a feeling that you can do it and the reward is good."

"Okay." Sylas takes the paper and leaves.

Receptionist wear a black dress, comes back inside asking "why did you choose him?"

"Let's just say even if I am wrong we are not going to lose anything and Leader, why are you disguised as receptionist, where is the receptionist?"

"What! how do you know it was me?" acted surprised.

"Sigh, leader, you have been doing this so many times already." Start to massage his forehead.

"Hahaha, she is at the back, but you are right that man is not simple. I can feel that man is in an adept rank but the aura is strange, let's just wait here and see."

Ian, Master rank warrior, has done a lot of crime to protect his only prodigal son after his wife died, and has a manor outside of Woodpine Town. Leader of the Fire Horse group has around 100 members, inside the manor has around 20 workers for daily operation of the manor like cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc.

"To kill him is not going to be easy but I have enough preparation to do it, but I need to kill the Fire Horse group first. If not I will be surrounded when I fight Ian." Right now the only dilemma he has is killing innocent people, he is not a saint but he is not a devil should he continue.


"Like always my son has kidnapped a girl in the town again, after he has fun with her, she will be killed or be played with by another member. Sigh, I am getting tired and old."

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"Leader of our group has been attacked."

"What! Who?"

"We don't know a large number of puppets that start attacking us."

Ian looked outside of the window, although it was already night, what he saw was a massacre. The Fire Horse group members have been cut like grass, the one that is attacking is a large number of puppets with happy and sad faces, some of them have 4 arms.

"No! I need to save them." Ian jumped out of the window.

"Fire slash." Flame shaped like a curve comes out from Ian sword blade, the puppet that gets hit by Fire slash gets burned after the fire dies down, the puppet stops moving and laying on the ground.

"Leaders are the strongest!" The morale of the Fire Horse group soars after Ian defeats the puppet.

"Don't get distracted, defeat the rest of the puppet." At this time almost all of the Fire Horse group members are outside the manor.

While they are busy fighting the puppet, a bulge appears on the ground and blossom flowers come out similar to red spider lilies and each one of them spray a red mist.

"Why does a flower come out from the ground? aah!" Suddenly a sound of moaning, wailing and whimpering can be heard outside the manor. Fire Horse group members start kneeling or laying on the ground."

"What is happening, poison? Tornado blade." From Ian a strong wind comes out from the sword blade and blows the red mist away but it's already too late the poison is already inside their body. Suddenly a blade pierce Ian's right leg, Ian looks down and sees the puppet that he thought can't move already below his feet.

"Bastard!" Ian slices the puppet hand and pulls the blade and keeps a distance from the puppet. When he looks around he has been surrounded by a puppet with a happy and sad face. The puppet that has been lying begins to stand up, he has been negligent.

"I don't know why you are targeting me, but if I survive today I will kill you, and your entire family."

All the puppet begins to attack Ian but this time Ian is prepared, none of the attacks hit him after all he is a master warrior.

"Respire, I finally survive." Around him lay a large number of puppet body parts.

"Sword Shadow Strike." A sword pierce Ian heart from behind.

"How, cough." Blood starts to come out from Ian's mouth.

"I use Shadow movement, good bye." Sylas pulls out the sword and Ian falls down and lays on the ground.

"To think you manage to destroy all my puppet you are indeed strong, but if I fight you as mage you are already dead, sigh I hope I can advance my body adept rank. Space storage." All the Fire Horse group members, puppet body parts and Ian get stored inside space storage.

Inside Ian's son's room, there is a woman that has been tied up. "hahaha tonight we will have fun don't be afraid you also will have some fun." The woman's eyes start to cry when he is just coming home from work after she has been kidnapped. She knows him because there is always a rumor about him kidnapping women but there is no evidence.

"Hahaha let's begin." Ian's son suddenly stops moving and his head suddenly slides down from his neck. The woman's face looks horrified by the scene, suddenly she doesn't feel the rope on her arm, the rope has been cut. At first the woman looks confused but she quickly runs away from the manor.

Sylas has freed all the captive inside the manor at the same time he steals all the treasure and goods inside the manor and then disappears.

In the distance a giant flying falcon comes and on top of the falcon looks like a human carrying a letter inside the bed, and the falcon is heading to Woodpine Town.

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