Bow and Arrow

Chapter 112: Chapter 111 — PK (1)

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PK (1)




'Mmm, they're chasing me already, eh? Wonder what took them so long, ayayay~' Turning around to face the crowd of some few hundreds, albeit with only half of his body, he was namely twisting his torso as he gave them a cold glare. His mask shined with a deeper purplish hue for a second as he did not bother about using the eccentric wolf mask; it was easy to spot him with the equipment of the Great Petal Suit full set on him, but he was also itching for it so he didn't bother 'hiding' nor 'sneaking' away for a better time alone. There was also this 'new' thing inside the game and as such, there is also this 'new' emotion that he can no longer keep at bay, nor does he feel like to.

To the players, when Tongqiu twisted his torso in that cruel and self-harming manner as well as receiving that 'unknown' cold glare from him, they all stopped for a second, unmoving and terrified; albeit the latter was for a moment only. So what if they're LV30 to LV32? Raoundozia was already reaching LV35 anyways! It also didn't matter that Tongqiu's previous mass-killing of players was against those of at least 4-5 levels below his back then, a couple hundred HP and a few dozen resistances more wouldn't give them enough to survive his crazed 'divine weapon'.

If anything, only their Valuable to Powerful equipment, with the latter being scarce among their group, that they farmed either through private dungeons directly or farmed their mats for blacksmiths and craftsmen as well as tailors to create for them gave them a true realistic ideal of security from his 'divine weapon's' damage.

A 'brave' player stepped out at this moment and had his voice be raised up so much that he actually aggroed some mobs in the vicinity.

"Hey, Tongqiu! We of the Honed Will Sect have you surrounded, you have no escape! Our equipment, our levels and our abilities are much better than the trash you bullied before, dumbass! We-" The player heated up upon seeing him 'froze in fear', he was about to keep on ranting after a slight, little pause when other screams resounded around.

"FUCK, are you an idiot? A complete roundabout idiot? Don't say our name, fucker, ah goddammit! Someone deal with these little shits, hurry!!" As the anguished cry became alert because of the several Morbid Ball of Rock moving towards their position, it then fell into silence as only the sounds of those players dying, some cowering and some others giving orders were heard while Tongqiu remained in the same awkward, hurtful position from before.


Tongqiu's innocent, calm and indifferent voice along with that question made them almost fall onto the ground from a sudden rush of blood, almost forming a headache from worrying for nothing.

Seeing that Tongqiu was oblivious to the game's big shots that he himself was playing, one of the players thought it was his time to shine as he spoke out: "Ahem, that's right! Our Honed Will Sect will be freely buying your pet, now give it to us! Or do you want to see what happens if you don't behave according to our will? You know what, let's just end this here, give us back the pet and you won't be bothered."

Then, he murmured slightly to the players surrounding himself: "Heh, and keep on polishing that bow for us, little bitch."

Noncommittal, Tongqiu hummed for a little as he ignored their hushed condescending words as well as their 'slow and difficult to discern' steps as they walked towards him. These were a few hundred people coming from his east, while there were around a couple of thousands in total coming from his west, south and north. It wasn't that much but it was understandable, at this stage of the game, even if you were Crestfallen Clan's prodigy, you still wouldn't be able to reunite so many people that wouldn't act on their own dark desires when following orders. Even more so for a big shot who's not from the same Region, this right here was the perfect example of it. Though they seemed to have a strategy to deal with him, they were also rather greedy on the take of Tongqiu's pet, bow and who knows what else could he drop.

At the thought of Tongqiu possessing incredible items, nobody cared about their contractor, merely desiring to be the one taking the other half of the cake without anyone noticing, pure dreams are acceptable but this was a bit too dumb, even more so when every single player around had the same thought and yet still believed to be the opportunist here.

A quick glance at them made Tongqiu realize of so many things, and his eyes were already turning deadly indifferent. He spoke towards Rosey in a rather teaching manner, which was a huge contrast to his current eyes: "Rosey, see this? You gotta put all these squirming ants down so that they won't come at you again, okay? Though they'll probably will come again, bah it doesn't matter, it'll be fun! You'll see, let me start, see how I work first, then repeat after me."

With that, Tongqiu left as Rosey's eyes followed his already vanished figure, this time they appeared to be pondering rather than worrying on Tongqiu's weird and strange fixations on certain matters.


The shadow of a human-sized object moved with the purpose of stomping the tamer class player who just stepped out from the crowd of hundreds of players, its speed was amazing to say the least as when the tamer had finally gotten sight of it, the shadowy object in front of him had already lifted him in the air by the neck in a way that it seemed as if his neck would part ways with his own chest at any given moment.

With his body situated in a strange arch as if his body was bending over to be properly raised in the air, the tamer's eyes went wide with red but exactly at the moment it happened, he felt his stomach be sunken down while whatever was gripping his neck directed his body to heavily smash against the ground. The grass here was pretty short but also pretty bouncy and soft but even then, he felt the horrible pain of having his body create cracks on the hard and solid soil.

-2,011, -738.

With but a couple of hits, the tamer HP went almost to 0, even when one of the hits was that previously shadow-like object smashing his body against the ground.

By the moment the tamer was smashed down, everyone could see Tongqiu's figure with his Great Petal dark-purplish suit as he kept on going with his savage movements. What happened next made everyone have their eyes subconsciously widen at the feeling of danger; as what Tongqiu did was exactly what one could describe a gruesome and grotesque. Tongqiu basically jumped a little in the air, as weird as it sounded, while still holding the tamer's neck tightly with his left hand. As he did so, however, his right foot was placed at the tamer's left shoulder as Tongqiu's upper body kept soaring to the sky while his lower body remained low as much as he could... That was enough for the tamer's head to bid goodbye to his previously attached body!


*PING*'ve successfully killed a player, 'I'm Gonna Control You'.

That was one more for his mystery quest, adding up to a 3,302 in total, one step closer is always welcome!

Tongqiu hadn't made this kind of moves before for the most obvious reason being that barely some players would dare put on gore settings, so in a sense, though he was unusually intrigued by such things, he didn't really had any sensation from performing such 'acts' before. But now that everyone was forced to see such a 'fun' thing inside the game, Tongqiu went wild with thoughts, as usual.

"Heh, heh, heh he-h." Hell, he even had a few involuntary laughs come out from his throat as he gaze at the rest of the players right in front of him. Unbeknownst to him however, there was a total mess of blood all over his lower body with some in his torso, the worst part here though, was the fact that his lips, nose, ears and below his eyes were also tainted by the player's blood.

"W-what the?... Aaaah, what the fuuuck~!!"

"My, fucking... god. Pp-ps-psycho, he's a fucking lunatic!"

No shit would players become scared by it, things that only happens in movies are made so that anyone understands that it can only happens in movies. And as they saying goes, fiction cannot beat reality nor truth. It was indeed so, there were tons of players who went into a shock while some others had a simple nervous breakdown, only some of the players managed to keep their sweat unnoticeable while also trying to raise up their voice to wake everyone up.

"It's a g-g-game! Just a game, you morons. He's fine, he has probably even be running back here to get this guy's butthole hurt. Stop fucking behaving like some little girls!"

"W-w-what, but, did you see that? Fuck no! I am not fighting this kind of monster man, fuck no!"

"Stop making excuses, you can try that with him too if you want, I bet that'll make you feel better wouldn't it?"

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"Ah, that's... I-I, I think?"

'Heh?' Tongqiu's thoughts were completely different towards those of these players, he only wanted to test things out, he didn't even cared about their reactions unlike what some of them were implying. But even then, some guys really had talent, huh? Already being able to truly corrupt some people that don't even know each other just from his own demonstration at all.

'Man, a human can really be interesting, ah.' With that thought in mind, Tongqiu shook his head subconsciously a few times before lowering his arms with a grip on his hands, after a showy orange light, his two Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius appeared once again on this world after such a long time.

'Oh damn right, hello guys, don't worry I'll give you a nice boost in some time in the future so that you can be more useful.' When Tongqiu saw his old pals that he hadn't had the time to give some 'care' to, he became unspeakably melancholic as he actually 'spoke' with his two gladiuses.

Strangely though, his pair of Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius shone a bit and even actually gave off an almost unnoticeable tremor in response, prompting Tongqiu to snort involuntarily while also giving it another sincere thought: 'This game is just fun, eh? You can even talk to any object you can use and they respond, seriously!'

Naturally, whether his words were ignorant or not was another matter but right now, he would only focus himself on teaching Rosey how to get rid of the trash, lest their surroundings start smelling really bad.

Turning back to look at Rosey, the little thing that was a few dozen meters behind him, Tongqiu gave her a glare as if saying 'watch and learn, Rosey' while she herself gave a glare that said 'go big, big bro!' in response.

'Aw, no longer worried, ah? Good.'

With nothing else to add up, Tongqiu looked back at the players, which he took a little of his time to understand their every expressions and rising emotions and desires.

He was a bit dumbfounded, he only allowed himself to be lost in thoughts for 6 seconds or so, how come they were all now pretty much amused and even... excited?! Whatever, whatever, it was time for carnage.

Tongqiu's left foot stomped on the ground, successfully launching his own body towards the players. The difference in levels was no longer there and their equipment was slightly better with merely a few hours of grinding and farming nonstop, this was truly unjust for Tongqiu who managed to reach LV30 so damn earlier than anybody else in the game. Even then though, his damage was only slightly worse than before, for his attack power and battle style was one that wouldn't allow anyone to easily touch him as well as that of always going full out on any of his attacks.



When Tongqiu's head collided with a guardian player with a shield and a maze, he had his left and right Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses sweep vertically at the enemies on his sides. Without bothering to move his head away nor take a different approach, Tongqiu had his head against the player the entire time as he kept on charging into the players' frontline like a crazy motherfucker, not stopping for one second the brazing movements of his swishing gladiuses. This weird and bizarre 'strategy' was cruel and dumb to say the least, but for Tongqiu, it was pretty interesting to say the least.

-2,430, -2,430, -1,990, -5,205, -2,130, -2,190, -5,001, -2,410, -2,425, -2,319, -5,224, -2,430, -2,419, -2,371, -3,133, -3,074, -2,333, -2,430, -2,400, -5,244...

There was nothing that could be done to stop him, when an arrow came by, it'll be 'tanked' by this guardian player. He didn't really tanked anything as they were in the same raid and even towards other raids because of the connection made in-between each other. This was the only option for two or more group of players to fight against an enemy with each other, otherwise there'll be only chaos. It would also be the only way for future large-scale battles were associations may ally with other associations and the like, not just for those who didn't have an association so as to speak.

Whenever a magic skill came his way, Tongqiu would dexterously twist and turn his body so that the splashing effects and some passive/trigger effects wouldn't touch him. This fuckery continued for a few minutes before these players finally realized there was soemthing going on.

"Hey... I think... He's avoiding all that?"

"Yeah... It looks like it, but... can that be true, though?"

"Mother... Alright, everyone! Melee players, go and intercept that guardian's body, don't worry you won't be able to injure him neither. Just stop that motherfucker's tracks at once!"

"That's right! Archer experts with AOE skills, prepare to shoot to his movements, predict his next destination and fuck him up! He won't live with just one attack from us, he can't!"

As some raid and party leaders were given out instructions left and right ,Tongqiu kept on avoiding the huge train of melee classes consisting of vanguards, guardians, assault bountyhunters, drunkards and even skullcrushers came his way, some of them activating any kind of charge skill they had while some others made crushing blows to the ground. It was fortunate, or unfortunate, that battlefrenzy classes had no real AOE cc, so they could only pathetically aim at the meat shield guardian's bag in hope that'll help, to no avail.

It was exactly at this moment where Tongqiu sensed so many, too many, arrows flying through the sky as they were about to dive down fast as hell towards his general position. Finally, he stopped in his tracks. It looked as if he was despairing over having overestimated himself with those round, noncommittal purple glowing eyes and his head unmoving, looking towards the sky that was somewhat filled with a few hundred arrows.

At the same time he was taking in such a scene from high up in the sky, coming from all angles with Tongqiu at the center, numerable fire balls, flamethrowers, sizzling electricity current-like blue energy and some darkish, eerie magic missiles went his way, each and every single one of them aiming at either his head or his torso as well as from the back.

The previously meat shield guardian was being trampled upon by his comrades, emitting horrible shrieking sounds that were rapidly after muffled by someone else's foot, knee or some other unthinkable part of their body. Their leader had lied, he was suffering endless torment, worse, he couldn't die from it unless he stabbed his own heart, neck and head himself. It was a pity that he could also not do that with all those melee players itching to get to the part where they claim their reward.

What could Tongqiu do? Arrows coming from high up in the sky, projectiles of all kinds coming from all angles to claim his little life and those pig brained melee studs who were even jeopardizing each other's movements, successfully making everyone lose time, not making it on time as Tongqiu was about to be drowned in all those different types of projectiles. Even his darkish-purple full suit armor was changing colors from the sharpness and definition of so much different colors.

Truth be told, Tongqiu was having a blast.

'Wooh, so pretty~. Oh, there we go, I'll save this one for Naty, she'll melt upon seeing it. Mhm, this one goes for Diana, she'd like to memorize what it feels to 'be' the center of the battlefield.' Tongqiu kept on taking screenshots here and there, all this while, he's been recording this as it happened, not for him or the forums but for the sake of 'training' Diana's sense and awareness on a large scale battle. Ever since he saw her go at the little tournament he's been anxious to teach her how to one-man army a group of fools after all!

In any case, Tongqiu could either do a Combustion attack, could just use his 'becoming nothingness' gush of wind or rather just take out a tone of items to make a protective dome that'll grant him a few seconds of protection as he moved around his own body, his Movement Speed was no small matter after all.

In the distance, more than 50 meters away from the battlefield, Rosey was also relishing at the sight of the fireworks go fully at it. Yet, she still felt that it was somewhat that of a poor image, all these lousy skills sent at her big brother, how could they even do anything at all? Damn, even the colors of those fireballs were totally dull and lifeless for her, she sighed at the boredom her big bro must be feeling right now, how could one enjoy this kind of battlefield?



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