Bow and Arrow

Chapter 118: Chapter 117 — Make Them Pay

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Make Them Pay



*PING*'ve opened 'Blacksmith's Tools Package' and received, Prominent Hammer, Prominent Gloves, Prominent Tongs, Prominent Torch, Prominent Apron, Prominent Fundamental Tool Box, Prominent Magical Forge, Prominent Magical Mobile Pool, Prominent Magical Anvil, Prominent Magical Bucket and Prominent Disassembler.

[Prominent Hammer]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: One of the most valued tools of a Blacksmith, but not the only one that's crucial for one! Note: it will not be efficient working with items that are of a higher grade known by mortals. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Gloves]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Heat-resistant, cold-resistant, venom-resistant and poison-resistant and much more resistances! Note: it will not be able to protect its user should there be an extremely powerful element that is beyond the knowledge of that of a mortal's. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Tongs]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Powerful and durable, able to move and transfer unfinished items that are still even melting safely towards any location for as long as it holds the unfinished item! It genuinely brings protection to any item that it holds and it can even hold up to 150 kg worth of weight as well as enlarge as much as possible without becoming impractical for their user. Note: it will not be able to protect nor successfully hold items with a higher grade that is beyond a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Torch]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: One would never want their work to be plagiarized nor be copied by others! As such, with this torch one can engrave one's own signature as well as creating different patterns for their forged items. Note: it won't be efficient when used on items that are of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Apron]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: As useful as gloves are for one's hands, this apron is capable of protecting the entire body of its user, adjusts to its wearer's size, it also includes a pair of goggles to protect one's eyes! Note: won't be able to protect the user should the elements be produced by an item with a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Fundamental Tool Box]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: All hardworking professions usually need practical and basic tools, this are the ones that no blacksmith cane give up on nor forget about! Note: they won't work when in contact with an item that has a grade higher than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Forge]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: No one wants NOT to have their own working place when it comes to making the best of it, this immense forge who will become more and more unbelievable as its grade keeps on evolving will be a blacksmith's own treasure for their entire lives! Note: can only work with items lower than those graded as 'godly'. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Mobile Pool]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: An item that was created beyond a commoner's knowledge, either by magic, arcane, witchcraft or more. This unbelievable and amazing tool is not indispensable, but is indeed a wonder for any blacksmith, many don't even know how impossible this tool is to get without the involving of a city lord. Note: better not be used for forging items that are beyond a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Anvil]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: If mobile-pools are difficult to obtain, then a magic anvil is a city lord's family treasure! It does not only work even better as an anvil than those 'normal' ones, but it even has a magical property that is left to its blacksmith to uncover. Note: it cannot help forge items that are of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Bucket]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Auto-refillable 3 meters tall and half a meter thick bucket  that can contain any kind of water, multiple and even refill itself! With the correct materials imbued onto/into it of course. Note: it will not be able to produce water of quality that'll be useful for forging items of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Disassembler]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: One of the most crucial tools for a blacksmith of Main Kingdom as it can allow one to self-produce him or her-self with the use of this tool alone! Note: it will NOT work with items of a higher grade known by mortals. Bound by Tongqiu.

Indeed, these tools from the Fame Shop were not joke nor a simple pat in the back, these were made so that any player could get them -for their 'main' sub-class- and would always try to get better and better with them. It also allowed players to avoid some kind of, unpleasantness?

Tongqiu has had already been hinted at the type of people that a city lord can be but he had never had any contact with one. So although he was oblivious to a city lord's attitude and the like, he wasn't a stupid little kid not to think about it.

He had such thought in his head as he sent clear instructions and even accurate drawn images -courtesy of Rising Essence's AI- of how his experience at using a bow and arrow to Fael. It has been some few hours since their 'joyous encounter', so he felt that it was never a bad time to teach her a little, after all he did acted like an idiot for no reason towards her. It wasn't that it was wrong, but rather that he did so towards his own personnel, ah, Tongqiu really doesn't like that. Hence, why he was now sending Fael many instructions and guiding, if only he knew how shocking the information yet clear and understandable it was. Unlike those in the forums right now... He of course wouldn't know.

'Alright, now time to progress in my miner sub-class.' Tongqiu left the still unfinished used mid-small room of the blacksmith's shop as he then moved on to collect and collect, and also collect, minerals everywhere. Sneakily, ostentatiously... in short, he made it so that no one actually figured out who he was nor his intentions, even though they were pretty obvious, right? Naturally, who would expect someone as 'barbaric and savage' as 'Tongqiu' to be focused on his sub-classes, if any at all?

. . .


Tongqiu spent the next 2 days to also bring up his miner sub-class to the advanced grade as well, successfully having 3 sub-classes at the advanced grade which would pretty much be unique to him, pretty much.

*PING*'ve opened 'Miner's Tools Package' and received, Prominent Chisel, Prominent Pickaxe, Prominent Magical Shovel, Prominent Miner's Pouch, Prominent Magical Duster, Prominent Full Helmet, Prominent Gloves and Prominent Breathing Device.

[Prominent Chisel]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: When dealing with a delicate excavation while mining, this tool is the one that'll save both, the miner and the mineral! Note: it is useless when used it on items that are beyond a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Pickaxe]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: There is nothing much to say except for the fact that this tool is the one and only 'best friend' of a miner! Though there are other devices that would allow ANYONE to mine, it does not compare to the hardworking profession that a true, old-school miner is, whether it be by efficiency at gathering minerals or simply doing so in a safer manner. Note: it won't be able to work on items that are of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Shovel]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Whether it be for creating a mine by oneself's own effort or finding a mineral out in the open, this baby will be protecting any mineral and such materials, even if it's harshly used against said items it will still protect them and even allow its user to verify the state and quality as well as quantity of the mineral, ore, etc. Note: it will not be able to work properly when used on items that are of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Miner's Pouch]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: This ever so useful tool for any miner will allow them to have almost at direct hand, all the tools that a miner possess, allowing them to carry them without being heavy loaded nor awkwardly as the miner moves through the mine or from mineral to mineral. Note: do not put items in here, though it can also be used as an extra space bag, it cannot contain items that are of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Duster]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Mostly used for cleaning up a mineral/item to check upon its appearance to discern it better, but also to identify the quality of the mineral/item in question, even capable of telling its user their total information even when it is totally hidden! Note: it will be useless when used on items of a higher grade than a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Full Helmet]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: It does not only give one a better sight for minerals and the like and protects its user from any 'naturally' induced effect, but it also includes the feature for night vision as well as breathing through underground's poisoning air for most living beings or high up in the sky where it is scarce instead! Note: it isn't that helpful when such negative effects are caused by items of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Gloves]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: These, though not that impactful, are indeed quite useful when handling one's pickaxe and other tools while also avoiding certain altered effects that the harvesting of certain mineral/items can provoke upon even getting close to them. Note: they will be useless for protection against items of that of a higher grade than that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Breathing Device]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: A miner's Full Helmet might be enough to take care of simple matters such as scarce air or poisoned air. But what of being buried deep within the earth where barely a move can be made? this device is designed for those KINDS of troubles! Note: it will not be capable of saving its owner's life should the reason for being harmed is that of an exterior danger from an item with a higher grade beyond the knowledge of mortals. Bound by Tongqiu.

*PING*... you've reached 'Advanced' grade with your miner sub-class!

*PING* the first player in reaching advanced grade at the miner  sub-class, you'll receive 15% more for efficiency at the harvesting of items, increasing its success and even quantity everytime you mine any item. Additionally, there will be a Leaderboard for all sub-classes once a total of 10 different sub-classes have reached the advanced grade.



Back on the real world at the Peaceful Rain Villa, in the living room.



Tongqiu was vulgarly sitting on one of the large sofas with his legs hella opened and his neck all rested on the cushions. It has been a few days of hardworking on it for sure, he has only stopped to sleep around 4 hours -as he had to satisfy him and his women first- every night while sometimes taking a little nap at the living room.

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This was utterly strange. For Tongqiu to allow others the possibility to see him was completely taking anyone who knew of him to be taken as a fool for just being told such an absurdity!

In any case, it was afternoon right now and he has been there for about an hour and a half already, whenever he took a little nap he also didn't care that much. And he did well in doing so, after all, most maids would be having their exercising schedule at this time in the every day so he was actually free of disturbances.

After looking around lazily and carefree for a few more minutes, he fell asleep with his body in an almost fetal position on the sofa.

Another 3 hours later of having rested, little steps sounded from the entrance to the living room as a little Monkey who still had watery hair from working her little ass off at the pool came inside after being instructed by 'Madam' Natalia.

"M-Master?" Her voice lingered off for a lingered on for a little with her still somewhat shy yet adorable tone as it then trailed off abruptly from the living spacious living room.

"Ah." Once she detected a cute-looking Master sleeping on the sofa, she went onwards without a care for her kinda sweaty and tired body, she crouched before him as a little voice sounded out in a crispy tone: "Master, please wake up, otherwise Yao Yao will eat you up."

"Zzz-grrfg-hum?!" Abruptly standing up with 'great acting', for as he subconsciously already knew of Yao Yao's naughty thoughts even without having entered the living room, Tongqiu drowsily rubbed his eyes off as he then looked towards the little monkey with her head full of a now pale warm golden chestnut hair color peined backwards and her now translucent and somewhat puffy eyes and also translucent with a fresh touch produced by having come into contact with water, sparkling and lavish gold pupils.

Speechless, Tongqiu shook his head a little as he kept on looking at her, the little monkey was proudly allowing him to observe real beauty in return. He then spoke in a non-questioning and magnetic voice.

"Yao Yao, you're so beautiful! C'mere..."

With that, he took her chin once again as a first surprised then wholeheartedly willing Yao Yao widened her eyes before closing them, her slightly puffy eyelids looking somewhat even more delicate than usual.

Her hear fluttered beautifully and her body melted in its entirety, she and her body forgot the tiresome pain from having exercised her body to her limits before even though she was one of the best at doing so in their 'class'.

"Uuuu... Master, fina- mwwnghh... ah, Master~, mwahp!..." A little bit of time was then robbed of the universe thanks to these two lovebirds' attentive care for each other and tender caresses.


After a few minutes, the large doors leading to the living room were opened once again as a kindly smiling Natalia stepped inside. She took a few seconds to admire the scene of two ignorant hornydogs be engrossed in their 'obscene' act of caressing each other's mouth with their own before she took a sounding step forwards which made the little monkey flinch up at once in response!



Looking back to her 'Queen', Yao Yao lowered her eyes in submission from being too selfish as she turned her body towards her, seeing this caused Tongqiu to feel a little helpless as he though: 'This girl, still has some little problems around her head, ah? Mmm, I've been doing a bad job, Itnia will scold me for this!'

As such, Tongqiu took the little monkey's hand as he then embraced her from behind as he then spoke: "Naty, hello~. Jealous?"

Shaking her head, Naty understood right away as she gently responded: "Mm mm, no~. It was really cute seeing Yao Yao be so involved in my Tongqiu's charms and warmth, hehe. But now maybe we talk, yes?"

"Oh." Also understanding her meaning, Tongqiu then pinched the little monkey's sides as he nibbled on her right ear a little, turning it beet red in response at once.

He then whispered onto her little ears: "Okay Yao Yao, see? Mwah, now go an relax, there is a cream on my room used for bodily pain. Mwah, go."

"Mn." After obediently nodding in response, Yao Yao went towards the living room's exist but not without giving Tongqiu a last cute look before bowing to Natalia and then finally going away from them.

Without saying anything as Yao Yao left, Natalia moved towards Tongqiu with a kind gaze and a gentle smile.

Natalia sat besides him and rested her head on Tongqiu's shoulder and neck as she spoke in a little voice: "Mn, liked it?"

Still remembering their previous 'debate' on Tongqiu's naughty self, he felt somewhat embarrassed as he responded in sincerity and affection towards her: "Bwahahaha, what a question, don't you think? Ah, yes, I do."

"Mn, I'm glad then. So, what did you wanted to talk about?"

Tongqiu suddenly became a little less Tongqiu as he responded: "I'm about to start doing some things... I can contact the Fosk Clan by myself, but I have no way to get into contact with the Tarn Clan."

Natalia's turned not only serious but also stern, her entire aura was not only gentle but also carried heaviness and an extremely incredible strength of her own. She responded at him in a gentle voice: "Mn, though my father and mother have become free of 'burdens', I will never trust them again. I can go to some masters of the Clan along with Diana to speak a little. They are trustworthy and are very good uncles. Are you ready to start?"

Her last few words becoming worrisome to no ends along with a hint of passionate devotion, Natalia asked Tongqiu with her face directly in front of his. What she saw made her feel secure, held tightly and be filled with warmth.

With calm eyes and a cheeky, confident grin that was not a grin, Tongqiu responded casually: "Mn, I'm ready. And I'm not to be merciful, I'll even contact the Jones and Flick Clans."

Tongqiu then picked up Natalia's hands as he closed in on to her face, their noses already touching one another's side as he added: "Naty, I'll make them all kneel in ragged clothes and hopeless gazes, I'll make them pay, okay?"

"Mn!" Teary eyed, Natalia embraced Tongqiu for a good while. Her arms never leaving the back of his neck as her chest, with her thunderous heart, was being totally plastered onto Tongqiu's face; as if in both, giving and receiving comfort.




Author's Note: I definitely did not forgot to publish today's chapter ho ho ho ho.

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