Bow and Arrow

Chapter 120: Chapter 119 — Hidden Class At Last

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Hidden Class At Last




It had already been two weeks since speaking to Zyv and Tongqiu had wanted to become totally prepared for it. After deciding that his current level was enough for wherever Zyv would bring him, Tongqiu logged off immediately and went to rest as it was already nighttime at the real world.

He had already been informed that Little Yao received her own gaming tool at last, which was a couple of bracelets that were of a warm golden color as well. She had finally become one of them!

Seeing this, most of the maids on the villa became a little jealous but mostly, anxious. They could get one themselves and saying that they weren't curious was totally a misconception. Ever since they heard and read about the game thanks to Naty and Diana, they've become rather interested in it, let alone now that it was being promoted on all channels on TV, most internet websites of any kind and even on small little shops that had very low income.

Crestfallen Industry was indirectly helping everyone out with some extra money or straight up a good amount of quick cash for some other rather 'poor' civilians living an honest life. Whether or not it was 100% pure and helpful was no longer important, it happened already and it didn't hurt anybody directly nor indirectly in any case.

As such, Tongqiu 'ordered' some more GTs from his oh so good buddy Dr Kleus, scientist Kleus and whatnot that the old man would like to be called by Tongqiu himself. Tongqiu no longer tried to pry information from both Cindy and Nora as he did his best to not become oversensitive and annoying, Natalia even asked for some white gauntlets herself and of course, Tongqiu 'asked' for GTs that were at the level of his own for all of his maids too so that they could have a little something to remember him when they play.

In any case, Yao Yao asked for a day of leave as she went inside Rising Essence from the late morning to possible even until now when Tongqiu logged off from also grinding a lot of time into levelling.

When Tongqiu thought of Yao Yao, an idea surfaced in his mind which after a few minutes of not being able to sleep without taking it off, he decided to visit Yao Yao's room. In the night, alone, with a purpose.

It really didn't seem like the best course of actions but there was no point in overthinking and complicating the matter, right?

At Fosk Yao's room.


The door to her room was opened as a sneaky Tongqiu came in casually through it, a quick check with his 'eyes' on her allowed him to easily deduce the fact that she was indeed still gamin with her brand new GT.

Having confirmed that she was engrossed in playing the game, Tongqiu gave her room a good look. It was a room with only pink around the walls yet it also had a strong pitch-black color on some decorations. The blankets on her bed were of a warming golden color and the mattress was of a pale yellow color. She was currently not even under her own blankets as her also pink, slightly childish and simple yet somewhat elegant pajamas were at full display, it may as well be called a type of uniform as she really did look quite elegant in it except for her hair being nicely tied up, clearly, she had no intentions of actually 'sleeping'.

"Mmmnh." A little sound came from her mouth as Tongqiu noticed something that made him go a little mad and even... excited?

Her pajamas were pretty simple, yet that fact made it strangely alluring when she was facing the ceiling and had her body stand in position even when lying completely down on her own bed. So, the fact that her eyes were dry for the naked eye to see where even more 'helpful' on creating that allure that Tongqiu found impossible to explain.

This was the moment he remembered that he did not put any clothes on, as it was already habitual, Tongqiu never slept with clothes and even when Yao Yao came the other morning to check on him when he had those sudden 'dreams' he was also totally naked, yet she also didn't back away and instead rested her entire body on top of him.

What actually made Tongqiu remember this 'thing' of not being naked, was the little tug that he felt on his lower body as he kept on losing himself to the image of the calmly 'sleeping' Yao Yao.


Giving up in restraining the beast, Tongqiu headed for Yao Yao's bed as he calmly and carefully placed his entire body besides hers as he then lightly touched her cheeks and called out to her in a gentle voice: "Yao Yao, enough gaming, ah. Wake up already."

Yao Yao's body visibly flinched as a little tinge of red also made its appearance on her cute little and adorable face. After a minute, she flinched once again her entire body and pressed her eyelids tighter for an instant before opening them up.

"Hee~~." Not even turning to look at him, Yao Yao was already brightly smiling as her arms extended as she turned her body to her left, where Tongqiu, the beast, was nakedly awaiting for her awakening.

"Ah! Master... Master~, are you gonna eat up Yao Yao next?" Yao Yao said with a soft voice that didn't do the slightest to hide her devoted proposition and excitedness.

Smiling in return, Tongqiu took a hold of both her arms as he gently held onto them with slight rubbing as he responded: "Not yet, Yao Yao is too adorable for me to tarnish. I can also hurt Yao Yao so please wait a little more, okay? Mwah, there, as a proof that I am indeed going to devour my little monkey when she's ready, happier?"

Wrinkling her nose in both likeness and annoyance from his 'sweet' talking, Yao Yao then made a mature smile that didn't quite made sense for a girl her age to have as she then spoke in an even more mature voice: "But I'm ready... okay, Yao Yao will wait for beast Master to eat her up when she's ready, Yao Yao likes Master a lot, eh."

Hearing her try her best to act 'womanly' as if 'as fitting for a man like him' ever so in a silly yet admirable way, Tongqiu smiled in satisfaction in return along an involuntarily cheery snort as he said: "Okay, good girl. Also, I have a nice surprise for Yao Yao when she comes to the main city. Ah, what class do you like the most?"

"Oh! Yes, I picked cleric as I said before. It was soooo~ fun! I couldn't do much on my own except for fighting some little rabbits that were LV0 who only gave me entrails and real bunny ears so I couldn't level up. But then, there was this sister who aided me into becoming LV10 really fast! I can already go to the main city, hehe, I'm great right?"

"Waah, but Master stopped me just as I was about to teleport into the city, Master is egoistical! Ah! But this sister was really beautiful! Her hair was blue like the ocean and the sky, her voice was firm and strong, wah, I also want to be like her just as much as I want to grow to be like Big Sister Natalia!"

Not daring to stop her from talking so loud and joyfully from merely playing a game, Tongqiu gave her all the time in the world as she flung her arms around and her neck went arched up, down and to the sides as she kept on blabbing on some of her adventures.

While she went on to explain her all, Tongqiu had his own thoughts. Seeing her become so joyous and excited for finally having something to call her own, that didn't include other girls like her now Big Sister Estel and Big Sister Itnia, Eldest Sister Cyn, Zi Fei... There was finally something that she had for her own without the intervention of others.

'Yao Yao, we are so different in this matter but... I will find your family, I'll do my best, so please wait a little more' Thought Tongqiu as his smile grew ever more affectionate, unbeknownst to the little excited monkey that was still showing some cute antics to the devilish Tongqiu.

"Then, then... I have to be honest, though I like the task of a cleric, I also like to get more to do like... giving direct protection instead of only acting when a player or myself have been  harmed, you know? Hah~, it was somewhat difficult to contain my anxiousness when I played it." Her last few words Yao Yao spoke were so in a begrudging pout as her voice turned somewhat sulky.

Seeing her arrive to the point that he wanted her in, Tongqiu devilishly made a cunning grin as he spoke at this time at last: "Then, would Yao Yao change class to something similar, but with more of that which my little monkey likes?"

With her eyes going as big as saucers or even more, Yao Yao looked back at Tongqiu's devilish form as she lost herself to her feminine desires, she then spoke in an almost hypnotized voice: "Th-then, does Master..."

"Yup, I have a nice little surprise for my Yao Yao from when she arrives at the main city, I'll even be there to pick you up. Ya-Yao Yao? W-wait! Don't jus- ah, okay okay but only your hand, okay? I won't control myself if you go further, and you may not like that so, ugh..."

What happened was, Tongqiu was endearingly pampering on a little monkey with his most charming  devilish face when he was suddenly straddled by the monkey and was about to be devoured by a little, unripened mouth when Tongqiu managed to barely dodge that and make her body fall on his. She then tried eating him all up herself but she was yet again stopped by Tongqiu's hands mere inches above his 'Okay' Dragon, she could only give a few laps with her tongue with an angry face before she obediently went back towards her previous 'decent' position and gave him a hand on releasing his beast inside as she and even all maids have been warned of Tongqiu's change in temperament.



The next day, at the Azure Dragon Sub-Division's Main City, central plaza.


There were many ways in which one would be chosen by the system to enter into a designated area, namely a Novice Village.

As for that matter, not even the Founding Clans were capable of meddling in with the randomness of it and could only hope that their own 'official' association from their Clan would be mostly together to begin their plans and growth for a future.

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Yet, with a simple call, Tongqiu managed to not only get the 5,000,000 worth of credits, high-end Gaming Tools for all of his personnel and women but even have them all be 'sent' to the Novice Village he himself went at and even go towards not only the same Region and Division but Sub-Division instead!

Whatever the case, he wouldn't stupidly shy away from it, specially if that meant he could be with them right away! As there was obviously not a known way to cross between Regions, and no one really knew how long it'll take someone to go from their Sub-Division to their Division.

As such, Tongqiu had zero worries on how to properly handle the distribution of his maids all around Main Kingdom for the future and simply relax about it, though not entirely.

As of now, he was patiently waiting for Yao Yao to come inside Rising Essence and add him to her friendlist as she had deactivated the option for receiving them for obvious reasons; he was calmly standing in the middle of the plaza with his Great Petal Suit, ignoring every gaze that lingered on him, even that of some sneaky and ill-intended bastards lurking around.

*PING*'ve received a friend request from 'Little Yao Yao Yao', would you like to accept?

'Pffft, no wonder you were hiding it, measly little monkey!'

After kindly thinking of that monkey's deviousness being repaid by her desired ID being taken long ago, Tongqiu responded to the system with a 'Yes.' as he then became her first friend on her list unbeknownst to him.


A strong white light came from the sky as it dived directly onto the platform at the center of the central plaza itself; because of the great entry of people coming into the game and taking only a week or two to reach LV10, which only served to denounce Yao Yao's passion for maybe both, him and the game as she took less than 24 hours herself, even better than Tongqiu!

In any case, as it became more and more common, the sound produced by this 'phenomenon', marvel of this magical world as well as its blinding light were both reduced significantly right after a few dozen people or so made their way into the main city of every Sub-Division. Hence, it was no longer a problem nor as interesting as it initially was.

As soon as the white light touched the ground, a young woman materialized from it as she stepped forwards, but then...


Another white light hammered itself down from the sky as it fell right behind the young woman's position, a graceful an lithe figure came out from the light as she also stepped forwards.

It was at this moment that Yao Yao's voice behind a mask came to be, of course she wouldn't let her identity be so easily exposed: "Eh? Master! Eu-ah? Sister Tornyllia!"

As Tongqiu went forwards to catch on the little monkey who was shy yet wanted to so badly cannonball into his embrace, Tongqiu's head was jolted backwards at the familiar name... He even though: 'Tornyllia? Why does it sound... Is it, Irllytia's family or... wait!'

Tongqiu had stopped moving as fast as he intended first before coming to a total stop after seeing the figure coming out from the light behind Yao Yao's body.

Deep blue oceanic eyes that would sometimes be deep blue and other times it will change to a light blue oceanic color... Her azure, light blue medium short hair was even more striking yet her pupils were of an almost lifeless, dull and broken eyes that were the true definition of darkness.


Now he understood, it was this NPC that had aided Yao Yao into becoming LV10 as fast as she could and not a player, he may even be Yao Yao's first contact in her friendlist! He didn't know why such a though made him glad and satisfied as well as proud.

"Ah, it's you?" Tornyllia's eyes became round as her expression contained some kind of sad joy while at the same time some frustrated anger.

'Eh, this is not right. Is she mad or something?' Tongqiu may have matured, for real, and even became better at caring for people... Albeit slightly. But it was still not enough to understand the matters to which Tornyllia herself is in to begin with, let alone that she is a lonely and somewhat misunderstood woman!

"Hur hur, so you're this little angel's lover? No wonder, Little Yao Yao Yao, don't let yourself be befuddled by this type of monster! You have not seen the real world and can be easily misguided! Understand?" Tornyllia was already sharp enough to identify him as Yao Yao's 'one and only' as she then began jumping to conclusions ever so strangely.

After looking back and forth between her Master and her newfound sister, Yao Yao first had some strange and naughty glints go across her eyes -Natalia is a bad influence- as she then blushed at the mention of her actual ID instead of the name she has given her to call upon her instead of that embarrassing ID...

"S-Sister Tornyllia... please, I told you to call me Yao Yao or just Little Yao, you know? It's embarrassing, aiya..."

Flinching back and blinking in response, Tornyllia then spoke in a low and slightly sad voice: "But, that's how you told me your name first... I... thought that-"

"Mn, my Yao Yao is really naïve so she may not understand a person's heart. Yet I can tell she likes you lots from just letting you get close to her, don't worry, Tongqiu is also not my real name-ah..." Tongqiu was probably the only one who could get what Tornyllia meant. She became rather 'intrigued' to know his name back then that she even made the first move to get to know each other, a pity that Tongqiu wasn't 'awakened' by then and ignored her rather stupidly. He was already wishing he could brutalize his old self, that darn idiot.

He then, however, became aware that their chat was for long as he stopped talking in public. When he did, many 'casual' onlookers' shoulders that were visibly stressed became rather sweaty at the stop of his words. Tornyllia wasn't stupid as she didn't even had to look around to understand what kind of scene did this irresponsible man wanted to avoid, so she made a step forwards to bring her body close to his before hinting at him to lead them both to somewhere else.

A pity, she didn't know that Tongqiu was not the same Tongqiu as before, but it was already too late as her waist has had already been grabbed by his right arm while his left arm was occupied by the 'Little Yao Yao Yao's' torso and collarbone as she hugged onto him tightly.

While drawing stupid, befuddled and incredulous gazes, Tongqiu walked towards a rather common Inn that was plenty full before taking a room for a couple of weeks with some extra tips.

Once they arrived at 'their' room, Tornyllia turned silent while Yao Yao turned a little interested instead, not in Tongqiu's surprise but their relationship.

"Cough, okay, Yao Yao. Ahem, I'm about to show you someone I very much care about, I'm sure you'll like her too. Are you ready?"

Waking up to her Master's reminder, she nodded obediently as she said: "But of course! Even if Master wants my entire life for him, I'll gladly obey..."

A curious Rosey came out from Tongqiu's clothes which supposedly had no clothes whatsoever at the very mention of this girl's infatuation with her big bro.

"Brr-brr, brrr? Ptrr? Ptrrrr!!"

As she came out from his Great Petal Suit, the girls became terrified at the ugly 'feature' of the full suit set as it seemed to be made from some kind of sticky and 'evil' slime thing, yet they became dazed when they saw Rosey's appearance.

Rosey, however, muttered out about as if trying to say 'Who this? Another girl you connect with? She's too young! You are too perverted, how could you dance with girls her aaaaaage?! And not me!'.

Naturally, her terrifying appearance came out again. This time, however, her entire iris and pupils became one as they took a black-pitch, abyss-like color to themselves.




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