Bow and Arrow

Chapter 102: Chapter 101 — Short Azure Wind Bow

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Short Azure Wind Bow




It was the last day of the month, exactly one hour before Rising Essence's first 'maintenance' commenced, and Tongqiu was once again at a blacksmith's shop, working on his blacksmith sub-class like there was no tomorrow.

That so-called maintenance though, the Crestfallen Industry could just make everyone disconnect for 1 second and be done with, but they rather went towards a more 'adaptive' approach. For 1 hour of 'maintenance', it'll give players a sense of change, progression and the like.

Shirtless, once again, Tongqiu was deciding how to work on his new little project in mind. Ever since he used the Portal Stone, new understandings befell upon him; and the direction he choose to take was quite different to his current playstyle. Also, ever since he'd been going at it with his blacksmith sub-class, he'd be getting certain inspiration as well as a feeling. Akin to that of choosing what to wear and what to wear in certain occasions, Tongqiu similarly chose to use a weapon for long distance, rather than his materialized essential weaponry. Not only that, but the mere fact of not using his 'abnormal' wideshots anymore came to be as well.

It would sound silly, really silly. But his decisions were taken with the purpose of honing his own unique, yet to be explored completely, battle style or even life style; in a psychological kind of sense. That decision wasn't just for good; it was mainly done so that he wouldn't depend on it too much. Last real battle he had, Rosey managed to avoid many of such shots even though she was only a Heavenly grade BOSS. It was bound to be happening a lot too, in the future.

So, if he wasn't prepared by then, how lame could he be? But! If he instead honed his own, raw, personal experience and uncovered his own uniqueness when battling or playing, wouldn't his 'abnormal' state also improve? After all, it was thanks to Tongqiu's very own self that he managed to find such an overpowered 'trump card'. It should, by all means, improve at the same time that he himself improves more and more.

This did not mean that he wouldn't use such a state anymore; he would resort to that state whenever it was utterly required, and not just about anytime. Tongqiu didn't know why, but he felt that he was being wholly reckless and not thoughtful at all when using it every time he battled. From those field Lord 'mobs' all the way to the Basic Communication Devices; even Rosey herself praised just as much or even less as she insulted his negligence and ignorance. If he could train himself up, just why the hell not?

As such, he had multiple core materials and minerals in front of himself. Studying them and forming many equations consisting of materials, effects, appearance and even the sole possibility of creating a bow.

He wasn't a craftsman so he was naturally not capable of creating a bow of pure materials. He could, however, create an extremely heavy -for what they're known as- bow that would have some focus on its effects given rather than stats or its appearance, as well as the attack speed being fundamental. After all, all gear equippable was useless to him unless they had an effect or increase on certain specific stats. He even deduced that hidden stats would also be useless towards him, unless they were Mind Power+.

It would be a heavy bow and would also probably be even more difficult to use than an actually heavy-type of bow; but with Tongqiu's very own stats, namely STR, REC and DEX, he could use such bow with great precision, maneuver and to its best!

The only thing though, was to decide on what kind of bow he could make.

As for arrows, after reaching intermediate grade on blacksmith sub-class, he could already make some extremely special Powerful ones, or Magical ones. Powerful arrows that were almost graded as Magical could give him one or two effects, but they would be mainly passive ones, leaving the aggressiveness to the side which, didn't really matched Tongqiu's tastes. Magical arrows could give a little more damage as well as a few effects as well, but these could be very easily, random and unhelpful. That was, of course, if the blacksmith was a high-graded one but an incompetent fool that couldn't get out from the system's limitations or that straight up sued the automatic mode.

After many days of trial and error as he patiently waited the first update, Tongqiu became proficient as hell on first; Powerful arrows that were poking at the Magical grade; and then he became an intermediate blacksmith, which allowed him to forge some genuine Magical grade ones.

Though craftsman sub-class was also capable of creating arrows, they could do the same kind that blacksmith could and vice versa. Craftsman could make arrows with better attack and had it easier to create effects like Pierce Rate, Critical Hit Rate, Hit Rate, Critical Hit Damage and even Critical Hit Rate and Pierce Rate.

Meanwhile, blacksmiths could make arrows of slightly lower damage but had greater chances of creating different types of effects altogether. Like those that Diana's Nightmarish Funeral Gaze had, or even fundamentally poisoned ones, elemental ones and even the possibility of having lifesteal and MP/Stamina steal was there.

Naturally, if a player with craftsman and blacksmith sub-classes were making arrows... It would be quite difficult, but it would be possible, the great possibilities of making such throwable/munition type of items would be simply crazy. Of course, the current amount of effects those items could have were incredible low, as the grades that they could be produced were also incredible low too.

In any case, Tongqiu, after doing many observations and constantly reviewing the Forge and Create articles. Decided to make two types of arrows for himself. One type had the grade of Powerful, to be used on certain occasions; while the other was straight up a Magical grade type, with an interesting effect to it, courtesy of the unique Forge and Create branch of sub-class.

x1,250 [Falling Rain Arrow]: Type: Munition, Grade: Powerful, Attributes: Physical Power+33, Effect: After 6 seconds of having been let loose, this arrow will proceed to disengage into 16 smaller arrows hidden withing the body of the main arrow.

x3,350[Wind Connective Arrow]: Type: Munition, Grade: Magical, Attributes: Physical and Magical Power+25. Effect: Upon hitting a target, it leaves a mark on the target which immediately absorbs the wind element, enhancing the surrounding 7 meters in diameter area from the target with the mark. Note: Each arrow boost the wind element on the surroundings by 5% with a defective hidden trigger, once this percentage has reached 110%, it'll make all the surrounding area receive 250 wind damage and 50% of the user's Physical and Magical Power. Marked enemies receive 500 wind damage and 100% of the user's Physical and Magical Power.

The possibilities were there, he only needed to give these arrows of his', a clear, bloody purpose.

The 'Falling Rain Arrow' was 60 cm long, had the shaft grey colored and pretty robust with some obvious rust sport all around itself while its arrowhead was of a murky strong blue. Its fletching was of the same color as the arrowhead and was a mechanized type of fletching at that; it had some design on it with gills and diminute circles on it, made for the actual purpose for elevating high up into the sky before starting to fall down. And once it did, it'll take a little time to do so, giving Tongqiu a feeling that his masterpiece had to be the best ideas he's had. He was now becoming a true archer who acted, behaved -but most importantly, FOUGHT like one. The smaller arrows were of the same color design than that of the main arrow, but it was much more smaller yet looked incredible durable, even more than the main arrow. It had the same amount of damage than the main arrow; and by obviousness, it'll also carry on with Tongqiu's Physical Power damage. Unless he used Combustion or Cosmo Omega Shot.

The 'Wind Connective Arrow' were entirely covered in a light lilac color. It had a much more thinner shaft and its arrowhead was even flat. It had like 4 flat fins acting as the fletching instead of even a mechanized one like the on with the Falling Rain Arrow. It was slightly shorter with a 55 cm length but it surely seemed much more effective at dealing damage, best thing was, he would deal an astronomical amount of damage towards one target thanks to the Magical Power+25! Without the need of Combustion, he'd be having a scary hybrid damage. If this was not overpowered, then what was it?

Of course, the amount of arrows for him to send himself to an endeavor of grinding nonstop was not enough and he should be doing more of them. At the same time, it wasn't a problem as if he was forced to, he'd just materialize his own essential bow and essential arrow, no biggy.

'Then... Wind!' Tongqiu's eyes flashed after finally making his decision, instead of going towards an approach where he combined more than one characteristic, he went towards enhancing the already prominent one, which was going to be, wind!

He instantly moved about, Took at least two items, one core material and one core mineral before sending them to the forge. He then selected some auxiliary ones that were mainly used to make the bow resistant to its own creation and not be dismantled to pieces in the middle of a battle. Basically, so that it wouldn't end up being a defective item.

Some other items were also taken to create the bowstring, taking into consideration that the bow he was creating was one to be recognized more as a 'compound' bow rather than a 'short' bow, he didn't shy away from using strong, non-flexible items as a result for not working properly as a bowstring. To him, even if it was hard to use, it was enough as long as he created one himself!

And so on, time passed, 40 minutes went by painfully in a slow and agonizing passage of time. His head became sweaty a fucking lot from not only the heat and difficulty of his forging, but also from the endless amount of brain juice he was uttering for every step on his creation.

Time went by, and time went by. Only 15 minutes remained.

Tongqiu was looking towards the door with a little less than 15 minutes as he had his hands holding onto something that was currently being bathed in the mobile pool, his gauntlets became visible worn out as he felt his finger almost freezing.


At that moment, his eyes closed but were seemingly shining with an inexplicable feeling as he pulled the thing out from the mobile pool of water, he rapidly brought it to the anvil and started hammering it down from all sides, no longer executing any technique as he simply hit it down over and over again.

With snowflakes frantically flying everywhere from on top of the anvil, Tongqiu made not a single stop as he hammered until he finally head a prompt from the system!

*PING*'ve successfully forged: Short Azure Wind Bow, result is as follows: quantity: 1, quality: Top, difficulty: Intermediate-low.

[Short Azure Wind Bow]: Type: Short Bow, Grade: Powerful(Almost Magical), Equipment Requirements: LV30, Attributes: Physical Power+77, Movement Speed+5%, Hit Rate+5% and Attack Speed+5%, Effect: All wind damage dealt is doubled, attacks have a 5% chance on creating a mark on the target upon hit, attacks towards this target will be much less likely to MISS. This short bow has a certain composition which makes it as durable and stable as compound bows, its damage and stats were molded for the blacksmith's tastes and have become chiefly different.

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"Siiiiiigh~~..." Giving his balls and stomach a nice, well deserved rest, Tongqiu sat with his legs wide opened on the floor while looking at the little dangerous devil thing in his right hand.

It was a short bow with a length 1,57 meters; it had an obscure, azure monochrome color. The entire body of the bow was pretty thick, much more than expected; in exchange though, its use was perfectly stable, and the parry quality on it would surely be better than with other bows. Strangely, it wasn't extremely heavy, it is heavy but that was it- with nothing special to its weight. The bowstring was of an obsidian material, which had a purple yet extremely dark color. As soon as he tried the bowstring, he felt endless satisfaction engulf his lungs and fill his chest. He knew that as soon as he started using it, he'd be able to remain motionless with his left hand holding the bow while his right hand shot them arrows extremely fast.

This was what exactly what he wanted, a short bow that would make even melee players or mobs be wary of actually getting closer to him. With a short bows incredible precision and initial speed of its loose arrows, he'd be quite the quick-shooter even in comparison to players with gun type classes!

The best of it all, the bow itself won't break nor be unstable as he made those quick motions of shooting many arrows a second. This problem was totally non-existent with his essential weaponry and his only true worry was that of being held back by the weapon, rather than by the damage he'd be dealing instead.

Giving another sigh at the finished product, Tongqiu nodded once more before amply storing it in his bag; unfortunately, it didn't gained that property of being able to be upgraded like the Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses. So, even though it claimed a spot on his head, his heart was still void of any real item for a bow.

He came out from the blacksmith's shop with the timer still around 1 minutes, walked towards the utmost center of Azure Dragon City, as he himself had no idea how to exactly proceed once the update arrived.

*PING*... Rising Essence's first update maintenance will start in less than 45 seconds, please make sure you're not in the middle of a battle before the countdown is finished.



There were almost no player around, it was similar to when he came to this city for the first time, Tongqiu's eyes were fully relaxed as he gazed around. He wasn't worried about not knowing what to do, he could start moving once it came to be, he wasn't preoccupied nor anxious.

He then amply disconnected from Rising Essence.



Peaceful Rain Villa, Tongqiu's bedroom.


Tongqiu woke up from his previous semi-sleeping state, two beauties at his sides on his bed. Natalia on his left, Diana on her right. Though they were both facing him, they were at least 30 cm away from his body.

'What the hell.' Feeling dissatisfied, he pulled the two limp, boneless kittens towards himself. They were wearing proper nightgowns so it wouldn't be too erotic, if it wasn't because he was entirely naked, he started to sleep like so ever since a couple weeks ago and right now, both their bottoms were lightly pressing on his Sleeping Dragon.

Sighing once more, this time in satisfaction, he then allowed his neck and head to rest upon the pillows. Even though his Sleeping Dragon was turning a Naughty Dragon in the middle of the night, the mere feelings of their thinly covered buttocks was enough for him to relish into slumbering, his Naughty Dragon trembling in comfort.

Instinctively, the two women at his side brought their favorite, sneaky, skillful hands down to their crotches as they slept. Their 'natural' reaction impacting Tongqiu's rationality, inducing him into an even more sluggish state so as to sleep, with the extra warmth on his hands.

Some hours went by as light started to come into their room, some noises were also being heard too.

"Ah, ah, mgnh... w-wha... what? My pus-... mmmnngh~." Diana was slightly surprised, almost waking up but immediately going back to sleep once she understood what was going on.

"Oh, oooh, ah! Oh, oooh, mnnn...~" Natalia, however, not only did she enjoyed it but she even placed her hand above the one suffocating her kitty, muttering every now and then with an ethereal tone 'Tongqiu, Tongqiu...'.

Tongqiu, of course, woke up a little to this sudden development. But he was too lazy for anything after he had so much work the last few days and as such, he induced himself back into a sleepy state, yet he didn't stop his hands as he kept on having fun while sleeping...

It was the first day of the month, and the Peaceful Rain Villa's owners were lewdly having an oversleep. Except that the three of them, or rather, the two women beside the naked man did not noticed a sneaky, peeping Yao Yao checking on them through the small slit between the slightly opened doors. Her eyes were both pure and heated lustfully, her eyes were somewhat glossy as her lips were constantly bitten by her own teeth and she even sometimes felt her own hand go down before she sharply moved it back with unwillingness. She couldn't make a mess right at the door of her Master!

Nevertheless he saw Tongqiu towering, throbbing and excitedly flinching member, his Naughty Dragon still up as she thought to herself in amazement: 'No way! I saw it last night when I became curious but, is it still up? Ever since then?! Gasp.'

Even more thoughts came to her mind as this time, her hand was no longer sharply raised back up, for her state was beyond sobering up.

'It... looks so lonely... Master looks so delicious! It reminds me of Estel's foul talk while she helps me out, I... want it.'

Biting her lower lip harder by the second without letting go, Yao Yao was getting closer herself, she could feel it!

The experience from helping herself one another with Estel made good education of her own sexuality. Her fingers were no longer that helpful, even though she could get at it quite quickly and satisfactorily and, Estel's fingers and mouth were also incredible good! But... Yao Yao. She. Wanted. It.

What happened next though, was a scene that would allow her to get closer to Tongqiu in a near future.




Author's Note: This is the beginning of: Volume 2 - Second Metamorphosis

V2: #1 4/10

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