Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Pirates (2).

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Floating in the sky, Sylas is looking at the large river. He has tried to find the Silver Hydra Pirates for a few days. Finally, he has found one of the Silver Hydra Pirates ships, looking at the deck they just raided a merchant ship because there are a lot of goods and tied up man and woman.

Sylas used his assassin illusion skill to infiltrate the pirate ship and hide. Inside the ship the pirate is getting drunk at night few of them bring the captive to a room but when they tried to rape the woman. Sylas just put the pirate and the woman to sleep using a sleeping spell.

The pirate ship moves toward the river bank and the pirate ship disappears and appears in another river. The river is deep enough for the pirate ship to move and the river flows into a big cave, inside the cave has a big dock. There are a lot of pirate ships anchoring at the dock, no wonder the kingdom can't find the Silver Hydra Pirates, their base is inside the cave and they even set up an illusion formation so people can't find the river to the pirate cave.

Sylas walks around the pirate caves to find where the captive and the treasure are. He is sure the Silver Hydra Pirates have stored a lot of treasure from looting and extortion.

Most of the captives are inside a pirate prison, tonight he will save most of the people here because after tonight the Silver Hydra Pirates will be in chaos. Sylas begins to save the prisoner by killing the pirate guard. He also saves the women that have been taken to the room and decapitate the pirate head or used poison, Sylas gather them all inside the prison and mass teleport them. Right now the Silver Hydra Pirates still don't know what happened.

Inside one of the rooms in the pirate cave, the man and woman are on the bed snuggling together. "Dax, today I have seen the physician, he says I am pregnant."

"What! When?" Dax in shock asks.

"I am 1 month pregnant." The woman says with a happy face.

"I am going to be a father!" Dax shouted in excitement. "Lia, this is good news."

"What are your plans for the baby?"

"Lia, I need you to stay in the city. I am still a Silver Hydra Pirates leader, I can't leave them right now. Don't worry after the agreement with the other pirate group, in other kingdoms we don't need to be afraid of any kingdom."

"Okay, I believe in you."

"The captive that we got this time is of high quality. I am sure we can sell them at a high price this time." Dax says with a perverted smile.

"Sigh, you never change."

"Don't worry, Lia, you are the only woman I love."

"I will leave tomorrow for the city and bring a few guards. Don't worry, only you know that I am also a master."

Dax nodded. "I even spread fake information about our pirate group. Right now we have around 2000 members."

While the couple is talking, a big explosion can be heard outside and shake the whole room.

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Rushing noise can be heard outside. "Dax, we are under attack."

"Call me leader not Dax, Lia you stay here."

"No, I will follow you." Lia looks at Dax with determined eyes.

In the end, Dax gave up. "Fine, stay beside me."

Dex and Lia come out from the base and fly toward the dock. Right now most of the pirate ships have been destroyed. The one that attacked the pirate ship looked like a warship but the ship didn't have a sail and oar to move the ship. On the ship they have ballista and mana cannons, mana cannons are expensive to use, it's like using gold coins to attack a ship. Only a few Kingdom ships can afford to use it.

The cave entrance right now has been blocked by 5 of the strange ships. One of the ships starts to recharge the mana cannon and sink another pirate ship. The pirate tries to put out the fire that has been caused by the mana cannon and the ballista arrow that have been coated by oil and being lit by fire.

Dex and Lia land and start giving orders. "What are you doing, regroup and don't panic, we have around 2000 members. When the ship landed at the dock, enter their ship and killed them all." The pirates stop putting out the fire, and all the pirates start to regroup and ready to attack.

The pirates that can't escape in time have been hit by mana cannon beams and turned to ash or being pierced by the large ballista arrow. The strange ship stops attacking and moves toward the dock and opens a large door and a long bridge comes out from the ship to the dock.

"What are you waiting for?" Dex shouted.


"Kill them!"

When the pirates are almost half way on the strange ship bridge. humanoids wearing armor come out from the door, the pirates continue to run toward the strange ship door. The humanoid creature and the pirates clash. The pirate sword and blade start to slash and stab the humanoid figure but nothing happens the most that the pirates can do is leave a blade mark.

The humanoids figure begins to walks down the bridge at the same time swinging his sword toward the pirates. The pirates body gets sliced apart, head gets decapitated, the arm gets cut and the leg of the pirates gets chopped off. The bridge begins to get wet and slippery from all the blood. Some of the pirates try to run away, but have been push in front by the other pirates and fall down to the water below the bridge.

The Pirates that are swimming in the water think they are already safe, but a large figure under the water is coming toward them. Large mouths come out from the water and eat the pirates whole. One by one the pirates that fall in the water are being eaten by the creature.

"No, I need to save them." Dex and Lia begin to fly, and suddenly they hear a loud roar outside the cave.

"Roar!" Large dragons come flying inside the large cave.

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