Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Tribe War.

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Sylas has been flying around to search for mana stone mines and meditating. Today Sylas have been meditating on a large rock under the scorching heat of the sun. Around him right now can be seen that a flame is dancing around. Opening his eyes, the flame begins to disappear, he finally enters adept rank in fire magic. Actually he can be forced to convert his mana to fire even without increasing his affinity in fire magic, but without proper control, the fire might harm him instead.

Flying around Sylas to hunt bug and lizard type monsters after killing them, he will store them inside space storage. While hunting Sylas hears a loud roar from the distance, he decides to investigate. Two large worm type monsters are fighting each other on the desert sand, the monster is Sandworm and the monster's mouth is filled with teeth. According to the monster size and strength both of the Sandworms are in master rank.

Sylas just float in the sky and use the assassin illusion skill to hide from being seen by the monster. Both of the Master Rank Sandworms are already tired and injured from fighting. one of the Sandworms began to burrow under the sand to escape. The other Sandworm makes a loud roar to declare his victory and not chase the escaped Sandworm, but the Sandworm becomes quiet because there is a human standing on his head. The sandworm at first looks confused but then gets angry and ready to attack the human, before the injured Sandworm can attack, the monster suddenly gets frozen by ice.

The other Sandworm right now has run faraway from another Sandworm and is finding a place to recuperate. Burrowing, the Sandworm feels like the sand becomes like rock and hard to move and the Sandworm suddenly feels like its body is being pushed to the sand surface like earth is exploding. Sylas have used two spells Transmute Rock to change the sand to rock and Erupting Earth and cause a fountain of churned earth and stone to erupt and cause a large hole on the surface of the sand. The Sand worm is still alive even after being hit by the spell, Sylas just do the same like the first Sandworm to kill it and store them in the store storage spell. After that he left that place.

Today, one of the strongest tribes has fallen. Their tribe today have been turn to slave and the other tribe are ready to discuss on how to split the spoils of war. After that a large number of men are walking toward a large hole going underground, from the outside no people will notice the hole because they have been surrounded by a rocky hill.

"We are going to be rich." One of the men said excitedly. While looking at all of the mana stones that are protruding on the underground chamber.

"Tomorrow we will order the new slave to mine it, even if they die we will not lose anything." Burly man says.

"No we can't, not all of them are slave because some of them surrender, if not more of our people will die today." An old man says.

"Fine by me, as long as we can mine the mana stone." Burly man says.

"Let's return first, to arrange everything." A scar face man says.

After they all left, at the end of the tunnel in one of the chambers, buried underground, something that looked like a crystal was moving. Tomorrow morning the slaves are being brought by the tribe overseer to mine the stone mine, the one that fight back already being kill to set up as example after that they all begin to listen to the overseer. The slaves already lose hope, before this they also have done the same thing every time they get a new slaves and have done even more disgusting thing for fun.

When they all begin to mine the mana stone, the slave use equipment that have been enchantment by magic to dig out the mana stone. The first time they mine the mana stone, the new slave has cause small mana explosion and cause an injury. They all know the only way out is death or try to escape. Suddenly a group of overseer see a group of slave are running toward the tunnel exit and shouting for help, the overseer already prepares their whip and sword to prevent them from escaping.

The whole mana stone mine begins to shake, and the overseer finally sees one of the tunnels a large creature body covered with crystal come out. The monster that comes out is a Crystal Golem. The slave and overseer quickly escape from the mine and report what happen. The tribe coalition, after hearing the report, began to send a large number of people to defeat the Crystal Golem.

Going underground the tribe warrior, archer and shaman begin preparing to fight. Their plan is to use slave to lure the Crystal Golem out from the tunnel and ambush them. After being threaten the slave go inside one of the chamber tunnel. After a while the underground chamber begins to shake and people can see a human being chased by Crystal Golem. When the Crystal Golem comes out from the tunnel, the tribe begin their attack because the Crystal Golem defense is strong; it takes time to kill just one Crystal Golem.

The number of Crystal Golems that come out from the tunnel are increasing, and the human has become fatigued from fighting. One of the Crystal Golem finally close enough to attack, one of the humans has been squashed to death. Just like that the tribe casualties are growing and the magic spell has stopped because the tribe shaman has run out of mana. After that the tribe decides to escape from the Crystal Golem, the tribe coalition hearing the news are in despair because they have worked hard for this and the result is disappointing. After the tribe discusses what to do they decide to hire a mercenary, what they don't know is that inside the mana stone mine there is another Crystal Golem that is bigger and stronger from the usual Crystal Golem.

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