Both a little Scared; Neither one Prepared

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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Just as they got to the books that she wanted to see, another voice interrupted them, making Celeste angry immediately.

“Celeste! My dear! You’ve finally returned to me!”

Celeste was in a maid outfit, her hair in a bun, which was pretty normal for others but…For some reason, this man that was coming up to her now found her that appealing that it was hard to tell him to leave her alone!

The whole town was weird and a bit funny, but this man was the worst of the lot! She didn’t understand the people at all!

They trusted her like she was telling the ultimate truth and thought of her of as a sweet girl! Celeste was sure that it wasn’t normal, that there had to be something wrong with them!

Well, with the rise of taxes, she supposed that it wasn’t hard to go a bit funny.


She remembered when she first came to this town a few years back and the town had looked a lot better, and had been more popular too…But now, it seemed like people had left and that even some nice things in windows had been sold. There were less animals in the close by farms, there were less items to sell and less materials to obtain…

These people were probably on their last legs, hardly able to hold it together.

There was probably no doubt that after nightfall comes and they were all in each of their homes, that they worry endlessly about how they are going to survive the next week or two. Perhaps, at the start of the rise in taxes, they might have worried over the next year, but after a while, it became a worry for the next month or two…Now…

Celeste sighed. This place was called Forsuremeet, and even though it wasn’t the closest town to the capital, it was still hit the same as every other town in Melya.

This was also the place that she had always met with her friend…


“Calvin.” Celeste said, through clenched teeth.

She was busy! She wanted…Right! She had wanted to get a book for Steven!

Trying to look at the books, Calvin then stood in front of her with a huge smile! “My dear! It’s been too long! How do you think I have spent my time waiting for you!?”

Celeste could be so much ruder, she knew that! Instead, she just shrugged and said, “Happily dining other ladies?”

It had been made obvious to her before that this ‘Calvin’ was quite the well-known bachelor in this small village town. It probably helped that he was the richest bachelor as well…

Hearing a strange laugh, Celeste looked at the man and rolled her eyes to how obvious it was that she was right!


“The other ladies still hold nothing over you, my dear! There is only but one that holds my heart and once again, I’d like to…”

Celeste interrupted him happily, “Calvin, as much as your poems, sonnets or whatever you say sometimes amuses me, I have places to go and people to see!”

Calvin only smiled back, “It touches me so, that my words at least amuse you, my dear!”

Sighing, Celeste wanted to kick herself for giving him any inclination of giving him a way of using her words in the wrong way! She had meant that in a sarcastic way! She laughed at him in her head many times!

“You have misunderstood me, Calvin!” For the fifteenth hundred time!

“Even misunderstanding you is like a fresh day after rain to me, my dear! Please tell me when will be the day that we will be side by side! I can’t wait!”


Celeste was getting extremely mad now!

She had wanted to get a book for Steven, but Calvin was making it too difficult for her!

What was the point anyway!?

Leaving the library, Calvin following after her like a lost puppy, Celeste stopped abruptly in front of him, “Go tell your mother she wants you!”

Calvin frowned, but instantly smiled afterwards, “Uh! You can’t fool this man this time! When I last did that, my mother had said that she hadn’t called upon me!”

Celeste sighed, it seems that that will no longer work!

“I’m very busy, Calvin! I would like to beg to go our separate ways!”

“Only if it will lead us to be on the same path once again, my dear! Haven’t I always said that we will be together!?” Calvin nodded his head, smiling at her…Completely believing his own words.


He was…Completely impossible!

Celeste felt like she could tap her foot and put her hands onto her waist to show him that she was getting annoyed…But she had a feeling that he’d take that as a compliment somehow!

How can she get rid of him this time!?

There was no way that she was going to have this man follow her to the inn! No way!

“I see that you have not denied what I said last, my dear! How about we skip some of the pleasantries and move onto our wedding! If you come met my mother now, I’m sure we can be ready to be wed…”

Celeste interrupted him again, “I will not marry you, Calvin!”

Calvin sighed, “How long must I court you for then!”

“You never had to in the first place!” Celeste answered!

Dammit, she already gave up getting a book, getting mad at him, now she was getting closer and closer to the inn and Calvin was still here!


“My feelings are hurt, my dear!” Calvin grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Pulling her hand away, she then pointed with it.

Not having an idea on what to say, Calvin just followed her pointed finger but found himself on the floor in the next minute.

After tripping him, Celeste grabbed his arm and put it behind him, hearing him utter out his grievances. “You will no longer follow me today! I have things to do! If you persist to follow me, I’m sure your mother will not approve!”

“Ah! My dear! I…I have other matters to attend….”

Calvin finally looked like he relented to her and so, Celeste let him go and left, not looking back.

He was a reason why she only came here when she absolutely had too! He was the most annoying thing that she had ever come across in her life!



It was an hour of waiting at the inn, but, finally, someone came, and it was someone that Celeste had known for a few years now!

“Your Highness.”

“Little John.”

Celeste nodded at the now standing person in front of her. After sitting at the table, the man went to sit too…He might be small, but his training was nearly as good as hers!

She had been happy to spar with this man a few times, but each time she would win only by a hair, and that only gained her respect from this man known as ‘Little John’.

“Is there any news?” Celeste asked.

He spoke in a low voice, coming slightly closer to her, even though they were upstairs and alone in a room, “Your Highness, we are growing in numbers, but we are mostly just the countries people. Farmers, maids, servants…Runaway slaves…”

Celeste interrupted him, “There is no change then?”


Little John frowned, “No, we are training them to become better, but we do not have a force to be able to accomplish anything yet…We still lack…”

Celeste shook her head, “I cannot lead. I only play one part in this rebellion.”

“Is there any way that we can talk you out of it, Your Highness?” Little John asked.

Shaking her head, “It’ll shake the foundation tremendously, you know that, all there will be left to do is make sure that the current queen is taken care of afterwards.”

Sighing, Little John looked down, “I’m at a loss, Your Highness. We have no strategy and no guidance. We lack courage and an army.”

Celeste looked at Little John and smiled, “It is alright. I will wait longer, in hope that the people of this country will be ready to fight for their own survival soon.”


Little John looked at the princess, that was wrongfully known as ‘Medusa’, and frowned. “I will continue to lead people to Nopecarnot Forest and grow our numbers.”

Celeste muttered out a short acceptance as Little John got up from his chair and bowed before her, “I still hope you change your mind, Your Highness. I would accept the monarch under your rule!”

“Rise and leave, I’ll meet back again in another two weeks.”

Little John took a moment to think, “Well, I will try to make it personally, or I will send another to take a message. It will be the same code.”

Celeste frowned, “No, we will change the code to something else. Just in case!”

Their code was simply for others who didn’t know who she was but knew she was a part of the rebellion. It was of course to also make it so their knowledge of what they were doing wasn’t to become known to others.

“Get whoever it is to come to state that they are ‘Looking at becoming a doctor.’.” Once again, Celeste was thinking of Steven, even at this important moment…


Little John nodded, “’Looking at becoming a Doctor’, very well. If it is not me, Your Highness, this will be the code for whomever comes.”

Celeste nodded at him and waited for him to leave before picking up a cup to have tea.

It was her favorite tea…How strange that her favorite tea was so common. You could go anywhere in Melya to obtain the Eatate tea, it was so easily obtained…

She didn’t have tea back at her castle…Where Steven was…

…Another two weeks, minimum…

She had been waiting for the perfect time, but it seems that waiting was becoming more and more of something she was doing.


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She had given a lot of anything that she had to the rebellion. Her garden, obviously so big that Steven had asked about it being so big, was just one thing that she helped with.

Steven had asked her once about the ‘disappearing’ vegetables and fruits every now and again, but she would ignore it, stating that it’s fine as long as they have what they need for themselves. But yes, she helps feed those who were ready to fight the monarch.

In a way, she was the leader, but she never wanted it.

She didn’t feel up to being a leader when what she wanted from this was selfish. She just wanted it to end, but at the same time, make her death meaningful.

She sought out the beginnings of the countries uprising and from there helped them…Until that final day when her grandmother would be surprised to find no heir left behind. In that surprise, Celeste had tried to organize an offense measure to try and kill those in charge of the country.

She wasn’t stupid, Celeste knew all about the rising of taxes and how there were slaves…She wanted to re shape the whole country but…It just wasn’t her that was going to do it…


It was about two years ago that she had been determined to just end her life. The problem was…She was a coward and couldn’t bring herself to do it herself so…She found someone to help her with it.

The person was indeed ‘Little John’, whom had been trying to delay her desire to end her life as much as possible. He had agreed to help her on one condition, and that was for her help in the uprising against the monarch.

Celeste could only follow through, still unable to achieve what she wanted herself. After so much time had passed and she had helped them already so much, Little John had hoped that it was enough to change her mind, but today he was surprised to see her still strong with her one desire.

But that was all there was too it, she agreed to play a part where the ending of her life meant something, at a particular time, and that is why she was still here…


Having made a decision long ago that she was finished, Celeste couldn’t bring herself to change her mind since.

The biggest falter that her grandmother could have, was having no other heir to the throne. And that was Celeste’s complete revenge upon her grandmother. The one who had made her live the way she had!

It was her grandmother who had started everything!

She had told her to live elsewhere, she had told the people that she was a nasty person! It didn’t help having that reputation, which Celeste felt she should take advantage of but…She had never really cared too much about treating others too badly…She had always felt bad about it afterwards…

But having done some deeds to help her obtain the name of ‘Medusa’, Celeste had hated being stuck with that name to this very day.

Why had her grandmother been so cruel? Why couldn’t she just stay with her?

Celeste clenched her hands and knew full well! Why was she asking these questions again now!?

Feeling stupid, Celeste got up and got ready to leave.

She knew full well of the greed in her grandmother! She just didn’t understand how her grandmother hadn’t let go yet! How old was she now? Can she take this money with her to the grave!?

If someone had been able to get past her guards, who were paid handsomely, Celeste didn’t think she’d have to wait so long but…No one got through the guards…That is why an uprising needed to happen…And that it must succeed!




Steven came back to the kitchen with a basket, only to find another basket on the kitchen table.

Seeing there to be several items in there, some that they didn’t have, but some that they did, Steven just put it all away.

It seemed that even if he didn’t know where something was, he tried to find out…Almost like he didn’t care about wasting time or that it took longer that way.

It was obvious that the Princess had returned back but Steven did not go to her just to ask her ‘where did the cheese go?’.

Beginning to make dinner, even though it was still slightly early, Steven got to work. He had already done laundry, swept, picked fruit and vegetables, fed the animals…

He’d done a lot and probably couldn’t tell you what he did…Simply because he was hardly there anymore…

It was just so much easier to do everything without thinking too much, without caring…So, he was doing a lot automatically…


“Oh, You’ve started.” Celeste put on an apron and ventured into the kitchen.

“Where’d you put the milk.”

In an instant, Steven got the milk and gave it to her.

“Thank you.”

Seeing him go to work with cutting again, Celeste didn’t want to think too much about it…But as they continued to work together, she couldn’t help but think more and more…And be more and more worried.

“If I had come back earlier, I would have been able to stop you from picking vegetables today…Because I bought them from the village.”

No response…

“Have you had curry before?” She asked. Cooking something different today, wanting something different, she was curious about what he’s tasted before.

“Yes.” Was all she got.

Once again, she turned back around, to see him finish cutting up potatoes, “Is there something else you want me to cut up?”


Swallowing, Celeste felt like something made her heart stop beating…

For a moment, she didn’t reply, “…Ah, no…That’s it.”

“Very well.” She watched as Steven got up and left…Leaving her alone.

Holding onto her chest, Celeste turned and felt herself breathing somewhat heavier.

What was going on?

Wanting to go and see Steven, yet at the same time having to keep an eye on the food, Celeste could only put a hand to hold the clothes near her heart…Feeling like her heart was having troubles.

It took a lot of effort for her to breath properly and to focus that before she knew it, dinner was ready.

It was a strange combination of a bit of pasta and meat, with curry. But normally it was quite nice…

“Steven?” She said, putting the two plates onto the table.

Suddenly, she realized, that she wanted to eat here, with him.


Steven came to the other side of the kitchen, with a basket of dry clothes. He looked at the food and then briefly looked at her, “Start without me, Your Highness, I’ll put these away.”

“No, come, eat…It’s best to eat while hot!” Celeste hadn’t thought he’d directly decline, was it because her plate was there too?

Steven nodded, disappearing for a moment where he put down the clothes.

Celeste sat down at the table and waited for him.

Feeling more and more uncertain about things, Celeste took in a deep breath, just as Steven returned.

He sat down and started to eat, almost like she wasn’t even there.

“Is it nice?”

Steven nodded…It was nice…

Celeste wasn’t tasting her food as she glanced at the man opposite her. “I thought I’d eat with you today.”




Stopping, Celeste put down the food again…

Did he not want her here?

“Just do what you want to do, Your Highness.” Steven stated, continuing to eat.

Celeste looked at him and took a deep breath. She wanted to ask him what was wrong with him, why was he acting this way?

But she had pushed him away first…So would it be fair to…

Trying to eat, Celeste only felt more and more uncomfortable, only for Steven to quietly get up, wash his dish and then leave.

What was the point?

Why had she suddenly wanted to eat with him? Only for this to happen…

She should have just gone upstairs…

Was it her table manners? Were they not good?

As much as she’d like to know what happened, and what she had done wrong, she didn’t see Steven again that day.

Celeste even thought that perhaps she could get him to help with her leg again, but then remembered why she had taken over the responsibility…

She felt like she couldn’t win…That she lost out…That either way that she might want to go, she’d lose…

Yet, when she thought ‘It doesn’t matter, because you’ll be gone soon.’ It felt so horribly wrong!

For so long, she had felt like a nuisance, an obstacle! A hindrance!

No! She will not change her mind! She had plans! No man will change her mind now!

Her thoughts were strong with her original plan but…Her heart, she felt like it was dying!

Taking deep breaths, Celeste held herself together and couldn’t help but think that perhaps…Perhaps…Since she was still here anyway…Just give herself something else, give her heart less worries….Perhaps she could let Steven in a little bit…

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